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Category entries for Needlewoman and Needlecraft

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Needlewoman and Needlecraft Issue 115

Needlewoman and Needlecraft
No 115 (July 1968)

Magazine is in good condition for its age.

Booklet ID: Needlewoman 115

Subject Matter: Knitting, Crochet, Tatting, Needlework, Cross Stitch, Freestyle Embroidery.

Price: £6.00 (includes 2nd class postage within UK
- check "prices" section for more information - overseas postage is additional in drop-down menu)

This magazine features the following items - noting* that many of them rely on using transfers that you sent away for; these transfers are not included. The free transfer is not included with this booklet; knitting/crochet patterns are printed in full:

Guest Towel - huckaback darning - diagram supplied;
"The Sailing Ship" (shown on cover) Penelope Needlecraft Tapestry Kit E457 *;
"Meadowlyn" cross stitch cloth, (shown on cover) chart included;
"Oak Leaves" tray mat, N&N free (but not included) transfer 115*;
"Sultane" luncheon mats, N&N transfer 115/1*;
"Fritillary" butterfly mats, N&N transfer 115/2*;
"Montagne" period cushion, Fabric Kit*;
"A Pussy Saga" applique panel, Penelope Fabric Kit*;
"Sharon" shadow work cloth, Fabric Kit*;
"Mardel" round mat, N&N transfer 115/3*;
"Florentine" chair seat or stool top, (shown on cover) chart supplied;
"Crosford" counted thread cushion, chart supplied.
Polo sweater; knitted suit.
Coffee table mat; Lady's jumper (on cover); Luncheon mats.
Lace edging.

Needlewoman and Needlecraft was an amalgamation of two other magazines: Needlecraft, (first produced 1907), and The Needlewoman, (first produced 1919). It was a quarterly magazine, and the first issue was published in January 1940. A few issues may have been missed during WWII, hence this issue is number "115".
In the 1970s it dropped the Needlecraft name, and became simply "Needlewoman"; then during 1977 it was incorporated with Stitchcraft monthly magazine. Because of this, the numbering systems can appear confusing, with 1970s editions appearing to predate those of the 1930s - however the content usually makes the era unmistakeable.

Needlewoman and Needlecraft Issue 70

Needlewoman and Needlecraft
No 70 (July 1957)

Magazine is in good condition for its age.

Booklet ID: Needlewoman 70

Subject Matter: Knitting, Crochet, Needlework, Cross Stitch, Freestyle Embroidery, Cut work embroidery.

Price: £6.00 (includes 2nd class postage within UK
- check "prices" section for more information - overseas postage is additional in drop-down menu)

This magazine features the following items - noting* that many of them rely on using transfers that you sent away for; these transfers are not included. The free transfer is included with the booklet; knitting/crochet patterns are printed in full:

Counted thread design for a cushion - chart supplied;
"Alderley" cutwork tablecloth, N&N transfer P621-D866(A)*;
"Alderley" tray cloth, chairback, and arm rests, N&N transfer P621-D866(B)*;
A dainty embroidered blouse, design number N&N 86*;
"Mauvette" trolley mat or dressing set, Needlecraft transfer 53,074*;
"Vivienne" table mats, Needlecraft transfer 53,075*;
"Cressington" tablecloth, N&N transfer P621-D889* (although this quotes a transfer for the cross stitch pattern, a chart is provided in the magazine which could be used not only as intended as a colour guide but also for counted cross stitch without the transfer);
Magazine holder and table runner - free transfer No 70 included with magazine;
Pillow and sheet motifs, N&N transfer P621-D890*;
"A pretty pair" mother and daughter motifs, N&N transfer P621-D891*;
Swedish cushion design, N&N transfer P621-D748*;
Gardening apron, Needlecraft transfer 53,076*.
A dainty embroidered blouse, design number N&N 86*;
Magazine holder and table runner - free transfer No 70 included with magazine.
Knitting and crochet patterns: Large filet crochet mat; Fine cotton sleeveless top (on cover); "Practical Pullover" boys cable cricket jumper (31 inch chest); "Gay Casual" raglan double-breasted cardigan with shawl collar, (all included and some illustrated above).

Needlewoman and Needlecraft was an amalgamation of two other magazines: Needlecraft, (first produced 1907), and The Needlewoman, (first produced 1919). It was a quarterly magazine, and the first issue was published in January 1940. A few issues may have been missed during WWII, hence this issue is number "70".
In the 1970s it dropped the Needlecraft name, and became simply "Needlewoman"; then during 1977 it was incorporated with Stitchcraft monthly magazine. Because of this the numbering systems can appear confusing, with 1970s editions appearing to predate those of the 1930s - however the content usually makes the era unmistakeable.

