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December 2024

Seventies Glamour


Here we have the "maxi" - the new "thing" after the stunning popularity of the mini skirt, which had become de rigeur for almost a decade since it's scandalous introduction in the early sixties. The maxi didn't really take on in quite the same way - often not as convenient or appropriate for every occasion (and, I have to wonder, on what occasion would this be truly appropriate). However, half a century later, our skirt lengths are now routinely mini, maxi, or, of course, "midi".
Nonetheless, I'm not sure how many of you will be rushing off to find your needles and get started. In truth, despite their trying very hard with the styling of the photo, I'm not sure how many people it would have appealed to even at the time, (up-to-the-minute maxis? yes; woollen hand-knitted skirts? hmmm). The presentation is typical of the era - a "look" for an implied lifestyle - you have Habitat furniture and shop in the Portobello Road. I think the inclusion of the harp - more as an objet d'art than a musical instrument (you might hang your hat on it, or casually start to play...) - is intended to suggest the seventies off-beat bohemian lifestyle aspired to by those who would a decade later be called yuppies.

Nice and cosy alternative to sweat pants or pyjamas under the desk for working from home...?


Instructions for 4 sizes are given between "/".
[Editor's Note: This is the "maxi" skirt]

Back and Front alike

Using No 10 (3¼mm) needles and main shade M, cast on 140/148/156/164 stitches and, starting with a knit row, work 7 rows stocking stitch, increasing 5 stitches evenly across the last row.
[145/153/161/169 sts]

Next Row (wrong side): knit, thus forming ridge for hem-line.

Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and, starting with a knit row, work 8 rows stocking stitch.

** Join in contrast yarn C and work 2 rows in stocking stitch.

Change to No 7 (4½mm) needles and work rows 1 - 22 inclusive from chart A.


Repeat the 8 pattern stitches across, with the last stitch on knit rows and the first stitch on purl rows as indicated.

Change to No 8 needles and work 2 rows instocking stitch in C. Break C. **

Work 10 rows straight.

1st decrease row: (k 10/11/12/13, k2togtbl) twice, knit to last 24/26/28/30 stitches, (k2tog, k 10/11/12/13) twice.
Work 9 rows straight.

2nd decrease row: as 1st. [137/145/153/161 sts]

Work straight until skirt measures 9 inches from ridge at hemline, ending with a purl row.

Work from ** to **.

*** Work 4 rows straight.
Next decrease row: as 1st.
Work 5 rows straight.

Repeat the last 6 rows twice, then the decrease row once more. ***
121/129/137/145 stitches remain.

Work a few rows straight until skirt measures 17 inches from ridge at hemline, ending with a purl row.

Work from ** to **, then work from *** to ***.
[105/113/121/129 sts]

Work straight until skirt measures 25 inches from ridge at hemline, ending with a purl row.

**** Join in C. and work 2 rows stocking stitch.

Change to No 7 needles and work rows 1 - 14 inclusive from chart B.


Change to No 8 needles and work 2 rows stocking stitch in C.
Break C. ****

Work from *** to ***.
[89/97/105/113 sts]

Work straight until skirt measures 31¾ inches from ridge at hemline, ending with a purl row.

Work from **** to ****.
Work 2 rows stocking stitch.

Next decrease row: as1st.
Work 3 rows straight.
Repeat the last 4 rows 0/1/1/2 times more.

Next decrease row: as1st. [81/85/93/97 sts]

Work a few rows straight until skirt measures 36½ /37/37/37½ inches from ridge at hemline, ending with a knit row.

Next row: p 7/10/8/12, (p2tog, p 11/19/13/22) 5/3/5/3 times, p2tog, p 7/10/8/11. [75/81/87/93 sts]

Change to No 10 needles and work 1 inch k1/p1 rib, with rows on the right side having a k1 at each end.
Cast off evenly in rib.


Using No 10 needles, cast on 11 stitches and work in rib as follows
1st row(right side facing): k2, (p1, k1) 4 times, k1.
2nd row: (k1, p1) 5 times, k1.

Repet the last 2 rows until belt measures 30/32/34/36 inches or the required length.
Cast off in rib.

To Make Up

Special Note: Use a tapestry needle and 12 inch lengths of yarn for sewing, taking care that the yarn remains twisted during making up.

Using a warm iron and damp cloth, press parts lightly on the wrong side, omitting ribbing.
Join side seams.
Fold hem at ridge to wrong side and slip stitch the hem loosely in position all round.
Cut elastic to fit waist and join in a ring; sew inside waist ribbing, using herringbone stitch over the elastic to form a casing.
Press seams.
Make a backing for the belt with the petersham and attach the buckle to one end.


10/11/12/12 (1 oz) balls double knitting yarn in main shade, chilli, and
4/5/5/6 in contrast shade, pink.

Pair each of Nos 7 (4½mm), 8 (4mm), and 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Length of elastic for waist.
Buckle and length of petersham for belt.


23sts and 30 rows to 4 inches using No 8 (4mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit:
34 / 36 / 38 / 40 inch hips;
Length: 37½ / 38 / 38 / 38½ inches.


stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together to decrease 1 stitch.
p2tog: purl 2 stitches together to decrease 1 stitch.
k2togtbl: knit 2 stitches together through back loops, (or "ssk": slip, slip, knit).

M = main colour
C = contrast

A Word on the Wool

The original design was in Patons Fiona - a yarn I was very fond of, both in quality and rich colour range. It was a standard DK; some information given on the web implies it was slightly thicker and others slightly thinner.

In the 1970s it was sold in 50g balls: 175 yds/160m meters); 51% wool, 49% acrylic.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

November 2024

A Little Aran Dress


Cute little dress for small girls in a traditional Aran pattern executed in double knitting weight yarn - so not quite so thick.


3 sizes - larger sizes are given between brackets -
eg Small [Medium, Large].


Using No 8 (4mm) needles, cast on 92 [102, 112] stitches and work 7 rows in kl/pl rib.
Next row (hemline row): Knit to end.

Commence Pattern.

1st row (right side facing)): k17 [20, 23]; p2, k6, p2, k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times; p1, knit the 2nd stitch on the left hand needle, then knit first stitch - called T2R -, p1; (k1, p1, k1 into the next stitch, p3) 4 times; p1, knit the 2nd stitch on the left hand needle tbl, then knit first stitch - called T2L -, p1; k1tbl (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times; p2, k6, p2, k17 [20, 23].
2nd Row: p17 [20, 23]; k2, p6, k2, p1, (k1tbl, p1) 3 [4, 5] times, k1, p2, k1, (p3tog, k3) 4 times, k1, p2, k1, p1, (k1tbl, p1) 3 [4, 5] times, k2, p6, k2; p17 [20, 23].
3rd Row: k17 [20, 23]; p2, k6, p2, k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times, p1, T2R, p1, (p3, then k1 p1, k1 into the next stitch) 4 times, p1, T2L, p1, k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times, p2, k6, p2, k17 [20, 23].
4th Row: p17 [20, 23]; k2, p6, k2, p1, (k1tbl, p1) 3 [4, 5] times, k1, p2, k1, (k3, p3tog) 4 times, k1, p2, k1, p1, (k1tbl, p1) 3 [4, 5] times, k2, p6, k2, p17 [20, 23].
5th Row: as 1st row.
6th Row: as 2nd row.
7th Row: p17 [20, 23], p2, slip the next 3 stitches on to a cable needle and hold at back of work, knit 3 stitches, then knit 3 from cable needle - called C6B -, p2, k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times, p1, T2R, p1, (p3, then k1, p1, k1 into the next stitch) 4 times, p1, T2L, p1, k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times, p2, slip the next 3 stitches on to a cable needle and hold at front of work, k3 stitches then k3 from cable needle - called C6F -, p2, p17 [20, 23].
8th Row: p17 [20, 23], k2, p6, k2, p1, (k1tbl, p1) 3 [4, 5] times, k1, p2, k1, (k3, p3tog) 4 times, k1, p2, k1, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times, p1, k2, p6, k2, p17 [20, 23].

These 8 rows form the pattern.
Keeping pattern correct, decrease one stitch at each end of the next and every following 10th row until 80 [88, 96] stitches remain.

Continue without shaping until works measures 11½ [13, 15½] inches from hemline, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape armholes: by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Decrease one stitch at each end of the next 3 [4, 5] rows, then at each end of the following alternate row. 64 [70, 76] stitches.

Continue without shaping until armhole measures 3 [, 4] inches from the beginning, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape neck:
Next Row: pattern 20 [22, 24]. Turn.
Leave remaining stitches on a holder or spare needle.
Complete this side first, by decreasing one stitch at the neck edge on the next and every following alternate row until 16 [18, 20] stitches remain, ending at the armhole edge.

Shape shoulder:
Cast off at the beginning of the next and following alternate row 4 [5, 6] stitches once and 12 [13, 14] stitches once.

With right side of work facing, slip the first 24 [26, 28] stitches on to a holder for the centre front neck, and rejoin the yarn to the remaining stitches. Complete to match the first side, reversing shaping.


Work as given for the Front until armhole shaping is completed.
Continue without shaping until armholes measure the same as the front to the shoulder, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape shoulders:
Cast off at the beginning of the next and every row 4 [5, 6] stitches twice, and then 12 [13, 14] stitches twice.
Leave the remaining 32 [34, 36] stitches on a holder for centre back neck.


Using No 10 (3¼mm) needles, cast on 34 [36, 40] stitches.
Work 17 rows k1/p1 rib, increasing one stitch at the end of the last row on the 2nd size only: 34 [37, 40] stitches.

Next Row k1, * increase in next stitch, rib 2; repeat from * to end:
45 [49, 53] stitches.

Commence working the pattern.

1st Row (right side facing): k9 [10, 11], p2, k6, p2, k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times, p2, k6, p2, k9 [10, 11].
2nd Row: p9 [10, 11], k2, p6, k2, p1, (k1tbl, p1) 3 [4, 5] times, k2, p6, k2, p9 [10, 11].

Repeat the last 2 rows twice more.

7th Row: p9 [10, 11], p2, C6B, p2, k1tbl, (p1, k1tbl) 3 [4, 5] times, p2, C6F, p2, p9 [10, 11].
8th Row: as 2nd row.

These 8 rows form the pattern. Keeping the pattern correct, increase one stitch at each end of the next and every following 8th row until there are 49 [55, 61] stitches.

Change to No 8 (4m) needles.
Continue without shaping until sleeve measures 8½ [10, 11½] inches from the beginning, ending with the same wrong side pattern row as on the Front and Back at the underarm.

Shape top:
Cast off at the beginning of the next and every row 4 stitches twice, one stitches 6 times, 2 stitches 10 [12, 14] times, and 15 [17, 19] stitches once.

Polo neck

Join right shoulder seam.
Using No 10 needles, and with right side of work facing, begin at the left front shoulder and knit up 10 stitches down left front neck, knit across 24 [26, 28] stitches on the holder for the front neck, knit up 10 stitches up the right front neck; then knit across 32 [34, 36] stitches on the holder for the back neck: 76 [80, 84]

Work 10 rows k1/p1 rib.
Change to No 8 needles and work 18 rows k1, p1,rib.
Cast off in rib.

To Make Up

Do not press.
Join left shoulder seam.
Set in sleeves.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Turn hem at lower edge to wrong side and slip stitch in place.


Double Knitting yarn, 40g balls -
6 [6, 7]

One pair each of Nos 8 (4mm), and 10 (3¼mm) needles.
1 cable needle.


22 sts x 30 rows to 4 inches measured over stocking stitch

Size matters

To fit chest:
22 [24, 26] inches;
length to shoulder: 16 [18, 21] inches; sleeve seam: 8½ [10, 11½] inches.


k/p: knit/purl
ktbl: knit through back loops
T2R: twist 2 stitches right - knit the 2nd stitch on the left hand needle, then knit first stitch
T2L: twist 2 stitches left - knit the 2nd stitch on the left hand needle tbl, then knit first stitch
C6B: slip the next 3 stitches on to a cable needle and hold at back of work, knit 3 stitches, then knit 3 from cable needle
C6F: slip the next 3 stitches on to a cable needle and hold at front of work, knit 3 stitches, then knit 3 from cable needle
p3tog: purl 3 stitches together.
[Editor's note: This is part of the "trinity" or "blackberry" stitch pattern for the centre panel, where you increase twice in a stitch on the knit rows and then purl those three stitches together on the purl rows, thus making a bobble; the positioning of the bobbles is alternated over a 4 row pattern repeat.]

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn was a standard synthetic double knitting crepe yarn. Possibly about 100m per 40g ball.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

May 2024

Batwing Summer Wrap


All the benefits of a shawl or stole, but with sleeve closures to keep it securely on your shoulders - here we have a completely simple, batwing stole, knitted in two pieces with a centre back seam. There is a little bit of decreasing to shape the armholes, but the whole garment is knitted in garter stitch.
The photo shows it knitted in stripes but, for even more simplicity, it could be a single colour - maybe using a self striping yarn.


One Size only.
Note: Carry colours not in use loosely up side of work.
B: Main shade (blue); G: 1st contrast (grey); W: 2nd contrast (white).

Left Side

Using No 10 (3¼mm) needles and main shade Blue (B), cast on 116 stitches and noting that 1st row is a wrong side row, work 7 rows in garter stitch (every row knit).

Change to No 7 (4½mm ) needles and continue in garter stitch and stripes of 6 rows 1st Contrast Grey (G), 4 rows 2nd Contrast White (W) and 8 rows main shade Blue (B), until work measures 7 inches, ending with the right side facing for the next row.

Keeping continuity of stripes, shape armhole by decreasing 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and every alternate row until 66 stitches remain.

Work 2 rows.
Cast off.

Right Side

Work as for Left Side but shaping the armhole by decreasing at the end of the rows instead of the beginning.

Making up and borders

Do not press.
Using a flat seam, join the straight side edges to form the centre back seam.

Arm Borders: With right side facing, using No 10 (3¼mm) needles
and B, knit up 84 stitches along the shaped edges.
Work 6 rows garter stitch.
Cast off.

Fold Arm Borders in half (right sides inside) so that the short side edges meet the cast-off edges.
Join these edges together with a fine back-stitch seam.

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn was a standard double knitting yarn, 25% wool , 75% acrylic. For this pattern it's loosely knitted on 4½mm needles.



DK 50g balls:
3 in main shade
2 in 1st contrast
1 in 2nd contrast

One pair each of No 10 (3¼mm) and No 7 (4½mm ) needles.


21 sts x 28 rows to 4 inches over stocking stitch on 4½mm needles

Size matters

To fit chest:
32 (34, 36) inches
actual measurement
shown on diagram in cm.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


April 2024

Perfectly Suited


Eye-catching (to say the least...) outfit in colours typical for the 1970s (although other colour palette suggestions are provided in the original pattern).
Very much of its time - but the plain roll-neck sweater (with its light textured detail), and the sleeveless cardigan (maybe without the buttons?) might translate to a pleasing contemporary combination.

"Smart three-piece suit: polo sweater in twisted stocking stitch, skirt and sleeveless cardigan in 4-colour tweed-effect. "


3 sizes - larger sizes are given between brackets -
eg Small (Medium, Large).

Jumper Back

Using No 11 (3mm) needles, cast on 108 (114, 120) stitches and work 2½ inches in k1/p1 rib.

Change to No 9 (3¾mm) needles and work in twisted stocking stitch thus:
1st Row: knit across all stitches through back loop (ktbl).
2nd Row: purl.
These 2 rows form twisted stocking stitch ★.
Continue in twisted stocking stitch until work measures 16 inches.

Armhole Shaping:
Cast off 5 (6, 7) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of every row until 80 (84, 88) stitches remain ★★.

Continue straight until work measures 23 (23½, 24) inches.

Shoulder Shaping:
Cast off 8 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows and 6 (7, 8) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
Leave the remaining 36 (38, 40) stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder for the back neck.

Jumper Front

Work as for the back up to ★★.
Continue straight until work measures 21 (21½, 22) inches, ending with a purl row.

Neck Shaping:
Next Row: ktbl 29 (30, 31) stitches; turn.
Continue on these stitches only.
Decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 7 rows.
Work 8 rows straight.

Shoulder Shaping:
Cast off 8 stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off 6 (7, 8) stitches.

With right side facing, slip the centre 22 (24, 26) stitches on to a stitch-holder.

Complete the other side of the neck to match.

Jumper Sleeves

Using No 11 needles, cast on 44 (46, 48) stitches.
Work as for the back to ★.
Continue in twisted stocking stitch, increasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 6th row until there are 72 (78, 84) stitches
Continue straight until work measures 17 inches.

To shape the top cast off 5 (6, 7) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of every row until 38 stitches remain; then, decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 10 rows.
Cast off.

Jumper Polo Collar

Join the right shoulder.
With right side facing, using No 11 needles, pick up and knit 18 stitches down the left side of the neck, ktbl the stitches from stitch-holder, pick up and knit 18 stitches up the right side of the neck, ktbl
the stitches from the back neck. [94 (98, 102) sts]

Work 3 inches in k1/p1 rib.
Change to No 9 needles and rib a further 3½ inches.
Cast off loosely ribwise.

Sleeveless Cardigan Back

Using No 11 needles and main shade, cast on 115 (123, 131) stitches.

Moss Stitch row: k1, (p1, k1) to end.

Editors note: Moss stitch - or "seed stitch" - is worked by alternating knit and purl stitches on every row - like ribbing. However, unlike ribbing, you do not align the knit and purl stitches vertically above each other but do the exact opposite; so, as you view the stitches, you will knit a stitch showing a purl "bump" from the previous row, and purl into a knit stitch.
"Double moss stitch" (not seen in this pattern) is usually where you do 2 rows of apparent rib with the stitches aligned vertically, then for the next two "rib" rows you misalign them with the previous two rows - and so on.
The row given above works up into moss stitch when repeated on an odd number of stitches.

Repeat the Moss Stitch row row 9 times.

Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and pattern:

1st Row: with main shade M, k1, (sl1 purlwise, k3) to the last 2 stitches, sl1 purlwise, k1.
2nd Row: with M, p1, (sl1 purlwise, p3) to last 2 stitches, sl1 purlwise, p1.
3rd Row: join in first contrast (O), (sl1 purlwise, k3) to end.
4th Row: with O, p3, (sl1 purlwise, p3) to end.
5th and 6th Rows: with 2nd contrast (R) work as 1st and 2nd rows.
7th and 8th Rows: with 3rd contrast (G) work as 3rd and 4th rows.
These 8 rows form the pattern.

Pattern until work measures 21 inches.

Armhole Shaping:
Cast off 7 (8, 9) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 83 (87, 91) stitches remain.
Continue straight until work measures 29½ (30, 30½) inches.

Shoulder Shaping:
Work as for the back of the sweater.
Leave the remaining 39 (41, 43) stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.
Editors note: Although the original pattern explicitly states to leave these stitches, I do not see why you would not cast them off at this point - given that you are not required to pick them up again at any point later on, and the edging band is designed to be sewn all around the fronts and back neck.

Sleeveless Cardigan Right Front

Using No. 11 needles and M cast on 59 (63, 67) stitches.
Work as for the back up to the armhole shaping, ending with a right side row.

Armhole and Front Shaping:
Next Row: Cast off 7 (8, 9) stitches; pattern to the last 2 stitches, p2tog.
Decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on the next 9 (10, 11) rows, at the same time, decrease 1 stitch at the front edge on every 4th row; then continue shaping front edge only, until 22 (23, 24) stitches remain.
Work 5 rows.

Shoulder Shaping :
Cast off 8 stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off 6 (7, 8) stitches

Sleeveless Cardigan Left Front

Work as for the right front, reversing shapings.

Sleeveless Cardigan Bands

Join shoulders.
Using No 11 needles and main shade cast on 9 stitches.
Work 2 inches in moss stitch.

Next Row (make buttonhole): moss stitch 3, cast off 3, moss stitch 3.
Next Row: moss stitch 3, cast on 3, moss stitch 3.
Continue in moss stitch, making further buttonholes 2½ inches apart (measure from base of previous buttonhole) until there are 8 in all.
Continue until band, when slightly stretched, fits all around both fronts
and across back neck.
Cast off.

Work the armbands in the same way, omitting the buttonholes.

Skirt (Back and Front Alike)

Using No 11 needles and colour M, cast on 147 (155, 163) stitches.
Work 10 rows in moss stitch.
Change to No 8 needles and working in pattern as for the sleeveless cardigan, decrease 1 stitch at each end of every 8th row until 101 (109, 117 ) stitches remain.
Continue straight until work measures 20 (20½, 21) inches.

Change to No 11 needles, and using M, work 1 inch in k1/p1 rib, beginning the 2nd row with "p1".
Cast off loosely ribwise.

Making Up

Press or block work according to yarn type.

Join the left shoulder and polo collar seams.
Set in the sleeves.
Join side and sleeve seams.

Sleeveless Cardigan:
Join the side seams.
Sew on the front band.
Join the cast-on and cast-off edges of the armbands.
Sew on the armbands with the seam placed at the underarms.
Sew on the buttons.

Join the side seams.
Join the elastic in a ring and attach to the wrong side of the waist with a herringbone casing.
Press seams.


Double Knitting yarn, 1 oz balls:
16 (17, 18)
Sleeveless cardigan:
5 (5, 6) main colour
3 (3, 3) in each of 3 contrasting colours
3 (3, 3) main colour
3 (3, 3) in each of 3 contrasting colours

One pair each of Nos 8 (4mm), 9 (3¾mm), and 11 (3mm) needles.
1 cable needle.

8 buttons for cardigan.
Waist-length elastic for skirt


24 sts to 4 inches measured over twisted stocking stitch on No 9 (3¾mm) needles.

24 sts x 40 rows measured over Pattern on No 8 (4mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit chest 34, (36, 38) inches; hips 36 (38, 40) inches.

Sleeveless cardigan length: 29½ (30, 30½) inches.

Skirt length:
21 (21½, 22) inches.


k/p: knit/purl
ktbl: knit the stitch through the back loop (thus twisting the stitch)
k2tog/p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together.

M - Gold
O - Orange
R - Red
G - Green

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn was a pure wool double knitting crepe.

The later yarn sold in 50g balls states a yardage of 123yds/112m per 50g.

Colours illustrated:
Sun Gold,
Mexican Orange,
Love Apple Red,
Woodland Green.
Suggested other combinations:
Ivory, Peach,
Roman Pink, and
Medoc - or -
White, Peacock.
Club Navy, and


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

March 2024

Brer Rabbit


Another delightfully plain and practical pram set for a little one, including leggings, a jumper, and a jaunty beret!


Jumper Back

Using size 12 (2¾mm) needles, cast on 72 (76, 80, 84) stitches, and work in k1/p1 rib for 1½ inches ending with a wrong side row.

Change to size 10 (3¼mm) needles and stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl).
Continue until work measures 5½ (6, , 7) inches from the beginning, ending with a purl row.

Shape Raglan Armholes by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Next row: k2, p2tog, knit to the last 4 stitches, p2tog, k2.
Next row: purl.
Repeat the last 2 rows until 26 (28, 28, 30) stitches remain, ending with a wrong side row.
Leave these stitches on a spare needle.

Jumper Front

Follow instructions for Back from to , until 42 (44, 44, 46) stitches remain, ending with a wrong side row.

Next row: k2, p2tog , k10 stitches and turn, leaving remaining stitches on a spare needle.

Still decreasing at the armhole edge as before, at the same time, decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on every following alternate row until 5 stitches remain.
Keeping the neck edge straight, continue to decrease at the armhole edge until 2 stitches remain, working the decreases at the outer armhole edge when they can no longer be worked inside the border of 2 stitches.

Work 1 row; k2tog, and fasten off.

Slip the centre 14 (16, 16, 18) stitches onto a spare needle.
Join in the yarn at the neck edge to the remaining stitches; knit to the last 4 stitches, p2tog , k2.
Complete to match the first side of neck.

Jumper Sleeves

Using size 12 needles, cast on 36 (38, 40, 42) stitches and work in k1/ p1 rib for 1½ inches, ending with a wrong side row.
Change to size 10 needles and stocking stitch.
Increase 1 stitch at each end of the 3rd and every following 4th row until there are 52 (56, 60, 64) stitches on the needle.
Continue without further shaping until work measures 5½ (6, , 7) inches from the beginning, ending with a purl row.

Shape Raglan Top by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Next row: k2, p2tog, knit to the last 4 stitches, p2tog, k2.
Next row: purl.
Repeat the last 2 rows until 6 (8, 8, 10) stitches remain, ending with a wrong side row.
Leave these stitches on a safety pin.

Jumper Neckband

Using a flat stitch, join raglan seams, leaving left back raglan seam open. With the right side of the work facing and using size 12 needles, knit across the 6 (8, 8, 10) stitches on the top of the Left Sleeve; pick up and knit 12 stitches down the left side of the neck; knit across the 14 (16, 16, 18) stitches at the centre; pick up and knit 12 stitches up the right side of the neck; knit across the 6 (8, 8, 10) stitches on top of the Right Sleeve, and the 26 (28, 28, 30) stitches on the back neck.
[76 (84, 84, 92) sts.]

Work in k1/p1 rib for ¾ inch.
Cast off in rib.

Leggings - right leg

Using size 12 needles, cast on 72 (76, 80, 84) stitches.
Work 4 rows in k1/p1 rib.
Next row: Rib 4, * yfwd., k2tog, rib 2. Repeat from * to end.
Work 3 rows in rib.
Change to size 10 needles and work as follows.

Shape Back

1st row: knit 16 (18, 20, 22) stitches and turn.
2nd row: purl to end.
3rd row: knit 31 (33, 35, 37) stitches and turn.
4th row: purl to end.
5th row: knit 46 (48, 50, 52) stitches and turn.
6th row: purl to end.
7th row: knit 61 (63, 65, 67) stitches and turn.
8th row: purl to end.

★★ Continue in stocking stitch, working across all stitches for 28 (32, 32, 34) rows.
Increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 5th row until there are 88 (92, 96, 100) stitches on the needle, then increase 1 stitch at each end of the next 2 rows. [92 (96, 100, 104) sts]

Commence Leg Shaping by casting off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following alternate row until 66 (72, 76, 80) stitches remain; then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every following 3rd row until 38 (38, 42, 42) stitches remain.

Continue on these stitches until work measures 16½ (17¼, 17¾, 18½) inches at the longest (back) edge, ending with a purl row. ★★

Shape Foot

Next row: knit 31 (31, 34, 34) stitches and turn.
Next row: purl 13 (13, 14, 14) stitches and turn.

Work on the centre 13 (13, 14, 14) stitches for 1¾ (2, 2, ) inches, ending with a purl row. Break off yarn and join it to the inner edge of the 18 (18, 20, 20) stitches already knitted, pick up and knit 13 (15, 15, 17) stitches along the first side of the instep; knit across the 13 (13, 14, 14) toe stitches, and then knit 13 (15, 15, 17) stitches along the other side of the instep; then knit the remaining 7 (7, 8, 8) stitches.
[ 64 (68, 72, 76) sts]

Commencing with a purl row, work 7 rows in stocking stitch.

1st row: k3, sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k27 (29, 30, 32), sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2) k2tog, k24 (26, 27, 29).
2nd and every alternate row: purl.
3rd row: k2, sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k.25 (27, 28, 30), sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2) k2tog, k23 (25, 26, 28).
5th row: k1, sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k23 (25, 26, 28), sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k22 (24, 25, 27).
6th row: purl.
Cast off.

Leggings - left leg

Work as for Right Leg from to .

Shape Back

1st row: purl 16 (18, 20, 22) stitches and turn.
2nd row: knit to end.
3rd row: purl 31 (33, 35, 37) stitches and turn.
4th row: knit to end.
5th row: purl 46 (48, 50, 52) stitches and turn.
6th row: knit to end.
7th row: purl 61 (63, 65, 67) stitches and turn.
8th row: knit to end.

Commencing with a purl row, follow the instructions for the Right Leg from ★★ to ★★.

Shape Foot

Next row: knit 20 (20, 22, 22) stitches and turn.
Next row: purl 13 (13, 14, 14) stitches and turn.

Work on the centre 13 (13, 14, 14) stitches for 1¾ (2, 2, ) inches, ending with a purl row. Break off yarn and join it to the inner edge of the 7 (7, 8, 8) stitches already knitted, pick up and knit 13 (15, 15, 17) stitches along the first side of the instep; knit across the 13 (13, 14, 14) toe stitches, and then pick up and knit 13 (15, 15, 17) stitches along the other side of the instep; then knit the remaining 18 (18, 20, 20) stitches.
[ 64 (68, 72, 76) sts]

Commencing with a purl row, work 7 rows in stocking stitch.

1st row: k24 (26, 27, 29); sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k27 (29, 30, 32), sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2) k2tog, k3.
2nd and every alternate row: purl.
3rd row: k23 (25, 26, 28); sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k.25 (27, 28, 30), sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2) k2tog, k2.
5th row: k22 (24, 25, 27); sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k23 (25, 26, 28), sl1, k1, psso, k1 (1, 2, 2), k2tog, k1.
6th row: purl.
Cast off.


Using size 12 needles, cast on 132 (132, 136, 136) stitches and work 9 rows in k1/p1 rib.

Next row (increase row): rib 7 (7, 9, 9). * work twice into the next stitch, rib 2; repeat from * to the last 8 (8, 10, 10) stitches; work twice into the next stitch, rib 7 (7, 9, 9).
[172 (172, 176, 176) sts]

Change to size 10 needles and stocking stitch.
Work 20 (20, 24, 24) rows.

Shape Crown
1st decrease row: k8 (8, 6, 6), * k2tog, k9 (9, 7, 7); repeat from * to last 10 (10, 8, 8) stitches; k2tog, k8 (8, 6, 6).
[157 sts]
Work 5 rows straight.
2nd decrease row: * k9; k3tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
[131 sts]
Work 5 rows straight.
3rd decrease row: * k7; k3tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
[105 sts]
Work 5 rows straight.
4th decrease row: * k5; k3tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
[79 sts]
Work 5 rows straight.
5th decrease row: * k3; k3tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
[53 sts]
Work 5 rows straight.
6th decrease row: * k1; k3tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
[27 sts]
Work 3 rows straight.
Next row: k3tog all along the row. [9 sts]

Break off yarn, thread through remaining stitches, draw up and fasten off securely.

To Make Up

Sew in zip to left back raglan seam, then join the remainder of the seam.
Using a back stitch, join side and sleeve seams.

Using a back stitch, join the back, front, leg and foot seams.
Thread elastic through eyelet holes at the waist.

Using a flat stitch, join the seam.
Sew a pompon to the top of the crown.
To make a pompon, cut wool into 3 inch lengths; tie securely in the centre; fluff out and trim to shape.


4 ply yarn 25g balls:
Jumper: 3 (3, 4, 5)
Leggings: 4 (4, 5, 5)
Beret: 2 (2, 2, 2)

Pair each of No 12 (2¾mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.

4 inch zip fastener for jumper
Elastic for leggings waist


30sts and 38 rows to 4 inches

Size matters

Finished chest measurement:
19 (20, 21, 22) inches.


k: knit
p: purl
k2tog or p2tog: work two stitches together to decrease one stitch
k3tog: knit three stitches together to decrease two stitches
yfwd: yarn forward. Makes an extra stitch which forms a small pattern eyelet hole when knitted on the next row.
sl1: slip the next stitch
psso: pass the slipped stitch over, ("sl1, k1, psso" also known as "ssk")
stocking stitch: alternate Rows of knit and purl. (US= "stockinette")

A word on the wool.

Original yarn was a superwash wool. It appeared as 1 oz balls, then as per this pattern in 25g balls, and finally in 50g balls.

Possible yardage based on the 50g ball information is 93 yards (85 metres) to 25g.


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


December 2023

Well wrapped up


This is a pleasing and relatively simple set for a child, with a sweater and hat worked in a two-colour fair-isle pattern. To match, we have a plain coloured pair of mittens, and a simple pair of trousers - all in double knitting weight yarn.


Sweater Back and Front alike:

With No 10 (3¼mm) needles and MC, cast on 85 stitches.
Work 11 rows stocking stitch.
Knit 1 row (hemline).

Work 10 rows stocking stitch, beginning with a knit row. *
Change to No 9 needles, join in C, and work the pattern from the chart. Work the odd rows as knit, reading the chart from right to left, and repeating the 12 stitches before the dotted line to the last stitch, then k1 stitch beyond the dotted line. Work the even rows as purl, reading the chart from left to right, purling the first stitch (before dotted line), and then repeating the 12 stitches beyond dotted line to end.


Continue until 3 complete patterns have been worked (or until work measures 16 inches from hemline), ending with a purl row.
Break off C.
Work 4 rows stocking stitch with MC.

Shoulder Shaping: Cast off 8 stitches at the beginning of the next 6 rows. Purl 1 row (hemline). Work 6 rows in stocking stitch, beginning with a purl row, increasing 1 stitch at the beginning of every row. Cast off.


With No 10 needles and MC cast on 49 stitches.
Work as back to *.
Change to No 9 needles and pattern as for the back, increase 1 stitch at each end of the 5th and every following 6th row until there
are 61 stitches
Continue until the 26th row of the 2nd pattern has been worked (or until the sleeve measures 10 inches from the hemline).
Cast off 6 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
Cast off.

Trousers Right Leg:

Beginning at the ankle, with No 10 needles, and MC cast on 76 stitches. Work 7 rows in stocking stitch knit 1 row (hemline).
Change to No 9 needles and continue in stocking stitch until leg
measures 15 inches from hemline, ending with a purl row.
Continue straight, increasing 1 stitch at each end of next and every alternate row until there are 88 stitches.
Purl 1 row.
Mark each end of last row for the top of the leg.

Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the 5th and every following 6th row until 68 stitches remain. Continue until work measures 24½ inches from hemline *, ending with a knit row. **

Shape back by working short rows thus:
Purl 12; turn, knit to end.
Purl 24; turn, knit to end.
Purl 36; turn, knit to end.
Purl 48; turn, knit to end.
Next row: Purl across all stitches.

Change to No 10 needles and work 1 inch in k1/p1 rib.
Cast off in rib.

Trousers Left Leg:

Work as right leg to *, ending with a purl row.
Complete as right leg from ** but working knit instead of purl, and purl
instead of knit.


With No 10 needles and MC cast on 97 stitches.
Work 1 inch in k1/p1 rib, beginning the 2nd row p1.
Change to No 9 needles and pattern as for back of sweater until one complete pattern from the chart has been worked (or until work measures 5½ inches), ending with a purl row.
Break off C and continue with MC only.

Work 6 rows in stocking stitch, decreasing 1 stitch at the end of 1st row. [96 sts].

Shape top thus:
Next row: (k2tog, k6); repeat to end.
Purl 1 row.
Next row: (k2tog, k5); repeat to end.
Purl 1 row.
Next row: (k2tog, k4); repeat to end.
Purl 1 row.

Continue decreasing in this way on every alternate row until 24 stitches remain. Purl 1 row.
Next row: (k2tog); repeat to end. [12 sts]
Break off yarn, thread through remaining stitches, draw up and fasten off securely.

Mitts (make 2 alike):

With No 10 needles and MC cast on 39 stitches.
Work 2 inches rib as beginning of hat.
Change to No 9 needles and work 2 rows stocking stitch.
Shape Thumb thus:
Next row: k19, pick up loop that lies before next stitch and knit it through back loop (referred to as make 1), k1, m1, k19.
Purl 1 row.
Next row: k19, m1, k3, m1, k19.
Purl 1 row.
Continue to increase in this way, working 2 stitches more between the increases on every alternate row until there are 51 stitches
Purl 1 row.
Next row: k32; turn and cast on 1 stitch.
Next row: p14; turn and cast on 1 stitch.
Work 10 rows stocking stitch on these 15 stitches
Next row: (k2tog, k 1) 5 times.
Next row: (p2tog) 5 times.
Break off wool, thread through remaining stitches, draw up and
fasten off securely.
Join thumb seam.

With right side facing and 32 stitches on right hand needle, rejoin yarn at the base of the thumb; pick up and knit 2 stitches at the base of thumb, knit the 6 stitches to the end of the row end. [40 sts].
Work 2½ inches stocking stitch on these stitches, ending with a purl row.
Next row: (k1, k2tog, k14, k2togtbl, k1) twice.
Purl 1 row.
Next row: (k1, k2tog, k12, k2togtbl, k1) twice.
Purl 1 row.
Next row: ( k2tog) across row to end.
Cast off.

To Make Up

Press or block work.

Sweater: Join shoulder and neck facing seams.
Sew top of sleeves to sides, beginning and ending 5 inches from shoulder seam.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Turn in hems and catch-stitch in place.

Trousers: Join front and back seams.
Join leg seams.
Turn up hems and catch-stitch in place.
Join elastic in ring and attach to wrong side of waist with herringbone casing.

Hat: Join seam.
Make pompon and sew on top.

Mitts: Join seam.


Worked in a standard double knitting yarn (swatch as per tension given).

6 oz main colour, and 4 oz contrast.

2 oz main colour, and 1 oz contrast.

9 oz main colour.

2 oz main colour.

Pair each of No 9 (3¾mm), and
No 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Waist length of elastic.


26sts to 4 inches over fair-isle, 24sts over stocking stitch on 3¾mm needles.

Size matters

To fit 24 inch chest; length 16½ inches; sleeve: 10 inches.

Width around widest part 26 inches;
leg length 16½ inches.


k: knit
p: purl
k2tog: knit two stitches together to decrease one stitch
k2togtbl: knit two stitches together through back loops to decrease one stitch
p2tog: purl two stitches together to decrease one stitch
stocking stitch: alternate rows of knit and purl. (US= "stockinette")

MC = main colour
C = contrast


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

November 2023

Sparkling Party Frills for Fun


A fun top intended for a metallic yarn, and perfect for the party season. I find metallics a bit scratchy, but there are now quite a lot of sparkly fingering weight yarns for you to choose from. [Always check your tension... I know you do...]

Beautifully shaped sleeveless silver jumper with frill gathered on to deep round neckline.


Note: instructions are given for 3 sizes.

Back and Front alike:

With No 13 (2¼mm) needles cast on 112 / 120 / 128 stitches, and work 3 inches in k1/p1 rib.

Change to No 12 (2¾mm) needles and pattern:

1st row: knit.
2nd and every alternate row: purl.
3rd row: k3, (yfwd, k2togtbl, k6) repeat to end, finishing last repeat k3.
5th row: k1, (k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2togtbl, k3) repeat to end, ending last repeat k2.
7th row: as 3rd row.
9th row: knit
11th row: k7, (yfwd, k2togtbl, k6) repeat to last stitch, k1.
13th row: k5, (k2tog, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2togtbl, k3) repeat to last 3 stitches, k3.
15th row: as 11th row.
16th row: purl.

These 16 rows form the pattern.
Continue in pattern and increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 8th row until there are 128 / 136 / 144 stitches.
Then continue straight until work measures 12 inches, ending with a purl row.

Armhole Shaping: Cast off 4 / 5 / 6 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
Armhole Shaping:
Next row: k2tog, pattern 40, turn.
Continue on these stitches only, casting off 8 stitches at the beginning of the next and following 3 alternate rows; at the same time decreasing 1 stitch at the armhole edge on the next 7 rows.
Knit the last 2 stitches together and fasten off.

With right side facing, cast off the centre 28/ 32 / 36 stitches.
Complete to match the first side.

Frill (two pieces alike)

With No 12 needles and contrast edge colour, cast 168/ 184 / 200 stitches.
Work 3 rows stocking stitch.
Knit 1 row (hemline).
Work 4 rows stocking stitch.
Break off contrast edge colour, join on main colour, and repeat the
16 pattern rows of the main part twice, then repeat 1st to 8th rows once more.
Next row: k 0 / 1 / 2, * k2tog, k1; repeat from * to end.
Change to No 13 needles. Beginning with a purl row, work 4 rows stocking stitch, then knit 1 row (hemline).
Work 4 rows stocking stitch for the casing.
Cast off.

Making Up

Press lightly.
Join side seams.

Armhole Edgings: With right side facing, using No 13 needles, pick up and k32 / 36 / 40 stitches around the armhole edge.
Knit 1 row. Cast off

Join side edges of frill. Fold cast-on edge to wrong side at hemline and sew down, leaving an opening to insert elastic.
Stitch centre of each "side" of the frill to the entire neck shaping of back and front, leaving remainder free at each side to complete armholes.
Thread elastic through casing; adjust to fit and join ends. Close opening.


Fingering 3 ply weight metallic yarn:
8 / 8 / 9 x 25g balls in main colour, and 1 ball for the edging detail.

Pair each of No 12 (2¾mm), and No 13 (2¼mm) needles.


32sts to four inches

Size matters

To fit chest:
32 / 34 / 36 inches;
length: 18 / 18½ / 19 inches.


k: knit
p: purl
k2tog: knit two stitches together to decrease one stitch
k2togtbl: knit two stitches together through back loops to decrease one stitch [also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]
yfwd: yarn forward. Makes an extra stitch which forms a small pattern eyelet hole when knitted on the next row.
stocking stitch: alternate rows of knit and purl. (US= "stockinette")


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


A Word on the Wool.

The original yarn was Twilleys Goldfingering - available in 25g balls with a yardage of 100m (109yds), 80% Viscose 20% Metallised Polyester.
Although the Twilleys company wound up in 2007, Goldfingering is currently still fairly widely available - and in some rather inspiring colours. At time of writing, for example, the colour 05 silver is on special offer here, (the picture shows the colour "pewter" with edging in "ebony").

March 2023

Green is the colour...


Celebrate St Patrick's Day in style in this emerald sweater with unusual cable pattern.


Instructions are (unusually for this era) given for only one medium/small size.
This is originally a French pattern, and before you begin, I recommend you read through the instructions thoroughly, and refer to the photographs, in order to understand how the pattern progresses.

Vertical cable stitch:

Editors note: You begin working the diagonal pattern, and then gradually move to this vertical cable. So these instructions are incorporated into the diagonal pattern below.

Made over 4 stitches in stocking stitch:
On every 6th row, make a cable by slipping the first 2 stitches on to the cable needle to the back of work, knitting the next 2 stitches, then knitting the 2 stitches from cable needle.

