Nordic Style Cardigan
This drop-shoulder design cardigan in cheering Nordic colours is taken from a much-loved and much-handled pattern.
Instructions.Instructions are given for 3 sizes - the larger sizes are shown in brackets. When working the pattern weave the yarns not in use loosely across the wrong side of the work; do not strand the threads over more than 3 stitches at a time in order to keep the fabric elastic, joining in and breaking off colours as required. Back and Fronts (worked in one piece up to the armholes)With No 10 (3¼mm) needles and main shade (R), cast on 194 [206, 218] stitches and work as follows: 1st row: k2, *
p2, k2; repeat from * to end. These two rows form the rib. Work a further 31 rows. Next (increase) row: p9 [12, 4], m1, * p8 [7, 7], m1; repeat from * until p9 [12, 4] stitches remain; purl to end. {217 [233, 249] sts} Change to No 8 (4 mm) needles and join in white (W). Weaving in the yarns not in use, work the 2-colour pattern entirely in stocking stitch, beginning, on the right side of the work, with a knit row. Note: only the colours are specified below. 1st row (knit): 3R, *
3W, 5R; repeat from * ending the last
repeat with 3R instead of 5R.
These 8 rows form the 2-colour pattern. Work a further 59 rows, up to the armholes, ending with a 3rd pattern row. Divide to separate back and fronts: With red, (R) p51 [55,
59] stitches; increase in the next stitch
and leave these 53 [57, 61]
stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder to be worked later for the
left front; BackOn these 113 [121, 129] stitches work the 36 row 3-colour pattern, weaving in the yarns not in use at the back of the work. Once again, the pattern is worked entirely in stocking stitch beginning with a knit row so only the colour details are shown. Join in blue (B). 1st row (knit): 4R, *
1B, 7R; repeat from * until 5 stitches
remain; 1B, 4R. [Editor's note: Rows 21-36 are a repeat of rows 1-16 worked in exact mirror image so Row 21 is the same as row 16, row 22 is the same as row 15, and so on back to the first row the same as row 36..]
21st row: knit across all stitches
in white (W).
Break off blue and continue in the 2-colour pattern, beginning with the 3rd row. Work 10 [10, 14] rows. Slope shoulders: Cast off 7 [6,
8] stitches at the beginning of the next
2 rows, 7 [7, 8]
stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows, then cast off 6 [7,
7] stitches at the beginning of the next
8 rows. Left FrontWith right side facing, rejoin the yarns to the the inner (armhole) end of the 53 [57, 61] stitches, and work in the 3 colour pattern as follows. 1st row (knit): 4R, *
1B, 7R; repeat from * until 1 [5,
1] stitches remain; 1B [(1B,
4R), (1B)] . These 4 rows set the position of the 3-colour pattern. Work a further 32 rows in pattern to match the back. Break off blue (B). With red (R) knit 1 row. To shape the neck: 1st row (purl, wrong side facing):
with red (R), cast off 9 [10, 11]
stitches, purl to end. ** Keeping continuity of the 2-colour pattern to match the main part, decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 5 rows — when working the right front read 6 rows here instead — {38 [41, 44] sts}. Pattern 2 [2, 6] rows. Slope shoulder: Cast off 7 [6,
8] stitches at the beginning of the next
row, then 7 [7, 8]
stitches at the beginning of the following alternate row. Right FrontWith wrong side facing, rejoin red (R) at the the inner (armhole) end, increase in the first stitch, and purl to end. {53 [57, 61] sts} Work in the 3 colour pattern as follows: 1st row (knit): 1B [(4R,
1B), (1B)], *
7R 1B; repeat from * until 4 stitches
remain; 4R. These 4 rows set the position of the 3-colour pattern. Break off blue (B). With red (R) work 2 rows. To shape the neck: 1st row (knit, right side facing): with red (R), cast off 9 [10, 11] stitches; knit k1R [(4R), (2W, 5R)]; * 3W, 5R; repeat from * until 2 stitches remain; 2W. Work as given for left front from ** to end, noting the variation. Sleeves (both alike)With No 10 (3¼mm) needles and main shade R, cast on 48 [48, 52] stitches and work 32 rows in double rib as for main piece. Next (increase) row: k4, m1, * k1, m1; repeat from * until 4 stitches remain;k4. {89 [89, 97] sts} Purl one row in red (R). Change to No 8 (4 mm) needles and work 72 rows in the 2-colour pattern as given on main piece (back and fronts). Work the 36 rows of the 3-colour pattern as given on back. With red (R) knit one row, then cast off. Button BandWith No 10 (3¼mm) needles and blue (B) cast on 13 stitches, and
work 158 [158, 162]
rows in k1/p1 single rib, beginning odd numbered rows with k1, and even
numbered rows with p1. Buttonhole BandWith No 10 (3¼mm) needles and blue (B) cast on 13 stitches, and work 6 [6, 10] rows in k1/p1 single rib, as given for button band. 1st (buttonhole) row: Rib 5, cast
off 3 stitches, rib to end. Repeat the last 26 rows 4 times more, then the 2 buttonhole rows again. Rib 19 more rows, leaving the stitches on the needle. NeckbandJoin shoulder seams. Using the No 10 (3¼mm) needles holding the 13 stitches of the buttonhole band, and continuing the last row, pick up and knit 23 [24, 27] stitches from right neck shaping, knit across 37 [39, 41] stitches from the back, increasing 3 stitches evenly across, pick up and knit 23 [24, 27] stitches from left neck shaping, and finally rib across the 13 stitches (from the safety pin) of the button band. {112 [116, 124] sts} 1st rib row: k1, *
p1, k1; repeat from * 5 times, k2;
** p2, k2; repeat from **
until 13 sts remain; p1, * k1, p1;
repeat from this last * to end. These two rows set the rib. Work 3 rows. 1st (buttonhole) row: Rib 5, cast
off 3 stitches, rib as set to end. Work 12 rows in rib as set, then work the 2 buttonhole rows again. Making UpPress parts lightly on wrong side with a warm iron over a dry cloth, or following any instructions on the ball band. Set sleeves into armholes, and join the sleeve seams. |
Materials 5 [5, 6]
50g balls DK in main shade (R) red, plus Pair each No 8 (4mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles. 7 buttons. Tension26 stitches x 27 rows to 4 ins (10cm) over the pattern on No 8 (4mm) needles. Size mattersTo fit chest 34 [36, 38]
inches, (86 [91, 97]
cm); Abbreviationsk2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch). stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette"). dec: decrease by working 2 stitches together. inc: increase by working twice into the same stitch. m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal A word on the woolThe original design was in Patons Fiona - a yarn I was very fond of, both in quality and rich colour range. It was a standard DK; some information given on the web implies it was slightly thicker and others slightly thinner. In the 1970s it was sold in 50g balls: 175 yds/160m meters); 51% wool, 49% acrylic. In my opinion a similar substitute would be Rowan Felted Tweed DK. "Always check your tension" [Good Advice]. Disclaimer
My example with colours reversed.