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Tuesday June 13, 2006


The trip home was unbearably hot as our car has non-functioning air conditioning. Just like travelling on summer holidays used to be. I can think of an especially memorable trip to a fancy dress party in Manchester in 1976 (medieval princess in case you were wondering - although some would argue that all clothing in 1976 was fancy dress). It was Wimbledon finals day - Bjorn Borg won his first Wimbledon title beating (the lovely) Ilie Năstase in straight sets - thus giving me mental as well as physical anguish. My idol's last stab at the title - as if 1972 had not been bad enough, (Stan "God was on my side" Smith - which he may well have been - but I would prefer to think that, being omnipotent, he'd let the best man win a sporting event without interfering, whatever his personal preferences, Stan).

So - it was very pleasant when I awoke this morning at 5am to the patter of tiny raindrops - and immediately did what anyone would do and rushed outside to tend to my plant pots. They had been sheltering from the desert like conditions on the porch while we were away, and I moved them back into the gentle rain. We do have a hose-pipe ban here, so keeping them wet from now on will be slightly more of a chore than usual.

Still, it's not all bad - you are also not allowed to wash your car..... so I am no longer the sloven with a filthy car but the ecologically-minded publlic-spirited woman who cares about our planet.

Posted by Christina at 6:00 AM. Category: Oddments and stray thoughts