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Friday June 13, 2008
Art Yarn
I can spin.
I can spin...... Knicker Elastic [I believe this is the technical term used by the spinners of my acquaintance]...

...and I can spin bouclé... hurrah!

I tried the latter because the fleece with which I find myself seems to have 2 distinct layers - I think or assume due to two layers of growth maybe without shearing. An under-layer which seems to be fluff without any staple length, and an outer layer which is "normal" if a little short in staple length. I decided to see if the fluff were able to be spun at all - and came out with the bouclé. You can see the piece I tried with is not very clean - just an experiment.
Posted by Christina at 9:35 AM. Category: Spinning, Dying, Weaving