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Monday December 4, 2023
ISIHAC in Dorking

I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue came to Dorking - the 80th series (!) Episodes 5 and 6 - broadcasting next Monday on BBC Radio 4 [...and we were there].
On the panel were Fred Macaulay, Milton Jones, Lucy Porter, and Omid Djalili, plus of course Jack Dee in the chair, and Colin Sell on the piano. Jon Naismith was his usual delightful self, managing the audience and the laser display board. Two episodes were recorded so we got to see both Samantha and Sven....
Another unexpected pleasure was meeting an old colleague whom I haven't seen since I retired - and he himself is now retired. It was good to have a short catch-up with him, and also to see someone (more local) from my dance class, where I was able to explain my mysterious disappearance from classes since last September when I injured my back. Since I have every appearance of having recovered now, I fear there are no more excuses not to return to the fray [... just in time for Christmas and the dreaded Frosty the Snowman routine].
Posted by Christina at 11:35 PM. Category: Art and Culture