This design has two completely different dolls with different dresses - sometimes you even find Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in topsy-turvy form though I find that a bit horrific. However, I quite like the complete negative effect as I made for my bisque doll - one dress in white with red spots, and the other red with white spots - if that appealed then you could easily adapt this pattern by reversing the spot colour dress colours.
Doll Body Back
(Make one in cream and one in brown)
With 3¼ mm needles and yarn used double, cast on 31 sts. Beginning
with a knit row, work 20 rows in stocking stitch.
Cast off 4 sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows [15sts].
Work 6 rows in stocking stitch . **
Increase one stitch at each end of the next row and the following 2 alternate
rows. Then, increase one stitch at each end of the next 5 rows [31 sts]
Work 26 rows in stocking stitch.
*** Decrease one stitch at each end
of the next 5 rows [21 sts]
Next row: (p2tog) 3 times, p9, (p2tog)
3 times. [15 sts]
Next row: (k2tog) twice, k7, (k2tog)
Next row: (p2tog) twice, p3, (p2tog)
Cast off.
Doll Body Front
(Make one in cream and one in brown)
Work as for back to **.
Next row: K5, ml; *
k1, ml, rep from *
4 times more; k5 [21 sts]
Next row: Purl
Next row: K17. Turn.
Next row: Sl1, p12. Turn.
Next row: Sl1, p13. Turn.
Cont thus, working one extra stitch on each row until all stitches are
worked. Increase one stitch at each end of the next row.
Purl one row.
Increase one stitch at each end of the next 4 rows [31 sts]
Work 26 rows in stocking stitch.
Complete as for back from *** to
Doll Arms
(Make 2 in cream and 2 in brown)
With 3¼ mm needles and yarn used double, cast on 12 stitches.
Beginning with a knit row, cont in stocking stitch. Increase one stitch
at each end of the 3rd and 5th rows [16 sts].
Purl one row.
7th row: K7; increase in each of
next 2 stitches, k 7
8th and every alt row: Purl
9th row: K7, increase in next stitch,
k2, increase in next stitch, k7
11th row: K7, increase in next stitch,
k4, increase in next stitch, k7
13th row: K7, increase in next stitch,
k6, increase in next stitch, k7 [24 sts]
15th row: K8, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k8
17th row: K8, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k8
Work 37 rows.
Cast off.
To Make up the Dolls
With right sides together, join body and head, leaving bottom open.
Turn and stuff firmly.
Join dolls together round waist, putting in more stuffing if needed.
Join arms at sides. Stuff end of hand flat, then stuff remainder.
Stitch across tops, then stitch across shoulder, making middle of arm
at shoulder seams - arms should drop both ways.
Tie yarn round wrists, and stitch 3 lines to mark fingers, and down the
shaping for thumb.
On cream doll work eyebrows and eye shape in small back-stitch, using
brown. Work blue satin stitch for eyes, with a black stitch in the centre.
Mark cheeks using rouge or blusher (or embroider if preferred).
On brown doll use black instead of brown and work in white round the eyes.
Work noses in self-colour satin-stitch, starting at top with small stitches,
and getting larger, with 2 black dots for nostrils.
Work mouths in red.
Doll Hair
For cream doll, use single brown yarn.
With 3¾ mm needles cast on 22 stitches.
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1; *
work loop stitch thus:- insert needle into next stitch knitways; with
first finger of left hand under point of right needle wind yarn round
finger and needle twice, then round needle once more, draw all loops through
stitch and slip them on to left needle, knit together all loops and the
stitch and slip off needle together, repeat from *
to last stitch, k1.
3rd row: As 1st row.
4th row: As 2nd row.
5th row: As 1st row, increasing one
stitch at each end.
Repeat the 2nd to 5th rows twice more, then the 2nd and 3rd rows 3 times
[28 sts]
Next row: k1; (loop stitch, k2tog)
9 times.
Cast off.
Join cast-on edge to top of face. Fold cast-off edge and join, then shape
hair round face and stitch round face and back of head.
For brown doll, work hair in same way, using black yarn double and 3¾
mm needles.
Doll Dress (with spot pattern)
With 3¾ mm Twin Pin (circular needle) and red (R), cast on 202
stitches. Knit 5 rows, then purl one row.
Join in white (W) and continue in stocking stitch, working in pattern
1st row: Knit 4R, *
2W, 6R, repeat from * to last 6 stitches,
2W, 4R.
2nd row: Purl 3R, 4W, *
4R, 4W, rep from * to lastitch 3 stitches,
3rd row: Knit 3R, 4W, *
4R, 4W, rep from * to lastitch 3 stitches,
4th row: Purl 4R, *
2W, 6R, repeat from * to last 6 stitches,
2W, 4R.
5th to 8th row: Work in R.
9th row: *
Knit 2W, 6R, repeat from * to last
2 stitches, 2W.
10th row: Purl 3W, 4R, *
4W, 4R, repeat from * to last 3 stitches,
11th row: Knit 3W, 4R, *
4W, 4R, repeat from * to last 3 stitches,
12th row: *
Purl 2W, 6R, repeat from * to last
2 stitches, 2W.
