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Thursday June 9, 2016

Christina: KAL variations with crochet


Here is the final colourway evolved from Kaffe KAL 2014. Its a simple granny square version using the sets of 4 colours originally specified for each square - but I have reversed the colour order within the squares on some pieces and also randomised the layout. I also made some mistakes in the colour combinations on some squares which I left "in" the design.
It's resulted in a very colourful blanket - smaller than the original knitted versions as each square is smaller; I could have increased the size of the squares with extra rounds but I preferred the balance as it is.

Read extended entry for a granny square pattern.

Granny Square

Squares are worked with a 4 mm crochet hook and double knitting yarn.
The squares are made up of 4 rounds with each round in a different colour. If using Kaffe's colours from his blanket, the colour sequence is B, A, C, D.

Using colour B, make 4 chain and join into a ring with a slip stitch. Continue round 1 in colour B:
1st round: 5 chain (counts as 1 treble and 2 chain), [3 treble into ring, 2 chain] 3 times, 2 treble into ring, slip stitch to 3rd of the 5 chain you started with.
Break off yarn B.
2nd round: Using yarn A, slip stitch into next space, 5 chain, 3 treble into same space, *1 chain, miss 3 treble, [3 treble, 2 chain, 3 treble] into next space; repeat from * twice more, 1 chain, miss 3 treble, 2 treble into same space as 5 chain at beg of round, slip stitch to 3rd of 5chain.
Break off yarn A.
3rd round: Using yarn C, slip stitch into next space, 5 chain, 3 treble into same space, *1chain, miss 3 treble, 3 treble into next space, 1 chain, miss 3 treble**, [3 treble, 2 chain, 3 treble] into next space; repeat from * twice more and from * to ** again, 2 treble into same space as 5 chain, slip stitch to 3rd of 5 chain.
Break off yarn C.
4th round: Using yarn D, slip stitch into next space, 5 chain, 3 treble into same space, *[1 chain, miss 3 treble, 3 treble into next space] twice, 1 chain, miss 3 treble**, [3 treble, 2 chain, 3 treble] into next space; repeat from * twice more and from * to ** again, 2 treble into same space as 5 chain, slip stitch to 3rd of 5 chain.
Break off yarn D.

Now you should be able to see how the rounds are formed and carry on if you want to add more rounds to make the square larger.
If I had wanted to make the squares larger I would have used 6 rounds in the colour sequence:
B, A, C, A, C, D.

Posted by Christina at 10:08 AM. Category: Kaffe Fassett Rowan KAL