Archive Entries for April 2017
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Sunday April 30, 2017
Books in April
- Garment of Shadows, Dreaming Spies by Laurie R King
It's a real pleasure to discover you are several books "behind" in a series, especially when it is one I enjoy as much as these.
In Garment of Shadows we pick up after the plot of Pirate King and still in Morocco. I mentioned that the latter was not my favourite, but this I liked a little better as it covered interesting historical events about which I knew nothing previously.
Dreaming Spies is quite different in that the events take place out of chronological sequence, and are set in Oxford and Japan. I think it is very wise for the author not to tie herself to a series of books in a chronological sequence; I noted with Steven Saylor that he rapidly ran out of a plausible lifetime for his main character - and has now reverted to writing about his characters earlier history - and Lindsey Davis has done (what I thought Saylor might do) and continued the chronology with the children of her original hero. Both of these ploys are only moderately successful (in my opinion - obviously).
- Paul Temple and the Conrad Case by Francis Durbridge
Another case that takes Paul and Steve to a new exotic location, (Bavaria), to help find Betty Conrad. The main clue seems centre around a cocktail stick with which the plot is continually being... well... skewered. Despite that - excellent fun.
This is back to the original 1950s recordings starring Peter Coke and Majorie Westbury, who are not only highly skilled actors but assuredly the best Paul and Steve.
Posted on April 30, 2017 at 9:29 AM. Category: Books of the Month.
Saturday April 15, 2017
France at Easter
A lovely Easter in France - and the last opportunity to see the Wisteria rampant all over the front of the cottage.
The cherry blossom as lovely as ever at this time of year.
Posted on April 15, 2017 at 8:16 AM. Category: France.
Thursday April 13, 2017
Flying Scotsman at the Bluebell
So Flying Scotsman snuck in overnight on Tuesday, where a few dedicated souls stayed up to see it - and we were there bright and early to watch the pipe band for the first official journey - and then later on for our trip.
What a fantastic day.
Posted on April 13, 2017 at 8:11 AM. Category: Days Out.
Tuesday April 4, 2017
Rosenkranz and Guildenstern
It was a bit of a trauma getting here (realising I was booked a hotel in Stratford on business when I had actually got theatre tickets in London) but well worth the effort. As the reviewers all tell us - it's 50 years since it was first produced and stands up excellently - almost "despite" all the hype. A lot of the publicity seems to focus on Daniel Radcliffe as Rosenkranz (probably), but Joshua McGuire's Guildenstern (probably) is no second fiddle, and David Haig is terrific as the stagey "Player".
Now it's time to prepare myself to be up at the crack of dawn to drive back to Warwick.
Posted on April 4, 2017 at 11:25 PM. Category: Art and Culture.