Diagonal pattern stitch:

1st row: Cast on 1 stitch, (edge stitch) then, * p6, k1, increase 1 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p6.
Cast cast on 1 stitch (edge stitch)
2nd and every even numbered row: k1, (edge stitch); purl to the last stitch, k1, (edge stitch).
3rd row: k1, (edge stitch); * p5, slip the next 2 stitches on to the cable needle to the back of work: knit the next 2 stitches, then knit the 2 stitches from the cable needle; repeat from * to *, ending row with p6, k1 (edge stitch).
5th row: knit twice into the first stitch, * p4, Cross5 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p6, knit twice into the last stitch.
7th row: k1 (edge stitch), * p4, Cross5 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p4, k1, p3, k1.
9th row: k1, p3, * Cross the Cable by slipping 3 stitches on to the cable needle, place to the back of the work, k2, then k2, p1 from cable needle; p4 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with k2, p3, k1.
11th row: k1, p2, * Cross5, p4 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with k3, p3, k1.
13th row: k1, p1, * Cross5, p4 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with k4, p3, k1.
15th row: k1, * Cross the Cable as in the 9th row, p4 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p5, then a vertical cable on the next 4 stitches, p3, k1.
17th row: k1, slip 1 stitch on to the cable needle to the back of the work, k3, then purl the stitch from the cable needle, * p4, Cross5 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p6, k4, p3, k1.
19th row: k1, slip 1 stitch on to the cable needle to the back of the work, k2, then purl the stitch from the cable needle, * p4, Cross5 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p7, k4, p3, k1.
21st row: k1, slip 1 stitch on to the cable needle to the back of the work, k1, then purl the stitch from the cable needle, * p4, Cross the Cable as in the 9th row *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p8, then a vertical cable on the next 4 stitches, p3, k1.
23rd row: k1, p5, * Cross5, p4 *; repeat from * to *, ending row with p9, k4, p3, k1.
25th row: k1 (edge stitch), * p4, Cross5 *; repeat from * to *, ending after the last oblique cable with p4, k1, p5, k4, p3, k1. This marks the beginning of a new vertical cable at 5 stitches from the first vertical cable as on the 7th row. Continue thus, forming new vertical cables in the same way as the work proceeds, with the oblique cables petering out at the right side edge.


With No 9 (3¾mm) needles, cast on 94 stitches and work in k2, p2 rib (beginning first row p2), for 4 inches .
Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and work in pattern (109 stitches at the completion of the 5th row).
When the work measures 11½ inches from the top of the ribbing,
Shape the Armholes,by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows; 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows; and 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 6 rows.

Continue to work in pattern until the work measures 15½ inches from the top of the ribbing, then Shape the Neck by casting off the centre 21 stitches, and then finish each side separately.
At the neck edge on alternate rows, cast off 4 stitches once, 2 stitches once, and 1 stitch 3 times. Continue to work in pattern until the armhole measures 7½ inches then Shape the Shoulders:
at the armhole edge on alternate rows, cast off 6 stitches 4 times.


With No 9 (3¾mm) needles, cast on 94 stitches and work in k2, p2 rib (beginning first row p2), for 4 inches .
Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and work in pattern, omitting to to work the increase at each side edge on the 1st and 5th rows, so at the completion of the 5th row there are 105 stitches on the needle.
Begin the 1st row with k1 (edge stitch), p5, k1, increase 1 etc...
and end it with p5, k1 (edge stitch).
Begin the 3rd row with k1 (edge stitch), p4, then cross the stitches, and end with p5, k1 (edge stitch)
Begin the 5th row with with k1 (edge stitch), p3, and end it with p5, k1 (edge stitch).

Continue the pattern, working 2 stitches fewer at the beginning and end of rows.

When the work measures 11½ inches from the top of the ribbing,
Shape the Armholes,by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows; 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows; and 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 4 rows.

When the work measures 18 inches from the top of the ribbing,
Shape the Neck, by casting off the centre 23 stitches, and then finish each side separately.
At the neck edge on alternate rows, cast off 4 stitches once, 2 stitches twice, and at the same time Shape the Shoulders:
at the armhole edge on alternate rows, by casting off 6 stitches 4 times.


With No 11 (3mm) needles, cast on 48 stitches and work in k2, p2 rib for 4½ inches.

Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and work in garter stitch (every row knitted), increasing 1 stitch at each end of every 16th row 6 times.

When the work measures 13 inches from the top of the ribbing,
Shape Top, by casting off 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 10 rows.
Then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the following 4th rows twice.
Then cast off 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 28 rows, 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, and finally cast off the remaining 14 stitches.


With the No 11 (3mm) needles, cast on 110 stitches, and work in garter stitch for 3 rows. Cast off.

To Make Up:

Sew up the side and shoulder seams.
Sew the sleeve seams and set in the sleeves.
Join the neckband into a ring and sew it around the neck edge.
Press seams lightly.


Double Knitting: 8 x 50g (synthetic fibre = 1000 metres)

A pair each No 8 (4mm), No 9 (3¾mm) and No 11 (3mm) needles.
A cable needle.


23 sts x 48 rows to 4 inches.

Size matters

To fit 34 inch bust.


k2tog: decrease by knitting 2 stitches together.

Cross5: slip 1 stitch on to the cable needle, place at back of work, k4, then purl the stitch from the cable needle.

increase: increase by knitting twice into the next stitch.

decrease: decrease by working 2 stitches together.

stocking stitch: knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side (aka stockinette).


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

February 2023

Highland Harmony


A fairly timeless design for a man's Fair-Isle sweater in lovely muted shades of Shetland wool. As I love this kind of colourwork, and I love men's fashions, it's definitely a hit with me - a lovely gift for a (very) deserving man...


The pullover is given in one (medium man's) size and is worked using the Fair-Isle technique, with colours not in use stranded loosely across back of work.


The charts are included with the pattern instructions below, but for a larger version of the charts you can right click on the icon below and choose "save link as" or "save target as" (browser dependent options) to download and save a pdf file.


Using No 12 (2¾mm) needles and main shade yarn cast on 175 stitches, and work 3 inches in k1/p1 rib.

Change to No 11 (3mm) needles, and work 2 rows in stocking stitch.

Continue in stocking stitch, working the pattern from the chart thus: reading knit rows from right to left and purl rows from left to right. Work the 87 pattern stitch repeat twice across.



Continue working rows from the chart until the 12th row of the 4th pattern repeat has been completed. **

Armhole shaping: cast off 13 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Continue straight until the 18th row of the 6th pattern repeat has been completed.
Cast off.


Work as for the back until **.

Armhole and neck Shaping:
Next row: cast off 13, pattern 74. Turn.
Purl back in pattern.
Continue on these 75 stitches only.
Next row: knit in pattern to last 4 stitches; k2tog, k2.
Next row: purl in pattern.

Repeat the last 2 rows until 61 stitches remain, then decrease in the same way at the neck edge on every 4th row until 52 stitches remain.
Work 7 rows.
Cast off.

Join wool to inner (neck) edge of the remaining stitches.
Cast off 1 stitch, and complete to match the first side, working "sl1, k1, psso" instead of k2tog for the neck shaping.


Begin at the top of the sleeve.

Using No 11 (3mm) needles and main shade yarn cast on 135 stitches. Knit one row.

Beginning with the 16th row of the chart (a purl row worked from left to right), work thus:
Work 1 stitch to the right of the dotted line, work the (next 6 stitches) 5 times, work the last stitch.


Continue in pattern as set, decreasing 1 stitch at each end of every 5th row until 87 stitches remain.
Continue straight until 4 complete patterns have been worked.
Work the first 3 rows again.

Continue with main shade only and work 3 rows in stocking stitch.

Change to No 12 (2¾mm) needles and work 3 inches in rib as for the back. Cast off ribwise.


Join right shoulder seam.

Using No 12 (2¾mm) needles and main shade, pick up and knit 54 stitches down left front neck, 1 stitch from centre front, 54 stitches up right front neck, and 50 stitches across back neck. [159 sts]

Work 10 rows k1/p1 rib, decreasing 1 stitch each side of the centre front stitch on every row, then work 10 rows k1/p1 rib, increasing 1 stitch each side of the centre front stitch on every row.
Cast off ribwise.

To Make Up

Press parts lightly under a damp cloth.
Join the left shoulder and neckband seams.
Set in sleeves, joining 1½ inches of the sides of the sleeves to the cast off groups at the armhole.
Join the side and sleeve seams.
Fold the neckband in half to the wrong side and catch stitch in place.


Shetland 2 ply jumper weight (fingering yarn):
7 x 1oz balls in main shade plus 1 oz each in 9 contrast colours: green, grey/brown (light and dark), pink, yellow (light and dark), moss green, mauve, white.

A pair each No 11 (3mm) and No 12 (2¾mm) needles.


32sts x 32 rows to 4 inches over Fair Isle stitch.
[This is basically a 4 ply equivalent]

Size matters

Chest to fit one size: 40-42 inches.
Length: 25½ inches.
Sleeve: 20½ inches.


k2tog/p2tog: decrease by knitting/purling 2 sts together.

stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").

A word on the wool

Original yarn "Real Shetland Knitting Wool 2 ply jumper weight" stated as available from a supplier in Edinburgh is likely to be the 2 ply jumper weight from Jamieson and Smith. It's a 4 ply equivalent specifically designed for Fair Isle knitting, and is available in 25g balls from a number of different suppliers in an extensive range of colours.
Editors note: Sadly you have to pay somewhat more than the 19p price per ball quoted for the original yarn in the 1970s!


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

November 2022

Long Tall Sally (with her beau)


Lovable leggy dolls in their fashionable trouser suits - knitted with sewn-on felt features.


The basic dolls are identical, differing only in hair and clothing.

Girl Doll - head (2 pieces alike):

With No 11 needles and flesh colour, cast on 12 stitches.
Working in stocking stitch, increase 1 stitch at each end of the next 9 rows, then increase stitch each end of the following 5 alternate rows. Then, increase 1 stitch each end of every 3rd row until there are 46 stitches.
Work 15 rows straight.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every 3rd row
until 40 stitches remain.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the following 5 alternate rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 12 stitches remain. Cast off.

Make a second piece the same and join together, leaving cast-on edges open.
Stuff firmly.

Girl Doll - body (2 pieces alike):

With No 11 needles and flesh colour, cast on 24 stitches.
Work 22 rows stocking stitch.
Then, decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next row.
Work 5 rows straight.
Increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and every 5th row until there are 32 stitches.
Work 5 rows straight.
Cast off 7 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the following 3 alternate rows.
Work 3 rows straight.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next row.
Work 17 rows straight.
Cast off.

Make a second piece the same and join together, leaving cast-off edges open.
Stuff firmly and sew to head opening.

Girl Doll - legs (make 2):

With No 11 needles and flesh colour, cast on 38 stitches.
Work 10 rows stocking stitch.

Next Row: k14, k2tog, k6, k2togtbl, k14.
Next Row: p13, p2togtbl, p6, p2tog, p13.
Continue decreasing as set on every row, working 1 stitch less at the beginning and end of the rows until 26 stitches remain.

Continue straight until work measures 12 inches.
Cast off.

Join back and foot seams.
Stuff; close opening and sew to body.

Girl Doll - arms (make 2):

With No 11 needles and flesh colour, cast on 25 stitches.
Work in stocking stitch until work measures 7 inches, ending after a purl row.

Next Row: k1, (m1, k11, m1, k1) twice.
Purl one row.
Next Row: k1, (m1, k13, m1, k1) twice.
Purl one row.
Next Row: k1, (m1, k15, m1, k1) twice.

Work 11 rows straight.
Next Row: k1, (k2togtbl, k13, k2tog, k1) twice.
Next Row: p1, (p2tog, p11, p2togtbl, p1) twice.

Continue to decrease as set on the next 4 rows.
Cast off.

Join side and hand seams.
Stuff; close opening and sew to body.

Girl Doll - hair:

Cut brown yarn in 36 inch lengths. With centre of strands of yarn at centre of head, arrange evenly over head from front hairline to nape of neck, backstitching securely over centre for parting.
Smooth down to ear level, catch down, then plait ends, tie and trim.

Girl Doll - features:

Cut oval sections, as given in the diagram, for eyes, (white felt); centres (black), mouth (red); sew on as shown in picture.

Girl Doll - jumper:

BACK: With No 9 needles and Red yarn, cast on 48 stitches.
Work 4 rows in k1/p1 rib. Break off red yarn, and join in Navy yarn.

** Continue in stocking-stitch until work measures 3¼ inches, ending with a purl row.

Next Row (make back opening): k26; turn.
Next Row: k4, purl to end.
Next Row: knit.
Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 5¼ inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape the armhole by casting off 3 stitches at the armhole edge on the next 3 rows.
Continue until work measures 8 inches.
Cast off.

Rejoin yarn to the inner edge of the remaining stitches, cast on 4 stitches, and complete to match the other side.

FRONT: Work exactly as for BACK as far as *.
Continue in stocking stitch until work measures 5¼ inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape armholes by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then k2tog at each end of the next 3 rows.

Neck shaping:
Next Row: k12; turn.
Decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 3 rows.
Cast off.

Slip the centre 12 stitches on to a stitch holder and work the other side of the neck to match.

SLEEVES: With No 9 needles and Red yarn, cast on 40 stitches, and work as for the BACK up to *.

Continue in stocking stitch, until work measures 2 inches, ending with a purl row.
To shape the top, cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then k2tog at the beginning of every row until 22 stitches remain.
Cast off.

NECKBAND: Join the shoulder seams.
With No 9 needles and Red yarn, starting and the centre back, pick up and knit 48 stitches around the neck, including the stitches on the holder.
Rib 3 rows, and cast off loosely in rib.

Set in the sleeves.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Sew on 3 press studs down the back opening.

CHERRIES: Cut two circles in red felt - about the size of a 1p piece. Sew on and embroider stems with white yarn as shown in the photo.

Girl Doll - trousers:

LEGS (2 pieces alike): With No 9 needles and Red yarn, cast on 42 stitches. Work in stocking stitch, until work measures 8 inches, ending with a purl row.

Increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and following 4th row.
Work 3 rows.
Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 3 rows.
Continue in stocking stitch, until work measures 12½ inches.
Cast off.

Make a second leg the same.

Join front and back seams.
Join leg seams.
Turn up ½ inch hems to right side on legs and catch stitch in place.
Turn in ½ inch hem at waist, enclosing a ring of elastic, and catch stitch in place.

Girl Doll - socks:

With No 9 needles and Green yarn, cast on 46 stitches.
Work 10 rows in stocking stitch.

Next Row: k17, k2tog, k8, k2togtbl, k17.
Next Row: p16, p2togtbl, p8, p2tog, p16.

Working in stripes of 2 rows Red, and and 2 rows Green, continue decreasing as set until 32 stitches remain.
Pattern 13 rows.
Still working in stripes, knit 1 row, then rib 3 rows, and cast off in rib.
Join leg and foot seam.

Girl Doll - shoes:

Cut out 4 upper sections and 2 soles from red felt, using the pattern given in the diagram.
Join heel and toe seams.
Sew the lower edge of the upper around the sole.

Boy Doll - head, body, legs, and arms:

Work exactly as for GIRL doll.

Boy Doll - hair:

Using a darning needle and 2 strands of dark brown yarn, work around hair line, then then fill centre thus:
Wind the yarn three times around 2 fingers of your left hand and back stitch these loops to the head. Stitch the next 3 loops close to the previous loops, and continue in this way, covering the head densely.

Boy Doll - features:

Exactly as the GIRL doll.

Boy Doll - jumper:

BACK: With No 9 needles and Blue yarn, cast on 48 stitches.
Work 8 rows in stocking-stitch.
Join in Light Blue yarn, and work 2 rows, then break off Light Blue.
Continue in Blue. ***

Complete the back as for the GIRL doll's jumper, starting from **.

FRONT: Work exactly as for BACK (above) as far as ***.
Then continue to work as for the GIRL's jumper as far as **.

Shape armholes by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then k2tog at each end of the next 3 rows.

Neck shaping:
Next Row (wrong side facing): p16; turn.
Next Row: k2, k2tog, knit to end.
Repeat the last 2 rows until 10 stitches remain.
Work 1 row.
Cast off.

Rejoin the yarn to the inner edge of the remaining stitches, and work the other side to match, working k2togtbl, instead of k2tog.

SLEEVES: With No 9 needles and Blue yarn, cast on 40 stitches, and work as for the (Boy's) BACK up to ***.

Continue in stocking stitch, until work measures 2½ inches, ending with a purl row.
To shape the top, cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then k2tog at the beginning of every row until 22 stitches remain.
Cast off.

With No 9 needles and Blue yarn, cast on 3 stitches.
Work 2 rows in stocking stitch.
Working in stripes of 2 rows Light Blue and 2 rows Blue, increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following alternate row until there are 15 stitches.
Cast off knitwise.

With No 9 needles and Blue yarn, cast on 36 stitches.
Working 1 stitch knit at each end of ever purl row, work as for the (Boy's) BACK up to ***.
Work 13 rows straight.
Next Row: k1, p11, cast off knitwise the next 12 stitches, purl to the last stitch, k1.

Continue on these stitches only.
Still working the garter stitch edge as set, decrease 1 stitch at each end of the 3rd and every following 4th row until 2 stitches remain.
Knit 3 rows.
K2tog and fasten off.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to inner edge of remaining stitches, and work other side to match.

Join shoulders.
Sew in inset.
Sew press studs to collar to points to fasten at centre front.
Sew on 3 press studs down the back opening.
Set in sleeves.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Turn under ½ inch hems at lower edge, collar and sleeves and catch stitch in place.

Boy Doll - trousers:

Work as for the GIRL doll's trousers but using Blue yarn, and turning all the hems to the wrong side.

Boy Doll - boots:

Cut out 4 upper sections and 2 soles from white felt, using the pattern given in the diagram.
Cut 4 circles in red felt about the size of a 10p piece, and sew on each side of the heel for decoration, as shown.
Join heel and toe seams of uppers, and sew around sole.
With white thread, work stitching line as shown by broken line.
Pierce eyelet holes and lace with Blue yarn.


Double knitting yarn in 20g balls:

Girl Doll:
• 6 balls in flesh colour;
• 4 balls in red;
• 4 balls in brown;
• 3 balls navy, and
• 1 ball in lime green.
• One 6-inch square of red felt and scraps of white and black felt for shoes, cherries and features.
• 3 press studs and a waist length of elastic.

Boy Doll:.
• 6 balls in dark blue;
• 4 balls dark brown;
• 1 ball in light blue.
• One 6-inch square of white felt and scraps of red and black felt for boots and features.
• 5 press studs and a waist length of elastic.

• A pair each of Nos 11 (3mm) and 9 (3¾mm) knitting needles
• Stuffing for each doll.


28sts x 36 rows to 4 inches on No 11 needles.
24sts x 32 rows to 4 inches on No 9 needles.

Size matters

Height 24 inches.


m1: make 1 stitch by picking up the strand of yarn before the next stitch and knit into the back of it
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together
k2togtbl: knit 2 stitches together through back loops (also known as ssk - "slip, slip, knit")
p2tog: purl 2 sts together
p2togtbl: purl 2 sts together through back loops

A Word
on the Wool.

The original yarn was a courtelle bri-nylon standard double knitting.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

Pattern Diagram

This is the pattern for the felt pieces used for the features, shoes, and boots.
It is mapped on to a grid of 1 inch squares, (subdivided into eighths), originally designed for you to draw it out yourself on to a grid of 1 inch squares. You can download pdf files of printable graph paper from the web - you need 8 lines to the inch.

September 2022

Pop Socks


These socks are made using 2 needles, with one main colour and 4 contrasts. Of course, you can have as many contrasts as you like, and it would be good for using up lots of bright leftovers yarns; however it's always good to have a consistent main colour to tie it all together.
Alternatively you could easily substitute a suitably cheerful self-striping yarn either for the contrast stripes, or used plain throughout, allowing it to do its thing.
whatever you choose, complete the look with clogs*.
Just the thing to jazz up your jeans. Make them with or without toes — and the brighter the better!

* note: if you knit separate toes, it might be a bit overcrowded in clogs...


The socks are worked on two needles.

Right Leg


Using No 11 needles and colour A, cast on 80 stitches.
1st row (right side facing): p1, * k2, p2, repeat from * to last 3 stitches, k2, p1.
2nd row: k1, * p2, k2, repeat from * to last 3 stitches, p2, k1.
Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 2 inches (5cm) from the start, ending with a wrong side row.

Join in colour B. Beginning with a knit row, continue in stocking stitch, (1 row knit, 1 row purl), working in striped sequence of 4 rows B, 2 rows A, 4 rows C, 2 rows A, 4 rows D, 2 rows A, 4 rows E and 2 rows A throughout.
Continue in pattern until work measures 5 inches (12½cm) from the start, ending with a purl row.

Shape leg:

Next row: k1, sl1, k1, psso; knit to the last 3 stitches k2tog, k1.

Keeping striped sequence correct. Continue in this way, decreasing 1 stitch at each end of every following 6th row until 60 stitches remain.
Continue without shaping until work measures 13½ inches (34½ cm)
from the start, or required length, ending with a wrong side row.

Divide for heel and instep

With right side of work facing, slip the first 15 stitches on to a stitch holder for the heel.
Keeping the striped sequence correct, knit the next 30 stitches for the instep; turn; slip the last 15 stitches on to a stitch holder for the other side of the heel.


Work 6½ inches (16½cm) in the striped sequence for the instep, ending with 2 rows in colour A (wrong side row).

Editor's note: Now you need to decide if you want "normal" socks, or socks with separate toes - useful for bar-toe sandals! - and if you are knitting toes then you leave the stitches on a stitch holder at this point while you continue to knit the heel.

Shape instep top without toes ("normal" sock)

Next row: Using colour A throughout, k1,sl1, psso; knit to the last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
Next row: purl to end.
Repeat the last 2 rows until 10 stitches remain.
Cast off.

Version including toes

Break off yarn and leave the stitches on a holder while you continue with the instructions to shape the heel.

Shape heel

Editor's note: heel shaping instructions for both versions of sock, with or without toes.

Slip the 30 stitches you previously left on holders on to the needle, placing the outside edges together in the middle.
Editor's note: you have curled the edges of the sock round to form a tube shape - but you continue to knit the heel just on these 30 stitches, back and forth using 2 needles.

Using colour A and with right side of work facing, shape the heel, working short rows as follows:

1st row (right side facing): sl1 knitwise, k28. Turn.
2nd row: sl1 purlwise, p27. Turn.
3rd row: sl1 knitwise, k26. Turn.
4th row: sl1 purlwise, p25. Turn.

Continue in this way, working one stitch less on every row until you have worked the row: "sl1 purlwise, p13. Turn." has been completed, leaving 8 stitches unworked at each side.

Next row: sl1 knitwise, k13. Pick up the loop lying between
the needles and knit it together with the next stitch. Turn.
Next row: sl1 purlwise, p14. Pick up the loop lying between
the needles and purl it together with the next stitch. Turn.

Continue working one more stitch on every row until you have picked up all the stitches and there are 30 stitches.
Matching the striped sequence with that on the instep, knit the sole by continuing in stocking stitch without shaping until the sole measures the same as the instep.

Shape sole top without toes ("normal" sock)

Shape the top by working exactly the same as for the instep shaping.


Version including toes

Having completed the heel, return to the instep stitches that you left on a holder.

Big toe:

Next row: Using colour A, knit across instep stitches, then knit 10 stitches from the sole. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches.
Next row: purl 22 stitches. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches. [24 sts]

Using A throughout, and working on these 24 stitches, work 16 rows in stocking stitch.

Shape top:
1st row: k2tog all across the row.
2nd row: purl to end.
3rd row: work as for 1st row.
Break off yarn and thread it through the remaining stitches; draw up and fasten off.
Join seam to base of toe.

Second toe

With right side of work facing, using the right hand needle and colour B, pick up 3 stitches at the base of the big toe. K5 stitches. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches.
Next row: p15. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches. [17 sts]

Using B throughout, and working on these 17 stitches, work 14 rows in stocking stitch.

Shape top:
1st row: k2tog all across the row to last stitch; k1.
2nd row: purl to end.
3rd row: work as for 1st row.
Break off yarn and thread it through the remaining stitches; draw up and fasten off.
Join seam to base of toe.

Third toe

With right side of work facing, using the right hand needle and colour C, pick up 3 stitches at the base of the second toe.
K5 stitches, turn, and cast on 2 stitches.
Next row: p15. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches. [17 sts]

Using C throughout, and working on these 17 stitches, work 12 rows in stocking stitch.
Complete the third toe shaping as given for second toe.

Fourth toe

With right side of work facing, using the right hand needle and colour D, pick up 3 stitches at the base of the third toe. K4 stitches. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches.
Next row: p13, turn, and cast on 2 stitches. [15 sts]

Using D throughout, and working on these 15 stitches, work 12 rows in stocking stitch.

Shape top:
1st row: k2tog all across the row to last stitch; k1.
2nd row: purl to end.
3rd row: k2tog all across the row.
Break off yarn and thread it through the remaining stitches; draw up and fasten off.
Join seam to base of toe.

Little toe

With right side of work facing, using the right hand needle and colour E, pick up 3 stitches at the base of the fourth toe. Knit to end. Turn.
Next row: purl to end. [15 sts]

Using E throughout, and working on these 15 stitches, work 10 rows in stocking stitch.
Complete the little toe shaping as given for the fourth toe.

Left Leg

Work as for right leg from ** to **.
This completes the version without separate toes.

Version including toes

Set the position of the toes for the left foot as follows:

Big toe:

Next row: Using colour A, knit across the sole stitches, then knit 10 stitches from the instep. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches.
Next row: purl 22 stitches. Turn, and cast on 2 stitches. [24 sts]

Complete the big, second, third, fourth, and little toes, as given for the right leg.

Making up

Omitting ribbing, press parts lightly under a damp cloth with
a warm iron.
Sew seams down back of leg, and on each side of the sole, using a flat seam technique (not mattress stitch for example).
Sew in all ends.
Press seams lightly.


3 x 25g balls of 4 ply yarn in main shade (A) and 1 ball in each of 4 contrast colours (B, C, D, and E).

One pair of No 11 (3mm) needles.
Stitch holders.


30 sts x 40 rows to 4 inches over stocking stitch on No 11 (3mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit and "average" adult foot: 9/9½ inches (23/24cm). Length from top of heel: 13½ inches (34½ cm).


sl1: slip the next stitch
psso: pass the slipped stitch over, ("sl1, k1, psso" also known as "ssk")

k2tog or p2tog: work 2 sts together to decrease.

A Word on the Wool.

Original yarn was a superwash 4ply. These days there is a huge choice of wool for socks, but I would recommend some nylon content.

Disclaimer (well...almost)

In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading. If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

August 2022

Roll up for a string shopper


Fun to make, this was a common type of reusable shopping bag before the days of the ubiquitous little nylon fold-up bags. It easily rolls up to keep in a handbag or purse, and is more useful than ever now in eliminating single-use plastics.


The bag can be made in either of 2 sizes. Both designs are worked from the same instructions and the figures in brackets [ ] refer to the smaller bag where applicable.
[Editor's note: So the size difference is just the difference in tension from reducing the thread thickness and size of hook.]

Base - first section:

Using 1¾mm [1¼mm] hook make 5 chain and join with a ss to the first ch to form ring.
1st round: 3ch, (counts as first treble), 13tr into circle. Join with a slip stitch into 3rd of first 3ch. {14tr}
2nd round: ss into space before next tr, 3ch, (counts as first treble), 1tr into same place as ss, * 2tr into next stitch, repeat from * to end.
Join with a ss to 3rd of first 3ch.
3rd round: ss into sp before next tr, 3ch, 1tr into same place as ss (called increase 1) * 1tr into each of the next 3 sps, 2tr into next sp (called increase 1), repeat from * omitting the increase at the end of the last repeat.
Join with a ss into 3rd of 3ch.
4th - 6th rounds: ss into sp before next tr, 3ch, 1tr into same place as last ss, * 1tr into each sp to within next increase, 2tr into next increase, repeat from * to end, omitting the increase at the end of the last repeat.
Join with a ss to 3rd of first 3ch.
7th round: ss into sp before next tr, 3ch, 1tr into same place as last ss, * 1tr into each of next 3 sps, increase in next sp, rep from * to end, omitting the increase at the end of the last repeat.
Join with a ss into 3rd of first 3ch.
8th - 9th rounds: As 4th.
10th round: ss into sp before next tr, 3ch, 1tr into same place as last ss, * 1tr into each of next 13 sps, increase over next increase, repeat from * to end, omitting the increase at the end of the last repeat.
Join with a ss to 3rd of 3ch. Fasten off.

Base - second section:

Using 1¾mm [1¼mm] hook, rejoin yarn through elastic band, 3ch to form first tr, work 48 tr over band.
Join with a ss to 3rd of first 3ch.
2nd round: ss into sp before next tr, 3ch, 1tr into same place as last ss, * 1 tr into each of next 6 sps, increase in next sp, repeat from * to end, omitting the increase at the end of the last repeat.
Join with a ss into 3rd of 3ch.
3rd - 6th rounds: As 7th - 10th rounds of the first section.
Do not fasten off.

Main section

1st round: Place both sections together and join by working through both sections at the same time, 1dc into sp before next tr, * 1dc into each of next 2 sps, 9ch, 1dc into each of next 4 sps, 9ch, 1dc into next sp; repeat from * to end, omitting 9ch and 1dc at the end of the last repeat, 3ch, 1trtr into first dc.
2nd round: 3ch, 2tr into the loop just made, * 7ch, 3tr into next loop, repeat from * to end, ending with 3ch, 1dtr into 3rd of first 3ch.
Repeat the last round 28 times more.

Top band

1st round: 4dc into loop just made, * 4ch, 4dc into next loop, repeat from * ending with 4ch, ss into first dc.
2nd round: 3ch, 1tr into each of the next 3dc, * 4tr into next sp, 1tr into each of next 4dc, repeat from * to end, omitting 4tr at the end of the last repeat.
Join with a ss to 3rd of first 3ch.
3rd round: 3ch, 1tr into each tr.
Join with a ss to 3rd of first 3ch.
4th round: As 3rd.
5th round: 1dc into same place as ss, 1dc into each tr.
Join with a ss to first dc.
Fasten off.

Handle (make 2)

Using 1¾mm [1¼mm] hook, make 9ch.
1st row: Into 2nd ch from hook work 1dc, 1dc into each ch to end.
2nd row: 3ch (counts as first tr), miss first dc, 1tr into each dc to end.
3rd row: 1ch, 1dc into each tr to end.
Repeat the last 2 rows 33 times more.
Do not turn at end of last row.
Work 1 row dc all round handle.
Join with a ss to first dc.

To make up

Damp and pin out to size.
Leave to dry.
Sew handles to top band on WS.


Large bag: 4 x 20g balls No 10 crochet cotton.
A 1¾ mm crochet hook.

Small bag: 2 x 25g balls No 20 crochet cotton.
A 1¼ mm crochet hook.

Elastic band or shirring elastic in a circle.


Large bag: 8sts and 4 rows to 1 inch over trebles worked on 1¾ mm crochet hook.

Small bag: 11sts and 5 rows to 1 inch over trebles worked on 1¼ mm crochet hook.

Size matters

Large bag: will carry 15lb (7 kilo)

Small bag: will carry 6½lb (3 kilo)


ch: chain
dc: double crochet
tr: treble
dtr: double treble
trtr: triple treble
ss: slip stitch
sp: space

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.

A Word on the Wool

Nos 10 and 20 crochet cotton are fairly standard and easy to obtain.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

April 2022

Colour Pop Cushions


These crochet cushion covers are really easy (and quick) to make in double knitting yarn, and would be good for a beginner if you fancy them. They are so simple that an experienced crocheter could no doubt make them without a pattern. However, although simple, they are a good example of creating an effect purely through the use of colour - if you want them to really pop, use opposites on the colour wheel (turquoise/tangerine, purple/yellow] - or you can dial it right down and use natural sheep colours. As the size and therefore tension for cushion covers is pretty adaptable, it could provide a useful project for handspun, - or you could use up any bright knitting oddments for a colourful designer effect, (as controversially favoured by our current colourful prime minister).


Basic instructions for 4 cushions as illustrated.
[Editor's note: The patchwork square will give you the most practice with the various stitches, and the plain square is the simplest (but less interesting!).]

Chevron cushion

Using B, make 68 chain.

Foundation row: using B, 1 tr in 4th ch from hook, 1 tr in each of next 6 ch, (decrease 2, 1 tr in each of next 6 ch, 3 tr in next ch, 1 tr in each of next 6 ch) 3 times, decrease 2, 1 tr in each of next 6 ch, 2 tr in last ch. [65 sts - 3 ch at start of row counts as 1 stitch]

Joining in colours as required, work in pattern as follows:

1st row: using B, 3 ch, 1 tr in first stitch, 1 tr in each of the next 6 stitches, (decrease 2, 1 tr in each of the next 6 stitches, 3 tr in the next stitch, 1 tr in each of next 6 stitches) 3 times, decrease 2, 1 tr in each of the next 6 stitches, 2 tr in top of 3 ch
2nd and 3rd rows: in G as 1st row.
4th and 5th rows: in Y as 1st row.
6th row: in B as 1st row.

These 6 rows form the pattern.
Repeat them 8 times more, then the 1st - 5th rows again.
Fasten off.

Making up the chevron cushion

Join starting and finishing edges using a flat seam.
Join 1 side edge. Slip in pad, and join remaining side.

Patchwork cushion

Make 2 of each of the following squares:

First Square (wide stripes):

Using B, make 33 chain.
Foundation row: 1 tr in 4th ch from hook, 1 tr in each remaining chain. [31 sts]
Next row: 3 ch, miss first stitch, 1 tr in each remaining stitch.

Continue repeating last row, working 1 row more in B, then 3 rows G, 3 rows Y, 3 rows B, 3 rows G, 3 rows Y: 18 rows in all.
Fasten off.

Second Square (mitred corner):

Work 18 rows as for first square, but working 1 row B, 1 row G, 1 row Y.

Third Square (wide stripes):

Using Y, make 4 chain.
Foundation row: Using Y, (1 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr), all 4th ch from hook.

1st row: Using Y, 3 ch, (3 tr, 1 ch 3 tr) all chain space, 1 tr in top of 3 starting chain. [3 ch counts as 1 stitch, 3 tr forms a group]

2nd row: Using G, 3 ch, 1 tr in space between first stitch and next group, (1 group, 1 ch, 1 group) in chain space, 2 tr in space between last group and 3 ch.
[2 groups with ch space at centre and half a group at each end.]

3rd row: Using G, 3 ch, 1 group in space between half group and next group, (1 group, 1 ch, 1 group) in chain space, 1 group in space between group and half group, 1 tr in top of 3 chain.
[4 groups with 3 ch and tr at each end.]

4th row: Using B, 3 ch, 1 tr in space between first stitch and group, 1 group in next space between 2 groups, (1 group, 1 ch, 1 group) in chain space, 1 group in next space between 2 groups, 2 tr in space between last group and 3 ch.
[4 groups half a group at each end.]

5th row: Using B, 3 ch, 1 group in space between half group and group, 1 group in next space between 2 groups, (1 group, 1 ch, 1 group) in chain space, 1 group in next space between 2 groups, 1 group in space between group and half group, 1 tr in top of 3 chain.
[6 groups.]

6th row: Using Y, 3 ch, 1 tr in space between first stitch and group, 1 group in each space between 2 groups, (1 group, 1 ch, 1 group) in chain space, 1 group in each space between 2 groups, 2 tr in space between last group and 3 ch.

7th row: Using Y, 3 ch, 1 group in space between half group and group, 1 group in each space between 2 groups, (1 group, 1 ch, 1 group) in chain space, 1 group in each space between 2 groups, 1 group in space between last group and half group, 1 tr in top of 3 chain.

8th and 9th rows: Using G, as 6th and 7th rows.
10th and 11th rows: Using B, as 6th and 7th rows.
12th - 17th rows: as 6th - 11th rows. [18 groups]

Fasten off.

Fourth Square (squared circle):

** worked in rounds as follows:
Foundation: Using Y, make 4 chain and join into a ring with a slip stitch.

1st round: Using Y, 4 ch, (3 tr, 1 ch) 3 times into the ring, join with a slip stitch in the 3rd of the 4 starting chain.

2nd round: Using G, slip stitch into first ch space (formed by top of starting chain of previous round), then 4 ch, 3 tr into that same ch space, (3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr in next ch space) 3 times, 2 tr in first chain space again, join with a slip stitch in the 3rd of the 4 starting chain.
[3 tr form a group]

3rd round: Using B, slip stitch into first ch space, then 4 ch, 1 group into that same ch space, (1 group in next space between 2 groups, 1 group, 1 ch , 1 group in next ch space) 3 times, 1 group in next space between 2 groups, 2 tr in first ch space, join with a slip stitch in the 3rd of the 4 starting chain.

4th round: Using Y, slip stitch into first ch space, then 4 ch, 1 group into that same ch space, * 1 group in each space between 2 groups,1 group, 1 ch, 1 group in ch space; repeat from * but ending with 2 tr in first ch space, join with a slip stitch in the 3rd of the 4 starting chain, as on previous rounds.

5th round: Using G, work as 4th round.
6th round: Using B, work as 4th round.
7th - 9th rounds: work as 4th - 6th rounds.

Making up the patchwork cushion

Using a flat seam piece together the squares, to make two large squares each made up of 4 smaller squares, for the front and back of the cushion (see photograph).

Join 3 sides, slip in pad, and join remaining side.

Block cushion

The fourth square of the patchwork cushion is a squared-off circle - a form of the traditional "granny" square. The block cushion is a giant version of this square.
Work as for the fourth square of the patchwork cushion above from ** to **. Then repeat the 4th - 6th rounds 4 times more, then the 4th and 5th rounds once again.
Fasten off.

Make a second piece in the same way.

Making up the block cushion

Join 3 sides, slip in pad, and join remaining side.

Plain cushion

Using a single colour throughout, make 62 chain.

Foundation row: 1 tr in 4th chain from hook, 1 tr in each remaining chain. [60 sts - 3 ch at start of row counts as 1 st]

Next row: 3 ch, miss first stitch, 1 tr in each remaining stitch.

Repeat the last row until cushion measures 16 inches (or to make the size you require).
Fasten off.

Make a second piece in the same way.

Making up the plain cushion

Join 3 sides, slip in pad, and join remaining side.


Standard double knitting yarn in colours of your choice. As in photo, they are labeled B (blue), Y (yellow), and G (green).

A 5mm (UK 6) crochet hook.

Chevron cushion:
2 (50g) balls in each of 3 colours.

Patchwork cushion:
2 (50g) balls in each of 3 colours.

Block cushion:
2 (50g) balls in each of 2 colours.

Plain cushion:
4(50g) balls.


14sts x 8½ rows to 4 inches (10cm).

Size Matters

Approximate size: 16 x 16 inches
(41 x 41cm)

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
tr: treble crochet
sp: space
sl: slip stitch
gr: group
decrease 2: (yarn round hook, draw loop through next stitch, draw loop through 2 loops on hook) repeat 3 times, draw loop through all 4 loops on hook
dc: double crochet
dc: double crochet
dc: double crochet

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

January 2022

Set Up for the Cold


A "long, long" scarf worked in bands of stripes and jacquard pattern, with a matching pull-on hat and gloves to complete the set. These are all knitted in a lighter weight yarn, but the scarf is double thickness so will be very snug; it's also pretty long, so check that's what you want, as obviously you can make it to whatever length you like.


The scarf is worked on 4 needles in the round to make a tube, which is then flattened; the result is a flat scarf with two layers of knitted fabric, and means you don't have to worry about seeing the "wrong side" of the knitting. This is a standard way to make - especially commercial - scarves. Although often seen made in the round, both the hat and the gloves are worked flat on two needles, with a seam making them into the required round shape. It would be simple enough to adapt this pattern and make the hat in the round, especially as you have the method given for the scarf. If this is your first attempt at gloves, however, making them flat may be a good way to start.


Using the set of 4 No 10 (3¼mm) needles - or the circular needle - cast on 112 sts in Main Shade (A).
Work in rounds of stocking stitch (every round knit).

Pattern as follows:

1st and 2nd rounds: using B knit.
3rd and 4th rounds: using A knit.
5th and 6th rounds: using C knit.
7th and 8th rounds: using D knit.
9th and 10th rounds: using E knit.
11th - 23rd rounds: follow the 13 row pattern given in scarf chart 1.
24th - 33rd rounds: repeat rows 1-10.
34th - 46th rounds: follow the 13 row pattern given in scarf chart 2.

These 46 rounds form the pattern.
Repeat these rounds 10 times more, then the 1st to the 33rd rounds again.

Cast off using A.

To make up the Scarf

Darn in all ends on the wrong side.
Press gently under a damp cloth using a warm iron.
Turn the scarf right side out.
Cut yarn A into 20½ cm (8 inch) lengths. Taking 3 strands together, knot fringe through both thicknesses of both short ends at 1½ cm (½ inch) intervals.
[Editor's note: The scarf is a knitted tube, and you are now flattening it (to make the scarf double thickness); you then attach the fringe to each straight end, through both edges - which also serves to close the ends of the tube instead of sewing them together (but you might want to sew them anyway).]
Trim the fringe.


Using No 12 (2¾mm) needles, and main shade A, cast on loosely 144 stitches. Work 20 rows K1/P1 rib, increasing 1 stitch at the end of the last row. [145 sts]
Change to No 11 (3mm) needles. Continue in stocking stitch with the same pattern as given for the scarf but knitting back and forth in rows, not in the round. Work from ** to **, with every alternate row being purl. Then continue, repeating rows 1 - 10 only throughout.

Continue in pattern until work measures 18cm (7 inches) from the beginning, ending with a purl row.

Shape the crown

Decrease for the crown, keeping the continuity of the striped pattern:
1st decrease row: k5, (sl1, k2tog, psso, k9) 11 times; sl1, k2tog, psso, k5. [121 sts]
Work 3 rows in stocking stitch without shaping.
2nd decrease row: k4, (sl1, k2tog, psso, k7) 11 times; sl1, k2tog, psso, k4. [97 sts]
Work 3 rows in stocking stitch without shaping.
3rd decrease row: k3, (sl1, k2tog, psso, k5) 11 times; sl1, k2tog, psso, k3. [73 sts]
Work 3 rows in stocking stitch without shaping.
4th decrease row: k2, (sl1, k2tog, psso, k3) 11 times; sl1, k2tog, psso, k2. [49 sts]
Work 3 rows in stocking stitch without shaping.
5th decrease row: (k2tog, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2tog) 7 times. [21 sts]
Purl one row.
Next row: (sl1, k2tog, psso) 7 times.
Break off yarn, and thread through remaining stitches; draw up and fasten off.

