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Saturday November 8, 2008
More Apples
Continuing to "deal" with the apples - this is one of my favourite desserts. It looks very pretty with its icing sugar dusting, and is quick to make, (once you have assembled the ingredients); in fact, the quicker the better, as it needs to go into the oven as soon as possible after the flour is mixed in.
Almond Apple Dessert Cake

(serves 6 - or 4 greedy people)
- 3oz butter
- One large egg
- 4oz castor sugar (I like the 'golden' variety)
- 1 teaspoon of almond essence
- 4oz self-raising flour sifted with 1 rounded teaspoon of baking powder
- 12oz Bramley apples, (weight before peeling)
- icing sugar
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C in a fan oven, or Gas Mark 5. Use ½oz of the butter to grease a 6 inch loose-bottomed cake tin.
- Melt the rest of the butter in a pan until just runny.
- Peel and core the apples - you can slice them now, or wait until you are ready to use them, to try and avoid their turning overly brown.
- Beat together the egg, sugar, and almond oil; then pour the melted butter into the mixture in a thin steady stream while still beating. (Use an electric whisk if possible as it makes it much easier to do this).
- Fold in the sifted flour and baking powder.
- Spread about two thirds of the mixture in the bottom of the tin.
- Quickly slice the apples and put them roughly on top of the mixture.
- Finally spread the remaining mixture over the apples. This seems like an impossible task as there is very little mixture left with which to work, but smear it over as best you can (use a flexible spatula to get all you can out of the bowl), and don't worry that it is not smooth - this will even out in cooking, and the mixture will rise up to mostly cover the apples.
- Now put it into the oven, and bake for about 45 minutes to an hour, until the apple is soft (test with a skewer); check towards the end of the cooking time to make sure the cake is not going too brown on the top.
- Once out of the oven, loosen the sides of the cake with a knife, and carefully push out. When slightly cooler, dust with icing sugar.
This can be served warm or cold, and keeps for a couple of days (covered) in the fridge. I'm afraid this is another dessert designed to be served with cream.
Posted by Christina at 10:55 PM. Category: Kitchen and food