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Friday December 8, 2006

Limbering up for over-indulgence.

Two Christmas lunches in two days.

Today I went to the Spinners group meeting, which included a "bring and eat" buffet lunch. I was committed to take quiche, and luckily (à la Agatha Raisin) our local baker sells 'home cooked' quiche - which saved me a lot of time! I am pleased to say no-one appeared to have been poisoned, and I was not sucked into some unlikely rural amateur detection ritual centred on a local craft group.


Sharron was able to report that her little traveller wheel, that she was having such difficulty with last time, is, in fact, working fine now, and no-one understands why it was acting up; it probably did not fancy being loaned to me. I was able to share my exciting wheel news with Pam and Ann. They offered some good advice, and I have now ordered some items from P&M Woolcraft to set up the scotch tensioner.

Yesterday I went to Oxford again, where nice food was enjoyed in nice company. It was very atmospheric - dark and wintry - all it needed was the snow - but then I would not have been able to travel there, so you can't have everything.
Here is a rather amateurish picture of the covered market - but it looks very pretty despite the camera shake.

Posted by Christina at 4:01 PM. Category: Days Out


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