To make up the Hat

Press as given for the scarf.
Join the centre back seam, taking care to reverse the seam on brim (which folds back).
Fold the brim in half to the right side.


Note: When working the gloves, use separate balls of yarn for the palm and thumb, twisting the yarns at the back of the work when changing colours.

Right hand glove

Using No 12 (2¾mm) needles and main shade A, cast on 56 stitches.
Work 26 rows k1/p1 rib.
Change to No 11 (3 mm) needles, and beginning with a knit row work 4 rows in stocking stitch.

Start thumb shaping:

1st row: using first ball of B, k28; using A, increase one stitch in each of the next 2 stitches, k1; using a 2nd ball of B, k25.
2nd row: using B, p25; using A, p5; using B, p28.
3rd row: using A, knit to end.
4th row: using A, purl to end.
5th row: using C, k28; using A, increase in the next stitch, k2, increase in the next stitch, k1; using C, K25.
6th row: using C, p25; using A, p7; using C, p28.
7th row: using D, k28; using A, k7; using D, k25.
8th row: using D, p25; using A, p7; using D, p28.
9th row: using E, k28; using A, increase in the next stitch, k4, increase in the next stitch, k1; using E, k25.
10th row: using E, p25; using A, p9; using E; p27, increase in the last stitch. [63 sts including 9 thumb sts]

Continue in pattern as given for chart, increasing the thumb stitches as before on the 3rd and then every foil 4th row until the 24th row has been completed, decreasing one stitch at the end of the last row.


Next row: using B, k28; using A, k16 stitches; turn and cast on 2 stitches.
Next row: using A, p18 stitches; turn and cast on 2 stitches. [20 sts]
Beginning with a knit row, work 18 rows in stocking stitch.

[Editor's note: For this method you keep all the stitches on the needles as you work the thumb and each finger separately. At this point for the thumb, you keep 28 stitches unworked on the right hand needle, and 25 stitches unworked on the left hand needle, while you work on the centre 16 stitches (which you have increased to 20 by casting on 2 extra stitches on each side. You knit the thumb flat, back and forth up to the tip, then you fasten off and sew it up into the thumb shape.]

Shape top:
Next row: (k2tog, k2) 5 times.
Next row: purl to end.
Next row: (k2tog) 7 times, k1.
Break off yarn, thread through remaining stitches, draw up and fasten off.
Join seam.

With right side of work facing and using B, knit up 4 stitches from the base of the thumb, knit to end. [57 sts]
[Editor's note: With right side facing, you have 28 stitches already on the right hand needle; you rejoin the yarn at the centre where the thumb is, and start by picking up the 4 stitches that you cast on, which are now wrapped round to meet at the base of the thumb. You then knit the 25 stitches on the left hand needle. Don't worry if you end up with small holes showing at the base of the thumb, (or, later, the fingers) as you can pull them in later when you sew in the ends from the join.]
Beginning with a purl row work one row in B, 2 rows A, 2 rows C, 2 rows D, 2 rows E and 4 rows A, ending with a purl row.
Continue in A only.

Divide for fingers:

1st finger
Next row: k36, turn and cast on one stitch.
Next row: p17, turn and cast on one stitch. [18 sts]
Beginning with a knit row, work 24 rows in stocking stitch on these 18 stitches.

Shape top:
Next row: (k2, k2tog) 4 times, k2. [14 sts]
Next row: purl to end.
Next row: (k2 tog) 7 times.
Break off yarn, thread through remaining stitches, draw up and fasten off.
Join seam.

2nd finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 2 stitches from the base of the 1st finger, k7, turn, and cast on one stitch.
Next row: p17, turn, and cast on one stitch. [18 sts]
Beginning with a knit row, work 28 rows in stocking stitch.
Complete to match first finger, working from ** to **.
Join seam.

3rd finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 2 stitches from the base of the 2nd finger, k7, turn, and cast on one stitch.
Next row: p17, turn, and cast on one stitch. [18 sts]
Complete to match 2nd finger.
Join seam.

4th finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 2 stitches from the base of the 3rd finger, k6.
Beginning with a purl row, continue in stocking stitch across all remaining stitches for 19 rows.

Shape top
Next row: (k2, k2tog) 3 times, k2.
Next row: p to end.
Next row: (k2tog) 5 times, k1.
Break off yarn, thread through remaining stitches, draw up and fasten off.

Left hand glove

Work as given for right hand glove, reversing the pattern and the position of thumb as follows:

1st row: using 1st ball of B, k25; using A, increase one stitch in each of
the next 2 stitches, k1; using 2nd ball of B, k28.

Continue as given for right hand glove until 24th row of pattern has been completed.


Next row: using B, k24; using A, k16, turn and cast on 2 stitches.
Next row: using A, p18, turn and cast on 2 stitches.

Complete as given for right hand glove working from *** to ***.

To make up

Press as given for scarf.
Join side seam and 4th finger seam.


25g balls of 4 ply (fingering) yarn:

Scarf: 4 balls in main shade A
5 balls in contrast B
4 balls in contrast C
2 balls in contrast D
2 balls in contrast E

One set of 4 3¼mm (UK 10) double pointed needles (dpn), or a circular needle.

Hat and gloves:
3 balls in main shade A
1 ball in each of the contrast colours B, C, D, and E.

One pair of 3mm (UK 11), and one pair of 2¾mm (UK 12) needles


28sts x 36 rows to 4 ins over stocking stitch on 3¼ mm needles.

Size matters

Scarf: 20½ cm (8 inches) wide, by 183cm (72 inches) long, excluding the fringe
Hat: to fit an average adult head.
Gloves: to fit an average adult hand.


k2tog: knit 2 sts together.

increase: by knitting into the front and back of the next stitch

A word on the wool.

The original yarn was standard 4 ply superwash wool; about 92 yards (84 m) per 25g ball.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

April 2021

Made for Each Other - sweater or slipover for Spring


Sweater in Spring colours with sleeveless option suitable for the changing season.
Currently for me, the appeal of this combination is the yellow and grey colour scheme in which they have illustrated it - although I would be disinclined to set it off with a bright all-yellow ensemble, and would probably use a more muted shade of yellow.


Instructions are given for 3 sizes - larger sizes given in brackets up to a 40 inch chest. The design is intended for women or men (albeit men of presumably modest proportions).


With No 11 needles, and main shade (M) cast on 108 (118 : 126) stitches, and work 5 inches in k2/p2 rib, beginning the second row "p2" for second and third sizes, and increasing 1 stitch at the end of the last row for all sizes.
[109 (119 : 127) sts]

Change to No 9 needles and work Fair-Isle from Chart thus:

For 1st and 3rd sizes, repeat the 18 stitches between the red lines to the last the last stitch then work the 1st stitch beyond the line.

For 2nd size, work 5 stitches before the red line, then repeat the 18
stitches between the red lines to the last 6 stitches, then work 6 stitches beyond the red line.

Continue until work measures 12 (13 : 14) inches for the sweater with sleeves, or 13 (14 : 15) inches for the sleeveless slipover, ending with a
wrong-side row.

Armholes shaping:

Cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, and then 3 stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.

Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 4 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of every row until 77 (85 : 91) stitches remain.

Continue straight until work measures 21 (22½ : 24) inches.

Shoulder shaping:

Cast off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next 6 rows, and then 5 (7 : 9) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.

Cast off 37 (41 : 43) stitches.


Work as for the Back until work measures 11 (11¾ : 12) inches for the sweater with sleeves or 12 (12¾ : 13½) inches for the slipover.

Front shaping:
Next row: pattern 54 (59 : 63) stitches; turn.

Continue on these stitches only.

Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and ever following 4th row until work measures 12 (13 : 14) inches for the sweater with sleeves or 13 (14 : 15) inches for the slipover, ending at the side edge.

Armholes shaping:
Still decreasing at the centre front edge on every 4th row as before, cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next row, and then 3 stitches at the beginning of the following alternate row.

Decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on the next 4 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next 5 (6 : 7) alternate rows.

Continue with centre front edge shaping until until 20 (22 : 24) stitches remain.

Continue straight until work measures 21 (22½ : 24) inches, ending at the side edge.

Shoulder shaping:

Cast off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next, and following 2 alternate rows. Work 1 row. Cast off 5 (7 : 9) stitches and break yarn.

With right side facing, slip the centre front stitch on to a safety pin.
Join yarn to inner edge of the the remaining stitches and complete the other side of the front to match, reversing shapings.


With No 11 needles and main shade, cast on 56 (66 : 74) stitches and work 3½ inches in k2/p2 rib, as for the Back,and decreasing 1 stitch at the beginning of the last row for all sizes.
[55 (65 : 73) sts]

Change to No 9 needles and working from the Chart as for the Back, increase 1 stitch at each end of every 10th row until there are 75 (83 : 89),stitches.
Continue straight until work measures 17 (17½ : 18) inches, ending with a wrong side row.

To shape the top cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of every row until 43 (49 : 53) stitches remain, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 6 (8 : 10) rows.
Cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 6 rows.
Cast off.


Join right shoulder seam.

With right side facing, using No 12 needles and main shade, pick up and knit 64 (68 : 72) stitches down left side of neck, increase in the stitch from the safety pin, pick up and knit 64 (68 : 72) stitches up right side of neck, and then knit 36 (40 : 44) stitches from the Back neck.

1st row wrong side facing): * p2, k2; repeat from * to last 2 stitches, p2.

Decreasing 1 stitch each side of the centre front 2 stitches on every row, rib 9 more rows as set.
Cast off ribwise.

Join left shoulder and neckband seam.

Armbands for Slipover:

With right side facing, using No 11 needles and main shade, pick up and knit 118 (130 : 142) stitches round each armhole.
Work 9 rows in k2, p2 rib beginning the second row "p2".

Cast off ribwise.

Making Up

Press work lightly on wrong side, omitting welts.

Sweater with sleeves: Set in sleeves. Join side and sleeve seams.
Slipover: Join side and armband seams.


Double Knitting yarn in 25g balls:
9 (11 : 12) main colour (charcoal);
7 (7 : 8) in white;
5 balls in light grey for all sizes.
7 (8 : 11) main colour (white);
5 in contrast charcoal all sizes;
3 (3 : 4) in contrast yellow.

A pair each No 9 (3¾mm) and No 11 (3mm) needles


24 sts and 32 rows to 4 inches measured over pattern on No 9 needles

Size matters

To fit chest 34 (37 : 40) inches; length from top of shoulders: 21 (22½ : 24) inches; sleeve seam: 17 (17½ : 18) inches.


increase: increase 1 stitch by knitting twice into the next stitch.

decrease: decrease 1 stitch by knitting two stitches together.

k2tog or p2tog: work 2 sts together to decrease.

A word on the wool

The original yarn was Robin Vogue DK which was 90% wool. It appeared as both 25g and 1 oz balls depending on the era, and may have been pure wool at one time.

Some information indicates a yardage of 112m for 50g.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


Note: When working the colour pattern from the chart, strand the yarns loosely across the back of the work over not more than 3 stitches at a time, to keep the fabric elastic.


December 2020

Doll Clothes


A sweet little old-fashioned set for a dolly.


Outfit includes coat and beret in double knitting wool; dress in 3 ply; and vest, pants and socks in 3 ply.

Coat - back

Cast on 48 stitches work 4 rows in stocking stitch.

Next Row: purl (this marks the hem- line).

Continue in stocking stitch beginning with a purl row, and decreasing 1 stitch at each end of every 6th row until 38 stitches remain.

Continue straight until work measures 5½ inches from hemline.

Raglan Shaping: Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every alternate row until 16 stitches remain.
Cast off.

Coat - right front

Cast on 28 stitches. Work 4 rows in stocking stitch.

Next Row: purl (this marks the hem- line).
Next Row: p26, k2.
Next Row: Knit.
Repeat the last 2 rows throughout, decreasing 1 stitch at the end of the 4th row and every following 6th row until 23 stitches remain, at the same time, when work measures 2 inches from hemline, ending with a purl row at the bordered edge, work buttonhole as follows:

Next Row: k2, cast off 2, knit to end.
Next Row: purl to the last 2 stitches, cast on 2, k2.

Make 2 more buttonholes at the front edge, 1½ inches apart.
Work until front measures 5½ inches from hemline, ending with a knit row.

Raglan Shaping: Making 4th buttonhole 1½ inches from 3rd, cast off 2 stitches at beginning of the next row. Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning with of every alternate row until 16 stitches remain, ending with a purl row.

Neck Shaping:
Next Row: Cast off 6 stitches, knit to end.
Continue raglan shaping and decrease 1 stitch at neck edge on the next 4 rows. Continue raglan shaping only until 1 stitch remains. Fasten off.

Coat - left front

As right front, reversing shaping and omitting buttonholes.

Coat - sleeves

Cast on 26 stitches and knit 4 rows.
Continue in stocking stitch, increasing 1 stitch at each end of the first row, until work measures 3 inches.
Shape top as you did for the back raglan until 6 stitches remain.
Cast off.

Coat - collar

Join raglan seams.
Pick up and knit 42 stitches around neck edge, omitting borders.
Knit 4 rows.
Cast off.

Coat - mock pockets

Cast on 10 stitches and knit 2 rows.
Cast Off.

Coat - making up

Press work.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Turn up hem and catch-stitch on wrong side.
Sew on pockets, 4 ins. from lower edge.
Sew on 4 buttons.


Cast on 68 stitches and knit 4 rows.

Next Row: (k3, increase in next stitch), repeat to end.
Work 3 rows stocking stitch, beginning with a purl row.
Next Row: (k4, increase in next stitch), repeat to end.
Work 6 rows stocking stitch.
Next Row: (p33, increase in next stitch), repeat to end.
Next Row: (k13, k2tog), repeat to end.
Next Row and every alternate row: purl.
Next Row: (k12, k2tog) repeat to end.
Continue to decrease in this way on every alternate row until 28 stitches remain.
Next Row: (k2tog), repeat to end.

Beret - making up

Thread wool through remaining stitches and secure.
Press work.
Join back seam.
Sew button to centre top.


Dress - back

Cast on 49 stitches and work 6 rows in moss stitch.
Work 6 rows stocking stitch, 2 rows moss stitch
These 8 rows form the pattern.
Repeat the pattern, decreasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every 6th row until 39 stitches remain.

Continue straight until work measures 5½ ins.

Sleeve Shaping. Cast on 9 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Then continue until work measures 8 ins.
Cast off.

Dress - right front

Cast on 27 stitches.
Work 4 rows moss stitch.
Next Row: Pattern 2, wfd, k2tog, pattern to end.
Next Row: Moss stitch.
Continue in pattern as for back, but working 5 stitches at front edge in moss stitch for front border, and working a buttonhole as before on the 1st row of each moss stitch stripe.
At the same time, when 8 rows of pattern have been worked, decrease 1 stitch at the side edge on the next and every following 6th row until 22 stitches remain.
Continue straight until work measures 5½ inches, ending at side edge.

Sleeve Shaping.
Cast on 9 stitches at the beginning of the next row.
Continue until work measures 7 inches, ending at front edge.

Neck Shaping.
Next Row: Moss stitch 5, and slip these 5 stitches on to a safety pin, cast off 4 stitches, pattern to end.
Decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 8 rows.
Pattern 2 rows.
Cast off.

Dress - left front

As right front, reversing shaping and omitting buttonholes.

Dress - neckband

Join shoulder seams.
Slip border stitches from safety pin on to a needle, pick up and knit 39 stitches around neck, pattern 5 border stitches from other safety pin.
Work 4 rows moss stitch, making 10th buttonhole on the 2nd row.
Cast off.

Dress - sleeve border

Pick up and k. 33 stitches along sleeve edge.
Work 3 rows moss stitch.
Cast off.

Dress - making up

Press work.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Sew on buttons.

Vest - back and front alike

With No 10 needles cast on 36 stitches.
Work 4 inches in k2, p2 rib.

Armhole Shaping.
Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next row.
Pattern 3 rows

Neck Shaping.
Next Row: Rib 6, cast off 14 stitches, pattern to end.
Work 12 rows.
Cast off.
Complete Other side to match.

Vest - making up

Join side and shoulder seams.
With crochet hook join wool to neck edge:
(3 chain, miss ¼ inch, 1dc in edge) all around neck.
Fasten off.

Pants - back and front alike

With No 10 needles cast on 34 stitches and knit 2 rows.
Next Row: (k2, wfd, k2tog); repeat to last 2 stitches, k2.
Knit 2 rows.
Continue in stocking stitch until work measures 3 inches.

Leg Shaping.
Cast off 7 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
Work 3 rows straight.
Cast Off.

Pants - making up

Press work.
Join crotch and side seams.
Thread elastic through holes at waist and secure.
With crochet hook work border as for neck of vest around leg openings.


With No 11 needles, cast on 28 stitches

1st row: increase in first stitch, k12, (increase in next stitch) twice, k12, increase in last stitch.
2nd and alternate rows: purl.
3rd row: increase, k14, (increase in next stitch) twice, k14, increase.
5th row: increase, k16, (increase in next stitch) twice, k16, increase.
7th row: increase, k18, (increase in next stitch) twice, k18, increase.
8th row: purl.
Next row: k26, k2tog, turn.
Next row: p9, p2tog, turn.
Next row: k9, k2tog , turn.
Continue decrease 1 stitch each side of centre stitches until 36 stitches remain altogether.
Work 2 inches in stocking stitch over all stitches.
Work 6 rows k2, p2, rib.
Cast off ribwise.

Socks - making up

Press work.
Join back and foot seam.


Coat and Beret: 3ozs Double Knitting
5 buttons
No 9 (3¾mm) knitting needles

Dress: 1oz 3 ply
10 buttons
No 10 (3¼mm) knitting needles

Vest, Pants and Socks: 2ozs 3 ply
12 inches of elastic
No 10 (3¼mm) and No 11 (3mm) knitting needles
No 11 (3mm) crochet hook


24 sts to 4 inches on No 9 needles.
[This would be the DK yarn tension]

Size matters

Designed to fit a 20-inch doll.


ch: chain
double crochet remembering that this is UK notation, and in the US this stitch is referred to as single crochet.

k2tog: knit 2 sts together
purl 2 sts together
moss stitch:
repeat k1, p1 on an odd number of stitches so that a previous row's knit stitch is purled and vice versa. (Also known as seed stitch).
wfd: wool forward to making an extra stitch by passing the yarn over the needle when you knit the following stitch. [This also creates an eyelet hole which can be for for decoration or a small buttonhole]

A Word on the Wool.

The pattern is sized for a 20 inch doll which may suit "Our Generation", "American Girl" or vintage Pedigree dolls.

3 ply yarn can be easily found as baby wool in white which would be fine for the vest/pants/socks but for the dress you may be challenged to find more interesting colours.

1 ounce (oz) is approximately 28g.

Disclaimer (well...almost)

In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading. If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

November 2020

Nordic Slipover


A cute seasonal sleeveless sweater.
Co-incidentally I see that Wardrobe Icons have featured "knitted vests" as an "unexpected hero" this week, having "fallen in love with how versatile it is as a layering piece". They illustrate it with 3 shapes including fair-isle patterns with a closer fit and plain with a relaxed fit.
You could replace the Nordic style pattern given here with any fair-isle pattern of your choosing, just repeating it across the width of the sweater, making sure to centre the pattern - for example the Shetland Folklore pattern which is worked over a 10 stitch repeat.
I have a "relaxed fit" example in polka dots, which could easily be knitted plain.


Note: When working the colour pattern from the chart, strand the yarns loosely across the back of the work over not more than 3 stitches at a time, to keep the fabric elastic.
Work from the chart, reading odd rows knit from right to left and even rows purl from left to right.


With No 12 (2¾mm) needles and main shade (MS), cast on 106 [114, 120, 128] stitches and work in K1/P1 for 2½ inches, ending with a right side row.

Next row: Rib 1 [5, 4, 4] * m1, rib 4; repeat from * to last 1 [5, 4, 4] stitches, m1, rib 1 [5, 4, 4].
(133 [141, 149, 159] sts).

Change to No 10 (3¼mm) needles and work in pattern from the chart, joining in and breaking off colours as required, working the first 4 [1, 5, 3] and last 3 [0, 4, 2] stitches on knit rows, and the first 3 [0, 4, 2], and the last 4 [1, 5, 3] stitches on purl row as indicated, and working the 14 stitch repeat pattern 9 [10, 19, 11] times across in between.

Continue until back measures 14½ inches, ending with a wrong side row.


Shape Armholes:
Keeping pattern correct, cast off 6 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 9 [11, 11, 15] rows, then at each end of every alternate row until 95 [99, 105, 109] stitches remain.

Work without further shaping until back measures 22½ [23, 23, 23½] inches, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape Shoulders:
Cast off 8 [9, 9, 10] stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows, then 9 [8, 10, 9] stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
(45 [47, 49, 51] sts).

Leave stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.


Work as for Back up to **.

Shape Armholes and Neck:

Next row: keeping pattern correct, cast off 6 stitches, and pattern until 60 [64, 68, 73] stitches are on the right hand needle; turn and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.

Continue on first set of stitches only.
Work one row.

Decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on the next 9 [11, 11, 15] rows, and then on every alternate row, at the same time, decrease 1 stitches at the neck edge on the next row, and every alternate row until 38 [39, 41, 42] stitches remain.

Then continue to decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge only on every alternate row until 32 [34, 37, 39] stitches remain. Then decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge only on every following 3rd row until 25 [26, 28, 29] stitches remain.

Work without further shaping until front matches back to start of shoulder shaping, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape Shoulder:
Cast off 8 [9, 9, 10] stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
(9 [8, 10, 9] sts).

Work one row, and then cast off.

With right side facing, slip centre stitch on to a safety pin, and rejoin yarn to the remaining 66 [70, 74, 79], and pattern to end.

Work to match the first side, reversing the shaping.

Making Up

Press lightly using a cool iron and dry cloth - or as instructed on the ball band - omitting the ribbing.

Join right shoulder seam.

Neckband: With right side facing, No 12 needles and MS, pick up and knit 72 [76, 78, 82], stitches down left neck, knit stitch from safety pin (mark this stitch with a coloured thread), pick up and knit 72 [76, 78, 82], stitches up right neck, then knit 45 [47, 49, 51] stitches from Back, decreasing 3 stitches evenly.
(187 [197, 203, 213] sts).

1st row wrong side facing): * p1, k1; repeat from * to last 2 stitches before the marked stitch, p2tog, p1, p2togtbl; ** k1, p1; repeat from ** to end.

2nd row: k1, * k1, p1; repeat from * to last 2 stitches before the marked stitch, p2tog, p1, p2togtbl, k1; ** p1, k1; repeat from ** to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more, then the 1st row again.
Cast off evenly in rib, decreasing at marked stitch as before.
Join left shoulder and neckband.

Armhole Borders: With right side facing, No 12 needles and MS, pick up and knit 118 [124, 132, 138], stitches round each armhole.

Work in k1/p1 rib for 9 rows.
Cast off evenly in rib.

Join side seams and armhole borders.
Press seams.


2 x 50g balls 4 ply in each of the three colours (all sizes).

Pair each No 12 (2¾mm), and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.


32 stitches x 32 rows to 4 ins (10cm) measured over pattern using 2¾mm needles.

Size matters

To fit chest 32 [34, 36, 38] inches;
length: 22½ [23, 23, 23½] inches.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).

m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal
loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

p2togtbl: purl 2 stitches together through back loops.

A word on the wool

The original design was in Patons Clansman 4ply.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

August 2020

Edgewise! (more filet crochet)


"A lovely idea for enhancing plain curtains is to make this floral pattern filet crochet border."
— again very true, but still quite a commitment if you are to make them looking as splendid as in the photo; as noted in the other posts this month, filet crochet is not technically difficult, but quite laborious.
This border is worked in No 20 cotton on a 2mm hook - still fairly fine but not quite so taxing as lace. Note that it could be adapted for an edging for a table cloth or table runner.

If you want to crochet a little something, and the mere thought of this gives you a headache, then try the little bonus pattern for a flower spray.

Filet Crochet

The crochet stitches used in filet crochet are very simple, consisting of "tall" stitches which in this patter are trebles, and chain stitches combined together to create a mesh of "spaces"; some of these spaces are filled in with "blocks" of the tall stitches, hence the pattern can be represented with a chart, that shows you how the spaces and blocks are arranged. You will see how this works as I explain below.

In these examples the "tall" stitches are shown as trebles.

Spaces (sp)

Spaces are made by making 2 chain, missing 2 (or the same as the number of chain) stitches, then "tall" stitch into the next stitch.
The picture shows making 2 chain, missing 2 stitches and making the tall stitches trebles. You are left with a square hole which is the "space".

Blocks (blk)

To make a block you fill in the space with tall stitches.
In our example you put 2 stitches into what would have been the space; this replaces the chains and missed stitches and creates a "block" of 4 tall stitches: two that would have been part of the mesh of spaces and 2 that fill in the space.

The picture shows making 1 treble into each of the next 4 stitches (starting 3 chain counts as 1 treble), 2 chain, miss 2 stitches, 1 treble into the next stitch, 1 treble into the next 3 stitches (makes a block of 4).

As you continue in a pattern, you should ensure that your basic mesh is preserved, so that the trebles that make the framework of the spaces all sit evenly above one another, not offset like brickwork (unless of course that is part of the pattern!). In general the pattern is created by the blocks, rather like giant pixels making an overall picture.
This method of working is in fact very simple; you just need patience.


The vertical (side) edging is worked first, from the bottom, starting with shaping the mitred corner as shown in the chart; then work on upwards to the required length, after which you fasten off. Next, you pick up at the mitred corner at the bottom of the side panel and work short rows across the mitre until al the stitches are incorporated, and you are working the horizontal (bottom) panel at 90 degrees to the side edging - also as shown in the chart. Work to the require width of your curtain, then fasten off.

Vertical Side Panel

Begin at lower outer corner, make 11 chain, work 1 tr in 8th chain from hook, 1 tr in 3 chain, turn.

1st row (right side): 3 chain, miss 1 tr, 1 tr in 3 tr, 2 chain, 1 tr in 3rd chain, turn.

2nd row: 10 chain, 1 tr in 8th chain from hook; (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 1 tr in 2 tr, 1 tr in top of 3 chain.

3rd row: 3 chain, miss 1 tr, 1 tr in 3 tr; (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr), twice, 2 chain, 1 tr in 3rd chain.

Working bracketed instructions twice more on every repeat, repeat 2nd and 3rd rows 3 times more.

Begin filet pattern thus:

10th row: 10 chain, 1 tr in 8th chain from hook, 2 chain, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in chain space, 1 tr in next tr, (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr) 8 times, 1 tr in 2 tr, 1 tr in top of 3 chain.

11th row:—3 chain, miss 1 tr, 1 tr in 3 tr, (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr) 8 times, 1 tr in next 2 tr, (l tr in next tr, 2 chain) twice, 1 tr in 3rd chain.

12th row: 8 chain, 1 tr in 4th chain from hook, 1 tr in next 2 chain, (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 2 tr in chain space, 1 tr in next 4 tr, (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr) 8 times, 1 tr in 2 tr, 1 tr in 3rd chain.

Beginning with 13th row, continue working from chart (each square marked in blue worked by 2 tr in 2-chain space or previous trs as given on 10th, 11th and 12th rows) until 40th row is worked, and the mitre shaping is complete.
Continue working from chart until 73rd row is completed.
* Working chart rows in reverse by reading even rows from left to right and odd rows from right to left, work from 74th to 123rd row. Repeat from * until shorter edge of border is length required to fit your curtain.
Fasten off.

Horizontal Lower Panel

With wrong side of vertical panel facing, join cotton to outer corner.
Make 8 chain, 1 tr in 4th chain from hook, 1 tr in 4 chain, slip stitch in base of 4th tr of foundation of vertical panel; slip stitch along 2 chain of foundation, turn.
[Editor's note: You are creating the mitred corner shaping, and joining to the side panel at the same time.]

1st row (right side): 2 chain, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in 3 tr, 1 tr in top of 3 chain, turn.
2nd row: 3 chain, miss 1 tr, 1 tr in 3 tr, * 2 chain, 1 tr in top of slip stitch, 2 chain, 1 tr in same chain as 1 tr of vertical panel, 2 chain, slip stitch in base of tr, slip stitch along 2 chain, turn *.
3rd row: (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 1 tr in 2 tr, 1 tr in top of 3 chain, turn.
4th row: chain, miss 1 tr, 1 tr in 3 tr, (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr), twice, repeat from * to * of 2nd row.

Working bracketed instructions twice more on every repeat, repeat 3rd and 4th rows 4 times, then repeat 3rd row again.

14th row: 3 chain, miss 1 tr, 1 tr in 3 tr, (2 chain, 1 tr in next tr) 12 times, 2 chain, 1 tr in top of slip stitch, 2 tr in chain space, 1 tr in same chain as tr, 2 tr around bar of tr, slip stitch in base of tr, turn.

Turn chart sideways and continue working from chart, beginning with 15th row, still shaping corner as set until 41st row is completed.

42nd row: Pattern to 1 tr in top of slip stitch, 3 tr in end tr of 40th row of side panel, turn.

Continue working from chart until 94th row is completed.
Repeat 67th to 94th rows until shorter inner edge is length required less 19 cm or 7½, inches.
Then work from 95th to 125th to finish off.
Fasten off.

Making Up:

Pin out work a section at a time and block.
Sew around your curtain or fabric.


One ball of Twilleys Twenty will make approximately 26½cm or 10½ inches of border.
[Editor's note:This is a No 20 cotton which came in 20g balls approximately 100m in length.]

2mm crochet hook.

Ready-made curtains, or a length of voile or appropriate fabric to make your own.


8 holes (spaces) to 2 inches or 5cm.

Size matters

Length as required.
Width: 10½ inches.
[Editor's note:Make sure you check this out if you decide to change the thread and hook sizes.]

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
ss: slip stitch
sp: space - work 2 ch, miss 2 sts, work 1 tr into next st.
tr: treble.

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet; htr is equivalent to US double crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.

Disclaimer (well...almost)

In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading. If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


You can access a larger version of the chart - right click on the icon below and choose "save link as" or "save target as" (browser dependent options) to download and save a pdf file.

July 2020

Camisole party frock


A very pretty strappy knitted dress which is styled for the summer, but, as usual, would work well for the winter, perhaps with a sparkly yarn, and worn with a bolero, tippet, or stole - if we are ever allowed to go out in public any time soon....


The pattern panel for the dress is worked over 5 stitches as follows:

1st row: yfwd, k2togtbl, k1, k2tog, yfwd.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: k1, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k1.
4th row: purl.


Using No 7 (4½mm) needles, cast on 135 stitches and knit one row.

Work in Pattern A as follows:

1st row (right side facing): k1, (k2tog, yfwd) 5 times, k3, * (yfwd, k2togtbl) 4 times, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, (k2tog, yfwd) 4 times, k3; repeat from * to last 11 stitches; (yfwd, k2togtbl) 5 times, k1.

2nd row: k1, purl to last stitch, k1

3rd row: k2, * (k2tog, yfwd) 5 times, k1, (yfwd, k2togtbl) 5 times, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

4th row: as 2nd.

These 4 rows form Pattern A.

Repeat them until back measures 15 inches, ending with 4th pattern row.

Shape as follows:

Next row: k1, (k2tog) twice, (yfwd, k2tog) 3 times, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, * (yfwd, k2togtbl) 4 times, sl1, k2tog, psso, (k2tog, yfwd) 4 times, sl1, k2tog, psso repeat from * to last 11 stitches, (yfwd, k2togtbl) 4 times, k2togtbl, k1. [111 sts]

Continue in Pattern B as follows:

1st row (wrong side facing): k1, purl to the last stitch, k1.

2nd row: k1, (k2tog, yfwd) 4 times, k3, *(yfwd. k2togtbl) 3 times, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, (k2tog, yfwd) 3 times, k3; repeat from * to last 9 stitches, (yfwd, k2togtbl) 4 times, k1.

3rd row: as 1st row.

4th row: k2, * (k2tog. yfwd) 4 times. k1, (yfwd, k2togtbl) 4 times, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

These 4 rows form Pattern B.

Repeat them until back measures 20 inches, ending with 1st pattern row.

Shape as follows:

Next row: k1, (k2tog) twice, (yfwd, k2tog) twice, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, * (yfwd, k2togtbl) 3 times, sl1, k2tog, psso, (k2tog, yfwd) 3 times, sl1, k2tog, psso; repeat from * to last 9 stitches , (yfwd, k2togtbl) 3 times, k2togtbl, k1. [87 sts]

Continue in Pattern C as follows:

1st row (wrong side facing): k1, purl to last stitch, k1.

2nd row: k1, (k2tog , yfwd) 3 times, k3, * (yfwd, k2togtbl) twice, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, (k2tog, yfwd) twice, k3; repeat from * to last 7 stitches; (yfwd, k2togtbl) 3 times, k1

3rd row: as 1st row.

4th row: k2, * (k2tog, yfwd) 3 times, k1, (yfwd, k2togtbl) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

These 4 rows form Pattern C.

Repeat them until back measures 22 inches.

Place a marker at each end of last row.

Change to No 10 (3¼mm) needles and continue in Pattern C until back measures 4 inches from markers, ending with right side facing.

Next row: cast off 21, k8 (this includes the stitch on the needle from casting off), slip these 8 stitches on a safety-pin, cast off 29, k8, slip these 8 stitches on a safety-pin, cast off remaining 21 stitches.

Work shoulder strap as follows:
With wrong side facing and No 10 needles, rejoin yarn to 8 stitches on safety-pin and work in stocking-stitch, starting with a p. row, until strap measures 16 inches. Cast off.
Work 2nd strap in the same way.


Work as for back from ** to **.

Next row: cast off 44, place a marker in the last of these stitches, cast off remaining stitches.

Join side seams of skirt.


With No. 10 needles, cast on 34 stitches and work in rib as follows:

Next row: k1, * p2, k2; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

This row forms rib pattern. Repeat it until strip, when slightly stretched, fits along upper edge of skirt from outer side of shoulder straps to marker at centre front.
Place a marker in "k3." edge of strip.
Rib 4 more rows.
Place a 2nd marker in opposite end.

Now continue in rib until length from 2nd marker matches length from cast-on edge to 1 st marker.
Cast off loosely in rib.

To Make Up

Starting at outer side of shoulder strap, sew first half of bodice strip in position, first marker matching centre marker of front.
Now fold under upper edge of strip, bringing 2nd marker also to centre marker of front, thus twisting the strip, then sew 2nd half of strip in position, ending at outer edge of other strap (thus leaving back edge between straps free).
Sew side edges Of bodice strips to approximately 4 inches of shoulder straps, then sew straps to front. Face straps with ribbon on wrong side
[Editor's Note: The bodice only goes around the front of the dress; it might be easier to see how you are intended to sew it to the straps if you look at the picture of the back of the dress below.]

Cut lining the full width of skirt but 2 inches longer than skirt when lying flat. Allow ½ inches for seams and 1 inch for hem.
Join side seams, then catch top of lining in position all round top of skirt.

Pin hem in position, then try dress on before stitching, to be certain lining is the correct length.


Dress: 6 x 50g balls of a light weight double knitting. (See"a word on the wool").

Pair each No 10 (3¼mm) and No 7 (4½mm) needles.

1¼ yards (about 1.2m) of 1 inch (2.5cm) wide facing ribbon.

1¾ yards (about 1.6m) of 36 inch (90cm) wide lining material in a matching shade.


25 sts and 32 rows to 4 inches measured over pattern on No 7 needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in one size to fit bust 34 - 36 inches. Length (excluding shoulder strap) measured flat is 30 inches. (The dress drops to 32 inches when worn)


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).
stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").
tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]
yfwd: yarn forward
sl1: slip one stitch
psso: pass the slipped stitch over

A Word on the Wool:

Original knitted in Patons Kismet which which was 80% acrylic and 20% mohair; it was a fairly light weight yarn, and it was the fluffiness that caused it to knit to something like a DK equivalent (on the right needles).

This pattern emphasises the light weight nature of the yarn with an open-work pattern knitted on large needles.

The other thing to note is that it had an exceptional yardage - about 225m to 50g which is about double that of a normal DK, so you need to take all that into account when considering substituting.

Disclaimer (well...almost)

In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading. If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

Altering the size

Unusually for this era, we have only the one size - perhaps they think those more well-endowed would not suit this style - and maybe they are right - certainly I don't think I could make it work for me.
However, if you did want to make it larger, I really think the only option is to work out the repeats in the pattern and add some extra width in the skirt - then knit the bodice section (it's knitted sideways) longer, and workout where to reposition the straps.
On top of that, if were knitting this, I would try using a delicate lace-weight yarn (there are some lovely ones around), swatching the pattern, and experimenting with different needles to get the right tension.
But then I never did like an easy life.


I'm putting this photo in to show you the back of the dress, but I can't let it pass without commenting that to me it's very vaguely sleazy - I think "come to bed eyes" would be the description. It's almost as if the photographer were more used to using his skills for a different kind of audience altogether...

June 2020

Crochet a Cardi


This looks like a very wearable crochet cardigan (for those who prefer crochet to knitting). Bands of two-row stripes in double crochet are arranged to form a flattering chevron down the centre back, giving the illusion of shaping. You could make it in a single shade, or go totally wild as shown in the photo - or you could choose more muted contrasts in naturals, perhaps greys and taupes with ecru. If you choose brights you could be guided more by Kaffe Fassett's favourite combinations, introducing turquoises with fuschia and poppy.

So .... "Make it plain and simple or bright and stunning"


Instructions for larger sizes are given in brackets.
[Editor's Note: The cardigan is made up of a series of narrow crochet strips which are then sewn together lengthways; the colours in the strips are offset from one another to make the chevron pattern, and they are made shorter to make the armholes and sleeve shaping.]

Main Part

1st Band: With 4mm hook and main shade (A) make 8 chain.
Foundation row: —Miss 1 ch, 1 dc in each ch to end. {7 dc}
1st Row: l ch, 1 dc in each dc.
Repeat 1st row for pattern.
Continue in pattern working 2 row stripes of the 5 contrasts (B, C, D, E, F) and main shade (A) until 40 [42 : 44 : 46] stripes are completed, ending with D [F : B : D] stripe; mark this stripe with contrast thread for centre back.
Beginning with C [E : A : C] stripe work sequence in reverse from F to A for 39 [41 : 43 : 45] more stripes, ending with A stripe.
Fasten off.

2nd Band: Make as the 1st band , but beginning and ending with contrast colour B and with centre back stripe of E [A : C : E].
Join to 1st band.

3rd Band: As 1st, but beginning and ending with contrast colour C and with centre back stripe of F [B : D : F].
Join to 2nd band.

Continue in this way, beginning and ending with next stripe of colour sequence, until the 9th band is complete.

Right Front

Next Band: Begin with contrast colour E and work 16 [17 : 18 : 19] stripes. Omit the first stripe of the previous band; join.

Next Band: Begin with A and work 14 [15 : 16 : 17] stripes. Omit one stripe at each end of the previous band; join.

Next Band: Begin with contrast colour C and work 12 [13 : 14 : 15] stripes. Join as previous band.

Next Band: Begin with contrast colour E and work 11 [12 : 13 : 14] stripes. Omit the first stripe of the previous band; join.

Shape shoulders:

Next Band: With A make 7 [8 : 10 : 11] chain. Work the foundation row and the 1st row as you did in the first band. {6 [7 : 9 : 10] dc}.
Work 2 stripes.
* Next Row: l ch, (insert hook in next dc) twice, yrh and draw through 3 loops - decrease worked - 1 dc in each dc to end.

Continue in stripes, decreasing 1 stitch at eh beginning of every 4th row until 2 dc remain. Work 1 row. Fasten off.
Omit the first stripe of the previous band; join.


Reversing stripes at centre as given for main part continue thus:

Next Band: Beginning and ending B [C : D : E] work 35 [37 : 39 : 41] stripes. Omit 5 stripes of 9th band of main part for armhole; join.

Next Band: Beginning and ending D [E : F : A] work 33 [35 : 37 : 39] stripes. Omit 1 stripe at each end of previous band ; join.

Next Band: Beginning and ending F [A : B : C] work 31 [33 : 35 : 37] stripes. Join on as last band.

Next Band: As last but beginning and ending A [B : C : D]; join.

Shape shoulders:

With B [C : D : E] ** make 3 [3 : 5 : 5] chain. Work the foundation row and the 1st row as you did in the first band. {2 [2 : 4 : 4] dc}.

Next Row: l ch, 2 dc in next dc - increase worked - 1 dc in each dc to end.
Continue in stripe pattern, increasing 1 stitch at the beginning of every 4th row until there are 6 [7 : 9 : 10] dc,
Work 1 row. **
Work 16 [14 : 16 : 14] stripes, reversing stripes after 8th [7th : 8th : 7th] of these stripes. Complete as right front shoulder from *.
Sew on.

Left Front

As right front to shoulder shaping, reversing stripes and shapings, and missing 5 stripes of last band of main part for armhole.

Shape shoulders:

Beginning D [E : F : A], work as shoulder shaping of back from ** to ** . Work 2 [1 : 2 : 1] stripes. Fasten off. Sew on.


1st Band: beginning with A, work as for 1st band of main part, repeating 6 stripes of A, B, C, D, E and F until there are 22 [22 : 24 : 24] stripes.

2nd Band: beginning with B, work as 1st band.
Sew on.

3rd Band: beginning with B, work 24 [24 : 26 : 26] stripes. Omitting 1 stripe each end sew on to 2nd band.

4th Band: beginning with C, work as for 3rd band. Sew on.

5th Band: beginning with C, work 26 [26 : 28 : 28] stripes. Omitting 1 stripe each end, sew on.

6th Band: beginning with D, work as for 5th band. Sew on.

7th Band: beginning with D, work 28 [28 : 30 : 30] stripes. Omitting 1 stripe each end, sew on.

8th Band: beginning with E, work as 7th band. Sew on.

9th Band: beginning with E, work 30 [30 : 32 : 32] stripes. Omitting 1 stripe at each end, sew on.

10th Band: beginning with F, work as 9th band.

Now shape top:
11th Band: beginning with D, work 24 [24 : 26 : 26] stripes. Omitting 3 stripes at each end of previous band and sew on.

12th Band: beginning with F, work 22 [22 : 24 : 24] stripes. Omitting 1 stripe each end of previous band and sew on.

