Outfit includes coat and beret in double knitting wool; dress in 3 ply;
and vest, pants and socks in 3 ply.
Coat - back
Cast on 48 stitches work 4 rows in stocking stitch.
Next Row: purl (this marks the hem-
Continue in stocking stitch beginning with a purl row, and decreasing
1 stitch at each end of every 6th row until 38 stitches remain.
Continue straight until work measures 5½ inches from hemline.
Raglan Shaping: Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next
2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every alternate row until
16 stitches remain.
Cast off.
Coat - right front
Cast on 28 stitches. Work 4 rows in stocking stitch.
Next Row: purl (this marks the hem-
Next Row: p26, k2.
Next Row: Knit.
Repeat the last 2 rows throughout, decreasing 1 stitch at the end of the
4th row and every following 6th row until 23 stitches remain, at
the same time, when work measures 2 inches from hemline, ending
with a purl row at the bordered edge, work buttonhole as follows:
Next Row: k2, cast off 2, knit to
Next Row: purl to the last 2 stitches,
cast on 2, k2.
Make 2 more buttonholes at the front edge, 1½ inches apart.
Work until front measures 5½ inches from hemline, ending with a knit
Raglan Shaping: Making 4th buttonhole 1½ inches from 3rd,
cast off 2 stitches at beginning of the next row. Decrease 1 stitch at
the beginning with of every alternate row until 16 stitches remain, ending
with a purl row.
Neck Shaping:
Next Row: Cast off 6 stitches, knit
to end.
Continue raglan shaping and decrease 1 stitch at neck edge on the next
4 rows. Continue raglan shaping only until 1 stitch remains. Fasten off.
Coat - left front
As right front, reversing shaping and omitting buttonholes.
Coat - sleeves
Cast on 26 stitches and knit 4 rows.
Continue in stocking stitch, increasing 1 stitch at each end of the first
row, until work measures 3 inches.
Shape top as you did for the back raglan until 6 stitches remain.
Cast off.
Coat - collar
Join raglan seams.
Pick up and knit 42 stitches around neck edge, omitting borders.
Knit 4 rows.
Cast off.
Coat - mock pockets
Cast on 10 stitches and knit 2 rows.
Cast Off.
Coat - making up
Press work.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Turn up hem and catch-stitch on wrong side.
Sew on pockets, 4 ins. from lower edge.
Sew on 4 buttons.
Cast on 68 stitches and knit 4 rows.
Next Row: (k3, increase in next stitch),
repeat to end.
Work 3 rows stocking stitch, beginning with a purl row.
Next Row: (k4, increase in next stitch),
repeat to end.
Work 6 rows stocking stitch.
Next Row: (p33, increase in next stitch),
repeat to end.
Next Row: (k13, k2tog), repeat to
Next Row and every alternate row:
Next Row: (k12, k2tog) repeat to end.
Continue to decrease in this way on every alternate row until 28 stitches
Next Row: (k2tog), repeat to end.
Beret - making up
Thread wool through remaining stitches and secure.
Press work.
Join back seam.
Sew button to centre top.
Dress - back
Cast on 49 stitches and work 6 rows in moss stitch.
Work 6 rows stocking stitch, 2 rows moss stitch
These 8 rows form the pattern.
Repeat the pattern, decreasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every
6th row until 39 stitches remain.
Continue straight until work measures 5½ ins.
Sleeve Shaping. Cast on 9 stitches at the beginning of the next
2 rows. Then continue until work measures 8 ins.
Cast off.
Dress - right front
Cast on 27 stitches.
Work 4 rows moss stitch.
Next Row: Pattern 2, wfd, k2tog, pattern
to end.
Next Row: Moss stitch.
Continue in pattern as for back, but working 5 stitches at front edge
in moss stitch for front border, and working a buttonhole as before on
the 1st row of each moss stitch stripe.
At the same time, when 8 rows of pattern have been worked,
decrease 1 stitch at the side edge on the next and every following 6th
row until 22 stitches remain.
Continue straight until work measures 5½ inches, ending at side edge.
Sleeve Shaping.
