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Thursday May 3, 2007
"A tree is a large plant." Wikipedia
"Though there is no set definition regarding minimum size, the term generally applies to plants at least 6 m (20 ft) high at maturity".
So the lumberjacks arrived to deal with some of our larger "plants", and finally to remove the fallen tree. They were quite manly but I was a little disappointed that there was not a single checked shirt among them - in fact, they seemed to have some kind of polo shirt style uniform.
Here, an example Jack prepares to scale the giddy heights of our Sequoia (not really a Sequoia, but certainly a redwood and near enough for me to pretend). It's way above our rooftop, even after they took about 10 feet off the top.

Soon, I will have to leave all this excitement, and scuttle off in to work in London.
Posted by Christina at 10:02 AM. Category: The Garden