13th Band: beginning with B, work 20 [20 : 22 : 22] stripes. Sew on as last band.

Making Up

Press work lightly.
Join shoulder and sleeve seams.
Set in Sleeves.

Using the 3½mm hook join A to centre back at lower edge.

1st Round: l ch, 1 dc in end of each row or dc around entire outer edge, working 3 dc in the corners; slip stitch to 1st ch at the beginning of the round.
2nd Round (make buttonholes): 1 ch, 1 dc in each dc to corner; 3 dc in corner dc, 1 dc in 23 dc, (3 ch, miss 2 dc, 1 dc in 10 dc) 4 times, 1 dc in each dc to end, working 3 dc in centre dc of left corner; slip stitch to 1st ch at the beginning of the round.
3rd Round: 1 ch, now working in reverse from left to right work 1 dc in each dc and ch; slip stitch to 1st ch at the beginning of the round.
Fasten off.

With main shade A work around sleeve edges to match.
Sew on buttons. Press seams.


5 [6 : 7 : 8] (25 gram) balls double knitting yarn in the main colour, plus,
4 [5 : 6 : 7] balls in each of 5 contrast colours.
[Editor's Note: Crochet works up quickly but does rather eat up the yarn; this cardigan needs a total of up to 24 x 50g balls of DK. The yarn used in the original was an acrylic with a yardage of approximately 150m or 164yards per 50g.]

4mm and 3½mm crochet hooks.


Pattern strip is 1¾ inches wide and 18 rows to 4 inches.

Size matters

To fit chest 32 [34 : 36 : 38] inches;
length: 23 [23 : 23½ : 23½] inches;
sleeve: 18 inches all sizes.

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
ss: slip stitch
dc: double crochet
yrh: yarn round hook

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

April 2020

Bunny Slipovers


Sweet little sleeveless jumpers for toddlers with Easter bunny motifs.


When working the colour pattern from the chart, strand yarn not in use loosely across the wrong side of the work over not more than 3 stitches at a time in order to keep the fabric elastic.
Twist the yarns on wrong side of the work when changing colour to avoid a hole.
Read odd rows knit from right to left, and even rows purl from left to right.

If you want to view chart image full size in the browser then right click on the image below and choose "view image".


With No 13 (2¼mm) needles and main shade (M), cast on 76 [84, 90] stitches and work 1 inch in k1/p1 rib.

Next row: rib 3 [7, 10] (m1, rib 10) 7 times, m1, rib 3 [7, 10]:
84 [92, 98] sts.

Change to No 11 needles and starting with a knit row, work straight in stocking-stitch until back measures 1½ [2, 2] inches, ending with right side facing.

Change to No 10 needles and joining in contrast colour (C) as required, work rows 1-20 inclusive from chart A [B, A]


Work the first 0 [1, 1] stitch on knit rows and last 0 [1, 1] stitch on purl rows as indicated, repeating the 12 [13, 12] pattern stitches 7 [7, 8] times across - and the last 0 [0, 1] stitch on knit rows, and first 0 [0, 1] stitch on purl rows as indicated.
Break C.
[Editor's note: The charts are fairly easy to read but these instructions may make them seem more complicated than they are.
If this helps at all - rather than making it worse:
On the first size using chart A you just repeat the 12 stitch pattern across the work with no extra stitches at either end (12 x 7 = 84).
On the third size chart A also, you repeat the 12 stitch pattern across the work but you have one extra stitch at either end to make up the 98 stitches (12 x 8 = 96 plus 2).
On the second size chart B, you repeat the 13 stitch pattern across the work but you have one extra stitch at one end to make up the 92 stiches (13 x 7 = 91 plus 1).]

Change to No 11 needles and continue in M and stocking stitch until back measures 4½ [5, ]inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape armholes by casting off 6 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 54 [58, 64] stitches remain. Work 1 row straight.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 48 [52, 56] stitches remain. **

Continue straight until back measures 9 [10, 11] inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulders by casting off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then 4 [5, 6] stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.

Leave the remaining 30 [32, 34] stitches on a spare needle.


Work as for Back from ** to ** .
Work 3 rows straight.

Shape neck as follows:

Knit 18 [19, 20], turn, and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle.
Continue on these stitches for first side, decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on every row until 9 [10, 11] stitches remain.

Work straight until front matches back at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next row.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining stitches.

With right side facing, leave centre 12 [14, 16] stitches on a spare needle, rejoin yarn to the remaining stitches and knit to end.

Finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.

Making Up

Using a cool iron and a damp cloth for Baby Wool, press parts lightly on the wrong side, omitting ribbing.
Join right shoulder seam.

Neckband: With right side facing, No 13 needles and M, start at the top of the left shoulder and work as follows:
Pick up and knit 27 [29, 31] stitches down left side of neck, k12 [14, 16] from centre, pick up and knit 27 [29, 31] stitches up right side, then knit 30 [32, 34] from back :
96 [104, 112] sts.

Work 6 rows k1/p1 rib.
Cast off in rib.

Join left shoulder seam, then join neckband with a flat seam

Armhole Borders: With right side facing, No 13 needles and M, pick up and knit 86 [94, 102] stitches round each armhole and work 6 rows k1/p1 rib.

Cast off evenly in rib.
Join side seams and armhole borders.
Press seams.


Baby 3 ply 25g balls: 2 in main colour and 1 contrast colour (all sizes).

Pair each No 13 (2¼mm), No 11 (3mm), and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.


32 stitches x 40 rows to 4 ins (10cm) in stocking stitch on No 11 (3mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit chest 20 [22, 24] inches;
length from top of
shoulders: 9 [10, 11] inches.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).

m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal
loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

sl1: slip one stitch by passing it between the needles without knitting it.

A word on the wool

The original design was in Patons Baby 3ply - a version of which is still available today.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

November 2019

Smock Pinafores


Pretty and easy to make knitted pinafores, providing a practical alternative to full knitted dresses which may be too warm for most centrally heated homes in this era.


This is the plain bodice, striped skirt, design in two colours.


With No 10 needles and contrast (D), cast on 84/88/96/100 stitches, and work 4 rows garter stitch (every row knit).

Next row (increase row): knit 7/9/8/10 stitches; (m1, k14/14/16/16) 5 times; m1, knit 7/9/8/10.
[90 / 94 / 102 / 106 sts]

Change to No 8 needles and join in main shade (L); work in pattern as follows:

1st row (right side facing): Knit in L
2nd row: Purl in L
3rd row: Using D: k2, * sl2, k2; repeat from * to end.
4th row: Using D: p2, * sl2, p2; repeat from * to end.
5th row: Knit in L
6th row: Purl in L
7th row: Knit in D
8th row: Purl in D
9th row: Using L: sl2, * k2, sl2; repeat from * to end.
10th row: Using L: sl2, * p2, sl2; repeat from * to end.
11th row: Knit in D
12th row: Purl in D

These 12 rows form the pattern.
Continue in pattern until back measures approximately 6½/8/9/10½ inches ending on the 11th pattern row.

Next row: Using D: purl 13/2/0/5 stitches; (p2tog, p0/1/1/1) 31/29/33/31 times; p2tog, purl 13/3/1/6
[58 / 64 / 68 / 74 sts]

Starting with a knit row, continue straight in stocking-stitch (one row knit, one row purl) until back measures 8//11/12½ inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape armholes by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 42/48/52/58 stitches remain.
Work 1 row straight.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 36/40/44/48 stitches remain.

Work straight until back measures 12½/14½/16½/18½ inches ending with a purl row.
Shape shoulders by casting off 4/4/5/5 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then 3/4/4/5 stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
Leave the remaining 22/24/26/28 stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.


Work as for back from ** to ** .
Work 1 row straight.

Divide for neck as follows:

Next row: knit 10/11/12/13; k2tog, turn, and leave the remaining stitches on a spare needle.
Continue on these 11/12/13/14 stitches for the first side, decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on every row until 7/8/9/10 stitches remain.
Work straight until front matches back at armhole edge, ending with a purl row.
Shape shoulder: by casting off 4/4/5/5 stitches at the beginning of the next row. Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining 3/4/4/5 stitches.

With right side facing, leave the centre 12/14/16/18 stitches on a spare needle, and rejoin yarn to the remaining stitches k2tog, knit to end.

Finish to correspond with the first side, reversing shapings.

To Make Up

Press parts lightly under a damp cloth on wrong side, omitting garter
stitch borders.
Join right shoulder seam.

Neckband: With right side facing, using No 10 needles and colour D, starting at the left front shoulder, work as follows:
Pick up and knit 18/19/20/21 stitches down the left side of the neck, knit 12/14/16/18 stitches from the front, pick up and knit 18/19/20/21 up the right side; then knit 22/24/26/28 stitches from the back. [70 / 76 / 82 / 88 sts]
Work 3 rows in garter stitch (every row knit).
Cast off.

Join left shoulder seam and neckband.
Armhole Borders: With right side facing, using No 10 needles and colour D, pick up and knot 50/56/62/68 stitches all round each armhole.
Work 3 rows in garter stitch.
Cast off.

Join side seams.
Press seams.


Double Knitting yarn:
2/2/2/3 x 50g balls in main shade;
2/2/2/2 balls in the contrast colour

Pair each of No 8 (4mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Spare needles or stitch holders.


22sts and 30 rows to four inches on 4mm needles over stocking stitch.

Size matters

To fit chest:
20/22/24/26 inches;
length from top of shoulders: 12½/14½/16½/18½ inches.


L: main shade (light)
D: contrast (dark)

k: knit
p: purl
k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch)

m1: make a stitch by picking up the horizontal loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

sl1: slip one stitch by passing it between the needles without knitting it.

A word on the wool.

Original yarn was Patons Totem double crepe.


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.



This is the pinafore with the patterned bodice design in three colours.

Note: When working colour pattern from the chart, strand yarns loosely across the back of the work over not more than 3 stitches at a time, to keep the fabric elastic.
When changing twist yarns on the wrong side to avoid a hole.
Read odd rows knit from right to left and even rows purl from left
to right.


With No 10 needles and contrast (D), cast on 84/88/96/100 stitches, and work 4 rows garter stitch (every row knit).

Next row (increase row): knit 7/9/8/10 stitches; (m1, k14/14/16/16) 5 times; m1, knit 7/9/8/10.
[90 / 94 / 102 / 106 sts]

Break off colour D

Change to No 8 needles and join in main shade (M), and starting with a knit row, work straight in stocking stitch until back measures 7///11 inches ending with a knit row.

Next row: purl 4/10/10/7 stitches; (p2tog, p2/2/2/3) 20/18/20/18 times; p2tog, purl 4/10/10/7
[69 / 75 / 81 / 87 sts]

Joining in and breaking off colours as required, work in pattern from chart until back measures 8//11/12½ inches, ending with a purl row.

Note: Repeat the 6 pattern stitches 11/12/13/14 times across and last 3 stitches on knit rows and first 3 stitches on purl rows as indicated.

Keeping continuity of pattern, shape armholes by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 47/53/59/65 stitches remain.
Work 1 row straight.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 43/47/51/55 stitches remain.

Work straight in pattern until back measures 12½/14½/16½/18½ inches ending with a purl row.

Shape shoulders by casting off 4/4/5/5 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then 4/5/5/6 stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
Leave the remaining 27/29/31/33 stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.


Work as for back from ** to ** .
Work 1 row straight.

Divide for neck as follows:

Next row: pattern 12/13/14/15; k2tog, turn, and leave the remaining stitches on a spare needle.
Continue on these 13/14/15/16 stitches for the first side, decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on every row until 8/9/10/11 stitches remain.
Work straight in pattern until front matches back at armhole edge, ending with a purl row.
Shape shoulder: by casting off 4/4/5/5 stitches at the beginning of the next row. Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining 4/4/5/5 stitches.

With right side facing, leave the centre 15/17/19/21 stitches on a spare needle, and rejoin appropriate colour yarn to the remaining stitches k2tog, pattern to end.

Finish to correspond with the first side, reversing shapings.

To Make Up

Press parts lightly under a damp cloth on wrong side, omitting garter
stitch borders.
Join right shoulder seam.

Neckband: With right side facing, using No 10 needles and colour D, starting at the left front shoulder, work as follows:
Pick up and knit 17/18/19/20 stitches down the left side of the neck, knit 15/17/19/21 stitches from the front decreasing 2 stitches evenly across, pick up and knit 17/18/19/20 up the right side; then knit 27/29/31/33 stitches from the back. [70 / 76 / 82 / 88 sts]
Work 3 rows in garter stitch (every row knit).
Cast off.

Join left shoulder seams and neckband.
Armhole Borders: With right side facing, using No 10 needles and colour D, pick up and knot 50/56/62/68 stitches all round each armhole.
Work 3 rows in garter stitch.
Cast off.

Join side seams.
Press seams.


Double Knitting yarn:
2/2/2/3 x 50g balls in main shade;
1 balls in of the two the contrast colours.
Editor's note: Colour names to conjure with:
Aqua Gem, Gay Turquoise, Blue Slate and Wild Rose....

Pair each of No 8 (4mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Spare needles or stitch holders.


22sts and 30 rows to four inches on 4mm needles over stocking stitch.

Size matters

To fit chest:
20/22/24/26 inches;
length from top of shoulders: 12½/14½/16½/18½ inches.


M: main (aqua)
L: light (pink)
D: dark (blue)

k: knit
p: purl
k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch)

m1: make a stitch by picking up the horizontal loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

sl1: slip one stitch by passing it between the needles without knitting it.

A word on the wool.

Original yarn was Patons Totem double crepe.


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


February 2019

Weekend Jacket


I like hooded jackets and textured fabrics. The benefit of this texturing is that it's all in the stitch, and you don't have to worry about sourcing a replacement for a unique vintage yarn. I can't say how effective the pattern is other than from the photo - so may be best to try a sample swatch first (always a Good Idea - no?!). I'm sure the jacket would work just as well plain.

...attractive loop-stitch texture gives extra warmth to this eyecatching week-end jacket - and a hood can be added for a colder-day version...


Instructions are for 4 sizes.


Using No 8 (4mm) needles, cast on 79/83/87/91 stitches and work 7 rows in garter stitch, (ie every row knit).

Change to No 5 (5½mm) needles and pattern as follows:

1st row (right side facing): knit.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: knit.
4th row: p1, * L1, p3; repeat from * to last 2 stitches, L1, p1.
5th-7th rows: as 1st - 3rd rows.
8th row: p3, * L1, p3; repeat from * to end.

These 8 rows form the pattern for the back.

Work a further 8 rows straight in pattern.

Continue in pattern, shaping sides by decreasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 6th row until 71/75/79/83 stitches remain, then on every following 4th row until 67/71/75/79 stitches remain.

Work straight until back measures 18½ inches (47 cm) at centre, ending with right side facing.

Shape raglans as follows:
1st row: k2, k2togtbl, knit to the last 4 stitches, k2tog, k2.
2nd row: p3, pattern to last 3 stitches, p3.
3rd row: knit.
4th row: as 2nd. [65/69/73/77 sts]

Now repeat 1st and 2nd rows until 23/23/25/25 stitches remain, ending with right side facing.
Leave these stitches on a spare needle.

Pocket linings (make 2)

Using No 5 needles, cast on 21 stitches and work 23 rows stocking stitch, starting with a purl row.
Leave stitches on a spare needle and make another one the same.

Left Front

**Using No 8 needles, cast on 35/37/39/41 stitches and work 7 rows garter-stitch. **

Change to No 5 needles and pattern as follows:

1st and 3rd sizes:
Work 16 rows straight in pattern as for back.

2nd and 4th sizes:
Work pattern thus:
1st row: knit.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: knit.
4th row: p1, * L1, p3; repeat from * to end
5th-7th rows: as 1st - 3rd rows.
8th row: p3, * L1, p3; repeat from * to last 2 stitches, L1, p1.
These 8 rows form pattern for left front.
Work a further 8 rows straight.

All sizes: Continue in pattern, shaping side edge by decreasing 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and following 6th row. [33/35/37/39 sts].
Work 1 row straight.

Place pocket lining as follows:
1st row: knit 6/7/8/9, slip next 21 stitches on to a stitch holder and in place of these, knit across the stitches of one pocket lining, knit 6/7/8/9.
Work 3 rows straight in pattern, then decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and following 6th row, then on every following 4th row until
29/31/33/35 stitches remain.

Keeping continuity of pattern, work straight until front matches back at the side edge, ending with right side facing.

Shape raglan as follows:
1st row: k2, k2togtbl, knit to end.
2nd row: pattern to last 3 stitches, p3.
3rd row: knit.
4th row: as 2nd.

Now repeat 1st and 2nd rows until 13/13/14/14 stitches remain, ending with right side facing.

Continue decreasing at raglan edge as before on the next and every alternate row, and at the same time decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on every row until 8/8/6/6 stitches remain, then on every following alternate row until 4 stitches remain, all sizes.

Now keep the neck edge straight and work 1 more raglan decrease as before. [3 sts]..
1st row: purl.
1st row: k1, k2togtbl.
1st row: p2, turn; k2tog and fasten off.

Right Front

Work as for left front from ** to **.
Change to No 5 needles and pattern as follows:

1st and 3rd sizes:
Work 16 rows straight in pattern as for back.

2nd and 4th sizes:
Work pattern thus:
1st row: knit.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: knit.
4th row: p3, * L1, p3; repeat from * to last 2 stitches, L1, p1.
5th-7th rows: as 1st - 3rd rows.
8th row: p1, * L1, p3; repeat from * to end.
These 8 rows form pattern for right front.
Work a further 8 rows straight.

All sizes: Finish to correspond with left front, reversing shapings and working 'k2tog' when shaping raglan instead of 'k2togtbl'.


Using No 8 needles, cast on 35/35/39/39 stitches and work 7 rows garter stitch.

Change to No 5 needles and pattern as for back, shaping sides as follows:
Increase 1 stitch at each end of 7th/5th/3rd/3rd and every following 10th/8th/8th/ 6th row until there are 49/53/47/47 stitches, taking increased stitches into pattern.

3rd and 4th sizes: Now increase 1 stitch at each end of every following 10th/8th row until there are 55/59 stitches.

All sizes: Work a few rows straight until sleeve seam measures 16 inches (41 cm), ending with the right side facing.

Shape raglans as for back until 7 stitches remain all sizes.
1st row: in pattern.
1st row: k1, k2togtbl, k. 1, k2tog , k1. [5 sts]
1st row: in pattern.
Leave stitches on a safety pin.

Front Borders

Left: With No 8 needles, cast on 11 stitches and work a strip in garter stitch to fit up left front to start of neck shaping, when slightly stretched, ending with right side facing.
Sew in position as you go along.
For hooded version: Cast off.
Version without hood: Leave stitches on a safety-pin.

Right: With No 8 needles, cast on 11 stitches and work 6 rows garter stitch. Work in loop pattern as follows:
1st row: k1, * L1, k1; repeat from * to end.
1st row: knit.
1st row: k2, * L1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
1st row: knit.
These 4 rows form pattern. Finish to correspond with left border, but casting off in pattern for hooded version.

Neck Border for version without hood

Join raglan seams.
With right side facing and No 8 needles, knit 11 from right border, pick up and knit 10 stitches up right side of neck, k5 from right sleeve, 23/23/25/25 from back decreasing 2 stitches evenly, k5 from left sleeve, pick up and knit 10 down left side of neck, knit 11 from left border. [73/73/75/75 sts]

1st row: k11, keeping continuity of loop pattern as for right border work to end.
Keeping 11 stitches of left border in garter stitch, work a further 15 rows straight in loop pattern.
Cast Off in loop pattern and garter stitch.


Join raglan seams.

With right side facing and No 8 needles, start at the centre of the right border and pick up and knit 5 stitches, pick up and knit 9 stitches up right side of neck, k5 from right sleeve, knit 23/23/25/25 from back, k5 from left sleeve, pick up and knit 9 down left side of neck, then k5 from left border to centre. [61/61/63/63 sts]

Work 5 rows k1/p1 rib, rows on right side having a k1 at each end.

1st row: rib 4/4/1/1, m1, * rib 4, m1; repeat from * last 5/5/2/2 stitches, rib 5/5/2/2. [75/75/79/79 sts]

Change to No 5 needles.
1st row: p12, starting with 4th row, work in loop pattern as for back to last 12 stitches, p12.

Keeping 12 stitches at each end in stocking stitch, continue in loop pattern until work measures 11 inches (28 cm) from start of ribbing, ending with right side facing.

Cast off 24 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Continue straight in pattern for a further 3 in. (7 cm) on the remaining 27/27/31/31 stitches, then work a further 3 inches (7 cm) in stocking stitch.
Cast off.

Hood Border

With No. 8 needles, cast on 103/103/107/107 stitches, and knit 2 rows, then work 16 rows in loop pattern as for right border, starting with 1st row.
Cast Off in loop pattern.

To Make Up

Using a warm iron and damp cloth, press parts lightly on wrong side, omitting loop and garter stitch borders and taking care not to spoil the pattern. Join side and sleeve seams.

Pocket Tops: With right side facing and No 8 needles, knit across each set of 21 pocket stitches decreasing 1 stitch in centre. [20 sts].
Work 4 rows garter stitch.
Cast off knitwise.
Catch down sides of pocket tops neatly to main work, then sew linings lightly in position on wrong side.

Cut petersham the same length as right border plus 1 inch (2 cm) for turnings.
Mark position for 8 buttonholes on petersham, first to come 1½ in. (4 cm) up from lower edge, 8th 1 inch (2 cm) below top of neck border or below top of ribbing on hooded version, and remainder spaced evenly.
Cut buttonholes in petersham and buttonhole round them.
Pin petersham on wrong side of right border and sew along inner edge and along top and bottom edges, then catch firmly in centre between each buttonhole along outer edge.

Hooded Version: Join sides to top of hood.
Pin loop border on top of hood, cast-on edge to come level with outside edge.
Sew in position all round, sewing short edges level with short edges on front borders.
Both versions: Press seams.
Sew on buttons and press studs at neck.


25/26/27/28 x 50g balls of chunky yarn.
Without hood:
20/21/22/23 x 50g balls.

Pair each No 5 (5½mm) and No 8 (4mm) needles.

2 stitch-holders.

2 press studs.

2½ inch wide petersham for buttonhole border.


17 sts and 21 rows to 4 inches measured over stocking stitch on No 5 (5½mm) needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in 4 sizes to fit bust:
32/34/36/38 inches, (81/86/91/96 cm);
length from top of shoulders, 27/27½/28/28½ inches, 69/70/71/72 cm);
sleeve seam, 16 inches, (41cm) all sizes.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).

stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").

tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]

m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

L1: knit next stitch, winding yarn over needle and first finger of left hand once, then over needle again, then place the 2 loops back on the left needle and knit them together with the stitch through back of loops.

A Word on the Wool:

Original knitted in Patons Doublet.
This is a chunky - stated to be "double double knitting" - so 2 times thicker than DK. Ravelry lists it as 60 yards to 50g which sounds reasonable but I am unable to confirm.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

October 2018

Prima Donna


"....prima donna opera coat - so boldly dramatic...."
I think this could be appropriate as an evening coat or for a wedding - but again, even though it looks very summery, it's 4ply crochet which, even in a cotton weight, could prove to be quite warm.


The coat is worked in a number of repeated "patterns".

To make 1 pattern:
3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr

Motif Panel Pattern
(Worked over 6½ patterns)

1st row (wrong side facing): 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 4 patterns.
2nd row
: 4 patterns, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
3rd row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, (1 tr in next tr, 2 ch) twice, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 patterns.
4th row
: 3 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, (1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp) twice, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
5th row
: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 8 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 patterns.
6th row
: 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, 3 tr in next 5 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 11 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
7th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 11 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, (2 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 5 tr in next 5 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
8th row: 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 8 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 5 ch, miss 3 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
9th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 8 tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
10th row: 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in each of next 5 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, (1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp) twice, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 5 tr in next 5 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
11th row: (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 1 tr in each of next 12 tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 6 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 5 tr, 2 ch, 3 tr in next 5 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
12th row: 1 pattern, 1 tr in each of next 9 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 13 tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 1 tr in each of next 6 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr.
13th row: 5 ch, miss 3 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) twice, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 1 tr in each of next 6 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) twice, (2 tr, in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 1 tr in each of next 12 tr, 1 pattern.
14th row: 1 pattern, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 16 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 10 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) twice, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 1 tr in each of next 6 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
15th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) 4 times, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 1 tr in each of next 15 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) 5 times, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern.
16th row: 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) 5 times, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 19 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
17th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 3 tr in next 5 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) 3 times, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, (1 tr in next tr, 2 ch) twice, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 13 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch:, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 1 tr in each of next 9 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next 5 ch sp, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
18th row: 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, (2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr) twice, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, (2 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
19th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
20th row: 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 10 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, (2 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, (2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr) twice, 5 ch, miss 3 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
21st row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch, sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 10 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 13 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
22nd row: 2 ch, 3 tr in next 5 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 13 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
23rd row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 10 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 5 tr, 1 tr in each of next 1 0 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
24th row: 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 5 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 10 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 3 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 1 pattern, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
25th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 tr in each of next 3 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns.
26th row: 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
27th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 tr in next 2 ch sp, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns.
28th row: 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in each of next 7 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.
29th row: 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 3 tr, 1 tr in each of next 4 tr, 2 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 patterns.
30th row: 2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 3 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 3 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr.

These 30 rows form the panel pattern.

Back and Fronts
(worked in one piece to armhole)

Foundation row (wrong side facing): 1 dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 dc in each remaining ch. [385/385/409/409 sts]
Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc in first stitch, 1 dc in each remaining stitch. Repeat the last row once more.

Change to No 9 (3½ mm) hook and work as follows:
Foundation row (right side facing): 1 dc in first stitch, 3 ch, miss 2 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch, 5 ch, miss 5 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch, * 3 ch, miss 2 stitches, 1 dc in next stitch, 3 ch, miss 2 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch, 5 ch, miss 5 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch; repeat from * to last 3 stitches, 3 ch, miss 2 stitches, 1 dc in last stitch.
[31½/31½/33½/33½ patterns plus ¼ pattern at each end].

Place motif panel patterns as follows:
1st row: 6 ch, 1 tr in next tr, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, work 1st row of motif panel pattern across next 6½ patterns, work 1/1/2/2 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr * , work 1st row of motif panel pattern across next 6½ patterns, 1 pattern, repeat from * to * once, work 1st row of motif panel pattern across next 6½ patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 dtr in first dc of previous row.
2nd row: 1 dc in first st, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, * work 2nd row of motif panel pattern, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, work 1/1/2/2 patterns, work 2nd row of motif panel pattern, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, * work 1 pattern, repeat from * to * once, 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch.

Continue working thus until 30 rows of motif panel pattern have been worked.
Next row
: 6 ch, 1 tr in next tr, work 31/31/33/33 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 dtr in first dc of previous row.

1st, 2nd and 4th sizes:
Next row
: 1 dc in first st, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, work 31 /31 /33 patterns, 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch

4th size:
Next row
: 6 ch, 1 tr in next tr, work 33 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 dtr in first dc of previous row.

All sizes: Keeping continuity of pattern, shape as follows:
lst row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 7½//8/8 patterns, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern over 15½/15½/16½/16½ patterns, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
2nd row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 7½//8/8 patterns, 1 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern over 15½/15½/16½/16½ patterns, 1 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
3rd row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 7/7// patterns, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next 1 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr * , pattern over 14½/14½/15½/15½ patterns repeat from * to * once, pattern to end.
4th row:pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 7/7// patterns, (3 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern over next 14½/14½/15½/15½ patterns, (3 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern to end.
5th row:pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 7/7// patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern over 14½/14½/15½/15½ patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
6th-9th rows
: in pattern.
10th row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 7/7// patterns, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern over 14½/14½/15½/15½ patterns, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
11th row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 7/7// patterns, 1 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern over 14½/14½/15½/15½ patterns, 1 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
12th row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 6½//7/7 patterns, * 3 ch 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next 1 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr *, pattern over 13½/13½/14½/14½ patterns, repeat from * to * once, pattern to end.
13th row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 6½//7/7 patterns, (3 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern over 13½/13½/14½/14½ patterns, (3 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern to end.
14th row:pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 6½//7/7 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern over 13½/13½/14½/14½ patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
15th-18th rows
: in pattern.

Continue decreasing thus until 72/63/72/63 shaping rows have been worked:
15½/17½/17½/19½ patterns plus ¼ pattern at each end. 2nd and 4th sizes:
Next row
: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 4/patterns, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern over / patterns, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
Next row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 4/ patterns, 1 ch, 1 tr in next stitch, pattern over / patterns, 1 ch, 1 tr in next stitch, pattern to end.
Next row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over /4 patterns, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next 1 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in in next tr *, pattern over / patterns, repeat from * to * once, pattern to end.
[15½/17½ patterns, plus ¾ pattern at each end]

Next row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over /4 patterns, (5 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern over / patterns, (5 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern to end.
Next row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over /4 patterns, (3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern over / patterns, (3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern to end.

These last 2 rows form the pattern.

All sizes: Continue straight in pattern until work measures 39/40/40/41 inches, ending with right side facing.

Divide for right front as follows:
Next row
: pattern over 1/4 pattern, then pattern over 2¾/3/3/3 patterns, turn.

2nd, 3rd and 4th sizes:
Next row
: 8 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
Next row: in pattern, ending 3 ch, 1 dc in last ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in 3rd ch.

All sizes: Continue in pattern on these patterns for right front until work measures 5/6/6/6 inches from where work was divided, ending with right side facing.
Fasten off.

Shape neck as follows:
With right side facing leave ¼ pattern unworked, then leave next 1¼/// patterns unworked, rejoin yarn in next dc/tr/tr/tr and pattern to end. [1½ patterns]. Work a few rows straight until neck measures 2 inches.
Fasten off.

With right side facing, leave 2/2//3 patterns unworked from where work was turned, rejoin yarn in next 5 ch sp/tr/tr/tr, pattern over next 6/// patterns, turn. Continue on these patterns for back until back matches front at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.
Fasten off.

With right side facing, leave 2/2//3 patterns unworked from where work was turned, rejoin yarn in next 5 ch sp/tr/tr/tr, pattern to end.
Finish to correspond with right front reversing shapings.


With 2½ mm hook, make 98/98/110/110 ch.

Foundation row (wrong side facing): 1 dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 dc in each remaining ch.
[97/97/109/109 sts]

Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc in first stitch, 1 dc in each remaining stitch. Repeat last row once more.

Change to No 3½ mm hook and pattern as follows:

Foundation row (right side facing): 1 dc in first stitch, 3 ch, miss 2 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch, 5 ch, miss 5 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch, * 3 ch, miss 2 stitches, 1 dc in next stitch, 3 ch, miss 2 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch, 5 ch, miss 5 stitches, 1 tr in next stitch, repeat from * to last 3 stitches, 3 ch, 1 dc in last stitch. [7½/// patterns plus ¼ pattern at each end].

1st row: 6 ch, 1 tr in next tr, work 7/7/8/8 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 dtr in first dc of previous row.
2nd row: 1 dc in first stitch, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, work 7/7/8/8 patterns, 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch.
These 2 rows form the pattern.
Continue in pattern until sleeve measures 18½ in.
Place a marker at each end of last row.

Continue in pattern until extra rows from marker fit along ½ the patterns left for armhole.
Fasten off.


Using 3½ mm hook, make 146 ch.
Foundation row (right side facing): 1 dc in 2nd ch from hook, 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 tr in next ch, 5 ch, miss 5 ch, 1 tr in next ch, * 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch, 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 tr in next ch, 5 ch, miss 5 ch, 1 tr in next ch; repeat from * to last 3 ch, 3 ch, 1 dc in last ch.
[11½ patterns plus ¼ pattern at each end.]

1st row: 6 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 11 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 2 ch, 1 dtr in first dc of previous row.
2nd row: 1 dc in first stitch, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 11 patterns, 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch.
Repeat the last 2 rows once more.

Shape back of hood as follows:
1st row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 5½ patterns, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
2nd row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 5½ patterns, 1 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
3rd row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 5 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next 1 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
4th row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 5 patterns, (3 ch, 1 tr in next tr) twice, pattern to end.
5th row: pattern over ¼ pattern, then pattern over 5 patterns, 3 ch, 1 dc in next tr , 3 ch, 1 tr in next tr, pattern to end.
6th and 7th rows: in pattern.
Continue decreasing thus, every 7 rows until 35 shaping rows have been worked.
[6½ patterns plus ¼ pattern at each end.]
Fasten off.

To Make Up

Using a cool iron and dry cloth, press parts lightly on wrong side.
Join shoulder seams, then join sleeve seams to markers.
Sew straight top edge of sleeves into armholes, then sew edges left free to base of armholes.

Front and Neck Border: With right side facing and 2½ mm hook, start at lower right front edge and work 1 row dc up right front, all round neck and down left front, increasing and decreasing at corners as required.
Turn and work a 2nd row, working 24 button loops on the right front - the first to come at the top of the front neck edge and the remainder at 1 inch intervals.
Fasten off.
To make a button loop: 2 ch, miss 2 dc.

Fold hood in half at top and join last row together.
With right side facing and using 2½ mm hook, work 2 rows dc round front edge of hood.
Stitch lower edge of hood on to neck as shown, gathering extra fullness in at back.

Press seams.
Sew on buttons.


10/11/12/13 x 50g balls of 4 ply crepe.

No 9 (3½mm) and No 12 (2½mm) hooks.

24 buttons.


1½ patterns and 8 rows to 3 inches.

Size matters

To fit chest:
32/34/36/38 inches,
length from top of shoulders: garment drops to a length of 51/52/53/54 inches when worn;
sleeve seam: 18½ inches all sizes.

Note: An allowance of 5 inches is given to allow for dropping when worn (4 inches at under arm, and 1 inch at armhole).


ch: chain
dc: double crochet
tr: treble
dtr: double treble
ss: slip stitch
sp: space

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.

A Word on the Wool:

Original in Patons Limelight Crepe - knits as 4 ply, which was 100% courtelle (synthetic - so a good yardage); stated on Ravelry to be 216 yards to 50g.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


September 2018

Plain Jane


Although I always hesitate to say this, I do think the design of this particular classic plain sweater in a fine (4 ply fingering) yarn, is pretty timeless. It is knitted in one colour, but could be a good basic pattern to be used for colour work: stripes or fairisle; do remember though that stranded colour work does tend to pull in the stitiches somewhat, so do check your tension before you start adapting.

The sweater is titled a "short length classic sweater". Of course, you can knit it to the length you want - but - it is designed to fit to the waist and so there is some shaping in the form of increases up to the armhole. If you want it longer or do not see yourself with a neat waist, you could cast on the full number of stitches at the start, and just knit straight up to the armhole omitting the increasing.


Instructions for larger sizes are given in brackets.


With No 12 (2¾mm) needles, cast on 92 [98, 106, 112, 120] stitches and work in k1/p1 rib for 2¾ inches (7 cm).

Change to No 10 (3¼mm) needles, and starting with a knit row, work in stocking stitch, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the 5th and every following 6th row until there are 114 [120, 128, 134, 142] stitches.

Work straight until Back measures 11 inches, (28 cm), ending with a purl row.

Shape armholes by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 100 [102, 102, 108, 104] stitches remain.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following alternate row until 86 [90, 92, 98, 100] stitches remain.

Work straight until Back measures 18½ [19, 19¼, 19¾, 20] inches, (47 [48, 49, 50, 51] cm), ending with a purl row.

Shape shoulders by casting off 11 [12, 12, 13, 13] stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then cast off 12 [13, 13, 14, 13] stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.

Leave the remaining 40 [40, 42, 44, 48] stitches on a length of yarn, or stitch holder.


Work as for Back from ‡‡ to ‡‡.

Work straight until Front measures 16 [16½, 17, 17½, 17½] inches, (41 [42, 43, 44, 44] cm), ending with a purl row.

Shape neck as follows:
Next row: k30 [32, 32, 34, 35], turn, and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.
Next row: p2tog, purl to end.

Continue on these stitches for the first side, decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 3 rows, and then on every alternate row until 23 [25, 25, 27, 26] stitches remain.

Work straight until Front matches Back to start of shoulder shaping, ending with a purl row.

Shape shoulders by casting off 11 [12, 12, 13, 13] stitches at the beginning of the next row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off remaining 12 [13, 13, 14, 13] stitches.

With right side facing, leave centre 26 [26, 28, 30, 30] stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches and complete to correspond with the first side, reversing shapings.


With No 12 needles, cast on 50 [50, 54, 56, 56] stitches and work in k1/p1 rib for 2 inches (5 cm).

Next row: rib 7, (m1, rib 12 [12, 13, 14, 14]) 3 times, m1, rib 7 [7, 8, 7, 7].
(54 [54, 58, 60, 60] sts).

Change to No 10 needles and starting with a knit row, work in stocking stitch, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 9th [7th, 8th, 7th, 6th] row until there are 82 [88, 90, 94, 100] stitches.

Work straight until sleeve seam measures 17½ inches, (44 cm), ending with a purl row.

Shape top by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following alternate row until 28 [32, 30, 30, 34] stitches remain.
Work 1 row.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 20 [20, 22, 22, 22] stitches remain.
Cast off.

Making Up

Omitting ribbing, press parts lightly on wrong side following instructions (if any) on the ball band.
Join right shoulder seam.

Neckband: With right side facing and No 12 needles, knit up 18 [18, 18, 18, 19] stitches down left side of neck, knit 26 [26, 28, 30, 30] stitches from front, knit up 18 [18, 18, 18, 19] stitches up right side of neck, knit 40 [40, 42, 44, 48] stitches from back.
(102 [102, 106, 110, 116] sts).
Work in k1/p1 rib for 2 inches, (5 cm).
Cast off loosely in rib.

Join left shoulder seam and Neckband.
Fold Neckband in half to wrong side and slip-hem neatly in position.

Join side and sleeve seams; insert Sleeves.
Press seams.


11 [12, 13, 14,
15] (25 gram) balls 4 ply yarn.

Pair each No 12 (2¾mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.


28 stitches x 36 rows to 4 ins in stocking stitch on No 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit chest 32 [34, 36, 38, 40] inches, (81 [86, 91, 97, 102] cm);
length from top of
shoulders: 18½ [19,
19½, 19¾, 20] inches, (47 [48, 49, 50, 51] cm);
sleeve seam: 17½ inches, (44 cm), all sizes.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).
stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").
m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal
loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

June 2018

Flower Power



Note: Yarn is used double throughout, and the hats are made using a variation of double crochet:
Instead of working under the two loops at the top of each stitch as for
ordinary double crochet, insert the hook into the back loop only of the
stitch, ie, between the front and back loops at the top of the double crochet of the previous round, then into the top of the upright loop at the back and to the left of this double crochet, then complete the stitch as for an ordinary double crochet.

Basic Hat

Make 3 chain, join in a ring with slip stitch (ss) in 1st chain.
1st round: 1 ch, to count as first dc, work 5dc into circle. Join with ss to first ch. [6 sts]
2nd round: 1 ch, to count as first dc, 1 dc into same place, work 2 dc into each dc to end, remembering to work over the two separate threads. [12 sts]

Do not join after this round, but carry on working in continuous rounds, making a spiral. This will be easy if you mark the begninning of the next
round with a coloured thread so that you do not lose your place.
3rd round: Continue in pattern as given above, working (2 dc into next st, one dc into next st) to end. [18 sts]
4th round: Continue in pattern, working (2 dc into next st, one dc into each of the next 2 sts) to end. [24 sts]

Continue in pattern, increasing 6 stitches in every round in this way until there are 66 stitches.

Continue working in rounds of double crochet without shaping for a further 3½ inches (9cm).

For the basic hat - fasten off at this point. You can then decorate as required.


Make one small and one large daisy to sew on the basic hat. You should use a smaller crochet hook (2½ -3mm) and a single strand of the 4ply yarn.

Small daisy:
Make 7ch.
Join with a ss to first ch to form circle.
1st round: 3ch, work 17tr into circle. Join with a ss to third of first 3ch.
2nd round: * 3ch, miss next 2tr of previous round, 1 ss into next tr, repeat from * 4 times more, 3ch. Join with a ss to first of first 3ch.
[6 loops].
3rd round: Into each 3ch loop work (1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc). Join with a ss to first dc.
[Editor's note: This makes shell shapes for the petals..]

Fasten off.

Large daisy:

Make 11ch.
Join with a ss to first ch to form circle.
1st round: 3ch to count as first tr, work 31tr into circle. Join with a ss to 3rd of first 3ch. [32tr]
2nd round: * 4ch, miss 3tr of previous round, 1ss into next tr, repeat from * 6 times more, 4ch, miss 3tr. Join with a ss to first of first 4ch.
[8 loops]
3rd round: Into each 4ch loop work (1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc). Join with a ss to first dc.
[8 petals]
4th round: * 4ch, 1ss into back loop of st on second round between next 2 petals, repeat from * 7 times more, joining last ss into first of first 4ch.
[Editor's note: This creates a double row of petals.]

5th round: Into each 4ch loop work (1dc, 1htr, 5tr, 1htr, 1dc). Join with a ss to first dc.

[Editor's note: If you want to create a medium sized flower you can stop here and fasten off - otherwise continue with 2 more rounds.]

6th round: * 5ch, 1ss into back of st on 4th round between next 2 petals, repeat from * 7 times more, joining last ss into first of first 5ch.
7th round: Into each 5ch loop work (1dc, 1htr, 2tr, 5dtr, 2tr, 1htr, 1dc). Join with a ss to first dc.
Fasten off.

White hat

This hat was made using raffia, using thread single throughout with a
No 5 (5½mm) crochet hook. The crown is worked as for the basic hat in double crochet. Instead of fastening off after working the 3½ inches (9cm), work a further round of eyelet holes to slot ribbon through:
work one treble into alternate double crochet with one chain between each.
Complete the hat with 2 double crochet worked into each chain space, and thread ribbon through the holes if desired.

Granny squares hat

Using a No 6 (5mm) crochet hook and double yarn, work crown as given for basic hat in double crochet pattern until there are 72 stitches. Fasten off.
Make 6 granny squares with 3 rounds in each, using the same crochet hook and having the yarn double throughout as follows:

Make 6 chain. Insert hook from front to back into first chain, yarn round hook and draw loop through chain and loop on hook in one movement. One slip stitch (ss) ss has been worked to join ch into a circle or ring.

