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Friday July 17, 2020
A Walk on the Common

Rob came over for a walk - best described in pictures - it was a lovely day.

He was delighted by the nesting skylarks, though they proved tricky to capture from a distance on camera.

This was my highlight of a discovery - a plant I had neither noticed nor heard of before. It was pretty obvious among the other "dandelion" type plants as it had relatively huge clocks - and on close examination, any remaining flower heads were firmly closed up, illustrating its name "Jack Go to Bed at Noon" since they apparently only open in the morning sun. [I would say, I went out subsequently in early morning sun but the flowers never opened for me... but the clocks really are lovely - I tried to grow a seed at home but an enterprising bird plucked it out and ate it - I have my suspicions...].

Despite my ignorance, it's famous enough to have its own flower fairy.

I'll be asleep by noon!
Though bedtime comes so soon,
I'm busy too.
Twelve puffs!--and then from sight
I shut my flowers tight;
Only by morning light
They're seen by you.
Then, on some day of sun,
They'll open wide, each one,
As something new!
Shepherd, who minds his flock,
Calls it a Shepherd's Clock,
Though it can't say "tick-tock"
As others do!
Finally, we returned, and sat socially distanced in the garden eating lunch, and watching "the workers" painting the exterior of the house.

Posted by Christina at 9:04 AM. Category: Staying at Home