Needlewoman and Needlecraft Issue 71

Needlewoman and Needlecraft
No 71 (July 1957)

Magazine is in good condition for its age.

Booklet ID: N&N71

Subject Matter: Knitting, Crochet, Needlework, Cross Stitch, Freestyle Embroidery, Tapestry embroidery.

Price: £6.00 (includes 2nd class postage within UK
- check "prices" section for more information - overseas postage is additional in drop-down menu)

This magazine features the following items - noting* that many of them rely on using transfers that you sent away for; these transfers are not included. The free transfer is included with the booklet; knitting/crochet patterns are printed in full:

"Amberley" tablecloth embroidery, N&N transfer P621-D892*;
"From Switzerland" embroidered traycloth, N&N transfer P621-D893*;
"From Switzerland" embroidered girl's dress, N&N transfer P621-D894*;
"Modern Duet" lunch set mats, N&N transfer P621-D895 (A, B, & C)*;
"Clovelly" dressing table set, Needlecraft transfer 53,077*;
"Nevada" circular cushion embroidery, N&N transfer P234-D513*;
"Manhatten" tablecloth embroidery, N&N transfer P621-D896*;
Child's bib, tea cosy and tray cloth - free transfer available with this magazine;
Circular embroidery motifs to use for tray cloth, apron, chair back, arm rests, N&N transfer P621-D897*;
"Ferns" chair backs and table runners, Royal School of Needlework transfer 63*.
"Souther Shores" picture in Penelope wools, Needlecraft transfer 53,078*.
Knitting and crochet patterns: Woman's sleeveless plain knitted cardigan in DK; Man's roll-neck" ribbed pullover; Filet crochet tray cloth edge; Crochet "Shoulderette" (bolero); Woman's short sleeved top with cross over collar, (all included and some illustrated above).

Needlewoman and Needlecraft was an amalgamation of two other magazines: Needlecraft, (first produced 1907), and The Needlewoman, (first produced 1919). It was a quarterly magazine, and the first issue was published in January 1940. A few issues may have been missed during WWII, hence this issue is number "71".
In the 1970s it dropped the Needlecraft name, and became simply "Needlewoman"; then during 1977 it was incorporated with Stitchcraft monthly magazine. Because of this the numbering systems can appear confusing, with 1970s editions appearing to predate those of the 1930s - however the content usually makes the era unmistakeable.

Needlewoman and Needlecraft Issue 68

Needlewoman and Needlecraft
No 68 (October 1956)

Magazine is in good condition.

Booklet ID: N&N68

Subject Matter: Knitting, Basketweaving, Hairpin Crochet, Tatting, Needlework, Counted Thread Embroidery, Freestyle Embroidery.

Price: £6.00 (includes 2nd class postage within UK
- check "prices" section for more information - overseas postage is additional in drop-down menu)

This magazine features the following items - noting* that many of them rely on using transfers that you sent away for; these transfers are not included. The free transfer is included with the booklet; knitting/crochet patterns are printed in full:

"For the Festive Season" embroidered neckline for a V-neck dress, N&N transfer P621-D874(B)*;
Peasant Aprons, N&N transfer P621-D875(A)*;
Assisi Cloth, counted thread design for a tablecloth - chart supplied;
"A Modern Design" for an embroidered tablecloth, N&N transfer P621-D878*;
Two Flower Studies, pictures, Needlecraft transfers 53,070 and 53,071*;
"Kenilworth" Jacobean embroidered cushion, N&N transfer P621-D879*;
"Poodle Parade" tea cosy and tray clothor for a child's beret, scarf or bag - free transfer No 68 included with magazine;
"Noel" lunch mats (cover design) in counted cross stitch, N&N chart No 19*;
Madonna and child picture in counted cross stitch, N&N chart No 20*.
Peasant aprons, instructions for cutting the aprons supplied, but not the transfer N&N P621-D875(A)*.
Basket making:
Instructions supplied for a fruit basket and a flower basket.
Knitting and crochet patterns: Tatting edges for glass mats; Pineapple motif crochet chairback; Cross-over cardigan for a baby in DK; "Tailored" knitted woman's jacket in 3 ply; "Cocktail time" crochet wrap;
(all included and some illustrated above).