1st round: 3ch to count as first tr, 2tr into circle working under ch, 2ch, work (3tr into circle, 2ch) 3 times. Join with ss to third of first 3ch.
2nd round: 2ch, work (3tr, 2ch, 3tr) into first 2ch space to form the corner, * 1ch, work (3tr, 2ch, 3tr) into next 2ch space, repeat from * twice more. Join with ss to second of first 2ch.

3rd round: 3ch, 2tr into first ch space to the left of ss join of previous round, 1ch, * work (3tr, 2ch, 3tr) into 2ch space, 1ch, 3tr into 1ch space, 1ch, repeat from * twice more, (3tr, 2ch, 3tr) into last 2ch space, 1ch. Join with ss to third of first 3ch.
Break off yarn, and fasten off, (ie draw end through loop on hook and draw up tightly).

You can work the square in a single colour or in multiple different colours, fastening off one colour and starting another at the end of each round.

Join the 6 squares into a circle. With main colour work 72 dc along
one edge, then work another round in double crochet.
Sew this edge in place around the crown.
Complete the lower edge with 2 more rounds of double crochet.

To Make Up

Sew in ends and embellish as desired referring to the photos:

- sew daisies to hat, or,
- thread ribbon through eyelet holes, or,
- sew granny squares into a circular band and attach to hat crown, or,
- make a plait long enough to fit round lower edge of hat and sew in place. (Use oddments of 3 colours, taking about 20 strands of each).


75g in 4ply fingering yarn, used double.
[Plus oddments for any trimmings].

A No 2 (7mm ) crochet hook


10 stitches and 7 rows measures 2 inches (5cm) over brim pattern.

Size matters

To fit "an average head"

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
ss: slip stitch
dc: double crochet
htr: half treble
tr: treble
dtr: double treble

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet; htr is equivalent to US double crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and 1 will try and assist.


March 2018

Spring Cushions


Simple yet effective cushions using stylised leaf motifs.
Cushions can be an opportunity to really give full rein to your creative side with little investment risk - in either time or materials. If (like me) you feel you lack a natural artistic streak of your own, you can find inspiration almost anywhere. Any small motifs from embroidery sources can be used for knitting - but make sure you check the tension you need to aim at as it will dictate the resulting size of the cushion.


These cushions are created using a limited colour palette and an intarsia technique. Only two colours are used where the motifs are worked, which is a good idea to start with - both stylistically and technically.

Assuming you are familiar with the idea of working from charts, as usual, the charts show the right, or knitted, side of the work, reading knit rows from right to left; every alternate row worked in purl and read from left to right. The yarn not in use is carried loosely across the back of the fabric all the time, so it will be taken behind the stitches on a knitted row and in front of them on a purled row.

Ideally you need to keep within a maximum of about five or six stitches in each colour so that you don't have to carry the yarn not in use across too many stitches at the back of the work. It is feasible to carry the yarn across a greater number of stitches as long as you don't pull the yarn so tightly that it puckers your work.
[Editor's note: When you are making actual garments with motifs, it is not good practice to leave large loops of yarn at the back as they tend to catch on buttons etc as you pull sweaters on and off (ask me how I know). With cushions like this it is less important as the wrong side of the work is enclosed and unlikely to be pulled once finished.]

The completed size of a motif, (and the entire design), will depend on the tension at which you are working. For example: with a tension of 20 stitches and 28 rows to 4 inches (10 cm), a motif worked over 15 stitches and 21 rows will form a square measuring 3 inches (7.5cm) by 3 inches (7.5cm). So you can do some simple working out to adapt any motifs to a design measuring the size you want.

If you are not so familiar with working from charts, this might be a good project to start out with. For consistency, the charts show each motif on a 23 stitch grid; the actual pattern repeat across the cushion is 24 stitches: each set of stitches on the chart is separated by one background stitch. The overall spacing or layout of the motifs is given by a written set-up row for each cushion, which is the first row on the charts.

Cushion 1

Worked in two colours with the same motif repeated evenly all over the cushion.

Using No 9 (3¾mm) needles and main shade (A), cast on 99 stitches, and work in stocking stitch throughout.

Work 4 rows in main shade (A).
Join in contrast colour (B) and start the leaf motifs by working from Chart A - set up the repeats working across the next row as follows:

Next row: k1 stitch in A, k1 stitch in B, (k23 stitches in A, k1 stitch in B) 4 times finishing the row with k1 stitch in A.

There is half a leaf at each end of the row, plus an extra stitch at each end of the work which will be used for seaming. So now continue in pattern from the chart, starting with the seam stitch followed by the centre stitch of the leaf. The overall pattern repeat is 24 stitches, 13 stitches for the leaf and 11 stitches between the leaves at the widest point.

Work the 40 pattern rows, followed by 8 rows in A only, twice, then work the 40 row pattern again followed by 4 rows in A.
[144 rows in all].
Cast off.

Cushion 2

Worked in 8 colours with stripes of colour and repeated motifs in 8 colours (A-H).

Using No 9 (3¾mm) needles and main shade (A), cast on 121 stitches, and work in stocking stitch throughout.

Work 2 rows using A, 1 row using B and 4 rows using A.

Motif stripe 1:
Start the first leaf pattern with a purl row following Chart B, set-up row as follows:

Next row: p12 stitches in A, (p1 stitch in B, p23 stitches in A) 4 times finishing the row with p1 stitch in B, p12 stiches in A.

Continue working from the Chart B until 38 rows have been completed.

Work plain stripes of 4 rows in A, 1 row in C, 1 row in D, and 4 rows in C.

Motif stripe 2:
Start the second leaf pattern with a purl row following Chart C, set-up row as follows:

Next row: p12 stitches in C, (p1 stitch in D, p23 stitches in C) 4 times finishing the row with p1 stitch in D, p12 stiches in C.

Continue working from Chart C until 33 rows have been completed.

Work plain stripes of 4 rows in C, 1 row in E, 1 row in F, and 4 rows in E.

Motif stripe 3:
Start the third leaf pattern with a knit row following Chart D, set-up row as follows:

Next row: k12 stitches in E, (k1 stitch in F, k23 stitches in E) 4 times finishing the row with k1 stitch in F, k12 stiches in E.

Continue working from Chart D until 30 rows have been completed.

Work plain stripes of 4 rows in E, 1 row in H, 1 row in E, and 4 rows in G.

Motif stripe 4:
Start the third leaf pattern with a knit row following Chart E, set-up row as follows:

Next row: k12 stitches in G, (k1 stitch in H, k23 stitches in G) 4 times finishing the row with k1 stitch in H, k12 stiches in G.

Continue working from Chart E until 37 rows have been completed.

Finally, work plain stripes of 4 rows in G, 1 row in H, 2 rows G.
[182 rows in all.]
Cast off.

Cushion 3

Worked in three colours (A-C) with different motifs repeated in bands across the cushion; the background and motif colours are constant, and the motif bands are separated by thin stripes of the third colour.

Using No 9 (3¾mm) needles and contrast colour C, cast on 99 stitches, and work in stocking stitch throughout.

Work 2 rows in contrast C, 4 rows in main shade A.

Motif stripe 1:
Start the first leaf pattern with a knit row following Chart F, set-up row as follows:

Next row: k2 stitches in B, (k23 stitches in A, k1 stitch in B) 4 times finishing the row with k1 stitch in B.

Here again there is half a leaf at each end of the cushion, so the pattern has been set to start with the centre stitch of a leaf, plus the seaming stitch at each end of the row.

Continue working from the Chart F until 38 rows have been completed.

Work plain stripes of 4 rows in A, 2 rows in C, and 4 rows in A.

Motif stripe 2:
Start the second leaf pattern with a knit row following Chart G, set-up row as follows (this set up row is exactly the same as for motif 1):

Next row: k2 stitches in B, (k23 stitches in A, k1 stitch in B) 4 times finishing the row with k1 stitch in B.

Again there is half a leaf at each end of the cushion, so the pattern has been set to start with the centre stitch of a leaf, plus the seaming stitch at each end of the row.

Continue working from the Chart G until the 27 rows of the pattern have been completed.

Work plain stripes of 4 rows in A, 2 rows in C, and 4 rows in A.

Motif stripe 3:
The third leaf pattern uses Chart D which is the same chart used in the second cushion printed above. So follow the Chart D BUT you start with a purl row and the set-up row has the half a leaf at each end of the cushion. So as for motifs 1 and 2 on this cushion, the pattern has been set to start with the centre stitch of a leaf, plus the seaming stitch at each end of the row. Set-up row is as follows:

Next row: p2 stitches in B, (p23 stitches in A, p1 stitch in B) 4 times finishing the row with p1 stitch in B.

Continue working from the Chart D until the 30 rows of the pattern have been completed.

Work plain stripes of 4 rows in A, 2 rows in C, and 4 rows in A.

Motif stripe 4:
The fourth pattern motif is the same one used in the first stripe of this cushion, so follow the same chart F that you used before. However this time you start the fourth leaf pattern with a purl row. Set-up row as follows:

Next row: p2 stitches in B, (p23 stitches in A, p1 stitch in B) 4 times finishing the row with p1 stitch in B.

Just as before, there is half a leaf at each end of the cushion, so the pattern has been set to start with the centre stitch of a leaf, plus the seaming stitch at each end of the row.

Continue working from the Chart F until 38 rows have been completed.

Work plain stripes of 4 rows in A, and 2 rows in C.
[175 rows in all].
Cast off.

Making up

All the cushions are made up of two identical pieces.
Sew two cushion pieces together on three sides.
Insert a cushion pad and sew up the fourth side.


Standard double knitting yarn in colours of your choice.

A pair of No 9 (3¾mm) needles.

Cushion 1:
200g in main shade; 100g in contrast.

Approximate size:
16 x 16 inches
(40 x 40cm)

Cushion 2:
100g in each of 8 colours.

Approximate size:
20 x 20 inches
(50 x 50cm)

Cushion 3:
200g in main shade; 100g in each of 2 contrast colours.

Approximate size:
16 x 19 inches
(40 x 48cm)


24sts x 36 rows to 4 inches (10cm) using No 9 (3¾mm) needles.


stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

January 2018

Shetland folklore tunic


Lovely heathery shetland yarn tunic in a double knitting weight yarn.

Although this pattern is from the seventies, it evokes a much earlier era to me. I remember my friend Sara having a cardigan just like this, (in colour and pom-poms), knitted by her Mother in the 1960s. I have had cardigan envy ever since. However - I am sure a tunic would suit me even better!


Instructions for larger sizes are given in brackets.

When working the yoke pattern from the chart, strand yarns not in use loosely across the wrong side of the work over not more than 3 stitches at a time in order to keep the fabric elastic, joining in and breaking off colours as required.
Read odd rows knit from right to left, and even rows purl from left to right.


With No 10 (3¼mm) needles and main shade (M), cast on 241 [249, 257, 265] stitches and work as follows:

1st row (wrong side facing): (k1, p1) 23 times; k1, p2tog, p1 (mark this stitch with a coloured thread); p2togtbl, k1; (p1, k1) 68 [72, 76, 80] times; p2tog, p1 (mark this stitch as before); p2togtbl, k1; (p1. k1) 23 times.
2nd row: * p1, k1; rep from * to within 2 stitches of first marked st; sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, rib to within 2 stitches of 2nd marked stitch, sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, rib to end.
Keeping continuity of rib, continue to decrease in this way working in stripes of a further 2 rows M, 2 rows D, 2 rows L, 2 rows M, 2 rows D.

Next row: In D, cast off 38 stitches evenly in rib; in M, p9 [11, 12, 13] (including stitch on needle after cast off), p2tog, (p1, p2tog) 32 [34, 36, 38] times, p10 [10, 11, 12]; then in D, cast off remaining stitches in rib. [84 [90, 96, 102] sts].

Change to No 8 (4 mm) needles and with M, work in stocking stitch starting with a knit row until back measures 6 inches, ending with a purl row.
Next row: Cast on 8, knit these stitches, knit to end, cast on 8. [100, 106, 112, 118].
Continue on these stitches and work 11 rows.

Shape sides as follows:
Next row: k9, k2togtbl, knit to last 11 stitches, k2tog, k9.
Work 11 rows.
Repeat the decrease row once more. [100, 102, 108, 114 sts].
Work straight until Back measures 17 inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape armholes by casting off 1 [2, 3, 4] stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.

Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next row.
Work 3 rows.
Repeat the last 4 rows once more. [90, 94, 98, 102 sts].

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 86 stitches remain, ending with right side facing.
Leave stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.


Work as for Back from ‡‡ to ‡‡.

Next row: k2tog, knit to the last 2 stitches, k2tog.
Next row: purl.

Repeat the last 2 rows 0 [2, 4, 6] times more. [92 sts].

Shape neck by working short rows as follows:
1st row: k2tog, k28, turn, and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.
2nd row: Cast off 8, purl to end.
3rd row: k2tog, knit to end.
4th row: Cast off 7, purl to end.
5th row: k2tog, knit to end.
6th row: Cast off 5, purl to end. [7 sts].

Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and following alternate row and at the same time decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 3 rows. [2 sts].
Next row: p2tog and fasten off.
Leave centre 32 stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder, and with
right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches; knit to the last 2 stitches, k2tog.

Finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.


With No 10 (3¼mm) needles and M, cast on 42 [44, 46, 48] stitches and work in k1/p1 rib and stripes of 4 rows M, 2 rows D, 2 rows L, 2 rows M, 2 rows D. [12 rows]

Continue in M until rib measures 3 inches, increasing across last row as follows : (rib 2, m1) 7 times; (rib 1, m1) 16 [18, 20, 22] times; (rib 2, m1) 5 times; rib 2. [70, 74, 78, 82 sts].

Change to No 8 (4 mm) needles and work straight until sleeve measures 18½ [18½, 19, 19] inches measured at centre, ending with right side facing for next row.

Shape top by casting off 1 [2, 3, 4] stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next row.
Work 3 rows.

Repeat the last 4 rows 1 [2, 3, 4] times more. [64 sts]

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and following alternate row. [60 sts]
Work 1 row.
Leave stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.


With right side facing, slip first 43 stitches of back on a length of yarn.

With circular or set of No 8 (4 mm) needles and M, knit the remaining 43 stitches from back, marking first of these stitches as the start of the rounds; knit 60 from sleeve, knit up 31 down left side of neck, knit 32 from front, knit up 31 up right side of neck, knit 60 from second sleeve, then finally knit 43 from length of yarn (or stitch holder). [300 sts]

Divide these stitches evenly on 3 of the set of needles.

Joining in D and L as required work the 50 rounds from the chart, repeating the 20 pattern stitches 15 times in each round and decreasing where indicated.
Work all rounds knit, reading chart from right to left.

On completion of the above rounds the number of stitches remaining will be:
17th round: 270 stitches.
21st round: 240 stitches.
31st round: 210 stitches.
35th round: 180 stitches.
45th round: 150 stitches.
49th round: 120 stitches.

Next round: in M, decrease 8 [8, 4, 4] stitches evenly. [112, 112, 116, 116 sts]

Make holes as follows:
Next round: In M, yfwd, k2tog; rep from * to end.

Work 1 round.
Break M.

Change to set of No 10 (3¼ mm) needles and in L, work 3 rounds.
Work holes as before for picot edging.
Work 2 rounds.
Cast off loosely.

Making Up

Omitting cuffs, press parts lightly on wrong side following instructions on the ball band.
Use 30 inch lengths of yarn and a large sewing needle for make up, making sure yarn keeps its original twist by turning needle clockwise between fingers and thumb after every few stitches.
Join armhole and sleeve seams.
Using a flat seam, sew side borders neatly in position catching border edges to cast-on stitches.
Join side seams to within 5½ inches of lower edge.
Fold picot hem at row of holes to wrong side and slip-hem loosely in position.
Press seams.

In M, make 2 pompons.

Make Cord: Using 6 strands of M, make a twisted cord 45 in long. Thread through row of holes at neck. Sew a pompon to each end of cord.


6 [7, 7, 8] 50g balls Shetland DK in main shade (M) "Ocean Deep", plus 1 ball each in 2 contrasts:
"Heatherette" (D) and
"Snow White" (L)

Pair each No 8 (4mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Sets of 4 each No 8 (4mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles - or circulars.


23 stitches x 30 rows to 4 ins (10cm) in stocking stitch on No 8 (4mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit chest 32 [34, 36, 38] inches, (81 [86, 91, 97] cm);
length from top of
shoulders: 26 [26½,
27, 27½] inches, (66 [67, 69, 70] cm);
sleeve seam: 18½ [18½, 19, 19] inches, (47 [47, 48, 48] cm).


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).

k2togtbl or p2togtbl: knit or purl 2 stitches together through back loops.
stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").

sl1: slip one stitch by passing it between the needles without knitting it.

psso: pass the slipped stitch over.

sl1, k1, psso: slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over; also known as "ssk" (slip, slip, knit).

m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal
loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

yfwd: yarn forward - bring the yarn to the front of the work and when you knit the following stitch, you will have created an extra stitch, in a way that makes a decorative eyelet hole.

A word on the wool

The original design was in Patons Fiona - a yarn I was very fond of both in quality and rich colour range. It was a standard DK; some information given on the web implies it was slightly thicker than that but the tension given here suggests slightly thinner!

In the 1970s it was sold in 50g balls: 175 yds/160m meters); 51% wool, 49% acrylic.

In my opinion a similar substitute would be Rowan Felted Tweed DK.

"Always check your tension" [Good Advice].


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

October 2017

Shetland folklore sweater


Lovely heathery shetland yarn sweater in a double knitting weight yarn. This is an example of early eighties "folklore style" but retaining classic shaping. [You can see the late seventies / eighties styling in the photo with the sweater worn tucked into pleated/gathered trousers].


Instructions for larger sizes are given in brackets.

When working the colour pattern from the chart, strand yarn not in use loosely across the wrong side of the work over not more than 3 stitches at a time in order to keep the fabric elastic.
Read odd rows knit from right to left, and even rows purl from left to right.


With No 10 (3¼mm) needles and MS, cast on 107 [113, 119, 127, 133] stitches and work in k1/p1 rib rib for 2½ inches, (6cm), rows on right side having a k1 at each end and ending with wrong side facing
for next row.

Next row: Rib 8 [9, 9, 11, 11] m1; (rib 18 [19, 20, 21, 22], m1) 5 times, rib to end. (113 [119, 125, 133, 139] sts).

Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and joining in and breaking off colours as required, work in pattern from chart A, repeating the 10 pattern stitches 11 [11, 12, 13, 13] times across, and working the first
1 [4, 2, 1, 4] stitches and the last 2 [5, 3, 2, 5] stitches on knit rows, and the first 2 [5, 3, 2, 5] stitches and the last 1 [4, 2, 1, 4] stitches on purl rows as indicated, until Back measures 17½ inches, (39cm), ending with the right side facing for the next row.

Keeping the continuity of the pattern, shape armholes, by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next 5 rows, then on every alternate row until 89 [95, 101, 107, 113] stitches remain.

Work straight in pattern until Back measures 22½ [23, 23½, 23½, 24] inches, (57 [58, 60, 60, 61]cm), ending with right side
facing for next row.

Shape shoulders by casting off 9 [9, 10, 11, 11] stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows, then 8 [10, 10, 10, 12] stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
Leave remaining 37 [39, 41, 43, 45] stitches on a spare needle, or stitch holder.


Work as for Back from ‡‡ to ‡‡.

Work straight in pattern until 14 [14, 14, 16, 16] rows fewer than on Back have been worked before start of shoulder shaping, thus ending
with right side facing for next row.

Keeping the continuity of the pattern, shape neck as follows:
Next row: Pattern 34 [36, 38, 40, 42] k2tog, turn, and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.

Continue on these 35 [37, 39, 41, 43] stitches for the first side, decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 9 rows.
(26 [28, 30, 32, 34] sts).

Work 4 [4, 4, 6, 6] rows.

Shape shoulder by casting off 9 [9, 10, 11, 11] stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off remaining 8 [10, 10, 10, 12] stitches.

With right side facing, slip centre 17 [19, 21, 23, 25] stitches on a length of yarn, or stitch holder, and rejoin appropriate colour to remaining stitches: k2tog, pattern to end.

Complete to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.


With No 10 (3¼mm) needles and MS, cast on 49 [51, 53, 55, 57] stitches and work in k1/p1 rib for 2 inches, (5cm), rows on right side having a k1 at each end, and ending with wrong side facing for next

Next row: Rib 6 [6, 7, 6, 7] m1; (rib 12 [13, 13, 14, 14], m1) 3 times; rib to end. (53 [55, 57, 59, 61] sts).

Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and joining in and breaking off colours as required, work in pattern from chart B repeating the 10 pattern stitches 5 [5, 5, 5, 6] times across, and working first 1 [2, 3, 4, 0] stitches, and last 2 [3, 4, 5, 1] stitches on knit rows, and first 2 [3, 4, 5, 1] stitches and last 1 [2, 3, 4, 0] stitches on purl rows as indicated, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the 13th and every following 7th [7th, 7th, 7th, 6th] row until there are 75 [77, 81, 83, 87] stitches, taking the increased stitches into the pattern.

Work straight until sleeve seam measures approximately 17½ inches, (44cm), ending with the same pattern row as on Back before the start of the armhole shaping, thus ending with right side facing for next row.

Keeping the continuity of the pattern, shape top by casting off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate
row until 43 [43, 47, 47, 51] stitches remain.
Work 1 row.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 27 stitches remain. Cast off.

Making Up

Omitting ribbing, press parts lightly on wrong side following instructions (if any) on the ball band.

Join right shoulder seam.
Make Neck Border:
With right side facing, No 10 (3¼mm) needles and MS, knit up 17 [17, 17, 19, 19] stitches down left side of neck, knit 17 [19, 21, 23, 25] stitches from centre front, knit up 17 [17, 17, 19, 19] stitches
up right side of neck, then knit 37 [39, 41, 43, 45] from back.
(88 [92, 96, 104, 108] sts).

Work in k1/p1 rib for 2 inches, (5cm).
Cast off evenly in rib.

Join left shoulder seam and Neck Border.
Join side and sleeve seams.
Insert Sleeves.
Fold Neck Border in half to wrong side and slip-hem loosely in position.
Press seams.


50g balls Shetland DK in 6 colours: main shade plus 5 contrasts:

Pair each No 8 (4mm) and No 10 (3¼mm) needles.


23 stitches x 30 rows to 4 ins (10cm) in stocking stitch on No 8 (4mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit chest 32 [34, 36, 38, 40] inches, (81 [86, 91, 97, 102]cm);
length from top of
shoulders: 22½ [23,
23½, 23½, 24] inches, (57 [58, 60, 60, 61]cm);
sleeve seam: 17½ inches, (44cm), all sizes.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).
stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").
m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal
loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

A word on the wool

The original design was in Patons Fiona - a yarn I was very fond of both in quality and rich colour range. It was a standard DK; some information given on the web implies it was slightly thicker than that but the tension given here suggests slightly thinner!

In the 1970s it was sold in 50g balls: 175 yds/160m meters); 51% wool, 49% acrylic.

In my opinion a similar substitute would be Rowan Felted Tweed DK.

"Always check your tension" [Good Advice].


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

July 2017

Crochet Sun Hat



Note: Yarn is used double throughout.

Make 5 chain, join in a ring with slip stitch (ss) in 1st chain.
1st round: 3 ch, 9 tr into ring, join with ss in top of 3 ch. [10 sts]
2nd round: 3 ch, 1 tr in base of 3 ch, 2 tr in each stitch to end, join
with ss in top of 3 ch. [20 sts]
3rd round: 4 ch, * 1 tr in next stitch, 1 ch; repeat from * join with ss in 3rd of 4 ch. [20 ch sp]
4th round: ss in 1st ch sp, 1 dc in same ch sp, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next ch sp; repeat from * ending 1 ch, 1 tr in first dc.
5th round: 1 ch, 1 dc in 1st ch sp, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next ch sp; repeat from * ending 1 ch, 1 tr in 1st dc
6th and 7th rounds: as 5th.
8th round: 1 ch, 2 dc in 1st ch sp, * 3 ch, 2 dc in next ch sp; repeat from * ending 1 ch, 1 tr in 1st dc.

Repeat the last round 13 times more.

Make row of holes for cord as follows:
22nd round: 2 ch, 2 htr in 1st ch sp, * 2 ch, 3 htr in next ch sp; repeat from * ending last repeat, 2 ch, ss in top of 2 ch.


23rd round: ss in next st, 1 dc in this st, * 2 ch, 1 dc in next ch sp, 2 ch, 1 dc in 2nd htr of previous round; repeat from * ending last repeat, 2 ch, ss in 1st dc.
24th round: ss in next ch sp, 1 ch, 2 dc in same ch sp, * 2 ch, 2 dc in next ch sp; repeat from * ending 1 htr in 1st dc.
25th round: 1 ch, 2 dc in 1st ch sp, * 2 ch, 2 dc in next ch sp; repeat from * ending 1 htr in 1st dc.
Repeat the last round 6 times more.
Fasten off.

To Make Up

To prevent heavy pressing and use of an iron, either of which could be injurious to fabric, some yarns state that they should not be pressed. Light pressing is suitable as follows:
Block brim by pinning out round edge and lightly press using a warm iron and slightly damp cloth.
Using 4 strands of yarn together make a twisted cord and thread through holes, tie in a bow at back.



3 x 50g balls in double knitting yarn.

A No 6 (5mm ) crochet hook


10 stitches and 7 rows measures 2 inches (5cm) over brim pattern.

Size matters

To fit "an average head"

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
sp: space
ss: slip stitch
dc: double crochet
tr: treble
htr: half treble

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet; htr is equivalent to US double crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and 1 will try and assist.

A word on the wool...

The original yarn was "Promise" which was a brand name used more than once by Patons. This one is almost certainly the very slightly bouclé, fluffy yarn "with tricel" from the early seventies. In the eighties it was produced as a more fluffy synthetic double knitting/worsted.

June 2017

Cool Beauty


"Roses All the Way"
The copy says "cool beauty with openwork patterning", and, lovely though she looks in a shady garden, I cannot help thinking that a June bride would be a bit hot and bothered dressed head to toe in knitwear.
It might be lovely for a winter wedding however, and given the time it would take to tackle such a project, you definitely need to plan ahead!.


The pattern panel for the dress is worked over 5 stitches as follows:

1st row: yfwd, k2togtbl., k1, k2tog, yfwd.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: k1, yfwd, sl1, k2tog, psso, yfwd., k1.
4th row: purl.


Using size 12 (2¾mm) needles, cast on 187 (203 : 221) stitches and starting with a knit row, work 10 rows in stocking stitch.

Next row: k2, * yfwd, k2tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
This row forms row of holes for picot hemline.
Work a further 11 rows in stocking stitch, starting with a purl row, increasing 1 stitch at the centre of the last row on the 2nd size only. [187 (204 : 221) sts]

Change to No 10 (3¼mm) needles and continue in stocking stitch, placing panel patterns as follows:

1st row (right side facing): k6, pattern 5 as 1st row of panel pattern, * k12, pattern 5 as 1st row of panel pattern; repeat from * to last
6 stitches, k6.
2nd row: p6, pattern 5 as 2nd row of panel pattern, * p12, pattern 5 as 2nd row of panel pattern; repeat from * to last 6 stitches , p6.

Keeping continuity of panel patterns, work thus until front measures 24 inches from row of holes at hemline, ending with right side facing.

1st decrease row: k2, k2tog, k2, pattern 5; * k5, k2tog , k5, pattern 5; repeat from * to last 6 stitches; k2, k2tog, k2. [175 (191 : 207) sts]
Work 41 rows straight.

2nd decrease row: k2, k2tog , k1, pattern 5; * k5, k2tog , k4, pattern 5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, k1, k2tog, k2. [163 (178 : 193) sts]
Work 41 rows straight.

3rd decrease row: k1 , k2tog , k1, pattern 5; * k4, k2tog , k4, pattern 5; repeat from * to last 4 stitches; k1, k2tog, k1. [151 (165 : 179) sts]
Work 41 rows straight.

4th decrease row: k1, k2tog, pattern 5; * k4, k2tog, k3, pattern 5; repeat from * to last 3 stitches; k2tog, k1. [139 (152 : 165) sts]

Work a few rows straight until front measures 39 inches from row of holes at hemline, ending with 1st pattern row.

Next row: p2, pattern 5, * (p2tog) twice, (p2togtbl) twice, pattern 5; repeat from * to last 2 stitches; p2. [99 (108 : 117) sts]

Now work in lace pattern as follows:
1st row (right side facing): k2, * k1, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog , psso, yfwd, k1, C4; repeat from * to last 7 stitches, k1, yfwd, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k3.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row
: k2, * yfwd, k2togtbl, k1, k2tog, yfwd, k4; repeat from * to last 7 stitches , yfwd, k2togtbl, k1, k2tog, yfwd, k2.
4th row: purl.
These 4 rows form the lace pattern.

Continue in lace pattern, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 6th row until there are 115 (124 : 133) stitches, taking the increased stitches into the pattern.

Work a few rows straight until front measures 45 inches from row of holes at hemline, ending with right side facing.

Keeping continuity of pattern, shape armholes by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the of next 2 rows.
Then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 97 (102 : 103) stitches remain; then decrease at each end of every alternate row until 83(88 : 91) stitches remain.

Continue straight in pattern until front measures approximately 49½ (50 : 50½) inches from row of holes at hemline, ending with 2nd pattern row.

Keeping continuity of pattern, divide for neck as follows:

Next row: pattern 30 (31 : 32), turn, and leave remaining stitches on a stitch holder.

Continue on these stitches for the first side, shaping neck by decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on every row until 22 (23 : 24) stitches remain.

Continue straight in pattern until front measures 52 (52½ : 53) inches from row of holes at hemline, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 5 (6 : 6) stitches at the beginning of the next and following 2 alternate rows.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining stitches.

With right side facing, leave the centre 23 (26 : 27) stitches on a stitch holder, and rejoin yarn to remaining stitches. Finish to correspond with
first side, reversing shapings.


Work as for front from ‡‡ to ‡‡.

Keeping continuity of pattern, shape armholes and divide for back opening as follows:

Next row: cast off 4, pattern 53 (58 : 62), turn and leave remaining stitches on a length of yarn or a stitch holder.
Continue on these 53 (58 : 62) stitches for the first side, and work 1 row straight.
Now decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on every row until 48 (51 : 51) stitches remain, then on every alternate row until 41 (44 : 45) stitches remain.

Continue straight in pattern on these stitches until back matches front at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 5 (6 : 6) stitches at the beginning of the next and following 2 alternate rows, then 7 (5 : 6) stitches at the beginning of the following alternate row.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining stitches.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches, casting off 1 stitch at the centre on the 1st and 3rd sizes only. Finish to correspond
with first side, reversing shapings.


With No 12 needles, cast on 53 stitches and work 1½ inches in stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, and ending with right side facing.
Next row: k2, * yfwd, k2tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
This row forms row of holes for picot hemline.

Now work a further 1½ inches stocking stitch, starting with a purl row, increasing 1 stitch at the centre on the last row and ending with right side facing. [54 sts]

Change to No 10 needles, and starting with 3rd row, work in lace pattern as for bodice on front, shaping as follows:

Increase 1 stitch at each end of the 11th (3rd : 3rd), and every following 15th (13th : 11th) row until there are 74 (78 : 82) stitches , taking increased stitches into pattern.

Work a few rows straight until sleeve seam measures 17 inches from row of holes at wrist, ending with right side facing.

Keeping continuity of pattern, shape top by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the of next 2 rows.
Work 2 rows straight.
Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 4th row until 58/62/64 58 (62 : 64) stitches remain, then at each end of every alternate row until 28 stitches remain.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off.


Main part: With No 12 needles, cast on 125 stitches and work 1½ inches in stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, and ending with right side facing.
Next row: k2, * yfwd, k2tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
This row forms row of holes for picot hemline.

Starting with a purl row, work a further 1½ inches in stocking stitch, increasing 1 stitch at the centre on the last row and ending with right side facing. [126 sts]

Change to No 10 needles and starting with 3rd row, continue in lace pattern as on bodice of dress, until work measures approximately 5 inches from row of holes, ending with 2nd pattern row.

Change to No 12 needles and work 6 rows in stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, and decreasing 1 stitch at the centre on the last row. [125 sts]
Next row: k2, * yfwd, k2tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Work a further 7 rows in stocking stitch, starting with a purl row.
Cast off.

Bonnet back part: With No. 10 needles, cast on 30 stitches and
work in stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the 5th and every following 4th row until there are 42 stitches.

Continue straight until bonnet back measures 5½ inches, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 20 stitches remain.
Cast off.

To Make Up

Press parts lightly on wrong side, following instructions (if any) on the ball band, taking care not to spoil the lace pattern on bodice, sleeves and bonnet by over-pressing.

Dress: Join shoulder seams.

Dress Back Borders:
Left: With No 12 needles, cast on 7 stitches and work in garter stitch, (every row knit), until strip fits up left side from start of opening to neck edge. Sew in position as you go along.
Cast off.
Right: With No 12 needles, cast on 61 (65 : 69) stitches and work 6 rows stocking stitch, starting with a knit row.
Next row: k2, * yfwd, k2tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
Work a further 7 rows stocking stitch, starting with a purl row.
Cast off.
Fold border in half at row of holes to form picots, then sew in position along right side from start of opening to top of neck, leaving seven ½ inch spaces in seam to form buttonholes.
First mark position of buttons on button border with pins to ensure even spacing, then make holes to correspond. The first to come ½ inches above division, the last to come ½ inch below neck edge, and the remainder spaced evenly; oversew neatly round each buttonhole.

With right side facing and No 12 needles, work as follows:
Pick up and knit 4 stitches across top of left border, 19 (21 : 21) stitches from back, 18 down left side of neck, knit 23 (26 : 27) from front, decreasing 1 stitch at centre on 2nd size only, pick up and knit 18 up right side, 19 (21 : 21) from back and 4 from right border.
[105 (111 : 113) sts].
Work 5 rows in stocking stitch, starting with a purl row.
Next row: k2, * yfwd, k2tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
Work a further 5 rows in stocking stitch, starting with a purl row.
Cast off loosely.
Fold neckband in half to wrong side and slip-hem loosely in position.
Join side and sleeve seams; insert sleeves.
Fold picot hems in half to wrong side and slip-hem loosely in position.
Press seams.
Sew on buttons and press
Place stud at top of neckband.

Fold picot hems on edges in half to wrong side and slip-hem loosely in position. Sew main part to back leaving small picot hem free.
Fold small picot hem at neck edge only towards back of bonnet and catch down.
Bonnet border: With No. 12 needles, cast on 7 stitches
1st row: k2, (p1, k1) twice, k1.
2nd row: (k1, p1) 3 times, k1.
Repeat the last 2 rows until strip fits along neck edge from left side to right side, when slightly stretched. Sew in position as you go along.
Now work a further 3½ inches in rib, ending with 2nd row.

Next row: rib 2, cast off 2, rib to end and back, casting on 2 over those cast off.
Work a further 4 rows in rib.
Cast off.
Press seams. Sew 1 small button on left side.
Divide flowers into 2 bunches and sew on either side.


Dress: 15 (17 : 18) x 50g balls of 4 ply crepe in white.
Bonnet: 2 x 50g.

Pair each No 10 (3¼mm) and No 12 (2¾mm) needles.
Cable needle.

7 small buttons.
Press stud.

Small artificial flowers and 1 button for Bonnet.


28 sts and 36 rows to 4 inches measured over stocking stitch on No 10 needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in 3 sizes to fit bust:
32 (34 : 36) inches, 81 (86 : 91) cm;
length from top of shoulders, 52 (52½ : 53) inches;
sleeve seam, 17 inches all sizes.

Bonnet: Average hat size.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).
stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").
tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]
yfwd: yarn forward
sl: slip
psso: pass the slipped stitch over
C4: cable 4 by slipping the next 2 stitches on to a cable needle to the back of the work, k2, then k2 from cable needle.

A Word on the Wool:

Original knitted in Patons Kingfisher Tricel/Nylon, or Patons Cameo Crepe.
The quantities of yarn stated are for the Cameo yarn - which required more as the yardage for wool is not as great.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


March 2017

In like a Lion and out like a Lamb

Lion.jpg Lamb.jpg

So says 17th century weather-watching folklore in respect of March. So here are a couple of delightful toy patterns to herald the change of season.


Note that: the lion is knitted with the yarn doubled (2 strands held together).

Front Legs (make 2 mirror image)

Using 2 strands of main colour (M), and 5½mm needles, cast on 19 stitches.
Work 4 rows in stocking stitch beginning with a knit row.

5th row: k4, (k2tog) twice, k3, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k4.
6th row: p3, (p2tog) twice, p1, (p2tog) twice, p3.
Work 6 rows straight.

13th row: k1, m1, k4, m1, k1, m1, k4, m1, k1. [15 sts]
Work 5 rows straight.

19th row: k1, m1, knit to last stitch, m1, k1.
Work 3 rows straight.

23rd row: k1, m1, knit to last stitch, m1, k1.
Purl 1 row.

Cast off 9 stitches, knit to end of row, and leave remaining 10 stitches on a stitch holder.

Work a second leg the same way, omitting the last purl row and working the cast off row on a purl row to reverse the shaping.


Using 2 strands of main colour (M), and 5½mm needles, cast on 44 stitches.
Work 7 rows in stocking stitch beginning with a knit row.

Cast off 12 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows for back legs.
Work 3 rows straight.

Increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and following 2 alternate rows.
Purl 1 row.

Repeat the last 2 rows twice. Cut yarn.

Join in Front Legs:
With right side facing knit 10 stitches from top first leg, k26 stitches across body, and knit 10 stitches from top of second leg. [46 sts].
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k18, (k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k18. [42 sts].
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k1, m1, k17, k2tog, k2, (sl1, k1, psso), k17, m1, k1.
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k18, k2tog, k2, (sl1, k1, psso), k18. [40 sts].
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k1, m1, k16, k2tog, k2, (sl1, k1, psso), k16, m1, k1.
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k15, (k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k15. [36 sts].
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k1, (sl1, k1, psso), k10, (k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k10, k2tog, k1. [30 sts].
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k1, (sl1, k1, psso), k7, (k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k7, k2tog, k1. [24 sts].
Purl 1 row.

Next row: k7, (k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k7. [20 sts].
Purl 1 row.

Divide for head and face

1st row: k1, m1, k6, k2tog, k1. Turn.
Work right side of face on these stitches, leaving the other stitches on a holder.
2nd row: p9, m1, k1. Turn. Cast on 4 stitches.
3rd row: k12, k2tog, k1.
Purl 1 row.

5th row: (k1, m1) 6 times, k5, k2tog, k1.
Purl 1 row.

7th row: k4, (m1, k1) twice, k10, k2tog, k1.
Purl 1 row.

9th row: k17, k2tog, k1.
Place marker thread at the beginning of this row and purl 1 row.

11th row: k1, (sl1, k1, psso), knit to last 3 stitches, k2tog,k1.
Purl 1 row.

Repeat the last 2 rows twice more.
Work 4 rows straight.

Cast off 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Cast off remaining 7 stitches.

With right side of work facing, rejoin yarn to remaining 10 stitches on the stitch holder, and work the other side of the head to correspond with the first side, reversing shaping.

To reverse shaping, read rows from end to beginning, or, rejoin yarn with wrong side of work facing and then read knit for purl, and purl for knit.

Front Gusset

Using 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 6 stitches.
Work in stocking stitch beginning with a knit row, increasing 1 stitch at each end of every row until there are 16 stitches.

Place marker threads and the end of the last row.
Work 8 rows, and place marker threads on the last row.
Work 3 more rows.

Next row: k3, (k2tog) twice, k2, (sl1, k1, psso) twice, k3. [12 sts].
Work 3 rows straight.

Next row: k3, k2tog, k2, sl1, k1, psso, k3. [10 sts].
Work 3 rows straight.

Next row: k2, (k2tog) 3 times, k2. [7 sts].
Place marker threads.
Work 13 rows straight, placing marker threads at the end of the last row.
Work 8 rows straight.

Next row: k2, k3tog, k2. [5 sts].
Work 5 rows straight.

Next row: k1, k3tog, k1. [3 sts].
Work 3 rows straight.

Last row: k3tog, and finish off by drawing yarn through last stitch.

Head Gusset

Using 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 4 stitches for base of nose.
Work 8 rows in stocking stitch beginning with a knit row.

9th row: k1, m1, knit to the last 2 stitches, m1, k1.
Purl 1 row.
Repeat the last 2 rows twice more.

15th row: (k1, m1) twice, knit to the last 2 stitches, (m1, k1) twice.
Work 11 rows for top of head.

Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 4th row until 2 stitches remain. Work 3 rows.

Last row: k2tog, and draw end of yarn through last stitch.


Using 2 strands of contrast colour (C) and 5½mm needles, cast on 33 stitches.

1st row: knit.
2nd row: k1, * insert right hand needle into next stitch on left hand needle, and make loops by putting yarn 3 times round left hand needle and 2 fingers of left hand; then draw the loops through the stitch on the right hand needle and then slip them back to the left hand needle. Then, knit all the loops together as one stitch; knit the next stitch. Repeat from * to end.
3rd row: knit.
4th row: knitting loops as before: * k1, k1 loop stitch; repeat from * to end.
5th row: Cast off 18, knit to end.
6th row: Work loop row as for 2nd row. Turn. Cast on 18 stitches.
7th row: knit.
8th row: Work loop row as for 4th row.
9th row: knit.
10th row: Work as for 2nd row.
Cast off.

Ears (make 2)

Using 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 9 stitches.
Knit 6 rows (garter stitch); cast off.
Work the second ear in the same way.


Using 2 strands of main colour (M) and 5½mm needles, cast on 30 stitches.
Work 7 rows in stocking stitch beginning with a knit row.
Cast off.

Tail tip

Using 2 strands of contrast colour (C) and 5½mm needles, cast on 9 stitches.
Work 6 rows in loop pattern.
Cast off.

