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Saturday September 28, 2019
Glamour Puss

For some time Felicity has been engaged in a project to produce a Dada-esque book. I have been following progress, viewing the artwork, as she has been photographing her friends in (conical) costumes of her own creation, along with the most amazing varieties of bread (yes, bread - the sort you eat).
She always had it in mind that I would be photographed with my Mini car - not realising that I had long moved on to other models - however, this turned out to be a fortuitous setback, as she managed to find some wonderful (and willing) people with an original Mini with which we had a 1960's styled "shoot". I can tell you the "mini" dress was much longer than of that era but I am no longer a teenager so modesty prevailed. I did have a lot of difficulty not collapsing into giggles as Felicity's husband kept up a continual commentary of photographer's clichés throughout - "work it baby - that's hot!" - which was particularly amusing when spoken by a rather shy academic.
Posted by Christina at 4:46 PM. Category: Art and Culture