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Sunday November 5, 2006

F is for Frost, and Feeding Frenzy.

But not Fawkes, as F was also for France, where they do not have a Festival to commemorate the burning of catholics (Funnily enough). We came across here on Thursday overnight arriving at St Malo on Friday morning, and the sea was blissfully calm, (Belle Mer). The weather is actually great: not too cold, no wind, and, following the early morning mists, beautiful clear frosty days.


Sunrise while we travelled from St Malo to Brécey yesterday:


The cats seem to be surviving; the kittens still have no manners, and scream for food - in fact, I should have taken a short video so you could hear how bad it is. I have now confirmed that the small pretty tabby one is a female, and the larger (ruggedly handsome) one is a male. They still refuse to be approached, but are much bolder. They were so hungry on the first day that once their heads were in the bowl you could do what you liked to them and they really did not notice; since then they have not been that hungry.

Here are front and back views. The kittens are frantically drinking a bowl of warm diluted milk, leaving their astute parent to hoover up all the food she can manage without competition.



Posted by Christina at 2:47 PM. Category: France


Lovely photos - I miss those crisp frosty mornings as we so rarely have them here. Kitties very cute.

Posted by: Alison on November 10, 2006 1:09 AM