To make up

Fold front legs in half and seam along cast-on edges and up leg to cast-off edge. Stuff each section as it is seamed.
Fold back paws in half and seam cast-on edges and cast-off edges to form bottom and top of paw.
Sew cast-on edge of body around shaped edge at start of front gusset.
Sew inner edge of back paws to gusset between first and second marker threads.
Sew cast-off edge of front paws between 3rd and 4th markers on front gusset. Sew body between paws to front gusset and sew either side of top of gusset to body ending before cast-on stitches for face.
Seam face cast-on edges together to form lower jaw, and continue seam up to 5th marker. Pin cast-on edge of head gusset over marker for nose and join either side of head gusset to either side of face having eleven unshaped rows at top of head, and final decrease at division of stitches on back.
Sew ears to each side of head.
Sew mane to top of head, bringing separate ends one to either side around below chin. Fold tail in half and seam.
Sew tail tip around one end of tail and sew other end to base of back. Embroider face and add felt eyes as illustrated.


4 x 25g balls in main colour (M),
2 x 25g balls in contrast (C).

One pair 5½mm knitting needles.
Stitch holders.


Small scraps of felt and embroidery cotton for face..


16sts x 22 rows to 10 centimetres, (4 inches).

Size matters

Height approximately 10 inches.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").

garter stitch: every row knit

m1: make 1. Increase 1 stitch by picking up horizontal loop lying between stitch just worked and following stitch, and working into the back of it.

sl1: slip one stitch by passing it between the needles as if you were going to knit, but without knitting into it.

sl1, k1, psso: slip 1, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over; also known as "ssk" (slip, slip, knit).

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn specified was Patons Trident Double Knitting, which is used double to achieve a chunky type tension.

Acrylic yarns tend to have a wide colour range, robust qualities, and are reasonably priced, thus can be very suitable for hard working toys.

Robin make a Premium Acrylic available in 25g balls which can be useful for toys.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.



This pretty toy is simply knitted in garter stitch (every row knitted). You use only the basic increasing and decreasing stitches to shape the body.

This shows the shape of the pieces:


Body (make 2)

With white yarn cast on 28 stitches.

1st row: k1, increase in next stitch, knit to the last 2 stitches, increase in next stitch, k1.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th rows: knit.
Place a marker thread for the front in 1st stitch of next row.
5th row: k1, increase in next stitch, Knit to end.
6th, 7th, and 8th rows: knit.
Repeat 1st-5th rows once more. [34 sts].
14th row: knit.
Repeat the last row 4 times more.
19th row: knit to the the last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
20th, 21st, and 22nd rows: knit.
Repeat the last 4 rows once more, then the 19th row again. [31 sts]
Knit 1 row.

Divide for neck:
1st row: k1, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k1, turn.
Leave remaining 19 stitches for back on a stitch holder.
2nd row: knit.
3rd row: knit to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
Knit 9 rows.
13th row: Increase 1 stitch, knit to end of row.
14th row: knit to last stitch, increase 1 in last stitch.
15th row: As 13th row.
16th row: knit.
17th row: Cast on 4 stitches, knit to end.
Knit 7 rows.
25th row: Cast off 5 stitches, knit to end.
26th row: knit
27th row: Cast off 2 stitches, knit to end.
Knit 3 rows.
31st row: Cast off 3 sts, knit to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
32nd row: k1, k2tog, k2.
Cast off remaining 4 stitches.

Rejoin yarn for back to neck edge of remaining 19 stitches from stitch holder, an knit 4 rows.
Next row: knit to the last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
Cast off remaining stitches. If you are grafting the join, knit and leave on a stitch holder.

Head Gusset

With white cast on 3 stitches.
1st row: increase in the 1st stitch, increase in the 2nd stitch, k1.
Knit 5 rows.
7th row: k1, increase in next stitch, k1, increase in next stitch, k1.
Knit 5 rows.
13th row: k1, increase in next stitch, k3, increase in next stitch, k1.
Knit 5 rows.
19th row: k1, increase in next stitch, k5, increase in next stitch, k1.
Knit 5 rows.
Increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following alternate row until there are 23 stitches.

Knit 9 rows.
Next row: k1, k2tog, knit to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
Knit 3 rows.
Next row: k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1.
Knit 3 rows.
Next row: k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1.
Knit 3 rows.
Next row: k1, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k1.
Knit 7 rows.
Cast off remaining 11 stitches.

Ears (make 2)

With white cast on 9 stitches.
Knit 14 rows.
15th row: k1, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k1.
Knit 3 rows.
19th row: k1, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k1.
20th row: k1, k3tog, k1.
Cast off remaining 3 stitches.

Legs (make 4)

With white cast on 17 stitches.
Knit 24 rows.
25th row: k1, k2tog, knit to the last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
Knit 15 rows.
Break off white.
41st row: With black, k2tog, knit to the last 2 stitches, k2tog.
Purl 1 row.
Knit 1 row.
Purl 1 row.
Next row: k2tog, knit to the last 2 stitches, k2tog.
Cast off remaining 11 stitches.


With white, cast on 12 stitches.
Knit 16 rows.

Next row: k1, k2tog, knit to the last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1.
Knit 5 rows.
Repeat the last 6 rows once more.

Thread yarn through remaining 8 stitches and draw up tight.
Fold tail in half lengthwise, and using end of thread sew tail seam.

To make up

Seam or graft body pieces together along back.
Sew head gusset by a set by joining cast-off edge of gusset to back stitches, and cast-on edge beneath stitches cast on at front edge, having widest part at top of head.
Seam to either side of head.
Seam together front and back edges of body and underneath, stuffing before the final seam is complete. With black yarn embroider nose and eyes.
Sew top of ears to either side of head.
Fold legs in half lengthwise, seam along cast-off edge and side. Stuff and sew to body.
Sew tail to back with join in centre. To complete lamb, tie a length of coloured ribbon around neck.


2 x 20g balls in white double knitting and 1 x 20g ball in black.

One pair 3¾mm
(no 9) knitting needles.
Stitch holder.

Length of ribbon.


24 sts x 48 rows to 10 centimetres, (4 inches) over garter stitch.

Size matters

Height approximately 10 inches.


k2tog: knit 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

k3tog: knit 3sts together (decrease two stitches).

increase: by knitting into the front and back of the stitch.

garter stitch: every row knit

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn specified was Lister Lee Target Concorde DK.

Acrylic yarns tend to have a wide colour range, robust qualities, and are reasonably priced, thus can be very suitable for hard working toys.

Robin make a Premium Acrylic available in 25g balls which can be useful for toys.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


February 2017

French Connection


An expression of the era of safari suits and cravats* heralding a new "casual look" - where you could be smart without a lounge suit - like Brett Sinclair. [Having said that I can only find pictures of Brett with his safari jacket open necked or worn over a polo-neck, and his cravats worn conventionally with his suits; perhaps this was an expression of the character he was playing rather than fashion.]

If you overlook the styling - and maybe the colour - this is quite a nice sweater - and maybe cap if not all worn as an outfit. A shorter button-through neck would improve it for me.

* See gratuitous picture of Roger at the end of the instructions.

Sweater Instructions.


With No. 7 needles, cast on 72/76/80/84 stitches

1st row: p1, k2, * p2, k2; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
2nd row: k1, p2, * k2, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
Repeat the last 2 rows twice more.

Change to No 4 needles and pattern as follows:

1st row (right side facing): * Tw2R, k1 ; repeat from * to end.
2nd row: * k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to end.
3rd row: * p1, Tw2L, p1 ; repeat from * to end.
4th row: purl.
5th row: k.3, * Tw2R, k2; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
6th row: p1, k2, * p2, k2; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
7th row: k1, p2, * Tw2L, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, .
8th row: purl.
These 8 rows form pattern. Repeat them twice more.

Shape sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 24th row until there are 78/82/86/90 stitches, taking increased stitches into pattern.

Work straight until back measures 17 inches, ending with right side facing.

Keeping continuity of pattern, shape armholes by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 58/60/62/64 stitches remain.

Work straight until back measures 26/26½/27/27½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulders by casting off 5/6/6/6 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows, then 6/5/5/6 stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows. Leave the remaining 26/26/28/28 stitches on a spare needle.


Work as for back from ** to **.
Work 2/1/2/1 rows straight.

Divide for front opening as follows:

Next row: pattern 26/27/28/29. Turn.
Leave remaining stitches on a spare needle.

Work straight in pattern on these 26/27/28/29 stitches for first side until front measures 23/23/23½/23½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape neck by decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next 7 rows, then on every alternate row until 16/17/17/18 stitches remain.

Work a few rows straight until front matches back at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.
Shape shoulder by casting off 5/6/6/6 stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining 6/5/5/6 stitches.

With right side facing, leave centre 6 stitches on a safety-pin; rejoin yarn to remaining stitches and pattern to end.

Finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.


With No 7 needles, cast on 32/32/36/36 stitches and work 3 inches in rib as on lower edge of back increasing 4 stitches evenly across last row: 36/36/40/40 stitches.

Change to No 4 needles and pattern as on back, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the 9th and every following 6th row until there are 48/44/52/50 stitches.
Now increase 1 stitch at each end of every following 4th row until there are 62/64/66/70 stitches, taking increased stitches into pattern.

Work straight until sleeve seam measures 18/18/18½/18½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Keeping continuity of pattern, shape top by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 38/38/42/42 38/38/42/42 stitches remain.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 16 stitches remain.
Cast Off.

Left Front Border

With right side facing and No 7 needles, work across 6 centre stitches on front as follows:

1st row: k2, p1, m1, p1, k2 {7 sts}
2nd row: k1, (p1, k1) 3 times.
3rd row: k2, p1, k1, p1, k2.

Repeat the last 2 rows until border, when slightly stretched, fits up left side of front to start of neck shaping, ending with right side facing.
Leave stitches on .a safety-pin.
Using a flat seam, sew border in position.

Right Front Border

With No 7 needles, cast on 7 stitches and work in rib as for left front until border fits up right side of front to start of neck shaping, ending with right side facing.

Do not break yarn. Leave stitches on a safety pin.
Sew border in position.

To Make Up

Omitting ribbing, press lightly under a damp cloth or following the instructions on the ball band.
Join shoulder seams.


With right side facing and No 7 needles, rib 7 stitches from right front border, pick up and knit 16/18/20/22 up right side of neck, knit 26/26/28/28 from back, increase 1 stitch at centre, pick and knit 16/18/20/22 down left side, then rib 7 border stitches.
{73/77/83/87 sts}

Shape collar as follows:

1st row: k1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end.
2nd row: k1, * k1, p1, repeat from * to last 2 stitches , k2.
3rd row: k1, p1, k1, m1, rib to last 3 stitches, m1, k1, p1, k1.
4th row: k2, p2, rib to last 4 stitches, p2, k2.
5th row: as 3rd.
6th row: rib 34/36/39/41, (m1, rib1, m1, rib3) twice, m1, rib1, m1, rib to end.
7th - 9th rows: as 3rd - 5th rows.

Now repeat rows 2 - 5 until collar measures 4 inches at centre back, ending with 2nd or 4th row.
Cast off evenly in rib.

Use a tapestry needle and 12 inch lengths of yarn for making up, noting that yarn must be twisted from time to time during make up so that it does not break.

Join side and sleeve seams; insert sleeves.
Catch down border stitches at base of opening on wrong side.
Press seams.


17/18/19/20 x 50g balls chunky wool.

Pair each of No 4 (6mm) No 7 (4½mm) needles.


15st and 20 rows to four inches on No 4 needles over stocking stitch.
16st and 20 rows over pattern.

Size matters

To fit chest: 17/18/19/20 inches;
length from top of shoulders: 26/26½/27/27½ ins;
sleeve seam:
18/18/18½/18½ ins


Tw2R: k2tog, but do not slip stitches off needle; then knit first stitch again,
slipping both stitches off needle together
Editor's note: although the "twist 2 left" method (below) is familiar to me, I would not normally do a "twist 2 right" in this fashion. I would normally knit the second stitch on the needle without slipping it off the needle, then knit the first stitch and slip both off together. However, I am not sure if this instruction is intentional to achieve a slightly different pattern.
Tw2L: miss first stitch and knit into back of second stitch, then knit first stitch, slipping both stitches off needle together.
m1: make 1 stitch by picking up horizontal
loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it.

A word on the wool.

Original yarn was Patons Husky Chunky, which as I recall was a pure wool chunky, and a fairly dense tough yarn as the name implies.
[Colour "Lichen" - and from my experience of lichen, a fairly good representation!]


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


Cap Instructions


With No, 4 needles, cast on 14 stitches and purl 1 row.

Shape as follows:
1st row (right side facing): increase in first stitch, k1, * Tw2R, k2; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, Tw2R, increase in next stitch, k1.
2nd row: increase in first stitch, * k2, p2; repeat from * to last 3 stitches, k1, increase in next stitch, p1.
3rd row: increase in first stitch, k1, * p2, Tw2L; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, p2, increase in next stitch, p1.
4th row: increase in first stitch, purl to last 2 stitches, increase in next stitch, p1.
5th row: increase in first stitch, k3, * Tw2R, k2; repeat from * to last
2 stitches, increase in next stitch, k1.
6th row: increase in first stitch, * p2, k2; repeat from * to last 3 stitches, p1, increase in next stitch, k1.
7th row: increase in first stitch, p1, * Tw2L, p2; repeat from * to last 4 stitches,Tw2L, increase in next stitch, k1.
8th row:purl.

Keeping continuity of pattern, increase 1 stitch as before at each end of next and following 2 alternate rows: {34 sts}
Work 3 rows straight, then increase 1 stitch as before at each end of following row: {36 sts}
Work 9 rows straight. Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of next and following 4th row: {32 sts}
Work 1 row straight, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of next and following 2 alternate rows: {26 sts}

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 14 stitches remain. Work 1 row straight.
Cast off


With No 7 needles, cast on 84 stitches.

1st row: (p2, increase in next stitch) 3 times, * p1, increase in next stitch, p2, increase in next stitch; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, p2, increase in next stitch p2. {116 sts}

Change to No 4 needles and work rows 1 - 8 of pattern as on back of sweater, then repeat rows 1 - 3 again. Cast off knitwise.


With right side facing and No 7 needles, pick up and knit 76 stitches along cast-on edge on the brim.
Knit 3 rows.

Shape as follows:
1st row: knit to last 19 stitches. Turn.
2nd row
: k2, increase in next stitch, (k1, increase in next stitch) 16 times, k3. Turn.
3rd and 4th rows: knit to last 21 stitches. Turn.
5th and 6th rows: knit to last 23 stitches. Turn.

Continue working short rows in this manner, working 2 stitches fewer on every 2 rows until the rows "knit to last 33 stitches. Turn" have been worked.

Next 2 rows: knit to last 36 stitches. Turn.
Next 2 rows
: knit to last 40 stitches. Turn.
Next 2 rows: knit to end, picking up a loop at each point where work was turned and knitting it together with next stitch to avoid a
hole. Knit 1 row.
Cast off knitwise.

Making Up

Block crown to a 9 inch circle by pinning out round edges, and press lightly under a damp cloth.
Block and press brim and peak.

Using a flat seam, join ends of brim.
Placing join to centre of cast-off edge of crown, oversew cast-off edge of brim neatly to edge of crown.


3x 50g balls chunky wool.

Pair each of No 4 (6mm) No 7 (4½mm) needles.


24st and 32 rows to four inches on No 9 needles.

Size matters

"Average hat size".

A word on the wool.

Original yarn was Patons Husky Chunky, which as I recall was a pure wool chunky, and a fairly dense tough yarn as the name implies.
[Colour "Lichen" - and from my experience of lichen, a fairly good representation!]


In transposing any patterns it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.



December 2016

Cosy Pram Cover - crochet


There maybe just enough time to crochet a simple cover if you can get over the lurid sixties colour schemes. [I'm sure you can choose your own combinations which would be less traumatic for a baby].


The crochet blanket is made up of a number of large motifs sewn together and then joined with smaller motifs which are integrated as you work.

Large Motif (make 24)

Using No 7 (4½mm) hook and DK in Light colour (L) make 6ch loosely and join in a ring using a slip stitch.

1st round: 3 chain, work 23tr into the ring and join with a slip stitch to top of 3ch. [24 sts].
Break L and join in Medium colour (M).
2nd round: In M work 5ch, 1tr in same stitch as slip stitch; 1ch, * miss 2 stitches, (1tr, 2ch, 1tr) in next stitch, 1 ch; repeat from * 6 times more; miss 2ch, and join with a slip stitch to 3rd of 5ch.
Break M and join in Dark colour (D).
3rd round: In D work a slip stitch into first 2ch space, 3ch, (1tr, 2ch, 2tr) in same 2ch space; * 1dc in next 1ch space, (2tr, 2ch, 2tr) in next 2ch space; repeat from * 6 times more; 1dc into last 1ch space, and join with a slip stitch into top of 3ch, slip stitch into next tr.
Break D and rejoin in L.
4th round: In L work a slip stitch in first 2ch space, 3ch, (2tr, 1ch, 3tr) in same 2ch space; 1dc into next dc, * (3tr, 1ch, 3tr) in next 2ch space; 1dc in next dc; repeat from * 6 times more, and join with a slip stitch to top of 3ch.
Fasten off.

This completes the motif.

To Make Up

Using L, join motifs by stitching centre stitches of each motif together, and making 6 rows of 4 motifs.
[Editor's note: If you can't immediately see what is meant by centre stitches, I think they must mean the centre stitches of the last round. Clearly the motifs are attached at the sides as in the picture]

Work 15 small motifs to fill the spaces formed by the larger motifs and join together as follows:

Small Motif (make 15 - joining as you work)

The smaller motifs are worked in 4 ply.
Using No 9 (3½mm) hook and 4ply in Dark (D) make 8 chain loosely and join with a slip stitch into the first chain to make a ring.

1st round: 6 chain, work (1tr, 3ch) 7 times into the ring and join with a slip stitch to 3rd of 6 ch.
Break D and join in Medium colour (M).
2nd round: In M slip stitch in first space; 3ch, 2tr, in same space; (slip stitch inserting hook from right side of large motif into centre treble of 3tr on large motif; 3tr in next chain space of small motif) 7 times; insert hook into centre treble of last petal, and at the same time insert hook into top of 3ch, joining with a slip stitch.
[Editor's note: This sounds more complex than it is - you need to be working it to understand. All you are doing is joining the small motif in between the larger ones as you work round 2]
Fasten off.

This completes the motif - work the other 14 in the same way.


With right side facing, Using No 7 (4½mm) hook and M in DK, work 1 round of dc around scalloped edge of cover.
Sew in all ends.

Block the blanket by pinning it out and dampening; leave to dry. You can press very lightly with a damp cloth - just hold the iron above the cloth so it heats it but do not press down. You want to leave the texture of the stitches in place, so do not press heavily.

Cut the lining material to fit around the scalloped edges. Turn in the edges and catch down all around the scallops inside the dc border.


Double Knitting: 2 x 50g balls of Light, and 1 each of Medium and Dark.

4ply: 1 x 25g in each of Medium and Dark.

One No 7 (4½mm) and one No 9 (3½mm) crochet hook.

½ yard of washable lining material to match the dark colour.


Each motif is intended to measure 4½ inches.

Size matters

18 x 27 inches.


ch: chain.
dc: double crochet.
tr: treble crochet.
[Editor's note: Remember this is English crochet where dc is equivalent to US single crochet, and tr is equivalent to US double crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.]


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

A word on the wool.

The original yarn was bri-nylon - famous for its hard wearing properties and luminous colour ranges. Although "bri-nylon" is not very marketable now, modern acrylic yarns are a worthy replacement being soft yet robust with a wide choice of colours.

Stylecraft have a good range of acrylics with equivalent colours available in DK and 4ply.


Cosy Pram Cover - knitted


There maybe just enough time to knit a simple cover if you can get over the dramatic sixties colour scheme. [I'm sure you can choose your own combinations].


The pattern uses DK weight yarn with 2 strands held together.

Motif (make 12)

Using main shade (M) cast on 96 stitches and work 11 rows in garter stitch (every row knit but slip the first stitch of every row).

Next row: Sl1, k7, slip these 8 stitches on to a thread; k4, increase in the next stitch, (k9, increase in next stitch) 7 times; k5; slip the next 8 stitches on to a thread (88 sts).

Joining in contrast (C) as required and work in pattern as follows:

1st row: Sl1, k2C, * k4M, k2C, repeat from * to last stitch, k1M.
2nd row: Sl1, k2C; yft, * p4M, k2C, yft; repeat from * to last stitch, k1M.
3rd row: In M sl1, knit to end.
4th row: In M sl1, purl to last stitch, k1.
5th row: Sl1, k3M, * k2C, k4M; repeat from * to end.
6th row: Sl1, p3M, * k2C, yft, p4M; repeat from * to last 6 stitches;
k2C, yft, p3M, k1M.
7th and 8th rows: As 3rd and 4th rows.

These 8 rows form the pattern.

Continue in pattern until main part measures approximately 26½ inches ending with a 2nd pattern row.
Break off contrast C.
Next row: K4, k2tog, (k9, k2tog) 7 times; k5. (80 sts)
Break off M. and slip stitches on to a length of yarn.

Borders and finishing

With wrong side facing, rejoin M to the 8 border stitches on left side and work in garter stitch until Border measures 26 inches from cast-on edge, ending with wrong side facing.
Break M and slip stitches on to a thread.
Sew in position, using a flat seam, slightly stretching it to fit edge of
main part.
With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining border stitches and complete to correspond with first Border, ending with wrong side facing for next row.
Next row: Sl1, k7, then on to same needle knit across stitches of main
part and first Border (96 sts).
Work 10 rows in garter stitch across all stitches.
Cast off evenly.

Sew remaining Border in position.
Pin out to measurements.
Press lightly on wrong side.


6 x 50g balls double knitting in main shade (M) and 2 in contrast (C).

Two No 4 (6mm) needles


18sts x 20 rows to 4 inches over pattern. [Yarn is used double throughout].

Size matters

22 x 27½ inches.


sl1: slip one stitch
ch: chain.
cl: cluster.
dc: double crochet.
tr: treble crochet.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

A word on the wool.

The original yarn was bri-nylon - famous for its hard wearing properties and luminous colour ranges. Although "bri-nylon" is not very marketable now, modern acrylic yarns are a worthy replacement being soft yet robust with a wide choice of colours.
You could also consider knitting a single strand in a heavier weight yarn - Aran, worsted, even chunky. However you would need to knit a tension square in the pattern stitches.

September 2016

Plaid Pullover


Pullover in a range of sizes, with an interesting plaid effect made by slipping stitches.
Joy first knitted it 35 years ago for her husband and he liked it so much he was always asking her to redo it. It took a while but she finally managed it - see her satisfied hubby at the end....


The instructions are given in 9 sizes with smallest size given first and the larger sizes in brackets.


Using No 10 (3¼mm) needles and yarn B standard (smooth) double knitting yarn cast on 93 [99; 105; 111; 115; 121; 127; 133; 137] stitches.

1st row (right side): K1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.
2nd row: p1, * k1, p1; repeat from * to end..
Repeat these rows 9 times more.

Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and commence pattern.

1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th sizes only

1st row: Purl
2nd row: Knit 6 [9; -; 4; 6; 9; -; 4; 6], * [purl next stitch winding yarn 3 times round needle, k2] twice, k5; repeat from * to last 10 [13; -; 8; 10; 13; -; 8; 10], stitches, [purl next stitch winding yarn 3 times round needle, k2] twice, knit to end.
3rd row: Change to No 9 (3¾mm) needles and yarn A bouclé, p6 [9; -; 4; 6; 9; -; 4; 6], * [yb, slip 1 purlwise, allowing the extra loops from previous row to fall, p2] twice, p5; repeat from * to last 10 [13; -; 8; 10; 13; -; 8; 10], stitches, [yb, slip 1 purlwise, allowing the extra loops to fall, p2] twice, purl to end.
4th row: Knit 6 [9; -; 4; 6; 9; -; 4; 6], * [bring yarn to front of work, slip l purlwise, k2] twice, k5; repeat from * to last 10 [13; -; 8; 10; 13; -; 8; 10], stitches, [bring yarn to front of work, slip l purlwise, k2] twice, knit to end.
5th row: Purl 6 [9; -; 4; 6; 9; -; 4; 6], * [yb, slip l purlwise, p2] twice, p5; repeat from * to last 10 [13; -; 8; 10; 13; -; 8; 10], stitches; [yb, slip l purlwise, p2] twice, purl to end.
6th row: As 4th row.
These 6 rows form the pattern.

3rd and 7th sizes only
(Note: same instructions for both sizes)

1st row: Purl
2nd row: K4, purl next stitch winding yarn 3 times round needle, k7, * [purl next stitch winding yarn 3 times round needle, k2] twice, k5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, purl next stitch, winding yarn 3 times round needle, k4.
3rd row: Change to No 9 (3¾mm) needles and yarn A bouclé, p4,yb, slip 1 purlwise, allowing the extra loops from previous row to fall, p7, * [yb, slip 1 purlwise, allowing the extra loops to fall, p2] twice, p5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, yb, slip 1 purlwise, allowing the extra loops to fall, p4.
4th row: Knit 4, bring yarn to front of work, slip l purlwise, k7 * [bring yarn to front of work, slip l purlwise, k2] twice, k5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, bring yarn to front of work, slip l purlwise, k4.
5th row: Purl 4, yb, slip l purlwise, p7 * [yb, slip l purlwise, p2] twice, p5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches; yb, slip l purlwise, p4.
6th row: As 4th row.
These 6 rows form the pattern.

All sizes

Continue in pattern ...

....until work measures 14 [14½; 14½; 15; 15; 15½; 15½; 16; 16] inches from the beginning , ending with a wrong side row.

Shape Armholes:
Keeping continuity of pattern, cast off 7 [7; 8; 8; 8; 8; 9; 10; 10] stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following alternate row until 69 [75; 79; 83; 87; 91; 95; 99; 101] stitches remain.

Continue without further shaping until work measures 8¼ [; ; 9; ; ; ; 10; 10¼] inches from the commencement of the armhole shaping, ending with a wrong side row.

Shape Shoulders:
Cast off 7 [7; 8; 8; 8; 9; 10; 10; 10] stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows, and 6 [8; 7; 9; 8; 10; 9; 10; 10] stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
Leave the remaining 29 [31; 33; 33; 35; 35; 37; 39; 41] stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.


Work as given for back from to until work measures 8 rows less than the Back to armhole shapings ending with a wrong side row.

Shape First side of neck
Next row (right side facing): Pattern , 43 [46; 49; 52; 54; 57; 60; 63; 65], p2tog, p1. Turn, and leave the remaining stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.
Work 2 rows straight.
Next row: Pattern to last 3 stitches, p2tog, p1.
Work 3 rows straight.

Shape Armhole:
Next row: cast off 7 [7; 8; 8; 8; 8; 9; 10; 10] stitches; pattern to last 9 stitches, p2tog, pattern to end.
Next row: Pattern to end.
Next row: Work 2 together, pattern to end.

Continue to decrease in this way at the neck edge on every 4th row, and at the same time, decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on every alternate row until there are 29 [32; 34; 35; 37; 39; 41; 43; 43] stitches remaining.
Keeping side edge straight, decrease at neck edge as before until 20 [22; 23; 25; 26; 28; 29; 30; 30] stitches remain.
Continue without further shaping until work measures the same as the Back to shoulder shaping, ending at the side edge.

Shape Shoulder:
Cast off 7 [7; 8; 8; 9; 9; 10; 10; 10] stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off remaining 6 [8; 7; 9; 8; 10; 9; 10; 10] stitches.

Return to the stitches on the spare needle on the other half of the front. Slip the centre stitch onto a safety pin.

Shape second side of neck:
Next row: Joining in yarn at the neck edge to the remaining stitches, p1, p2tog, pattern to end.
Work 3 rows straight.
Next row:P1, p2tog, pattern to end.
Work 3 rows straight.

Shape Armhole:
Next row: Pattern 7, p2tog, pattern to end.
Next row: cast off 7 [7; 8; 8; 8; 8; 9; 10; 10] stitches; pattern to end.
Next row: Pattern to last 2 stitches, work 2 together.
Next row: Pattern to end.
Next row: Pattern 7, work 2 together, pattern to last 2 stitches, work 2 together.

Complete to match the first side, working from †† to ††.


Using a back stitch and matching yarn, join right shoulder seam. With right side of work facing, using No 10 (3¼ mm) needles and yarn B, pick up and knit 68 [70; 72; 74; 76; 78; 80; 82; 84] stitches down left side of neck, knit centre from safety pin (mark this stitch with a coloured thread or stitch marker), pick up and knit 68 [70; 72; 74; 76; 78; 80; 82; 84] stitches up right side of neck, knit across the 29 [31; 33; 33; 35; 35; 37; 39; 41] stitches of back neck, increasing into last stitch: 167 [173; 179; 183; 189; 193; 199; 205; 211] stitches.

1st row: Work in k1/p1 rib to 1 stitch before centre stitch; slip next stitch onto right hand needle, slip next stitch onto cable needle and leave at back of work, place stitch on right hand needle back onto
left hand needle. Now place stitch on cable needle back onto left hand needle and p3tog; p1/k1 rib to end.
2nd row: Rib to 1 stitch before centre stitch slip next stitch onto right hand needle, slip next stitch onto cable needle and leave at front of work, slip next stitch onto right hand needle. Now place stitch on cable needle back onto left hand needle, then place both stitches on right hand needle back onto left hand needle and k3tog; rib to end.

Repeat these 2 rows twice more, then the first row once.
Cast off in rib, decreasing on this row as before.


Using a back stitch and matching yarn, join left shoulder seam and Neckband. With right side of work facing, using No 10 (3¼ mm) needles and yarn B, pick up and knit 90 [94; 96; 100; 102; 104; 108; 110; 112] stitches evenly along armhole edge.
Work 7 rows in k1/p1 rib.
Cast off in rib.

For each armhole, with right side facing and using No 11 needles pick up and knit 90 [96; 102; 108] stitches evenly round armhole.
Work in K1/P1 rib for 8 rows.

Cast off ribwise.

To Make Up

Pin out to correct measurements and steam very gently, using a warm iron over a damp cloth.
Using matching yarn, join side seams and armbands.


Yarn A - bouclé double knitting: 3 [3; 4; 4; 4; 4; 5; 5; 5] x 50g balls
Yarn B standard (smooth) double knitting: 3 [3; 3; 3; 4; 4; 4; 4; 5] x 50g balls

A pair each No 10 (3¼mm), No 9 (3¾mm) and No 8 (4mm) needles.
Cable needle.


22sts to 4 inches

Size matters

Chest to fit: 32 [34; 36; 38; 40; 42; 44; 46; 48] inches.

Chest actual: 34 [36; 38; 40; 42; 44; 46; 48; 50] inches.

Length: 23-27 ins.


k2tog/p2tog: decrease by knitting/purling 2 sts together.

sl: slip

yb: yarn back

A word on the wool

You can see in the picture this is knitted in two different colours and textures of double knitting yarn.

Finding a substitute will not be impossible as DK yarns are fairly standard, though it might be trickier to find the bouclé.

The example shown, used Stylecraft double knitting yarn in just the one texture (no bouclé). It took 125g of the maroon colour and just under 100g of the grey (or silver).


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


Joy's DH - doesn't he look pleased? (and only a little self-conscious...)

August 2016

Bags for Beach or Festivals


Summer season bags in crochet this time - for beach - or for festivals if you want the full seventies vibe. Easy to make using a single basic granny square motif.


The bags are made up by joining a number of the same basic "granny square" motif. If you are feeling adventurous you could make up your own version of the squares to approximately the same size or you could use a variety of colours (in the "granny square" tradition) to use up wool oddments.


With Gold (G) make 4 ch, join into ring with slip stitch (ss).

1st round: in G, 3 ch, 11 tr into ring. [12 sts]
2nd round: in Red (R), join with ss to top of ch, (3 ch, 2 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr), all in next stitch, miss 2 stitches, * (3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr,) all in next stitch, miss 2 stitches, repeat from * 3 times; join with ss to top of ch
3rd round: in Cream (C), 3 ch, 2 tr, in space between last tr and ch of previous round, (3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr) all in next ch sp, * 3 tr in sp between 2 groups, (3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr) all in next ch sp, repeat from * 3 times; join with ss to top of ch
Fasten off.


Make 10 motifs.
Join motifs as follows: wrong sides to inside, place 2 motifs together.
With C, make loop round hook (as if starting a chain), insert hook through corner ch sp of each motif and draw loop through, then draw
loop through loop on hook (this fastens the yarn to the work). Insert hook through both loops of next stitch of each motif and draw loop through, (this joins the motifs together), and draw the loop through
loop on hook, (this completes the join - you are essentially slip stitching the motifs together).
Continue in this way, ending at ch sp at opposite corner.
Fasten off.

Join remaining motifs in the same way, thus having 5 strips made of 2 motifs each

Now make a square by joining 2 strips together using the slip stitch technique as before. Make another square the same.
You now have two squares made up of 4 motifs and one oblong made up of 2 motifs.

Handbag - main part

[Editor's note: In this section you make diagonal edgings for each side of the square sections of the bag. You end up with another square with the original 4 motifs set "on point" as you can see in the photo.]

With right side facing and Gold (G), join yarn to corner ch sp of one of the squares, and work along first side edge as follows :
1st row: in G, 3 ch, 2 tr in corner ch sp, (3 tr in sp between next 2 groups) twice, 3 tr in centre of joining row, (3 tr in sp between next 2 groups) twice, 3 tr in corner ch sp [7 groups].
Turn, 1 ss in each of last 3 tr of previous row.

2nd row: in Red (R), 3 ch, 2 tr in 1st sp between first 2 groups, 3 tr in
each following sp [6 groups].
Turn, 1 ss in each of last 3 tr of previous row.

3rd row: in Cream (C), as 2nd row [5 groups].

Alternating colours as before, work 4 more rows, thus ending 3 ch 2 tr in G worked in sp between 2 groups. [1 group].
Fasten off.

Joining yarn to corner ch sp already used, work along 2nd and 3rd sides of square in the same way, then work along 4th side starting
and ending with corner ch sp already used.

Work the other main part in the same way on the second 4-motif square.

Handbag - flap

[Editor's note: At this point you might think "flap" is an instruction - but it isn't - it' just the description of the piece you are making next. The instruction is "just keep calm and carry on". Crochet is always more difficult to read from a pattern than it is to actually do it.]

With right side facing and G, join yarn to corner ch sp at long side of remaining oblong strip and work as follows:

1st round: in G, 3 ch 2 tr in corner ch sp, (3 tr in sp between next 2 groups) twice; 3 tr in centre of joining row; (3 tr in sp between
next 2 groups) twice, 3 tr 1 ch 3 tr in next corner ch sp, (3 tr in sp between next 2 groups) twice, 3 tr 1 ch 3 tr in next corner ch sp Continue in this way all round strip, ending 3 tr 1 ch, in 1st corner ch sp again. Join with ss to top of ch at the beginning of the round.
2nd round: in R, 3 ch 2 tr in corner ch sp, then - as you did in 1st round - 3 tr in each sp between 2 groups, 3 tr 1 ch 3 tr in each corner ch sp, ending 3 tr 1 ch in 1st corner ch sp again. Join with ss to top
of ch at beginning of round.
3rd round: in C as 2nd round.
Fasten off.

Handbag - gusset

With G, make 10 ch

1st row: 1 tr in 4th ch from hook, 1 tr in each following ch
Turn with 3 ch.
2nd row: miss 1st stitch, 1 tr in each following stitch Turn with 3 ch
[ 8 stitches, including turning ch of previous row which counts as 1 tr].

Repeat 2nd row until strip measures 24 inches (61 cm).
Fasten off.

Handbag - to make up

Using a warm iron and damp cloth, press parts lightly on wrong side.
Cut lining as for 2 squares and gusset, allowing ½ inch (1 cm) extra all round for turnings.
Pin gusset round 3 sides of each square; sew in position by stitching tip of each group of main part to edges of gusset .
Sew flap to remaining side of 1 square.
Using G, work 1 row dc, along 3 free sides of flap, working 3 dc in each corner and making a 10 ch loop at each end of long side approximately 2 inches (5 cm) in from the edge - these are the button loops (see photo).

Make twisted cord from 18 strands of remaining yarn, each strand 100 inches (254 cm) long (or however long you want the shoulder strap to be), and attach to top of gusset at each side of bag.

Join lining and place inside bag with seams to inside, turn in raw edges at top and inside flap, and slip hem neatly in position.

Sew on buttons.

Beach bag

Make 55 motifs.
Joining motifs as for handbag, making 11 strips of 5 motifs each

Beach bag - back

Join 6 strips together, thus having an oblong.

Point: With right side facing and using G, join yarn to corner ch sp of oblong and work along 1 short edge as follows:

1st row: in G, 3 ch 2 tr in corner ch sp, * (3 tr in sp between next 2 groups) twice, 3 tr in centre of joining row; repeat from * ending 3 tr in corner ch sp [16 groups].
Turn, ss in each of last 3 tr of previous row.
2nd row: in R, 3 ch 2 tr in sp, between first 2 groups, 3 tr in each following sp [15 groups].
Turn, ss in each of last 3 tr of previous row.
3rd row: in C , as 2nd row [14 groups].

Alternating colours as before, work 13 more rows, thus ending 3 ch 2 tr in G, worked in sp between 2 groups. [1 group].
Fasten off.

Beach bag - flap

Working along opposite edge of oblong, work as for point.
In make a 10 ch loop into centre of last group (button loop).
Fasten off.

Beach bag - front

Join 5 strips together, thus making a square.
Work as for back, making one point for bottom of bag and omitting flap.

Beach bag - to make up

Press as for handbag.

Cut lining as for front and back, allowing ½ inch (1 cm) extra for turnings.
Place back and front together from points upwards, with wrong sides to inside. Using C, work joining row up one side, then work in
dc up side of extra motif of back.
Join second side in the same way.
Work 1 row dc along upper edge of front.
Fasten off.

Using a flat-stitch seam, join points by catching together tips of each group.

Make twisted cord as for handbag and attach to sides.
Line as for handbag.

Using 18 strands of remaining yarn, each strand 12 inches (30 cm) long, make tassel and attach to point.

Sew on button to match loop.


The yarn is an Aran or worsted weight in balls of 50g.

1 ball each in three colours: Cream, Lipstick Red, and Harvest Gold.
2 buttons.
½ yard lining fabric.

Beach bag:
4 in Cream, 3 in Lipstick Red and 2 in Harvest Gold.
1 buttons.
1 yard lining fabric.

One No 8 (4mm) crochet hook.


One motif measures approximately
2¾ x 2¾ inches,
(7cm x 7cm)

Size matters

Hand bag:
About 8 inches (20cm) square.

Beach bag:
About 14 inches (36cm) wide and 20 inches (51cm) high.

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
dc: double crochet
tr: treble
ss: slip stitch
sp: space

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn was Patons Capstan - an Aran weight yarn knitting to a tension of 18 sts to 4 inches. No clues as to the yardage but it was a fairly dense pure wool so I would not expect it to have a long yardage.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

July 2016

The Fringe of Fashion


Fringes appeared everywhere last year so this may still have a place this summer. The seventies photo is delightful - a sophisticated peasant style making you long for an adventurous getaway to foreign climes - you can feel that heat.
However the editors haven't quite caught up in the ways of modern copy to match...
"... a dashing little crochet vest to wear in many ways."


The pattern is given in one size.
The back and fronts are worked in one piece up to the underarm.

Back and Fronts

Using 2 balls of yarn and working with yarn doubled, make 128 ch

Foundation row: 1 dtr in 6th ch from hook, * miss 1 ch, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next ch; repeat from * to end.

1st row: 1 dc in 1st stitch, * miss next 3 stitches (that is: 1 ch, 1 dtr, 1 ch), 8 ch, 1 dc in next stitch; repeat from * working last dc in 4th of 5 turning ch, turn with 10 ch (work into 3rd of 4 turning ch here on all following 1st pattern rows).
2nd row: 1 dc in 1st ch loop, * 8 ch, 1 dc in next ch loop; repeat from * to end, 4 ch, make long stitch in last dc as follows: (yrh) 4 times, insert hook into last dc and draw loop through, (yrh, draw loop through 2 loops on hook) 5 times.
[Editor's note: This long stitch is simpler than it looks - you make it in the same way you would a treble or double treble or triple treble - just start with 5 wraps on the hook as it tells you.]
3rd row: 1 dc in 1st stitch, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next ch loop; repeat from * to end, turn with 4 ch.
4th row: 1 dtr in 1st ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in 1st dc, * 1 ch, 1 dtr in next ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next dc; repeat from * to end.

These 4 rows form pattern.
Repeat them 3 times more, then rows 1 to 3 again.

Divide for armholes as follows:

Next row: 1 dtr in next ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next dc, (1 ch, 1 dtr in next ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next dc) 6 times, turn.

Continue for right front, shaping armhole and neck as follows :

1st row: as 1st pattern row, omitting turning ch.
2nd row: 1 ss in 1st dc, 1 ss in 3 ch of next ch loop, 1 dc in same ch loop, * 8 ch, 1 dc in next ch loop; repeat from * to end.
3rd row: 1 ss in 1st dc, 1 ss in first 3 ch of next ch loop, 1 dc in same loop, * 3 ch, 1 dc in next ch loop; repeat from * to end, turn with 4 ch.
4th row: as 4th pattern row.
Repeat the last 4 rows twice more, after which you have 5 stitches = 4 ch, 1 dtr, 1 ch, 1 dtr.
Fasten off.

Continue for back as follows:

Leaving 7 stitches unworked, rejoin double yarn to next dc, make 4 ch, 1 dtr in next ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next dc, (1 ch, 1 dtr in next ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next dc.) 12 times, turn.

Work the 4 rows as for right front from ** to ** then repeat these 4 rows twice more: after which you have 29 stitches = 4 ch, 1 dtr, (1 ch, 1 dtr) 13 times.
Fasten off.

Continue for left front as follows:

Leaving 7 stitches unworked, rejoin double yarn to next dc, make 4 ch, 1 dtr in next ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next dc, * 1 ch, 1 dtr in next ch sp, 1 ch, 1 dtr in next dc; repeat from * to end.

Finish to correspond with right front, reversing shapings.

To Make Up

To prevent heavy pressing and use of a hot iron, either of which could be injurious to the fabric, light pressing may be suitable as follows:

Block each piece by pinning out round edges and press using a warm iron and slightly damp cloth.

Join shoulder seams.

With double yarn, work 1 row dc along front and neck edges.
Work 1 round dc along armhole edge.

For the front ties: Make two lengths of ch. 20 inches (51 cm) long and sew one to each side of front, level with armhole division.

