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Saturday January 20, 2007
Go home and weave a net.
Third Saturday in the month, and I was off to Headley Village Hall for the Creative Fibre group meeting. I did wonder if I would be able to get through as the road to Headley is over Box Hill. We had terrible frightening gales on Thursday and there were a lot of trees on the roads. We lost a small tree (which fell onto the road) and our neighbour's gate was blown down.

Yesterday was much calmer, but when Robert tried to take the train to meet me for a curry, he found that due to a tree on the line at Tattenham Corner there was only a bus service from Purley; rather than have him do that, I drove over to Coulsdon to meet him (different railway line).
As it was I had no trouble, but there were many gale stories from the members; Jean,who lives on Box Hill, was unable to drive to her house on Thursday on the roads - the police got a local farmer to open up one of the tracks across his land - and currently she has no electricity. Other than the gossip ["great wool shops I have known" etc] I worked peacefully on my crocheted skirt (stop laughing - everyone else thought it was nice - they are going to call me "that woman with the crocheted skirt").
Betty (on the right) was knitting a pair of socks - no heel - just a patterned tube - thickish wool -
but - here's the best bit -
she had spun the wool herself using a drop spindle.
I spent some time picking the brains of a weaver (and I have forgotten her name - damn...). She had woven a fabulous scarf and it was so inspirational I feel I must have a go... All these women talking about what they do in the way of cooking, growing their own vegetables, growing dye plants and dying their own wools - even if you allow for the fact that many of them are retired, it's still pretty impressive, (Eve had some fantastic examples - I really must have a go at that too.... I wish I had taken pictures of her wools).

Posted by Christina at 5:27 PM. Category: Spinning, Dying, Weaving
You need a new hobby like you need a hole in the head. Me too for that matter! Also I really dont see the point of knitting socks without a heel - If I wanted badly fitting socks I would buy them.
Posted by: Alison on January 23, 2007 4:20 PM
Dont you just hate negative people who go around posting. If you dont have anything positive to say go keep your negativity to yourself!!
It makes perfect sense to keep these crafts and the knowledge alive, its often cheaper and you get a great sense of achievment. I'm only 25, a very busy architecture student but the things that keep me sane from the pressure are crochet and little projects. I took in my ballgown and added ribbons to make it look marilyn monroe for the architecture ball which was themed "Hollywood glamour". And the compliments came flooding in.
I make my own wine, have my own allotment, make jam and all sorts of things and all of the products that I have made I have a sense of pride in and no that they haven't caused anyone any harm, no slave labour, no unnecessary air miles and no fat cats living off supermarket profits.
Go crafts go!!!!
Posted by: Claire on June 8, 2007 12:52 PM