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Tuesday May 6, 2008
Early in Edinburgh
I got into Waverley at 6:30, and it was a good thing that the train actually split at this point, one part going on to Glasgow, the other (my part) resting in the station. My end of the train was so far out of the station, that I was calmly sitting on my berth, waiting for the train to go into the station for 10 minutes before I realised we had arrived.

The city was lovely and empty at this time of the morning - here's a view towards the castle from the station...

...and here the Scott monument

I picked up a coffee. Time was that our office boasted a cafeteria where wonderful breakfasts were available, but no more - probably best for our waistlines.... The office was deserted, and although it's impossible to park, the surrounding old buildings make for pleasing views.

Posted by Christina at 8:18 AM. Category: Days Out