13th to 16th row: Work in R.
Repeat these 16 rows 4 times more, then first 14 rows again.
Next row(continue in red): K1, *
sl1, k2tog, psso, rep from * to end
[68 sts]
Change to 3¼ mm needles. Knit 4 rows. Cast off.
Spot Dress Sleeves (both alike)
With 3¼ mm needles and R, cast on 22 stitches. Knit 4 rows.
Join in white (W). Change to 3¾ mm needles.
Next row: With W, knit twice into
every stitch [44 sts]
Beginning with purl row, work 3 rows stocking stitch.
Now start pattern rows:-
1st row: Knit 1W, 2R, *
6W, 2R, repeat from * to last stitch,
2nd row: Purl 4R, *
4W, 4R, repeat from * to end
3rd row: Knit 4R, *
4W, 4R, repeat from * to end
4th row: Purl 1W, 2R, *
6W, 2R, repeat from * to last stitch,
5th to 8th row: Work in white in stocking
9th row: Knit 5W, *
2R, 6W, repeat from * to last 7 stitches,
2A, 5B
10th row: Purl 4W,, *
4R, 4W, repeat from * to end
11th row: Knit 4W,, *
4R, 4W, repeat from * to end
12th row: Purl 5W, *
2R, 6W, repeat from * to last 7 stitches,
2A, 5B
13th to 16th row: Work in white in
stocking stitch.
Repeat the 16 rows of pattern once more. Break off red and continue in
white only.
Cast off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Leave remaining 34 stitches on a spare needle.
Spot Dress Bodice
With 3¾ mm needles and W, cast on 82 stitches. Knit 4 rows.
Join in R and continue in stocking stitch, with garter stitch border,
5th row: Knit 2W, yfd, k2togW, 4W,
2R, * 6W, 2R, repeat from *
to lastitch 8 stitches, 8W.
6th row:-Knit 5W, then purl 2W, 4R,
* 4W, 4R, repeat from *
to last 7 stitches, purl 2W, knit 5W.
7th row: Knit 7W, 4R, *
4W, 4W, repeat from * to last 7 stitches,
knit 7W.
8th row: K5W, then purl 3W, 2R, *
6W, 2R, repeat from * to last 8 stitches,
purl 3W, knit 5W
9th to 12th row: - With white, work
in stocking stitch.
13th row: Knit 2W, yfd, k2togW, 1W,
1R, * 6W, 2R, repeat from *
to last 12 stitches, 6W, 1R, 5W.
14th row: Knit 5W, then purl 2R, 4W
* 4R, 4W, repeat from *
to last 7 stitches, purl 2R, knit 5W
15th row: Knit 5W, 2R, 4W, *
4R, 4W, repeat from * to last 7 stitches,
2R, 5W
16th row:-Knit 5 B, then purl 1R,
6W, 2R, 3W, with W cast off next 10 stitches, weaving R loosely
across stitches; then with 1 white stitch on needle after casting off,
purl 2R, * 6W, 2R, repeat from *
twice more, purl 1W, cast off 10 sts as before, purl 3W including stitch
on needle, 2R, 6W, 1R, knit 5W. Break off red.
Leave stitches on spare needle.
Spot Dress Yoke (all in white)
With right side of bodice facing, using 3¾ mm needles and using
white yarn, knit 17 stitches from first side of back, (k2tog) 17 times
across top of sleeve, k28 across front of bodice, (k2tog) 17 times across
top of second sleeve, k17 across second side of back [96 sts]
1st row (wrong side facing): Knit
5, purl to last 5 stitches, k5.
2nd row: Knit
3rd and every alternate row: Knit
5, purl to last 5 stitches, k5.
4th row: K2, yfd, k2tog, k7, sl1,
k1, psso, k2tog, * k10, sl1, k1, psso,
k2tog; repeat from * to last 11 stitches,
k11 [84 sts]
6th row: Knit
8th row: K10, *
sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k8; repeat from *
to last 14 stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k10
10th row: K9, *
sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k6; repeat from *
to last 13 stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k9
12th row: K8, *
sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k4; repeat from *
to last 12 stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k8 [48 sts]
13th row: Knit 5, purl to last 5 stitches,
Break off white and work last rows in red.
14th row: In red (R) k2, yfd, k2tog,
knit to end.
Knit 4 rows.
Cast off.
Second Doll Dress (with stripe pattern)
With 3¾ mm Twin Pin (circular needle) and lilac (L), cast on 202
stitches. Knit 5 rows.
Beginning with a purl row, work 3 rows stocking stitch.
Continue in stocking stitch, joining in colours as required:
1st and 2nd rows: work in white (W)
3rd and 4th rows: work in claret (C)
5th and 6th rows: work in white (W)
7th row: Knit 3W, *
2R, 2W, repeat from * to last 3 stitches,
8th row: Purl 3R, *
2W, 2R, repeat from * to last 3 stitches,
8th row: Knit 3R, *
2W, 2R, repeat from * to last 3 stitches,
7th row: Purl 3W, *
2R, 2W, repeat from * to last 3 stitches,
11th to 16th row: As 1st to 6th rows.
