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Thursday June 9, 2016
The final variation on the theme

Here is the final colourway evolved from Kaffe KAL 2014. Its a simple granny square version using the sets of 4 colours originally specified for each square - but I have reversed the colour order within the squares on some pieces and also randomised the layout. I also made some mistakes in the colour combinations on some squares which I left "in" the design.
It's resulted in a very colourful blanket - smaller than the original knitted versions as each square is smaller; I could have increased the size of the squares with extra rounds but I preferred the balance as it is.
Posted by Christina at 9:49 AM. Category: Knitting and Crochet
So you knitted Kaffe's patterm, with different yarn, different colors, and different placements! Excellent. Tee hee
Posted by: Alison on June 28, 2016 5:48 AM