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Wednesday October 2, 2019
Local Cinema - Downton

There are two films I want to see but Alison only agreed to see this one with me (Phillistine). However, it was a perfect choice for both of us - never mind the moaning about accuracy, plot, general cheesiness etc - I'm sure everyone who went to see it got exactly what they expected and wanted (except the critics I guess).
Also I was able to hand over the completed kitbag that I had constructed for Alison as a kit for last Christmas (with a commitment to finish off the leather work once she had done the crochet). The latter took her about 5 minutes - the leather work took me a bit longer.
I also handed over her Orkney, which I had completed on the knitting machine (it really is a big piece of work by hand); in this case she is doing the finishing - sewing up and sewing in ends. We looked for trims and buttons in John Lewis before dashing off to see the film. Alison had taken the train down to Kingston after working in London all day, so timing was all a bit tight.
Posted by Christina at 1:36 PM. Category: Art and Culture