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Sunday April 6, 2008
April Showers
I know it's a cliché - but I woke up this morning and really could not believe my eyes. All week it has been lovely sunshine - temperatures of 17°C - summer suits have been coming out so I would not be too hot at work. Yesterday I took some photos of primulae, basking in warm sunshine.
This is what greeted me when I awoke.

Here are the basking primulae:

Here they are today:

April showers.
This was not what they had in mind.
Posted by Christina at 9:23 AM. Category: The Garden
I was astonished to see this picture this morning! Its not even a light dusting of snow is it? I'm hoping for snow this weekend - but only above 6000 feet.
Posted by: Alison on April 6, 2008 5:27 PM
It was about 3 inches on the grass, and continued snowing all day. However, it was also thawing all day and the paths and roads now are pretty clear.
Posted by: Christina on April 7, 2008 9:09 AM