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Saturday October 24, 2020
Kaffe's Pyramid Quilt

Having started in earnest around mid-June, I finally completed the cot quilt (and we managed to deliver it before a second lockdown).
As I said, I had to substitute some of the fabrics required in the original design from 2002, but one splendid piece of luck was finding the Handarbeitshaus and Museum, who were able to supply enough of the original Ombre Stripe OS05 for the edge and backing which really sets it off I think, and would have been really hard to substitute.
I was then left with the final challenge (for me) of stitching the all-over "random" pattern, which was supposed to be done with free-motion machine quilting. I won't say how I achieved it in the end, but after a few pathetic attempts, I decided I had neither the time nor the inclination to perfect my skills in this area. After far-from-free-motion work on the machine, I was quite satisfied with the result.

As a final note, I had to laugh, as I managed to create another problem by quilting with some "Pale Pink" Coats Sylko cotton thread. I have a lot of threads, and rarely buy new ones except included with the fabric and pattern when starting a new sewing project. Quilting takes a lot of thread so inevitably the reel ran out. It was only at this point I realised that Sylko has not been available for donkeys years, and buying more was not a trivial exercise - most sellers charging a premium for "vintage" items.
A truely revealing experience.

Posted by Christina at 10:51 AM. Category: Quilting