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Monday December 18, 2006

The Lost Weekend...

No - no - I did not spend the weekend in an alcoholic’s stupor. However, it seemed to disappear regardless. I can remember it though - and view the evidence.

I spent the entire weekend cleaning - and enjoyed it enormously; it's pretty good when you don't feel all the time you are wanting to do something else - maybe that's the key - I was using the NLP technique of visualising how I'd feel when the house was clean (which is "Good", by the way, for all you doubters). Now I just need to spend a bit more time in front of the TV watching "Anthea Turner: Perfect Housewife" - much better than "Desperate Housewives" - believe me! George spent Saturday morning in Dorking (Antiques Paradise) and I imagined I would have the whole day to potter around, cleaning and tidying, but his shopping was so successful, (we're all going to get eyebaths this year, obviously...) that he got back in time for lunch, and general chores.

On Sunday, the cleaning continued - we even cleaned the windows to try and prevent George’s Father commenting on them (negatively), which is his personal Christmas tradition. I expect Santa Claus also notices. So the current state of play is that the living room (“my” room) is now rather naked - I have removed the ornaments that are usually in residence - the tree is installed but there are no decorations of any kind yet. I could take “before” and “after” photos, but the true “before” beggars belief, so best not to dwell on it, I think, especially with photographic evidence. And I still have yet to evict my Stitchcraft collection….

Posted by Christina at 12:48 PM. Category: Oddments and stray thoughts


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