Made for Each Other - sweater or slipover for Spring
Sweater in Spring colours with sleeveless option suitable for the changing season.
Currently for me, the appeal of this combination is the yellow and grey colour scheme in which they have illustrated it - although I would be disinclined to set it off with a bright all-yellow ensemble, and would probably use a more muted shade of yellow.
Instructions.Instructions are given for 3 sizes - larger sizes given in brackets up
to a 40 inch chest. The design is intended for women or men (albeit men
of presumably modest proportions). BackWith No 11 needles, and main shade (M) cast on 108 (118
: 126) stitches, and work 5 inches in k2/p2
rib, beginning the second row "p2" for second and third sizes,
and increasing 1 stitch at the end of the last row for all sizes. Change to No 9 needles and work Fair-Isle from Chart thus: For 1st and 3rd sizes, repeat the 18 stitches between the red lines to the last the last stitch then work the 1st stitch beyond the line. For 2nd size, work 5 stitches before the red line, then
repeat the 18 Continue until work measures 12 (13
: 14) inches for the sweater with sleeves,
or 13 (14 : 15)
inches for the sleeveless slipover, ending with a Armholes shaping: Cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, and then 3 stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows. Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 4 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of every row until 77 (85 : 91) stitches remain. Continue straight until work measures 21 (22½ : 24) inches. Shoulder shaping: Cast off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next 6 rows, and then 5 (7 : 9) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows. Cast off 37 (41 : 43)
stitches. FrontWork as for the Back until work measures 11 (11¾ : 12) inches for the sweater with sleeves or 12 (12¾ : 13½) inches for the slipover. Front shaping: Continue on these stitches only. Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and ever following 4th row until work measures 12 (13 : 14) inches for the sweater with sleeves or 13 (14 : 15) inches for the slipover, ending at the side edge. Armholes shaping: Decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on the next 4 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 5 (6 : 7) alternate rows. Continue with centre front edge shaping until until 20 (22 : 24) stitches remain. Continue straight until work measures 21 (22½ : 24) inches, ending at the side edge. Shoulder shaping: Cast off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next, and following 2 alternate rows. Work 1 row. Cast off 5 (7 : 9) stitches and break yarn. With right side facing, slip the centre front stitch on to a safety pin.
SleevesWith No 11 needles and main shade, cast on 56 (66
: 74) stitches and work 3½ inches in
k2/p2 rib, as for the Back,and decreasing 1 stitch at the beginning of
the last row for all sizes. Change to No 9 needles and working from the Chart as for the Back, increase
1 stitch at each end of every 10th row until there are 75 (83
: 89),stitches. To shape the top cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next
2 rows. Neckband:Join right shoulder seam. With right side facing, using No 12 needles and main shade, pick up and
knit 64 (68 : 72)
stitches down left side of neck, increase in the stitch from the safety
pin, pick up and knit 64 (68 : 72)
stitches up right side of neck, and then knit 36 (40
: 44) stitches from the Back neck. 1st row wrong side facing): * p2, k2; repeat from * to last 2 stitches, p2. Decreasing 1 stitch each side of the centre front 2 stitches on every
row, rib 9 more rows as set. Join left shoulder and neckband seam. Armbands for Slipover:With right side facing, using No 11 needles and main shade, pick up and
knit 118 (130 : 142)
stitches round each armhole. Cast off ribwise. Making UpPress work lightly on wrong side, omitting welts. Sweater with sleeves: Set in sleeves. Join side and sleeve seams. |
Note: When working the colour pattern from the chart, strand the yarns loosely across the back of the work over not more than 3 stitches at a time, to keep the fabric elastic.