Fringes: Cut remaining yarn into 12 inch (30 cm) strips and taking 6 strands together each time, knot through lower edge, placing
each fringe in a chain space.


6 50g balls DK in white with the yarn used double throughout (see A Word on the Wool)

Crochet hook No
5 (5½mm)


One pattern (4 rows) is 2½ inches (6cm).

Size matters

To fit chest:
34 - 37 inches, (86 - 94 cm);
length from top of shoulders, 21½ (54 cm) without fringes.

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
dc: double crochet
dtr: double treble
ss: slip stitch
sp: space
L: loop
yrh: yarn round

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

A word on the wool.

Patons marketed two different yarns called Promise in different eras both DK equivalents. This pattern, being crocheted and from the 1970s, is the earlier manifestation - a smooth yarn "with Tricel" sold in 50g balls. [The later yarn marketed in the 1980s was a fluffy acrylic with a good yardage, thus sold in 40g balls].
Potentially any double knitting quality can be used (knitting tension would be about 22sts x 30 rows to 4 inches or 10 cm). However, working with the yarn doubled can be difficult, especially in crochet, so I would be inclined to look for a chunky cotton type yarn to substitute and use it single strand - although the choice may be more limited.

June 2016

Anyone for Tennis?


This is a knitted dress with crochet insets.....
"... to line up the prettiest back view".

No denying the charm of this dress (and model) though sadly I need them to be a little less revealing these days. But in the words of my 82 year old aunt - at the height of the mini skirt fashion when I was 13 - "well if I had legs like yours I'd bloomin' well show 'em off!".


Special cluster stitch as follows:
[Editor's note: You will probably find this stitch easier to execute when you try it as opposed to how it appears on paper.]

Make Cluster:
(yrh) twice, insert hook in next tr, yrh, draw loop through, (yrh, draw loop through first 2 loops on hook) twice, * (yrh) twice, insert hook into same tr, yrh, draw loop through, (yrh, draw loop through first 2 loops on hook) twice *; repeat from * to * twice more, draw a loop through all 5 loops on hook.


Using size 10 (3¼mm) needles, cast on 156 (164 : 172 : 180) stitches and starting with a knit row, work in stocking stitch until front measures 1½ inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape as follows:

Next row: {k 10 (11 : 13 : 14) k2togtbl} twice, knit to last 24 (26 : 30 : 32) stitches, {k2tog, k 10 (11: 13 : 14)} twice.
Work 5 rows straight.

Repeat the last 6 rows 5 (4 : 4 : 4) times more. [132 (144 : 152 : 160) stitches ]

Next row: {k 10 (11 : 13 : 14), k2togtbl} twice, knit to last 24 (26 : 30 : 32) stitches, {k2tog, k 10 (11 : 13 : 14)} twice.
Work 3 rows straight.

Repeat the last 4 rows until 84 (92 : 100 : 104) stitches remain, ending with a decrease row.

2nd and 3rd sizes only :
Work 3 rows straight.
Next row: {k - (11 : 13 : -)}, k2togtbl, knit to last - (13 : 15 : -) stitches, k tog., k - (11 : 13 : -). [84 (90 : 98 : 104) stitches

Work a few rows straight until front measures 12 inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape as follows:

Next row: k 10 (11 : 13 : 14), m1, knit to last 10 (11 : 13 : 14) stitches, m1, k 10 (11 : 13 : 14).
Work 3 rows straight.

Repeat the last 4 rows until there are 114 (120 : 128 : 134) stitches, ending with an increase row.
Work 11 rows straight.

Shape armhole and divide for neck:

Next row: cast off 4, k 51 (54 : 58 : 61), k2tog, turn and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle or needle holder.

Continue on these 52 (55 : 59 : 62) 52/55/59/62 stitches for the first side as follows:
Decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of the next row.

Now decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on every row and at the same time decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next and every alternate row until 37 (40 : 41 : 44) stitches remain.
Work 1 row straight.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 25 (26 : 27 : 28) stitches remain.

Keeping armhole edge straight, continue decreasing at neck edge on every alternate row until 21 (22 : 22 : 23) stitches remain.
Work 3 rows straight.

Now decrease at the neck edge on the next and every following 4th row until 16 stitches remain.

Work straight until armhole measures 7 ( : 8 : ) inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape shoulder by casting off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row. Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining 6 stitches.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to the remaining stitches, k2tog, knit to end.
Finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.

Left Back

With No 10 needles, cast on 61 (65 : 69 : 73) stitches, and starting with a knit row, work in stocking stitch until back measures 1½ inches ending with a purl row.

Shape as follows:

Next row: knit to last 24 (26 : 30 : 32) stitches, {k2tog, k 10 (11 : 13 : 14)} twice. Work 5 rows straight.

Repeat the last 6 rows 5 (4 : 4 : 4) times more. [49 (55 : 59 : 63) sts]

Next row: knit to last 24 (26 : 30 : 32) stitches, {k2tog, k 10 (11 : 13 : 14)} twice. Work 3 rows straight.

Repeat the last 4 rows until 25 (29 : 33 : 35) stitches remain, ending with an decrease row.

2nd and 3rd sizes only: Work 3 rows straight.
Next row: k. to the last - (11 : 13 : -) stitches, k2tog, k - (11 : 13 : -). 25 (28 : 32 : 35) sts]

Work a few rows straight until back measures 12 inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape as follows:

Next row: knit to last 10 (11 : 13 : 14) stitches, ml, k 10 (11 : 13 : 14). Work 3 rows straight.

Repeat the last 4 rows until there are 35 (38 : 42 : 45) stitches.
Work 3 rows straight.

Continue shaping bodice and at the same time shape back slope as follows:

Next row: k2tog, knit to the last 10 (11 : 13 : 14) stitches, m1, k 10 (11 : 13 : 14).
Work 2 rows straight.
Next row: purl to the last 2 stitches, p2tog.
Next row
: knit to the last 10 (11 : 13 : 14) stitches, m1, k.10 (11 : 13 : 14).
Work 1 row straight.
Next row: k2tog , knit to end.
Work 1 row straight.

Next row: knit to the last 10 (11 : 13 : 14) stitches, m1, k.10 (11 : 13 : 14).
Next row: purl to the last 2 stitches, p2tog.
Work 2 rows straight.
Next row: k2tog , k. to last 10 (11 : 13 : 14) stitches, m1, k.10 (11 : 13 : 14).
Work 2 rows straight.

Next row: purl to the last 2 stitches, p2tog.
Next row: knit to the last 10 (11 : 13 : 14) stitches, m1, k.10 (11 : 13 : 14) [34 (37 : 41 : 44) sts].
Work 1 row straight.

Now decrease 1 stitch at back slope on the next and every following
3rd row until 30 (33 : 37 : 40) stitches remain.

Continue shaping back slope and shape armhole as follows:

Next row: knit.
Next row: cast off 4, purl to end.

Continue decreasing at back slope on next and every following 3rd row, and at the same time decrease 1 stitch at the armhole edge on every row until 14 (17 : 18 : 21) stitches remain.

Now decrease at the armhole edge on every alternate row and continue decreasing at back slope as before until 4 (5 : 6 : 8) stitches remain.

Keeping armhole edge straight, continue decreasing at back slope as before until 2 stitches remain.
Work 2 rows straight.
P2tog and fasten off.

Right Back

Work to correspond with the left back, reversing shapings.
Your 1st decrease row on the skirt will read:
{k 10 (11 : 13 : 14), k2togtbl} twice, knit to end.

Your increase row on bodice will read:
k 10 (11 : 13 : 14), m1, knit to end.

Crochet border

With No 11 (3mm) hook, make 340 (356 : 372 : 388) chain.

1st row (right side facing): 1 tr in 6th ch from hook, * 1 ch, miss next ch, 1 tr in next ch; repeat from * to end.
2nd row: 4 ch, miss first tr, *1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 Cl. (CL = cluster - see start of instructions) in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, {1 tr in next tr, 1 ch} twice; repeat from *, ending last repeat 1 tr in last tr, 1 ch, miss next ch, 1 tr in next ch.
3rd row: 4 ch, miss first tr, * 1 tr in next tr, 4 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 1 dc in top of CL, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 4 ch, {1 tr in next 1 ch} twice; repeat from *, ending last repeat 1 tr in last tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of last 4 ch.
4th row: 4 ch, miss first tr, * 1 tr in next tr, 4 ch, 1 dc in each of next 3 dc, 4 ch, {1 tr in next tr, 1 ch} twice; repeat from *, ending last repeat 1 tr in last tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.
5th row: 4 ch, miss first tr, * 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 CL in 2nd of 3 dc, 5 ch, {1 tr in next tr, 1 ch} twice; repeat from *, ending last repeat 1 tr in last tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.
6th row: 4 ch, miss first tr, * 1 tr in next tr, {1 ch, miss next ch, 1 tr in next ch} twice, 1 ch, miss next ch, 1 tr in top of CL, {1 ch, miss next ch, 1 tr in next ch} twice, {1 ch, 1 tr in next tr} twice, 1 ch; repeat from * ending last repeat, 1 ch, 1 tr in last tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.

This completes lower edge border, do not break yarn.

Sewing in position as you go along, work left back border as follows:

1st row: 4 ch, miss first tr, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 CL in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in next tr, turn.
2nd row:: 4 ch, miss first tr, 1 tr in next tr, 4 ch, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 1 dc in top of CL, 1 dc in next 5 ch sp, 4 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.
3rd row: 4 ch, miss first tr, 1 tr in next tr, 4 ch, 1 dc in each of next 3 dc, 4 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.
4th row: 4 ch, miss first tr, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, 1 CL in 2nd of 3 dc, 5 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.
5th row: 4 ch, miss first tr, 1 tr in next tr, {1 ch, miss next ch, 1 tr in next ch} twice, 1 ch, 1 tr in top of CL, {1 ch, miss next ch, 1 tr in next ch} twice, 1 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.
6th row: 4 ch, miss first tr, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 CL in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.

Rows 2 to 6 inclusive, form border pattern.

Continue in pattern until border fits up left back edge to top of slope, when slightly stretched.
Then continue in crochet pattern beyond the end of the knitted piece until back matches front at armhole edge (see photo), ending with 2nd, 4th or 5th pattern row.
Fasten off.

Work right back border as follows:

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to 9th stitch in from left-hand edge of bottom border and make 4 ch, 1 tr in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 CL in next tr, 5 ch, miss 2 tr, 1 tr in next tr, 1 ch, 1 tr in 3rd of 4 ch.

Finish to correspond with left border.

To Make Up

Press parts lightly on wrong side.

Join shoulder and side seams, then join border to lower edge.

Armhole Borders: With right side facing and No 12 (2½mm) hook, work 1 round dc all round armhole.

Work picot edging as follows:
Next round: * 1 dc in next 3 dc, {ss, 4 ch, ss} in next dc; repeat from * all round armhole, join with ss in first dc Fasten off.

Neck, Back and Lower Edge Border: With right side facing and No 12 (2½mm) hook, start at left back lower edge and work 1 row dc up
left back, all round neck, down right back and along lower edge, increasing and decreasing to ease round corners as required.
Join with ss in first dc.

Next round: Work in dc to a point level with the start of the back slope shaping, then work picot edging up to shoulder, all round neck and down right back to point level with the start of back slope shaping.

Then finish by working in dc to lower edge, working 16 button loops.
First mark the position of the buttons on left back with pins to ensure even spacing, then work loops to correspond - the first is to come over next 2 stitches, and the 16th to come 2 inches above lower edge, and the remainder spaced evenly.

To make a button loop: Work 3 ch, miss 2 dc.

Now work picot edging along lower edge, join with ss in first dc.
Fasten off.

Press seams. Sew on buttons.


5 (5 : 6 : 6) x 50g balls of 4 ply crepe in white.

Pair No 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Crochet hooks Nos
11 (3mm) and 12 (2¾mm) needles.

16 buttons.


28 sts and 36 rows to 4 inches measured over stocking stitch.
Crochet Border: 2 pattern repeats measure 4¼ inches in width.

Size matters

The pattern is given in 4 sizes to fit bust:
32 (34 : 36 : 38) inches, 81 (86 : 91 : 97) cm;
length from top of shoulders, 29 (29½ : 30 : 30½) inches, 74 (75 : 76 : 77) cm.


m1: pick up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and work into back of it.
k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 stitches together (decrease one stitch).
stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").
tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]

ch: chain
CL: make cluster (see instructions)
tr: treble crochet
dc: double crochet
yrh: double crochet
sp: space
ss: slip stitch.

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.

A Word on the Wool:

Original knitted in Patons Limelight 100% acrylic - knits as 4ply.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

This is styled reminiscent of the astonishingly popular seventies photo depicting the back view of a female tennis player (or more accurately "a student in tennis whites").


And not forgetting, the year after this photo was taken, we were all inspired by British tennis as Virginia Wade won the 1977 ladies singles at Wimbledon (without having to reveal her bottom).


I was unable to watch the match as I was working during my student summer break - but in the evening at Victoria railway station - where they had only just installed the new electronic announcement boards - I read "Wade wins Wimbledon 4-6, 6-3, 6-1" demonstrating the sense of elation felt by all since this was a pretty unusual departure from the norm for good old British Rail at that time...

April 2016

Seafarers' Sweaters

This has to be a favourite for me, combining a boating theme with navy and white.
It is a pattern from the seventies but was quite a new idea - a forerunner of those drop shoulders and cowl neck designs which were so ubiquitous in the eighties - and seemingly popular now.


Instructions for six sizes with larger sizes given in brackets.
Where one set of figures is given this applies to all sizes.

The pattern is in two colours (dark and light) - Navy is represented by D (dark) and Cream represented by L (light).


With No 9 needles and yarn D, cast on 84 (92 : 97 : 100 : 108 : 112) stitches and work in rib as follows:
1st row (right side facing): k3, p2, * k2, p2; repeat from * to last 3 stitches, k3.
2nd row:
k1, p2, * k2, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Repeat these 2 rows until rib measures 3 inches, ending with wrong side facing for next row.

Change to No 5 needles and knit 1 row, increasing 1 stitch at centre:. [85 (93 : 97 : 101 : 109 : 113) sts]

Join in yarn L, and work in pattern as follows:

1st row: right side facing, in L, k6 (2 : 4 : 6 : 2 : 4), sl1, {k1, sl1} 4 times, * k7, sl1, {k1, sl1} 4 times; repeat from * to last 6 (2 : 4 : 6 : 2 : 4) stitches, k6 (2 : 4 : 6 : 2 : 4).
2nd row: in L, knit.
3rd row: in D, k 7 (3 : 5 : 7 : 3 : 5) sl1, {k1, sl1} 3 times, * k9, sl1, {k1, sl1} 3 times; repeat from * to last 7 (3 : 5 : 7 : 3 : 5) stitches, k7 (3 : 5 : 7 : 3 : 5).
4th row: in D, knit.
5th-16th row: as 1st-4th rows worked 3 times.

17th row: in L, sl1, {k1, sl1} 3 (1 : 2 : 3 : 1 : 2) times, k7, * sl1, {k1, sl1} 4 times, k 7 ; repeat from * to last 7 (3 : 5 : 7 : 3 : 5) stitches , sl1, {k1, sl1} 3 (1 : 2 : 3 : 1 : 2) times.
18th row: : in L, knit.
19th row: in D, {k1, sl1} 3 (1 : 2 : 3 : 1 : 2) times, k9, * sl1, {k1, sl1} 3 times, k9; repeat from * to last 6 (2 : 4 : 6 : 2 : 4) stitches, {k1, sl1} 3 (1 : 2 : 3 : 1 : 2) times.
20th row: in D, knit.
21st-32nd rows: as 17th-20th rows worked 3 times.

These 32 rows form pattern. Repeat them until back measures 15 (15 : 15 : 16 : 16 : 16) inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape armholes by casting off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. [75 (83 : 87 : 91 : 99 : 103) sts].

Keeping continuity of pattern, work straight until back measures 23 (23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 26) inches, ending with right side facing

Shape shoulders by decreasing 1 stitch at each end of every row until 51 (59 : 63 : 67 : 75 : 79) stitches remain.
Cast off 3 (4 : 5 : 5 : 6 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows, then 5 (5 : 4 : 6 : 7 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
Slip the remaining 29 (33 : 35 : 35 : 37 : 37) stitches on a spare needle.


Work as for back to start of armhole shapings.

Shape armholes by casting off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Divide for neck as follows:

Next row: pattern 23 (25 : 26 : 28 : 31 : 33), slip these stitches on a spare needle, cast off 29 (33 : 35 : 35 : 37 : 37) stitches, pattern to end.

Continue on these last 23 (25 : 26 : 28 : 31 : 33) stitches for the first side and work straight until front matches back at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by decreasing 1 stitch at end of next row, then at the same edge on every row until 11 (13 : 14 : 16 : 19 : 21) stitches remain.

Work 1 row straight, then cast off 3 (4 : 5 : 5 : 6 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining stitches.

With wrong side facing, rejoin appropriate yarn colour to remaining stitches and finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.


With No 9 needles and D, cast on 40 (40 : 44 : 44 : 48 : 48) stitches and work 3 inches in rib as for back, ending with wrong side facing.

Change to No 5 needles.
Next row: k2, m1, {k9 (9 : 10 : 10 : 11 : 11), m1) 4 times, k2. [45 (45 : 49 : 49 : 53 : 53) sts].

Join in L and pattern 4 rows as for 2nd (2nd : 3rd : 3rd : 4th : 4th), size of back.

Shape sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 8th row until there are 73 (73 : 81 : 81 : 89 : 89) stitches, taking increased stitches into pattern.

Work straight until sleeve measures 17½ (17½ : 18½ : 19 : 20 : 20) inches down centre, ending with right side facing.

Now increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until there are 83 (83 : 91 : 91 : 99 : 99) stitches. Break L.

Change to No 9 needles.
Next row: in D, knit, increasing 5 stitches evenly across row. [88 (88 : 96 : 96 : 104 : 104) sts].

Work 7 rows rib as for back.
Cast off loosely in rib.

To Make Up

Press parts on wrong side following instructions on the ball band and omitting ribbing.
Join shoulder seams.


With right side facing, using the set of four (or circular) No 9 needles and D, work as follows:
Pick up and knit 50 (50 : 55 : 55 : 60 : 60) stitches up right side of neck, knit 29 (33 : 35 : 35 : 37 : 37) from back decreasing 1 stitch at centre, then pick up and knit 50 (50 : 55 : 55 : 60 : 60) stitches down left side of neck. [128 (132 : 144 : 144 : 156 : 156) sts].

Divide stitches evenly on 3 needles to facilitate working.
Work backwards and forwards, starting with 2nd row, and rib 42 (48 : 52 : 52 : 56 : 56) rows as for back.
Cast off loosely in rib.
Sew short edges of collar in position to cast-off stitches on front, overlapping right side on to left for Her sweater and left on to right for His.

Join side seams and sleeve seams up to rib.
Join side edge of rib to cast-off stitches at start of armholes on back and front, then sew cast-off edge of rib to armhole edges.
Press seams.


Aran weight yarn: 10 (11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15) 50g balls in Navy and 6 (7 : 7 : 8 : 8 : 9) in Cream.

A pair each of Nos 9 (3¾mm) and 5 (5½mm) needles.
A set of four No 9 (3¾mm) needles - or a circular needle.


This cable pattern is difficult to measure but it is equivalent to a basic tension of 19 sts x 36 rows to 4 ins measured over pattern on No 5 (5½mm) needles.

Size matters

To fit chest 34 (36 : 38 : 40 : 42 : 44) inches, 86 (91 : 97 : 102 : 107 : 112) cm.
Length from top of shoulders: 25 (25 : 26 : 27 : 28 : 28) inches, 63 (63 : 66 : 69 : 71 : 71) cm.
Length of sleeve at centre: 19½ (19½ : 20½ : 21 : 22 : 22) inches, 49 (49 : 52 : 53 : 56 : 56) cm.


sl1: slip one stitch purlwise with yarn at back.

m1: make 1. Increase 1 stitch by picking up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it

k2tog or p2tog: work 2 sts together to decrease.

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn was Patons Capstan - an Aran weight yarn knitting to a tension of 18 sts to 4 inches over stocking stitch. No clues as to the yardage but it was a fairly dense pure wool so I would not expect it to have a long yardage


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

March 2016

Duck Slippers for Easter


Cute little slippers with ducklings, or kittens.
Easy and quick to knit, with their very effective little pom-pom heads.
[I'm guessing that with a little adaptation you could close in the top of the slippers and stuff them to make tiny duckling toys - if you are feeling adventurous....?!]


There are two sizes with instructions for the second size given in brackets.

Both versions:

Using either yellow (for duckling) or white (for kitten) and No 9 needles, cast on 20 (26) stitches and work as follows:

1st row (wrong side facing): sl1, k8(11), p2, k9(12)
2nd row: sl1, k9(12), m2 (1), k10(13)
3rd row: sl1, k8(11), p1, k2(1), p1, k9(12)
4th row: sl1, k9(12), m1, k2(1), m1, k10(13)
5th row: sl1, k8(11), p1, k4(3), p1, k9(12)
6th row: sl1, k9(12), m1, k4(3), m1, k10(13)
7th row: sl1, k8(11), p1, k6(5), p1, k9(12)
8th row: sl1, k9(12), m1, k6(5), m1, k10(13)
9th row: sl1, k8(11), p1, k8(7), p1, k9(12). [28(33) sts]

2nd size only
10th row: sl1, k-(12), m1, k-(7), m1, k-(13)
11th row: sl1, k-(11), p1, k-(9), p1, k-(12)
12th row: sl1, k-(12), m1, k-(9), m1, k-(13)
13th row: sl1, k-(11), p1, k-(11), p1, k-(12). [28(37) sts]

Both sizes - continue as follows:

1st row: sl1, knit to end.
2nd row: sl1, k8(11), p1, k8(11), p1, k9(12).

Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 2½ (3) inches ending with a 1st row.

Next row: sl1, {m1, k3}, 2(3) times, m1, k2, p1, {k2, m1} 3(4) times, k 2(3), p1, k2, {m1, k3} 2(3) times, m1, k1. [37(49) sts]
Next row: k1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end.
Next row: p1, * k1, p1, repeat from * to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 4½ () inches ending with right side facing.

Next row: k1, {k2tog} 5(7) times, p1, k1 p1, {k2tog} 1(2) times,rib 5, {k2tog} 1(2) times, p1, k1 p1, {k2tog} 5(7) times, k1.

Next row: rib 1(2), {p2tog} 3(4) times, rib 1, {p2tog} twice, rib 1, {p2tog} twice, p1, {p2tog} 3(4) times, rib 1(2).

Next row: {k2tog} 3(2) times, {k3tog} 1(3) times, {k2tog} 3 times. [7(8) sts]

Break yarn and thread through remaining stitches; draw up tightly and fasten off securely.
Join toe seam along to start of garter stitch. Fold cast-on edge in half and join heel seam.

Completing the Duckling version:

Make 2 pom-poms with remaining yellow yarn, each 1½ inches in diameter.
[Editor's note: You can see how to make pom-poms in one of my other entries in 2013.]

Trim to neaten and sew one to the front of each slipper.
Cut 4 small circles of blue felt for eyes and sew to each side of the heads, ensuring that the needle passes through the centre of each pom-pom to keep the eyes secure.
Cut 2 beaks of yellow felt, fold in half and oversew along fold. Sew the beak in position to the centre front of the pom-poms, pushing fold of beak in towards centre of pom-pom and sewing in place securely.

Completing the Kitten version:

Make 2 pom-poms with remaining white yarn each 1½ inches in diameter. Trim to neaten and sew one to the front of each slipper.
Cut 4 triangles of pink felt for ears and sew one to each side on top of the heads with one point upwards, ensuring needle passes through the centre of the pom-pom to make the ears secure.
Cut 4 small ovals of blue felt for eyes and sew in position.
Cut 2 very small triangles of pink felt for nose and sew to centre front of face.
Thread 2 Strands of pink yarn through pompon from side to side of
face for whiskers, and trim. (See photo).


Duckling version:
1 x 50g ball in yellow.
Kitten version:
1 x 50g ball in white with scraps of pink for whiskers.

Pair of No 9 (3¾mm) needles.

Scraps of yellow, pink, and blue felt.


23sts x 48 rows to 4 inches in garter stitch on No 9 (3¾mm) needles

Size matters

The pattern is given in two sizes to fit 5-5½ (6-6½) sock size.


sl1: slip a stitch by passing it between the needles without knitting it.
m1: make a stitch by picking up the loop lying before the next stitch and knitting into the back of it.
m2: make 2 stitches by picking up the loop lying before the next stitch and knitting into the front and back of it.
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together to decrease a stitch


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

February 2016

Soft knit sash cardigan


Cosy and snug wrap cardigan with a sash belt. I would probably knit it for myself as shown, but it may be more stylish if worn longer or over-sized and perhaps without pockets.

The original yarn was a soft heathered and slightly fluffy Shetland type. I think this would be lovely knitted in the hand-dyed yarn available from the Little Grey Sheep.


Instructions are given for 4 sizes - larger sizes given in brackets.

Note: Where a number of stitches is given, this refers to the basic number and does not include those made in the pattern.

[Editor's note: I have copied the note above from the original pattern - it will make more sense when you start knitting as the the number of stitches you end up with at the end of each row increases and decreases as part of the pattern stitch.]


With No 11 needles, cast on 112 (120 : 126 : 132) stitches, and work 2 inches in k1/p1 rib.

Next row: rib 14 (15 : 15 : 15), {ml, rib 14 (15 : 15 : 15)} 6 (5 : 6 : 6) times, ml, rib to end. [119 (126 : 133 : 139) sts]

Change to No 9 needles and work as follows:

Next row (right side facing): k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * k3, p6; repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches, k3, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.
Continue in pattern as follows:

1st row (wrong side facing): k4 (3 : 2 : 5), * p3, k6; repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches, p3, k4 (3 : 2 : 5).
2nd row: k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * Tw3, p6; repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches , Tw3, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.
3rd row:as 1st.
4th row: k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * (k1, yfwd) twice, k1, p6; repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches, (k1, yfwd) twice, k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.
5th row: k4 (3 : 2 : 5), * p5, k6; repeat from * to last 9 (8 : 7 : 10) stitches, p5, k4 (3 : 2 : 5).
6th row: k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * k2, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2, p6; repeat from * to last 9 (8 : 7 : 10) stitches, k2, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k2, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.
7th row: k4 (3 : 2 : 5), * p7, k6; repeat from * to last 11 (10 : 9 : 12) stitches, p7, k4 (3 : 2 : 5).
8th row: k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * k3, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k3, p6; repeat from * to last 11 (10 : 9 : 12) stitches, k3, yfwd, k1, yfwd, k3, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.
9th row: k4 (3 : 2 : 5), * p9, k6; repeat from * to last 13 (12 : 11 : 14) stitches. p9, k4 (3 : 2 : 5).
10th row: k 1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * sl1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, p6; repeat from * to last 13 (12 : 11 : 14) stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k5, k2tog, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.
11th row: as 7th.
12th row: k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * sl1, k1, psso, k3, k2tog, p6; repeat from * to last 11 (10 : 9 : 12) stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k3, k2tog, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.
13th row: as 5th.
14th row: k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, p6; repeat from * to last 9 (8 : 7 : 10) stitches, sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.

These 14 rows form pattern for back.
Continue straight in pattern until back measures approximately 18 inches, ending with 14th pattern row.

Keeping continuity of pattern shape armholes as follows:

Next row: cast off 17 (19 : 21 : 21), k4 (1 : 7 : 1), * p3, k6 repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches, p3, k4 (3 : 2 : 5).
Next row: cast off 17 (19 : 21 : 21), p4 (1 : 7 : 1), * Tw3, p 6; repeat from * to last 8 (5 : 11 : 5) stitches, Tw3, p4 (1 : 7 : 1), k 1
Next row: k5 (2 : 8 : 2), * p3, k6; repeat from * to last 8 (5 : 11 : 5) stitches, p 3, k5 (2 : 8 : 2).

Continue straight in pattern until back measures 25½ (26 : 26½ : 27) inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulders by casting off 8 (8 : 8 : 9) stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows, then 7 (8 : 9 : 9) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows. Cast off remaining 39 (40 : 41 : 43) stitches.

Pocket Linings

With No 9 needles, cast on 30 stitches and work 29 rows stocking stitch, starting with a purl row
Next row: k6, (ml, k6) 4 times. [34 stitches].
Leave these stitches on a spare needle and make another one the same.

Left Front

With No 11 needles, cast on 54 (58 : 62 : 64) stitches and work 2 inches in k1/p1 rib.

Next row: rib 9 (11 : 15 : 14), {ml, rib 12 (12 : 16 : 12)} 3 (3 : 2 : 3) times, ml, rib to end: [58 (62 : 65 : 68) stitches]

Change to No 9 needles and place pattern panels as follows:

Next row (right side facing): k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * k3, p6; repeat from * to last 9 (5 : 9 : 9), stitches, k3, p5 (1 : 5 : 5), k1.

Now continue in pattern as for back Your first 2 rows will read:

1st row (wrong side facing): k6 (2 : 6 : 6), * p3, k6; repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches, p3, k4 (3 : 2 : 5).
2nd row: k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * Tw3, p6; repeat from * to last 9 (5 : 9 : 9) stitches , Tw3, p5 (1 : 5 : 5), k1.

Keeping continuity of pattern, work a further 27 rows, thus ending with 1st pattern row.

Place pocket lining as follows:

Next row: pattern 11 (10 : 9 : 12), slip next 34 stitches on a stitch holder and in place of these, pattern across stitches of first pocket lining, pattern 13 (18 : 22 : 22).

Continue straight in pattern until 14 rows less have been worked than on back to start of armhole shaping, thus ending with 14th pattern row.

Shape front edge as follows:

Next row: k2tog, k4 (9 : 4 : 4), pattern to end.
Next row: pattern to last 8 (13 : 8 : 8) stitches, Tw3, p4 (9 : 4 : 4), k1.
Work 2 rows straight.

Decrease 1 stitch at the front edge on the next and every following 4th row until 54 (58 : 61 : 64) stitches remain, keeping stitches at front edge in reverse stocking stitch as placed.

Work 1 row straight.

Next row: k11 (7 : 11 : 11), pattern to end.

Shape armhole as follows:
Next row: cast off 17 (19 : 21 : 21), p4 (1 : 7 : 1), * Tw3, p6 repeat from * to last 14 (10 : 14 : 14) stitches, Tw3 p10 (6 : 10 : 10), k1.

Keep armhole edge straight and continue to decrease 1 stitch at front edge on next and every following 4th row until 23 (24 : 25 : 27) stitches remain.

Note: When shaping at front edge do not continue panel pattern nearest this edge if there are insufficient stitches to work another complete pattern; instead take stitches into reversed stocking stitch.

Work a few rows straight until front matches back at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 8 (8 : 8 : 9) stitches at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining 7 (8 : 9 : 9) stitches

Right Front

Work as for left front from ** to **.
Change to No 9 needles and place pattern panels as follows:

Next row (right side facing): k1, p5 (1 : 5 : 5), * k3, p 6; repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches, k3, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.

Next row (right side facing): k1, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), * k3, p6; repeat from * to last 9 (5 : 9 : 9), stitches, k3, p5 (1 : 5 : 5), k1.

Now continue in pattern as for back Your first 2 rows will read:

1st row (wrong side facing): k4 (3 : 2 : 5), * p3, k6; repeat from * to last 9 (5 : 9 : 9) stitches, p3, k6 (2 : 6 : 6).
2nd row: k1, p5 (1 : 5 : 5), * Tw3, p6; repeat from * to last 7 (6 : 5 : 8) stitches, Tw3, p3 (2 : 1 : 4), k1.

Keeping continuity of pattern work a further 27 rows, thus ending after 1st pattern row, with right side facing for next row.

Place pocket lining as follows:

Next row: pattern 13 (18 : 22 : 22), slip next 34 stitches on a stitch-holder and in place of these, pattern across stitches of second pocket lining, pattern 11 (10 : 9 : 12).
Finish to correspond with left front, reversing shapings.


With No 11 needles, cast on 46 (48 : 50 : 52) stitches and work 2 inches in k1/ p1 rib.

Next row: rib 7 (7 : 7 : 6), {ml, rib 8 (5 : 4 : 5)} 4 (7 : 9 : 8) times, ml, rib to end. [51 (56 : 60 : 61) sts]

Change to No 9 needles and place pattern panels as follows:

Next row (right side facing): k1, p5 (3 : 5 : 1), * k3, p6; repeat from * to last 9 (7 : 9 : 5) stitches, k3, p5 (3 : 5 : 1), k1.
Now continue in pattern as for back. Your first 2 rows will read:

1st row: k6 (4 : 6 : 2), * p3, k6; repeat from * to last 9 (7 : 9 : 5) stitches, p3, k6 (4 : 6 : 2).
2nd row: k1, p5 (3 : 5 : 1), * Tw3, p 6; repeat from * to last 9 (7 : 9 : 5) stitches, Tw3, p5 (3 : 5 : 1), k1.

Continue in pattern, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the 12th (10th : 8th : 2nd), and then every following 4th row until there are 101 (108 : 114 : 121),stitches , taking increased stitches into pattern.
Work straight until sleeve measures approximately 21 inches at centre, ending with 1st pattern row.

Cast off.

To Make Up

Using a warm iron and slightly damp cloth, press parts lightly on wrong side, omitting welts.
Join shoulders, side and sleeve seams, leaving 2½ ( : 3 : 3), inches open at the top of sleeve seam; then insert the sleeves sewing rows left free at top along cast-off stitches on back and fronts at start of armholes.

Front Borders

Left: With No 11 needles, cast on 9 stitches and work in rib as follows:
1st row (right side facing): k2, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
2nd row: k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows until strip fits up left front and round to centre back of neck, when slightly stretched. Sew in position as you go along. Cast off in rib.

Right: Work to correspond with left, with the addition of 7 buttonholes, first to come ½ inches up from lower edge, 7th at start of neck shaping and remainder spaced evenly.
First mark position of buttons on left border with pins to ensure even spacing, then work holes to correspond.

To make a buttonhole: with right side facing, rib 3, cast off 3, rib to end, then when knitting the next row back, cast on 3 over those cast off.

[Editor's note: If you are making an over-sized cardigan, you may wish to omit the buttonholes and just have the tie belt for closure.]

Pocket Tops

With right side facing and No 11 needles, k34 stitches from stitch holder, increasing 1 stitch in centre. [35 sts]
Work 1 inch in k1/p1 rib as for borders.
Cast off evenly in rib.

Catch down sides of pocket tops neatly on right side and pocket linings lightly on wrong side.


With No 11 needles, cast on 13 stitches, and work 52 (54 : 56 : 58) inches in rib as for front borders. Cast off evenly in rib.

Press seams. Sew on buttons.


11 (12 : 12 : 13) x 50 gram balls Double Knitting in "Heather"

A pair each No 9 (3¾mm) and No 11 (3mm) needles

2 stitch-holders

7 buttons


27 sts and 32 rows to 4 inches measured over pattern on No 9 needles

Size matters

To fit chest 34 (36 : 38 : 40) inches; length from top of shoulders: 25½ (26 : 26½ : 27) inches; sleeve seam: 21 inches for all sizes.


yfwd: yarn forward - bring the yarn to the front of the work and when you knit the following stitch, you will have created an extra stitch, in a way that makes a decorative eyelet hole.

Tw3: twist 3 sts by knitting 3rd stitch on left needle, then knit 2nd stitch, then knit 1st stitch and slip all 3 stitches off the needle together.

sl1: slip one stitch by passing it between the needles without knitting it.

psso: pass the slipped stitch over.

m1: make 1. Increase 1 stitch by picking up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and working into the back of it

k2tog or p2tog: work 2 sts together to decrease.

A word on the wool

The original yarn was Patons Fiona. This was a "Shetland" DK equivalent with a soft slight fluffy texture. It is about 50-50 wool and acrylic making it softer than pure Shetland, and also making for a good yardage - about 100 yards per 50g.

It is a slightly heavier weight DK so a worsted might make a good substitute. "Always check your tension" [Good Advice].


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

January 2016

Blanket Coat


....or "coatigan" *.
Shown on a chap but I would like it for me... and let's face it - he looks pretty silly - even for 1976 as I remember it....
It's a very simple knit being made up of rectangles in garter stitch - if I had a loom wide enough I would actually like to have a go at weaving the fabric - but here is the knitted version - plus a man's vest or slipover which is illustrated with it.

[* I believe I am not the only one who hates this word - I am not sure it adds anything much to the meaning but .... it is the jargon of the moment]

Coat Instructions.

Instructions for larger sizes given in brackets. Where one set of figures is given this applies to all sizes.
The original coat was knitted in coloured stripes of garter stitch using a tweedy yarn. The basic design is very simple made up of block rectangles and can easily be knitted in a single colour if preferred.

Left Front

With No 8 (4mm) needles and using yarn C double, cast on 45 (47 : 49) stitches and work 5 rows in garter stitch.

Continue with double yarn and garter stitch and work 2 rows A; 6 rows C. Break off C and one strand of A.

Change to No 6 (5mm) needles and continue in garter stitch with single yarn, working in stripes as follows:
6 rows A
2 rows B
6 rows A
6 rows B
2 rows C
6 rows B
6 rows C
2 rows A
6 rows C

These 42 rows form the striped pattern. Repeat them 4 times more, then rows 1-24 inclusive again. **

Continue in pattern but shaping neck as follows:
Next row: knit to the last 3 stitches, cast off 3.
Break yarn.

Rejoin yarn at neck edge and keeping side edge straight, decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge the next 3 rows, then on the following 4 alternate rows, ending at side edge.

Shape shoulder as follows:
1st row: cast off 4 (5 : 6), knit to end
Work one row straight.
3rd row: cast off 5, knit to the last 2 stitches, k2tog.
Work 1 row straight
5th row: cast off 5, knit to end.
Work 1 row
7th row: as 3rd row.

Now cast of 5 stitches at the beginning of the following 2 alternate rows.
Work 1 row.
Cast off remaining 4 (5 : 6) stitches.

Right Front

Work as for left front from ** to **.
Next row: Cast off 3, knit to end.

Finish to correspond with left front reversing shapings.


With No 8 (4mm) needles and using yarn C double, cast on 95 (99 : 103) stitches. Continue with double yarn and work 5 rows in C; 2 rows A; 6 rows C.
Break off C and one strand of A.

Change to No 6 (5mm) needles and continue in garter stitch with single yarn, continue in garter stitch striped pattern as for left front.

Work straight until back measures same as front to the start of the shoulder shaping, ending with same row as left front.

Shape shoulders by casting off 4 (5 : 6) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, 5 (5 : 5) stitches at the beginning of the next 10 rows, then 4 (5 : 6) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 rows.
Cast off remaining 29 stitches.


With No 8 (4mm) needles single yarn C, cast on 105 stitches.

1st row: * k1, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
2nd row: k2 * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows until sleeve measures 7 inches, ending with a 1st row.

Next row: k2 * k2tog, k5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, k2tog, k3. [90 sts]

Join in A and work in garter stitch striped pattern, as given for Left Front, repeating the 42 rows 3 times in all, and then rows 1-5 inclusive again.

Cast off.

Right Border (for a man - left border for a woman)

With No 8 (4mm) needles single yarn C, cast on 15 stitches.

1st row (right side facing): k2 * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
2nd row: * k1, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows until border fits up the front - when slightly stretched - to the start of the neck shaping, ending with a 2nd row.
Cast off in rib, and sew border in position.

Left Border (for a man - right border for a woman)

Work to correspond with right border, with the addition of 6 buttonholes, the first to come 6 inches up from the lower edge and the 6th to come ¾ inch below the start of the neck shaping and the rest spaced evenly in between.

First mark the positions of the buttons on the opposite border, and work the holes to correspond.

To make a buttonhole:
With right side facing, rib 6, cast off 3, rib to end. On the next row cast on 3 stitches over those cast off.

Sew second border in position, taking care that the stripes are level with those on the opposite front.

Pockets (make 2)

With No 6 (5mm) needles and C, cast on 31 stitches and work in garter stitch stripes as follows:

5 rows C
2 rows A
6 rows C
6 rows A
2 rows B
6 rows A
6 rows B
2 rows C
6 rows B
6 rows C
2 rows A

Break off B and A.

Change to No 8 (4mm) needles and join in an extra strand of C - using C yarn double, knit a further 5 rows.
Cast off knitwise.

Make a second pocket in the same way.


With No 8 (4mm) needles single yarn C, cast on 113 stitches.

1st row: * k1, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
2nd row: k2 * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Repeat these 2 rows for 7 inches, ending with 2nd row, and cast off in rib.

To Make Up

Press parts lightly on wrong side following instructions on the ball band. Join shoulder seams.
Place a marker at side edges on back and fronts 9 inches down from shoulder seams, then sew cast-off edge of sleeves between markers.
Join side and sleeve seams, matching stripes and reversing seam for cuffs. Turn back 4 inch cuffs and catch in position on sleeve
Sew cast-on edge of collar to neck edge, starting and ending in centre of front borders.
Fold collar in half to right side and oversew double edges neatly.

Pin pockets on fronts, lower edge of pocket to come at start of 3rd broad stripe in C, 1¼ inches from side seam.
Sew pockets neatly in position taking care to match stripes with main work.
Press seams.
Sew on buttons


5 (5 : 6) 50g balls in colour A (beige); 4 (4 : 5) in B (pink); 8 (9 : 9) in C (olive) worsted or DK.

A pair each of Nos
8 (4mm) and 6 (5mm) needles.

6 buttons.


The tension is given as 18sts and 32 rows to 4 inches in garter stitch using 5mm needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in three sizes to fit chest: 38 (40 : 42) inches or 97 (102 : 107) cm.
Length from top of shoulders 34½ ins or 88 cm, all sizes.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]

garter stitch: every row knit.

A word on the wool.

The original yarns was Patons Bracken Tweed which was a somewhat heavy DK (or worsted/Aran) type weight.

The original yarn I remember from the 1960s was almost certainly 100% wool; however it seems a later incarnation was with 40% acrylic and it is likely that this pattern refers to that yarn. I can't offer any insights on yardage for either of these vintage yarns.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.



Here is a version of the coat that I made. I have written copious notes about its construction in a blog entry "The Age of Aquarius"!


Slipover Instructions.

Instructions for larger sizes given in brackets. Where one set of figures is given this applies to both sizes. The slipover is worked in one colour.


