In like a Lion and out like a Lamb
So says 17th century weather-watching folklore in respect of March. So here are a couple of delightful toy patterns to herald the change of season.
LION INSTRUCTIONS.Note that: the lion is knitted with the yarn doubled (2 strands held together). Front Legs (make 2 mirror image)Using 2 strands of main colour (M), and 5½mm needles, cast on 19
stitches. 5th row: k4, (k2tog) twice, k3, (sl1,
k1, psso) twice, k4. 13th row: k1, m1, k4, m1, k1, m1,
k4, m1, k1. [15 sts] 19th row: k1, m1, knit to last stitch,
m1, k1. 23rd row: k1, m1, knit to last stitch,
m1, k1. Cast off 9 stitches, knit to end of row, and leave remaining 10 stitches on a stitch holder. Work a second leg the same way, omitting the last purl row and working the cast off row on a purl row to reverse the shaping. Body Using 2 strands of main colour (M), and 5½mm needles, cast on 44
stitches. Cast off 12 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows for back legs. Increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and following 2 alternate rows. Repeat the last 2 rows twice. Cut yarn. Join in Front Legs: Next row: k18, (k2tog) twice, k2,
(sl1, k1, psso) twice, k18. [42 sts]. Next row: k1, m1, k17, k2tog, k2,
(sl1, k1, psso), k17, m1, k1. Next row: k18, k2tog, k2, (sl1, k1,
psso), k18. [40 sts]. Next row: k1, m1, k16, k2tog, k2,
(sl1, k1, psso), k16, m1, k1. Next row: k15, (k2tog) twice, k2,
(sl1, k1, psso) twice, k15. [36 sts]. Next row: k1, (sl1, k1, psso), k10,
(k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k10, k2tog, k1. [30 sts]. Next row: k1, (sl1, k1, psso), k7,
(k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k7, k2tog, k1. [24 sts]. Next row: k7, (k2tog) twice, k2,
(sl1, k1, psso) twice, k7. [20 sts]. Divide for head and face1st row: k1, m1, k6, k2tog, k1. Turn. 5th row: (k1, m1) 6 times, k5, k2tog,
k1. 7th row: k4, (m1, k1) twice, k10,
k2tog, k1. 9th row: k17, k2tog, k1. 11th row: k1, (sl1, k1, psso), knit
to last 3 stitches, k2tog,k1. Repeat the last 2 rows twice more. Cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. With right side of work facing, rejoin yarn to remaining 10 stitches on the stitch holder, and work the other side of the head to correspond with the first side, reversing shaping. To reverse shaping, read rows from end to beginning, or, rejoin yarn with wrong side of work facing and then read knit for purl, and purl for knit. Front GussetUsing 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 6 stitches. Place marker threads and the end of the last row. Next row: k3, (k2tog) twice, k2,
(sl1, k1, psso) twice, k3. [12 sts]. Next row: k3, k2tog, k2, sl1, k1,
psso, k3. [10 sts]. Next row: k2, (k2tog) 3 times, k2.
[7 sts]. Next row: k2, k3tog, k2. [5 sts]. Next row: k1, k3tog, k1. [3 sts].
Last row: k3tog, and finish off by drawing yarn through last stitch. Head GussetUsing 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 4 stitches
for base of nose. 9th row: k1, m1, knit to the last
2 stitches, m1, k1. 15th row: (k1, m1) twice, knit to
the last 2 stitches, (m1, k1) twice. Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 4th row until 2 stitches remain. Work 3 rows. Last row: k2tog, and draw end of yarn through last stitch. Mane Using 2 strands of contrast colour (C) and 5½mm needles, cast on
33 stitches. 1st row: knit. Ears (make 2)Using 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 9 stitches. TailUsing 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 30
stitches. Tail tipUsing 2 strands of contrast colour (C) and 5½mm needles, cast on
9 stitches. To make upFold front legs in half and seam along cast-on edges and up leg to cast-off
edge. Stuff each section as it is seamed. |
LAMB INSTRUCTIONS.This pretty toy is simply knitted in garter stitch (every row knitted). You use only the basic increasing and decreasing stitches to shape the body. This shows the shape of the pieces: Body (make 2)With white yarn cast on 28 stitches. 1st row: k1, increase in next stitch,
knit to the last 2 stitches, increase in next stitch, k1. Divide for neck: Rejoin yarn for back to neck edge of remaining 19 stitches from stitch
holder, an knit 4 rows. Head GussetWith white cast on 3 stitches. Knit 9 rows. Ears (make 2)With white cast on 9 stitches. Legs (make 4)With white cast on 17 stitches.
TailWith white, cast on 12 stitches. Next row: k1, k2tog, knit to the
last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1. Thread yarn through remaining 8 stitches and draw up tight. To make upSeam or graft body pieces together along back. |