Cast on 9 stitches at the beginning of the next row.
Continue until work measures 7 inches, ending at front edge.
Neck Shaping.
Next Row: Moss stitch 5, and slip
these 5 stitches on to a safety pin, cast off 4 stitches, pattern to end.
Decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 8 rows.
Pattern 2 rows.
Cast off.
Dress - left front
As right front, reversing shaping and omitting buttonholes.
Dress - neckband
Join shoulder seams.
Slip border stitches from safety pin on to a needle, pick up and knit
39 stitches around neck, pattern 5 border stitches from other safety pin.
Work 4 rows moss stitch, making 10th buttonhole on the 2nd row.
Cast off.
Dress - sleeve border
Pick up and k. 33 stitches along sleeve edge.
Work 3 rows moss stitch.
Cast off.
Dress - making up
Press work.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Sew on buttons.
Vest - back and front alike
With No 10 needles cast on 36 stitches.
Work 4 inches in k2, p2 rib.
Armhole Shaping.
Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next row.
Pattern 3 rows
Neck Shaping.
Next Row: Rib 6, cast off 14 stitches,
pattern to end.
Work 12 rows.
Cast off.
Complete Other side to match.
Vest - making up
Join side and shoulder seams.
With crochet hook join wool to neck edge:
(3 chain, miss ¼ inch, 1dc in edge) all around neck.
Fasten off.
Pants - back and front alike
With No 10 needles cast on 34 stitches and knit 2 rows.
Next Row: (k2, wfd, k2tog); repeat
to last 2 stitches, k2.
Knit 2 rows.
Continue in stocking stitch until work measures 3 inches.
Leg Shaping.
Cast off 7 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
Work 3 rows straight.
Cast Off.
Pants - making up
Press work.
Join crotch and side seams.
Thread elastic through holes at waist and secure.
With crochet hook work border as for neck of vest around leg openings.
With No 11 needles, cast on 28 stitches
1st row: increase in first stitch,
k12, (increase in next stitch) twice, k12, increase in last stitch.
2nd and alternate rows: purl.
3rd row: increase, k14, (increase
in next stitch) twice, k14, increase.
5th row: increase, k16, (increase
in next stitch) twice, k16, increase.
7th row: increase, k18, (increase
in next stitch) twice, k18, increase.
8th row: purl.
Next row: k26, k2tog, turn.
Next row: p9, p2tog, turn.
Next row: k9, k2tog , turn.
Continue decrease 1 stitch each side of centre stitches until 36 stitches
remain altogether.
Work 2 inches in stocking stitch over all stitches.
Work 6 rows k2, p2, rib.
Cast off ribwise.
Socks - making up
Press work.
Join back and foot seam.
Coat and Beret:
3ozs Double Knitting
5 buttons
No 9 (3¾mm) knitting needles
1oz 3 ply
10 buttons
No 10 (3¼mm) knitting needles
Vest, Pants and Socks:
2ozs 3 ply
12 inches of elastic
No 10 (3¼mm) and No 11 (3mm) knitting needles
No 11 (3mm) crochet hook
24 sts to 4 inches on No 9 needles.
[This would be the DK yarn tension]
Size matters
Designed to fit a 20-inch doll.
ch: chain
dc: double crochet remembering that this is UK notation, and in the
US this stitch is referred to as single crochet.
k2tog: knit 2 sts together
p2tog: purl 2 sts together
moss stitch: repeat k1, p1 on an odd number of stitches so that a
previous row's knit stitch is purled and vice versa. (Also known as seed
wfd: wool forward to making an extra stitch by passing the yarn
over the needle when you knit the following stitch. [This also creates
an eyelet hole which can be for for decoration or a small buttonhole]
A Word on the Wool.
The pattern is sized for a 20 inch doll which may suit "Our Generation",
"American Girl" or vintage Pedigree dolls.
3 ply yarn can be easily found as baby wool in white which would be fine
for the vest/pants/socks but for the dress you may be challenged to find
more interesting colours.
1 ounce (oz) is approximately 28g.
In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced,
in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please
and I will try and assist.