17th to 20th rows: work in lilac (L)
21st and 22nd rows: work in claret
23rd to 26th rows: work in lilac (L)
Rep these 26 rows twice more, then rep the 1st to 16th rows again.
Continue with lilac (L) only, breaking off other colours.
Next row(continue in lilac):
K1, * sl1, k2tog, psso, rep from *
to end [68 sts]
Change to 3¼ mm needles. Knit 4 rows. Cast off.
Stripe Dress Sleeves (both alike)
With 3¼ mm needles and lilac (L), cast on 23 stitches. Knit 4
Change to 3¾ mm needles.
Next row: With W, knit twice into
every stitch [46 sts]
Purl one row.
Work 1st to 16th rows of skirt pattern; decrease one stitch at each end
of the last row [44 sts].
Break off colours, and continue working in lilac (L) only.
Work 20 rows stocking stitch.
Cast off 5 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Leave the remaining 34 sts on a spare needle.
Stripe Dress Bodice
With 3¾ mm needles and lilac (L), cast on 82 stitches. Knit 4
Continue using lilac only and work exactly as you did for the first dress,
keeping the garter stitch border correct.
Leave stitches on spare needle.
Stripe Dress Yoke (all in lilac)
With right side of bodice facing, using 3¾ mm needles and using
lilac yarn, knit 17 stitches from first side of back, (k2tog) 17 times
across top of sleeve, k28 across front of bodice, (k2tog) 17 times across
top of second sleeve, k17 across second side of back [96 sts]
Work the first 7 rows as for the first dress:
1st row (wrong side facing): Knit
5, purl to last 5 stitches, k5.
2nd row: Knit
3rd and every alternate row: Knit
5, purl to last 5 stitches, k5.
4th row: K2, yfd, k2tog, k7, sl1,
k1, psso, k2tog, * k10, sl1, k1, psso,
k2tog; repeat from * to last 11 stitches,
k11 [84 sts]
5th row: Knit 5, purl to last 5 stitches,
6th row: Knit
7th row: Knit 5, purl to last 5 stitches,
Join in white:
8th row (in white): K10, *
sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k8; repeat from *
to last 14 stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k10
9th row (in white): Knit 5, purl to
last 5 stitches, k5.
Join in claret:
10th row (in claret): K9, *
sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k6; repeat from *
to last 13 stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k9
11th row (in claret): Knit 5, purl
to last 5 stitches, k5.
Break off claret and continue in white for 2 rows:
12th row (in white): K8, *
sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k4; repeat from *
to last 12 stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k2tog, k8 [48 sts]
13th row (in white): Knit 5, purl
to last 5 stitches, k5.
Break off white and work last rows in lilac only:
14th row: In red (R) k2, yfd, k2tog,
knit to end.
K 4 rows. Cast off.
Making Up the Dresses
Join sleeves of spot dress up to cast-off edges.
Join cast-off edges to cast-off edges on bodice.
Finish off ends.
Sew on buttons to match buttonholes.
Join bottom of bodice to waist of doll.
Make top of stripe dress the same and join at waist, meeting other top.
Join back seams of skirts.
Put both skirts on to doll and join to tops at waistline.
Starting at back seam, with crochet hook and white, work *
1 dc through bottom edges of dresses, working through both skirts at once,
miss 1 stitch, 3 tr into next st. miss 1 st, rep from *
to end.
Fasten off.
Robin Reward Double Knitting:
Dolls: 3 x 50g brown, 2 x 50g cream, 1 x 50g black and small amounts
of blue and white for eyes and red for mouths.
Dresses: 3 x 50g in each of white and red, 2 x 50g in lilac, and
1 x 50g in claret.
8 small buttons.
One pair each 3¼mm and 3¾ mm
knitting needles.
3¾ mm Twin-Pin, 60 cm, (24 inches), long.
Medium crochet hook.
22 sts x 28 rows to 10 centimetres, (4 inches), measured over stocking
stitch, using 3¾ mm needles.
Size matters
About 54 cm,
(21 inches), high.
m1:- make a stitch by picking up loop lying before next stitch
and work into back of it.
yfd: yarn forward; bring the yarn to the front of the work and
pass it over the needle when knitting the next stitch; makes an extra
stitch which forms a small pattern hole when knitted on the next row.
sl1: slip 1 stitch.
psso: pass the slipped stitch over.
k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).
dc: double crochet
tr: treble crochet
Find instructions for crochet stitches >>here<<
[Editor's note: Remember
these are English crochet instructions where double crochet is
equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side
A Word on the Wool
Robin Reward was a nylon budget double knitting.
You can buy a Robin double knitting today, 100% acrylic in 100g balls
at very low cost. Its wide colour range, robust qualities, and reasonable
price could make it very suitable for hard working toys.
Robin Premium Acrylic is also available in 25g balls which is useful for
making toys.
In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced,
in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please
and I will try and assist.