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Friday January 2, 2015
New Year List
I am starting the new year with a lot of pleasing projects in mind. Some of them are finishing "old" projects - on which I have already made a good start. And of course some of them you might ask why finish when they are obviously long past their sell-by date; but many things I never meant to abandon and still have an appetite for - so better finished than in a bag gathering dust.
Here is my little New Year list - it's a statement of intent which I can use a the proverbial stick with which to beat myself as the year goes on:
- Erika Knight's Aran chair cover (I have already invested in the wool in pistachio green)
- My own design for a tapestry picture to upholster a workbox (started in 2002)
- noel letters for next Christmas (started a couple of days ago)
- Bright blue man's guernsey (wonderful yarn sitting waiting)
- Turquoise Kim Hargreaves sweater for me (Rowan Calmer patiently waiting)
- Pin loom woven/crochet blanket for gifts (dipping into ever growing vintage collection of Sirdar Peru)
- Many many socks for my relatives (I have a lot of sock yarn.... some of it is even rather nice....)
And I have also already started on the long road to making my "studio" (prétensieuse? - oui c'est moi) usable once more. I am really pleased with the result so far - maybe some photos later.
Posted by Christina at 6:59 PM. Category: Crafts