Needlewoman and Needlecraft was an amalgamation of two other magazines: Needlecraft, (first produced 1907), and The Needlewoman, (first produced 1919). It was a quarterly magazine, and the first issue was published in January 1940. A few issues may have been missed during WWII, hence this issue is number "68".
In the 1970s it dropped the Needlecraft name, and became simply "Needlewoman"; then during 1977 it was incorporated with Stitchcraft monthly magazine. Because of this the numbering systems can appear confusing, with 1970s editions appearing to predate those of the 1930s - however the content usually makes the era unmistakeable.

Needlewoman and Needlecraft Issue 36

Needlewoman and Needlecraft
No 36 (October 1948)

Magazine is in good condition for its age.

Booklet ID: N&N36

Subject Matter: Knitting, Crochet, Felt appliqué, Needlework, Freestyle Embroidery.

Price: £6.00 (includes 2nd class postage within UK
- check "prices" section for more information - overseas postage is additional in drop-down menu)

This magazine features the following items - noting* that many of them rely on using transfers that you sent away for. No transfers are included. Knitting/crochet patterns are printed in full:

The Nativity (cover design), N&N transfer P621-D714*;
"Gifties" felt items - free transfer and shapes not available;
"Cosy Cottage" picture, N&N transfer P621-D715*;
Decorative border, N&N transfer P621-D716*;
"In Our Orchard" tablecloth motifs, N&N transfer P621-D717*;
Lingerie sprays, N&N transfer P621-D718*;
Felt slippers and case, N&N transfer P621-D719*;
"Punch and Judy" hot water bottle cover, N&N transfer P621-D720*;
"Tray Cloth" Royal School of Needlework transfer 34*.
Felt slippers and case pattern diagram included.
Knitting and crochet patterns: "All Set for the Party" crochet fascinator and buttons, Ribbon-trimmed bedjacket/cardigan (all included and some illustrated above).

Needlewoman and Needlecraft was an amalgamation of two other magazines: Needlecraft, (first produced 1907), and The Needlewoman, (first produced 1919). It was a quarterly magazine, and the first issue was published in January 1940. A few issues may have been missed during WWII, hence this issue is number "36".
In the 1970s it dropped the Needlecraft name, and became simply "Needlewoman"; then during 1977 it was incorporated with Stitchcraft monthly magazine. Because of this the numbering systems can appear confusing, with 1970s editions appearing to predate those of the 1930s - however the content usually makes the era unmistakeable.

Needlewoman and Needlecraft Issue 41

Needlewoman and Needlecraft
No 41 (January 1950)

Magazine is in good condition for its age.

Booklet ID: N&N41

Subject Matter: Knitting, Crochet, Tatting, Appliqué, Needlework, Cross Stitch, Freestyle Embroidery, Cut work embroidery..

Price: £6.00 (includes 2nd class postage within UK
- check "prices" section for more information - overseas postage is additional in drop-down menu)

This magazine features the following items - noting* that many of them rely on using transfers that you sent away for. No transfers are included. Knitting/crochet patterns are printed in full:

"Celestial" by Penelope Needlecraft transfer 53,002*;
"Petrova" modern cushion design, N&N transfer P621-D745*;
"Willow Way" tea cosy and tray cloth, N&N transfer P621-D746*;
Crossley (cover design), N&N transfer P702-D521*;
"Conventional" place mat set, N&N transfer P621-D747*;
"Marietta" tablecloth motifs, N&N transfer P621-D748*;
Six hanky corners - free transfer not available;
"Pheasant Tray Mat" Royal School of Needlework transfer 38*.
Chic bag and gloves in applique, N&N transfer P621-D744*.
Knitting and crochet patterns: Edges in Tatting; "Sea Horses" 3ply knitted jumper, "Four Leaf Clover" crochet runner, (all included and some illustrated above).

Needlewoman and Needlecraft was an amalgamation of two other magazines: Needlecraft, (first produced 1907), and The Needlewoman, (first produced 1919). It was a quarterly magazine, and the first issue was published in January 1940. A few issues may have been missed during WWII, hence this issue is number "41".
In the 1970s it dropped the Needlecraft name, and became simply "Needlewoman"; then during 1977 it was incorporated with Stitchcraft monthly magazine. Because of this the numbering systems can appear confusing, with 1970s editions appearing to predate those of the 1930s - however the content usually makes the era unmistakeable.