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Friday June 22, 2007
We set off on a very early ferry and in consequence we hit Honfleur at just the right time for lunch; I had been meaning to stop there after my friend Peter recommended it, and it was just as lovely as he had described. Given the terrible rain storms of late we were lucky to be able to sit outside for lunch - I had the Soup de Poisson and George a sort of regional crostade. This is a view of the harbour, showing the restaurants on the far side:
So picturesque it will have to speak for itself:

Local inhabitant shares our lunch:

Posted by Christina at 4:12 PM. Category: France
Yes, Honfleur is lovely. You could also try the other side of the Carenten peninsular: St Vaast La Houge is a favourite of mine. Glad to see Marble getting an outing.
Posted by: Alison on June 29, 2007 7:34 PM