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Friday July 17, 2020
Kaffe's Baby Pyramid Quilt

With more time on my hands, I am slowly digging through all my "started but not finished" projects of the past 20 (and more) years, and thus rekindled an interest in patchwork. I have a couple of would-be quilts with a large part of the donkey work complete - more on that later - but because of a new baby in the family I decided to continue a cot quilt which, in my head at least, I started sewing in about 2002; the pattern is included in the second Rowan Westminster Quilting Book from that era.
My idea had been to work on it slowly with hand quilting (easily transportable while travelling to and from France) but in fact, I had done little more than collect the fabrics I needed, so I started from scratch with paper-piecing the tiny triangles. I was planning to use the small left-overs from other Rowan projects and I squeezed in as many as I could find in my box, but I was missing a few key fabric designs which are no longer available and had to substitute - a skill I am not good at, but needs must...
You can see the patchwork is firmly underway during lockdown on a sunny day in the garden.
Posted by Christina at 11:48 AM. Category: Quilting