With No 8 (4mm) needles, cast on 103 (107 : 113) stitches.

1st row: k2 * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
2nd row: * k1, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows for 4 inches, ending with a 2nd row.

Change to No 6 (5mm) needles.

Next row (right side facing): knit 5 (7 : 4), k2tog, * k4, k2tog; repeat from * to last 6 (8 : 5) stitches, knit to end. [87 (91 : 95) sts]

Continue in garter stitch and work straight until front measures 16 (16 : 16½) inches ending with right side facing.

Shape armholes by casting off 5 (6 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 69 (71 : 73) stitches remain.
Work 1 row straight.

Continue shaping armhole and shape neck as follows:

Next row: k2tog, k32 (33 : 34). Turn and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle.

Continue on these 33 (34 : 35) stitches only for the first side, and work 3 rows straight, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 4th row until 27 (28 : 29) stitches remain.

Now keep armhole edge straight and continue decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on every 4th row until 16 (17 : 18) stitches remain.

Work a few rows straight until front measures 25 (25 : 25½) inches, ending at the armhole edge.

Shape shoulder by casting off 4 (5 : 5) stitches at the beginning of the next row, then 4 (4 : 4) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 alternate rows. Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining 4 (4 : 5) stitches.

With right side facing, slip centre stitch on to a safety pin, and rejoin yarn to remaining stitches; knit to the last 2 stitches, k2tog.

Finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.


Work as for front from ** to **.
Shape armholes by casting off 5 (6 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 67 (69 : 71) stitches remain, and then on every following 4th row until 61 (63 : 65) stitches remain.

Work straight until back matches front to shoulder at armhole edge.

Shape shoulders and back neck as follows:
Cast off 4 (5 : 5) stitches the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Next row: Cast off 4, k11 (11 : 12), turn, and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle.

1st row: k2tog, knit to end.
2nd row: Cast off 4, knit to the last 2 stitches, k2tog.
3rd row: k2tog, knit to end.

Cast off remaining 4 (5 : 5) stitches.

With right side facing, leave centre 23 stitches on a spare needle, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches, knit to end.

Finish to correspond with first side.

To Make Up

Press as for coat. Join right shoulder seam.

Neck Border:
With No 8 (4mm) needles and right side facing, pick up and knit 54 stitches down left side of neck, k1 from safety pin, (mark this stitch), pick up and knit 53 stitches up right side, then 5 down shaped edge of back, k23 from spare needle, increasing 4 stitches evenly, pick up and knit 5 up left edge of back neck. [145 sts].

1st row (wrong side facing): * p1, k1; repeat from * to within 2 stitches of centre marked stitch, p2tog, p1, p2tog tbl, ** k1, p1; repeat from ** to end.
2nd row: k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to within 2 stitches of marked stitch, p2tog, k1, p2tog tbl, k1 ** p1, k1; repeat from ** to end.

Repeat 1st and 2nd rows twice more, and then 1st row again.
Cast off in rib decreasing at centre stitch as before.

Join left shoulder seam and border.

Armhole Borders:
With No 8 (4mm) needles and right side facing, pick up and knit 116 (118 : 120) stitches all round each armhole.
Work in 7 rows in k1/p1 rib.
Cast off in rib.

Join side seams and armhole borders.

Press seams.



6 (6 : 7) 50g balls in colour A (beige) worsted or double knitting.

A pair each of Nos
8 (4mm) and 6 (5mm) needles.


The tension is given as 18sts and 32 rows to 4 inches in garter stitch using 5mm needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in three sizes to fit chest: 30 (40 : 42) inches or 97 (102 : 107) cm.
Length from top of shoulders 25 (25 : 25½) inches or 63 (63 : 65) cm.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]

garter stitch: every row knit.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

December 2015

Santa Claus


So is he a "Santa Claus" or is he a "Father Christmas"? I never thought much about this until my friend Louise (an American) suggested there was a difference; in the ensuing discussion, it seems my guess did not gel with her view. I think she told me that Father Christmas is the traditional old chap and that Santa Claus is one in red with the white trim.
Anyway - which ever he is, I'm sure he'll make a nice little seasonal knitted toy.
This example knitted by my friend Jennie, and if you live around Ewell in Surrey in the UK you can find her work for sale at local craft fares .


Note that: the body is knitted with the yarn doubled (2 strands held together), and the clothes are single.


With white yarn (W) and 3mm needles and yarn used double, cast on 20 stitches and work 3½ inches in stocking stitch (1 row knit, 1 row purl).

Shape shoulders by casting Off 5 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. [10 sts].
Work 2 rows straight for neck.

Now increase 1 stitch at each end of every row until there are 18 stitches.

Work 14 rows straight for back of head.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 8 stitches remain.
Cast off.

Make another piece the same using but changing to pink (C) for the neck and face.

Join the two halves together and stuff firmly.

Arms (Make 2)

With yarn C, cast on 14 stitches, and work 1 inch in stocking stitch, ending with a purl row. Break off C.

Join in W, and continue until work measures 2½ inches.
Cast off.

Fold in half lengthways and join seam, leaving top open for stuffing. Stuff and sew to body.

Legs (Make 2)

With yarn B, cast on 24 stitches, and work 1 inch in stocking stitch, ending with a purl row.

Next row: k8, cast off 8, k8 [16 sts]

Work across these 16 stitches for 1 inch, leaving 8 cast-off stitches for toe of boot. Break off B.

Join in yarn W, and continue straight until work measures 3½ in.
Cast off.
Fold in half lengthways and join seams, leaving top open for stuffing. Stuff and sew to body.

Coat (Fronts)

For the left front: with yarn W, cast on 16 stitches, and knit 4 rows. Break off W.

Continue in red (R) and white (W) thus:
1st row: k14 R, k2 W.
2nd row: k2 W, p14 R.
Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 2½ inches, ending with 2nd row.

Cast on 10 stitches at the beginning of the next row for the sleeve, then work 1 inch straight on these 26 stitches, ending at the neck edge.
Cast off 7 stitches at the beginning of the next row and slip the remaining 19 stitches on a length of wool or stitch holder.

Work the right front to correspond, reversing all shaping.

Coat (Back)

With yarn R, p19 stitches from the from right front, cast on 10 stitches, then p19 from left front.

Continue in stocking stitch for l inch

Cast off 10 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then work 2½ inches, finishing with 4 rows of garter stitch in white (W).

Join side and sleeve seams of coat and fit on body, then join the front edges in white from neck to waist.

Trousers (Make 2)

With yarn W, cast on 30 stitches and k4 rows. Break off W.

Join in yarn R, and work in stocking stitch until piece measures 2½ inches, then increase 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate
row until there are 36 stitches.

Continue straight until work measures 5 inches from the start.
Cast Off.

Join seams and fit on body.

Attach garments to body stitching round neck, wrists, waist of trousers and top of boots.


With yarn W, cast on 36 stitches, and knit 4 rows.
Break off W.

Join in R, and work straight in stocking stitch until piece measures 3½ inches. Then k2tog at the beginning of every row until 4 stitches remain.
Cast off.

Fold in half lengthways and join seam from point to start of shaping.
Fit hood on the head and catch white border all round face; then stitch
the rest of the hood round the neck.

Embroider features

Taking photo as a guide use blue for eyes and black for eyebrows and nose. Make moustache and beard with loops of white, sewing in position.


With yarn B, cast on 4 stitches, and work 5 inches in garter stitch, (every row knit). Cast Off.
Sew belt in position around the waist.

Sack (not shown in photo)

With white (or any colour of your choosing), cast on 34 stitches and work 3 inches in stocking stitch. Cast off.
Fold in half, then join side and base.

With double yarn (or make a 2-ply twisted rope) gather up sack and sling round shoulder and under arm.


4ply fingering yarn:
2 oz red (R), 1 oz white (W), and small amounts of pink (C) and black (B); scrap of blue for eyes.

One pair 3mm
knitting needles.



No tension is stated (as it's a toy so only consistency matters) but a classic 4ply knits to a tension of 22 sts x 28 rows to 10 centimetres, (4 inches).

Using the yarn double will produce more like a worsted tension of about 20 sts to 4 inches. However note that this pattern knits the doubled yarn on relatively fine needles to produce a dense fabric so the tension may come out tighter than that.

Size matters

Height 10 inches.


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").

garter stitch: every row knit

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn specified was Patons Purple Heather 4ply. Depending on what era you purchased it in, it could be pure wool or a blend.

Acrylic yarns tend to have a wide colour range, robust qualities, and are reasonably priced, thus can be very suitable for hard working toys.

Robin make a Premium Acrylic available in 25g balls which can be useful for toys.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

November 2015

Midi Cardigan


The trend for the winter is layers of knitwear, including long sleeveless cardigans, worn over knitted dresses, (which I would personally find too warm in this era of stifling central heating in most public spaces). However, there are other ways to wear it especially "between seasons" - and this is a nice example from the seventies, (but not too dissimilar to those around at the moment).

I have seen examples where front and back are split up the sides, which would give it a modern edge; this design is knitted "all in one" up to the armholes but if you are a more experienced knitter you could work out how to make fronts and backs separate up to about mid thigh.

Cardigan Instructions.

Instructions for larger sizes given in brackets. Where one set of figures is given this applies to all sizes.
The back and fronts are worked in one piece up to the armhole shaping.
If you want to separate the backs and fronts up to mid thigh, you can do this and knit the first section of the pattern on each piece up to the start of the side shaping. If you do this, you might keep 2 or 3 edge stitches at the sides in garter or moss stitch until they are joined.
Join the pieces on the first "shape sides" row.
Note that you need to ensure the yarn you are using has a suitable drape for this style ie the knitted fabric is not too firm, and you will have to work out how to place the pattern stitches to keep continuity, when you join them.

Pocket linings

With No 8 needles, cast on 34 stitches and work 5½ inches in stocking stitch, ending with a knit row.

Next row: p2, m1p, (p6, m1p) 5 times, p2. [40 sts]

Leave stitches on a spare needle and make second pocket lining the same.

Back and Fronts

With No 10 needles, cast on 290 (308 : 326 : 344) stitches and work 7 rows k1/p1 rib.

Change to No 8 needles.
Next row: k1, * p1, k2, p1, k 10, p1, k2, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
Work in pattern as follows:
1st row (right side facing): pl, * (Tw2L, pl) twice, p6, (p1,Tw2R) twice; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
2nd row: k1, * k1, p1, k2, p1, k8, pl, k2, p1, k1 ; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
3rd row: p1, * p1, (Tw2L, pl) twice, p4, (p1, Tw2R) twice; p1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
4th row: k1, * (k2, p1) twice, k6, (p1, k2) twice; repeat from * to last last stitch, kl.
5th row: p1, * p2, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p2, (p1,Tw2R) twice, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
6th row: k1,* k1, (k2, p1) twice, k4, (p1, k2) twice, k1 : repeat from * to last last stitch, k1.
7th row: pl, * p3, (Tw2L, p1) twice, (p. l, Tw2R) twice, p3; repeat from * to last stitch, p.l.
8th row: k1, * k2, (k2, p1) twice, k2, (p1, k2) twice, k2; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
9th row: p1,* p3, (p1, Tw2L) twice, (Tw2R., p1) twice, p3; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
10th row: k1, * k3, (k2, p1) twice, (p1, k2) twice, k3; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
11th row:p1, * p. 3, (p2, k1) twice, (k1, p2) twice, p3; repeat from * to last last stitch, p1.
12th row: as 10th.
13th row: p1, * p3, (p1, Tw2R) twice, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p3; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
14th row: as 8th.
15th row: p1, * p2, (p1, Tw2R) twice, p2, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
16th row: as 6th.
17th row: p1,* p1, (p1, Tw2R) twice, p4, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
18th row: as 4th.
19th row: p1,* (p1, Tw2R) twice, p6, (Tw2L, p1) twice; repeat from last stitch, p1.
20th row: as 2nd.
21st row: p1, * (Tw2R, p1) twice, p6, (p1, Tw2L) twice; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
22nd row: k1, * p1, k2, p1, k10, p1, k2, p1; repeat from * to last last stitch, k1.
23rd row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p10, k1, p2, k1,repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
24th row: as 22nd.

Repeat the last 24 rows twice more, then rows 1 to 22 inclusive again.

[Editor's note: If you have knitted fronts and back separate to this point, join them here - on the last or the following row.]

Shape sides as follows:

Next row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p2 tog, p6, p2tog, k1,p. 2, k1 ; repeat from * to last last stitch, p1. [258 (274 : 290 : 306) sts]
Next row: k1, * p1, k2, p1, k8, p1, k2, p1 ; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Continue in pattern as follows:

1st row: p1, * (Tw2L, p1) twice, p4, (p1,Tw2R) twice; repeat from * to last last stitch, p1.
2nd row: k1, * k1, p1, k2, p1, k6, p1, k2, p1, k 1: repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
3rd row: p1, * p1, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p2, (p1,Tw2R) twice, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
4th row: k1,* (k2, p1) twice, k4, (p1, k2) twice; repeat from * to last last stitch, k1.
5th row: p1,* p2, (Tw2L, p1) twice, (p1,Tw2R) twice, p2; repeat from * to last last stitch, p1.
6th row: k1,* k1, (k2, p1) twice, k2, (p1, k2) twice, k1 ; repeat from * to last last stitch, k1.
7th row: p1, * p2, (p1, Tw2L) twice, (Tw2R, pl) twice, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
8th row: k1, * k2, (k2, p1) twice, (p1, k2) twice, k2; repeat from * to last last stitch, k1.
9th row: p1,* p2, (p2, k1) twice, (k1, p2) twice, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, pl.
10th row: as 8th.
11th row: p1, * p2, (p1, Tw2R) twice, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p2; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
12th row: as 6th.
13th row: p1, * p1, (p1,Tw2R) twice, p2, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
14th row: as 4th.
15th row: p1, * (p1, Tw2R) twice, p4, (Tw2L, p1) twice; repeat from * to last last stitch, p1.
16th row: as 2nd.
17th row: p1, * (Tw2R, p1 ) twice, p4, (p1 Tw2L) twice; repeat
from * to last stitch, p1.
18th row: k1, * p1, k2, p1, k8, p1, k2, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
19th row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p8, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
20th row: as 18th.

Repeat the last 20 rows once more, then rows 1 to 12 inclusive again.

Place pocket linings as follows:

Next row: pattern 17, * slip next 40 stitches on a stitch-holder, and in place of these, pattern across 40 stitches of one pocket lining *, pattern to last 57 stitches, repeat from * to *, pattern last 17 stitches.

Work a further 7 rows straight in pattern, then work rows 1 to 18 inclusive again.

Next row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p2tog, p4, p2tog, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1. [226 (240 : 254 : 268) sts]
Next row: k1, * p1, k2, p1, k6, p1, k2, p1, repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Continue in pattern as follows:
1st row: p1, * (Tw2L, p1) twice, p2, (p1, Tw2R) twice; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
2nd row: k1, * k1, p1, k2, p1, k4, p1, k2, p1, k1 ; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
3rd row: p1, * p1, (Tw2L, p1) twice, (p1,Tw2R) twice, p1; repeat from * to last last stitch, p1.
4th row: k1,* (k2, p1) twice, k2, (p1, k2) twice; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
5th row: p1, * p1, (p1,Tw2L) twice, (Tw2R, p1) twice, p1; repeat from * to last last stitch, p1.
6th row: k1, * k1, (k2, p1) twice, (p1, k2) twice, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
7th row: p1, * p1, (p2, k1) twice, (k1, p2) twice, p1; repeat from * to last last stitch, pl.
8th row: as 6th.
9th row: pl, * p1, (p1,Tw2R) twice, (Tw2L, p1) twice, p1 ; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
10th row: as 4th.
11th row: p1, * (p1, Tw2R) twice, p2, (Tw2L, p1) twice; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
12th row: as 2nd.
13th row: p1, * (Tw2R, p1) twice, p2, (p1, Tw2L) twice; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
14th row: k1, * p1, k2, p1, k6, p1, k2, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
15th row: p1,* k1, p2, k1, p6, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
16th row: as 14th.

Repeat the last 16 rows once more, then rows 1 to 14 inclusive again.

Next row: as 15th.
Next row: as 14th.

The last 2 rows form bodice pattern.

Repeat them until work measures 35 inches at centre, ending with right side facing.

Shape neck and at the same time divide for fronts as follows:

Next row: cast off 7, pattern 49 (52 : 56 : 59), turn and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle.

Continue on these stitches for RIGHT FRONT, shaping armhole and neck as follows:
Next row: cast off 8, pattern to end.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 29 (32 : 32 : 35) stitches remain, then at each end of next and every alternate row until, 19 (22 : 22 : 25) stitches remain.

Now keep neck edge straight and continue decreasing at armhole edge on following 1 (3 : 2 : 4) alternate rows. [18 (19 : 20 : 21) sts]

Work straight until front measures 43 (43½ : 43½ : 44) inches at centre, ending with wrong side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 6 (7 : 6 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the next row, then 6 (6 : 7 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the following 2 alternate rows.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches; cast off 8, pattern 106 (114 : 120 : 128), turn, and leave remaining stitches on a
spare needle.
Continue on these stitches for BACK, shaping armholes by casting off 8 stitches at the beginning of the next row, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row, until 86 (94 : 96 : 104) stitches remain.

Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row, until 74 (78 : 82 : 86) stitches remain.

Work straight until back matches front at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulders by casting off 6 (7 : 6 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then 6 (6 : 7 : 7) stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows.

Leave remaining 38 (40 : 42 : 44) stitches on a spare needle.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches for LEFT FRONT, cast off 8, pattern to end.

Next row: cast off 7, pattern to end.
Finish to correspond with right front, reversing shapings.

Front Borders:

Left: With No 10 needles, cast on 11 stitches.
1st row (right side facing): k2, (p1, k 1) 4 times, k1.
2nd row: k1, (p1, k 1) 5 times.
Repeat the last 2 rows until strip fits up left front to start of neck shaping when slightly stretched, ending with 2nd row.

Leave stitches on a safety-pin at top and sew border neatly in position.

Right: Work to correspond with left border with the addition of 12 buttonholes. 1st to come 7½ inches above lower edge, and 12th to come 2¼ inches below start of neck shaping, with the remainder
spaced evenly between. First mark position of buttons on left front with pins to ensure even spacing, then work holes to correspond.

To make a buttonhole: rib 4, cast off 3, rib to end; on the next row, cast on 3 stitches over those cast off.

To Make Up

Using a warm iron and damp cloth, press parts very lightly on wrong side, omitting ribbing and taking care not to over-press and spoil the pattern.

Armhole Borders: With right side facing and No 10 needles, pick up and knit 116 (128 : 128 : 140) stitches round each armhole and work 7 rows k1/p1 rib.
Cast off evenly in rib.

Join shoulder seams.

Neck Border: With right side facing and No10 needles, work as follows:
Rib 11 border stitches , pick up and knit 52 (56 : 56 : 60) stitches up right side of neck, knit 38 (40 : 42 : 44) from back decreasing 1 stitch in centre, pick up and knit 52 (56 : 56 : 60) down left side, rib 11 from left border. [163 (173 : 175 : 185) sts]

Work 1 row k1/p1 rib as for border. Make 13th buttonhole in next 2 rows as before, then work a further 4 rows in rib.
Cast off evenly in rib.

Pocket Tops:

With right side facing and No 10 needles, knit across each set of 40 pocket stitches, decreasing 1 stitch in centre. [39 sts]
Work 6 rows k1/p1 rib as for border.
Cast off in rib.
Catch down sides of pocket tops neatly to main work, then sew linings lightly in position on wrong side.

Press seams. Sew on buttons.


16 (17 : 19 : 20) 1oz balls in Tweed Grey double knitting yarn.

A pair each of Nos
8 (4mm) and 10 (3¼mm) needles.

13 buttons.


The pattern is based on a tension of 22sts and 30 rows to 4 inches over stocking stitch on No 8 (4mm) needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in four sizes to fit chest: 32 (34 : 36 : 38) inches.
Length from top of shoulders 43 (43½ : 43½ : 44) inches.


m1p: pick up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and purl into back of it.

Tw2L: purl into back of 2nd stitch on left needle, then knit into front of 1st stitch and slip both stitches off needle together.

Tw2R: knit into front of 2nd stitch on left needle, then purl into front of 1st stitch and slip both stitches off needle together.

k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").

A word on the wool

The original yarn was Patons Fiona, which appeared in both 1oz and later 50g balls.It was a "Shetland" DK equivalent with a soft slight fluffy texture. It is about 50-50 wool and acrylic making it softer than pure Shetland, and also making for a good yardage - about 104 yards per 50g.
Note that this pattern calls for 1oz balls (1oz is about 28g).


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

Hat Instructions.

With No 10 needles, cast on 104 stitches, and work 6 rows k1/p1 rib.
Next row: rib 1, m1p, * rib 2, m1p; repeat from * to last stitch, rib 1. [156 sts]

Change to No 8 needles.
1st row:
p1, * k1, p2, k1, p6, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
2nd row: k1, * p1, k2, p1, k6, p1, k2, p1; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.

Work 16 rows in pattern as for main part from ** to ** as given in cardigan instructions to make one diamond pattern panel (see photo).
Then repeat 1st and 2nd rows above, 7 times.

Shape crown as follows:
Next row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p2, p2tog, p2, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1. [145 sts]

Keeping continuity of pattern, work 1 row straight.

Next row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p1, p2tog, p2, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch,
Work 1 row straight.
Next row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p1, p2tog, p1, k1, p2, k1; repeat from last stitch, p1.
Work 1 .row straight. [123 sts]
Next row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p1, p2tog, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
Work 1 row straight.
Next row: p1, * k1, p2, k1, p2tog, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
Work 1 row straight. [101 sts]
Next row: p1, * k1, p2tog, k1, p1, k1, p2, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
Work 1 row straight.
Next row: p1, * k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p2tog, k1; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.
[79 sts]
Work 1 row straight.

Change to stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, and continue shaping as follows:

Next row: k3, k2tog, * k5, k2tog; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, k4 : 68 stitches Next row: purl.
Next row: k3, k2tog , * k4, k2tog; repeat from * to last 3 stitches , k3.
Next row: purl.
Next row: k2, k2tog,* k3, k2tog; repeat from * to last 3 stitches, k3. [46 sts]
Next row: purl.
Next row: k2, * k2tog, k2; repeat from * to end. [35 sts]
Next row: purl.
Next row: k2, * k2tog, k1; repeat from to end. [24 sts]
Next row: purl.
Next row: * k2tog; repeat from * to end. [12 sts]

Break yarn. Thread through remaining stitches, draw up tightly and fasten off.

Press work very lightly on wrong side, omitting ribbing.
Join centre back seam.
Press seam.


2 x 1 oz balls of double knitting yarn.

Pair each Nos 8 (4mm) and 10 (3¼mm) needles.


The pattern is based on a tension of 22sts and 30 rows to 4 inches over stocking stitch on No 8 (4mm) needles.

Size matters

One size "to fit an average head".


As given for cardigan above.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

October 2015

Wraparound Midi Cape


Capes being the thing of the moment (though maybe not quite like this one).
Styled "Edwardian" from the early 1970s - hence the floppy hat and slightly whimsical setting a la Laura Ashley - I might choose to make this somewhat shorter, plain rather than striped, and use a tweed or textured yarn of some sort.

So.... a midi cape - and if that were not wonderful enough... it comes with matching trousers! How great is that?!

Cape Instructions.

Instructions for larger sizes given in brackets. Where one set of figures is given this applies to all sizes.
The cape is knitted in stripes of 3 different yarns - labelled Medium, Light and Dark - the Medium (or Main) colour is a bouclé and the Light (Red) and Dark (Brown) are smooth yarns.


With No 10 needles and M, cast on 92 (98 : 104) stitches and work 4 rows k1/p1 rib.

Next row: rib 7 (3 : 6) m1, * rib 6 (7 : 7), m1 ; repeat from * to last 7 (4 : 7) stitches, rib 7 (4 : 7). [106 (112 : 118) sts]

Join in D, change to No 8 needles and using stocking stitch, start with a knit row, and work in stripes as follows:

1st and 2nd rows: in D.
3rd to 6th rows:
in M.
7th and 8th rows: in L.
9th to 12th rows: in M.

These 12 rows form the striped pattern. [Note: Carry yarns loosely up side of work.]

Continue in pattern and work a further 12 rows straight.

Shape sides:
Next row: k2, k2tog, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog tbl, k2.
Work 11 rows straight.
Repeat the last 12 rows until 70 (76 : 82) stitches remain.

Work a few rows straight until back measures 32 inches (81 cm) at centre, ending with right side facing.
Place a marker at each end of last row.

Continue decreasing 2 stitches as before, but on the next and every following 4th row until 38 (44 : 50) stitches remain.

Work 3 rows straight, then decrease 2 stitches as before on the next and every alternate row until 28 (30 : 32) stitches remain.

Work 1 row straight, and leave stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.

Left Front

With No 10 needles and M, cast on 46 (48 : 52) stitches and work 4 rows k1/p1 rib.

Next row: rib 3 (3 : 3) m1, * rib 8 (7 : 9), m1 ; repeat from * to last 3 (3 : 4) stitches, rib 3 (3 : 4). [52 (55 : 58) sts]

Join in D, change to No 8 needles and using stocking stitch, start with a knit row, and work 24 rows straight in striped pattern.

Continue in striped pattern, shaping side edge as follows:
Next row: k2, k2tog, knit to end.
Work 11 rows straight.

Repeat the last 12 rows until 34 (37 : 40) stitches remain.

Work a few rows straight until front matches back to marker, ending with right side facing. Place a marker at each end of the last row.

Now decrease 1 stitch as before, but on the next and every following 4th row until 20 (22 : 24) stitches remain.

With wrong side facing, shape neck by casting off 4 (5 : 5) stitches at the beginning of the next row.

Continue decreasing at the side edge on every 4th row from previous decrease, and at the same time decrease 1 stitch at the neck edge on the next and every alternate row until 9 (13 : 16) stitches remain.
Work 1 row.

Now decrease 1 stitch at the side edge as before, but on the next and every alternate row, and at the same time continue decreasing at neck edge on the next and following 1 (3 : 5) alternate rows. [5 (5 : 4) stitches remain].

Now keep neck edge straight and continue decreasing at side edge as before on following 2 (2 : 1) alternate rows. [3 sts]

Next row: purl.
Next row: k1, k2tog.
Next row: p2.
Next row:
Fasten off.

Right Front

Work to correspond with left front, reversing shapings and working 'togtbl' when shaping side edge.

Side Panels (make 2)

With No 10 needles and M, cast on 80 (84 : 88) stitches and work 4 rows k1/p1 rib.

Next row: rib 1 (3 : 5), m1, * rib 7, m1 ; repeat from * last 2 (4 : 6) stitches, rib 2 (4 : 6). [92 (96 : 100) sts]

Join in D, change to No 8 needles, and stocking stitch, and starting with a knit row, work 24 rows straight in striped pattern.

Continue in striped pattern, shaping sides as follows:

Next row: k2, k2tog, knit to last 4 sts, k2togtbl, k2.
Work 11 rows straight.

Repeat the last 12 rows until 56 (60 : 64) stitches remain.

Work a few rows straight until work matches back to markers, ending with right side facing. Place a marker at each end of the last row.

Continue decreasing as before, but on the next and every following 4th row until 28 (32 : 36) stitches remain.

Work 3 rows straight, then decrease 2 stitches as before on the next and every alternate row until 10 stitches remain all sizes.
Work 1 row straight.

Leave stitches on a safety-pin.

Make a second side in the same way.

Left Front Border

With No 10 needles and M, cast on 9 sts.

1st rows (right side facing): k2, (p1, k1) 3 times, k1.
2nd row: k1, (p1, k1) 4 times.

Repeat the last 2 rows until the strip fits up the left front to the start of the neck shaping, when slightly stretched, ending with right side facing.
Leave stitches on a safety-pin at the top and sew border in position.

Right Front Border

Work to correspond with the left border with the addition of 13 buttonholes. The first buttonhole is to come 4 inches (10 cm) up from the lower edge, and the 13th is 2 inches (5 cm) below the start of the neck shaping; the remainder are spaced evenly between.

First mark position of buttons on left front with pins to ensure even spacing, then work holes to correspond.

To make a buttonhole:
With right side facing, rib 4, cast off 2, rib to end. On the next row cast on 2 stitches over those cast off.

To Make Up

Using a cool iron and dry cloth, press parts lightly on the wrong side, omitting the ribbing.
Pin side panels to back; join panels up to markers matching stripes carefully, then join the remainder of the seam.

In the same way, join the front panels to side panels, leaving 9 inch (23 cm) slits for hands, bottom of slit to come 18½ inches (47 cm) up from the lower edge.
[Editor's note: If you are making a shorter cape you will need to work out where you need to put the slits for the arms.]

Right Slit Border:
With No 10 needles and M, pick up and knit 45 stitches along the front edge of the slit and work 5 rows k1/p1 rib, with rows on the right side having a k1 at each end.
Cast off evenly in rib.

Left slit border: work to correspond.

Neck Border:
With right side facing, using No 10 needles and M, work as follows:

Rib 9 from right border, pick up and knit 15 (16 : 17) stitches up right side of neck, k10 from side panel decreasing 1 stitch in centre, 28 (30 : 32) stitches from back decreasing 3 stitches evenly, 10 stitches from side panel decreasing 1 stitch in centre, then pick up and knit 15 (16 : 17) down left side, and finally rib 9 from left border. [91 (95 : 99) stitches.

Work 5 rows in k1/p1 rib.
Make a buttonhole in the next 2 rows as before, then work 12 rows. Make a buttonhole in the next 2 rows, then work 4 rows in rib.
Cast off loosely in rib.

Fold neck border in half to the wrong side and slip-hem loosely in position all round. Oversew loosely round double buttonhole.

Catch down short ends of slit borders neatly to main work.
Press seams.
Sew on buttons and press studs at neck.


13 (13 : 14) 50g balls in a bouclé DK yarn M (Terrazo), and 3 (3 : 4) 50g balls each DK yarn D (Loam Brown) and yarn L (Red Earth).

A pair each of Nos
8 (4mm) and 10 (3¼mm) needles.

14 buttons and 2 press studs


The tension is given as 20sts and 30 rows to 4 inches overall using the striped pattern on No 8 needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in three sizes to fit chest: 32-34 (34-38 : 40-42) inches or 81-86 (91-96 : 101-106) cm.
Length from top of shoulders 41½ (42 : 42½) inches or 105 (106 : 108) cm.


m1: pick up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and work into back of it.

k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]

stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").

A word on the wool.

The original yarns were: Patons Totem - a standard double knitting using 4mm needles, and:
Patons Camelot (about which there is some misleading information on the web); it is a bouclé yarn knitted on 4mm needles with a stated tension of 19 sts to 4 inches - which makes it a somewhat heavy DK (or worsted/Aran) type weight.

The pattern knits these yarns alternately in stripes and this overcomes their differences. In substituting I would look for any DK or worsted weight that I liked and experiment with needle sizes to get the stated tension.

I can't offer any insights on yardage for these vintage yarns.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


Trousers Instructions.

Instructions for larger sizes given in brackets. Where one set of figures is given this applies to both sizes. The trousers are worked in one colour.

Left Leg

With No 10 needles, cast on 86 (90 : 96 : 100 : 106 : 110) stitches, and work 4 rows k1/p1 rib.

Next row: rib 4 (6 : 6 : 8 : 8 : 6), m1, * rib 11 (11 : 12 : 12 : 13 : 14), m1; repeat from * to last 5 (7 : 6 : 8 : 7 : 6) stitches, rib 5 (7 : 6 : 8 : 7 : 6). [94 (98 : 104 : 108 : 114 : 118) sts]

Change to No 8 needles and stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, and work straight until leg measures 25 (25 : 25½ : 25½ : 26 : 26) inches (63 (63 : 65 : 65 : 66 : 66) cm), ending with right side facing.

Shape leg as follows:

Next row: (k1, m1, knit 45 (47 : 50 : 52 : 55 : 57), m1, k1) twice.
Work 7 rows straight.

Next row: (k1, m1, knit 47 (49 : 52 : 54 : 57 : 59), m1, k1) twice.
Work 7 rows straight.

Next row: (k1, m1, knit 49 (51 : 54 : 56 : 59 : 61), m1, k1) twice.
Work 5 rows straight.

Place a marker at each end of the last row.

Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 96 (100 : 106 : 110 : 116 : 120) stitches remain.
Work 3 rows straight, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every following 4th row until 74 (78 : 88 : 92 : 102 : 106) stitches remain; then on every following 6th row until 66 (70 : 76 : 80 : 86 : 90) stitches remain.

Work 1 row straight.


Shape back as follows:

1st row: k29, turn.
2nd row and every alternate row: purl to end.
3rd row: k24, turn.
5th row: k19, turn.
7th row: k14, turn.
9th row: k9, turn.
11th row: k4, turn.
13th row: knit across all stitches picking up a loop at each point where work was turned and working it together with the next stitch to avoid a hole.

Change to No. 10 needles and work 1 inch (2 cm) k1/p1 rib.
Cast off loosely in rib.

Right Leg

Work as for left leg from ** to **.
Then work from *** to end, reading 'p' for 'k' and 'k' for 'p'.

To Make Up

Using a cool iron and dry cloth, press parts lightly on the wrong side, omitting the ribbing.

Joint front, back and inside leg seams.
Press seams.

Cut elastic to fit waist and join in a ring; sew to the inside of the waist ribbing using herringbone-stitch over the over the elastic to form a casing.


10 (10 : 11 : 11 : 12 : 12) 50g balls of bouclé double knitting yarn (colour Terrazo)

Pair each Nos 8 (4mm) and 10 (3¼mm) needles.

Length of elastic for waist of Trousers.


19 sts x 30 rows to 4 inches

Size matters

The pattern is given in six sizes to fit hips:

34 (36 : 38 : 40 : 42 : 44) inches;
[86 (91 : 96 : 101 : 106 : 111) cm].
Length of inside leg seam:
28 (28 : 28½ : 28½ : 29 : 29) inches;
[71 (71 : 72 : 72 : 73 : 73) cm].


m1: pick up horizontal loop lying before next stitch and work into back of it.

k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

tbl: through back loops. [k2tog tbl also known as "ssk" or slip, slip, knit]

stocking stitch: one row knit and one row purl, ("stockinette").


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

August 2015

Festival Bag


Festival season is well under way so I am posting this a little early - too late for Glastonbury but in time for WOMAD if you are a fast knitter (or knit while you are there..!).and Cropredy.
You can use any stitch for the bag that appeals, taking the pattern as a basic shape. You could try a multicoloured honeycomb pattern, or you could combine stripes of different pattern textures. The simplest shape (on the left) is the type I remember with the tasselled handle continuing all down the sides.


Striped bag (left)

Using No 3 needles and main colour A, cast on 36 stitches.
The bag is worked entirely in garter stitch (every row knitted); begin by knitting 2 rows.
Now pick up your contrast colour B and * knit 2 rows with B, 2 rows with A, 2 rows with B, 6 rows with A, 2 rows with B, 4 rows with A, 2 rows with B.
Repeat from the point marked * * 5 times altogether.
Cast off all the stitches.

To make up the striped bag

If you want to line the bag, cut the lining to the size of the bag, allowing 6mm (½ inch) turnings.
With right sides of bag facing each other, join the side seams.
Join the lining side seams.
Insert the lining and stitch round the top opening of bag.

Cut 6 strands each of A and B into 178cm (70 inch) lengths. Divide the strands into 3 groups and plait together to form a handle, making an overhand knot at each end and leaving the ends to form a tassel.

Stitch the plait in position along the side seams of the bag, having a tassel at each lower edge and leaving the remainder to form the handle.

Sew on one button or bead to the centre of each side of the top edge of the bag.
Make a double figure of eight with yarn A, large enough to fasten over both buttons, and work round the figure with buttonhole stitch.

Shoulder bag (right)

To make this bag you can experiment with any textured pattern.
The bag shown is made from a strip worked in bobble stitch

Cast on 62 stitches and start knitting in your chosen pattern.
[Editor's note: work out your tension with your chosen yarn in the pattern you are planning to use , and cast on enough stitches for the width of the bag that you want to make.]

Continue in pattern until the length is about 3 times the height you want the bag to be, allowing up to 2 inches additional for the bottom of the bag. The bag shown was knitted 76cm (30 inches) long.

For the strap, cast on 11 stitches and work 106cm (42") in single rib.

Finishing the shoulder bag

Sew together so that the strap makes a gusset at the sides of the bag. You can optionally line the bag and add a couple of buttons and loops as shown in the Picture.

Textured Pattern stitches

Bobble rib

Cast on a number of stitches divisible by 6 plus 2.
1st row (right side): P2, * K1, P2, repeat from * to end.
2nd row: K2, * P1, K2, repeat from * to end.
3rd row:. P2, * K1, P2, (P1, K1, P1, K1) all into next st, this is done without removing the stitch you are working into until the 4 stitches have been — called M4 — P2, repeat from * to end.
[Editor's note: try to make these stitches fairly loose.
4th row:. K2, * K6, P1, K2, repeat from * to end.
5th row: P2,* K1, P2, (P4 then turn both needles round as if you are starting a new row and knit these 4 sts, turn work round and P these 4 sts — called B4 —), P2, repeat from * to end.
6th row: K2, * bring yarn to front of work, and insert right hand needle through the next 4 sts on the left hand needle from right to left and purl these 4 sts tog—called P4tog — K2, P1, K2, repeat from * to end.
7th row: As 1st row.
8th row:
As 2nd row.
9th row:. P2, * M4, P2, K1, P2, repeat from * to end.
10th row:. K2, * P1, K8, repeat from * to end
11th row: P2, * B4, P2, K1, P2, repeat from * to end.
12th row:. K2,* P1, K2, P4tog, K2, repeat from * to end.
These 12 rows form the pattern.

Cane basket stitch

Cast on a number of sts divisible by 6 plus 2.

1st row (right side): K2, * P4, K2, repeat from * to end.
2nd row: P2, * K4, P2, repeat from * to end.
Rep 1st and 2nd rows once more.
5th row: P3, * K2, P4, repeat from * to last 5 sts; K2, P3.
6th row:. K3, * P2, K4, repeat from * to last 5 sts; P2, K3.
Rep 5th and 6th rows once more.
These 8 rows form the pattern.

Tassel stitch

Cast on a number of sts divisible by 6 plus 2.
1st row (right side): P2, * K4, P2, repeat from * to end.
2nd row: K2,* P4, K2, repeat from * to end.
Rep 1st and 2nd rows once more.
5th row: K2,* insert right hand needle from front to back between 4th and 5th sts on left hand needle, take yarn across back of sts and draw through a loose loop across front of 4 sts and leave on right hand needle, K1, P2, K3, repeat from * to end.
6th row: * P3, K2, bring yarn forward to front of work, insert right hand needle through next st and loop on left hand needle from right to left and purl these 2 sts together to decrease one st — called P2tog — repeat from * to last 2 sts, P2.
7th row: K3,* P2, K4, repeat from * to last 5 sts, P2, K3.
8th row: P3,* K2 P4, repeat from * to last 5 sts, K2, P3.
Rep 7th and 8th rows once more.
11th row: P2, K3, .* insert right hand needle from front to back between 4th and 5th sts on left hand needle, take yarn across back of sts and draw through a loose loop across front of 4 sts and leave on right hand needle, K1, P2, K3, repeat from * to last 3 sts, K1, P2.
12th row: K2, P4,* K2, P2tog, P3, repeat from * to last 2 sts, K2.
These 12 rows form the pattern.

You can find more textured stitches in these links:

A different basket stitch and blackberry stitch.

Honeycomb stitch in two colours


Striped Bag: 200gm (7oz) of uncut rug yarn in main shade A.
100gm (3½oz) in contrast colour B.
One pair No 3 (6½mm) needles.
Two wooden buttons or beads.
Optional lining: 30cm (12 inch) length of 90cm (36 inch) wide fabric.

Textured bag:
About 200gm (7 oz) of double knitting or worsted yarn.
One pair of No 8 (4mm) needles.
Optional lining fabric.


Striped bag:
About 12 sts to 4 inches

Textured bag:
22-26sts to 4 ins over pattern.

Size matters

Striped bag: 30cm (12 inches) by 25cm (10 inches)

Textured bag: About 25cm (10 inches) high by 23cm (9 inches) wide


k2tog or p2tog: knit or purl 2 sts together (decrease one stitch).

A Word on the Wool

The suggested use of rug wool is good for bags though can be hard on the fingers. Rug yarns are fairly thick - a chunky or bulky yarn equivalent.

Always check the tension and you can make a bag of the exact dimensions you want.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

These types of bag were very popular in the 1970s - I used one instead of a school satchel. Probably the striped bag on the left above is the most stylistically similar to the ones I remember - I might choose different colours!
My own bag - now long lost - was woven in a mixture of dark red and blue. Below is a genuine "gap year" cloth bag from the 1970s which made its way backpacking to the far east and back. It is a mail bag style like the knitted version pictured on the right above.


Below is a detail from the picture. The bag is woven of course but you could reproduce this pattern in knitting and easily add lots of tassels.


The main bag has the stripes running vertically, and the flap has them horizontal. If you want this effect, as it's not easy to knit vertical stripes while keeping the integrity of the fabric, you could use this chart as written for the flap, and then use it to knit the front and bag in one piece from side to side. If you were feeling really confident you could knit front and back (sideways rectangle) then pick up the stitches from the side of the knitting and knit the flap.
So - to do this - before you start - work out your tension and then how large you want the bag to be. Lets say that it's 12 inches high and 10 inches wide. You need to cast on enough stitches to make 24 inches in the width of your knitting. Then knit stocking stitch in pattern for 10 inches and cast off. At the side of the knitting, pick up stitches for the flap. Usually this means picking up 2 stitches for every 3 rows to make a flat fabric without puckering. Then knit in the pattern for up to 12 inches to cover the front of the bag - if you are adding tassels you might want to knit as little as 4-6 inches.


Finally I'll leave you to extemporise on the handle and tassels. You might want to knit a plain handle about 2 inches wide and back it with some kind of webbing - then you would use it as the sides of the bag as you can see our original was made. Or you could just fold the bag without sides and apply a plaited cord handle as for the first bag on the left in these instructions.

You would probably need to use a 4 ply / DK / worsted on a smaller than usual needle to give a solid fabric, and it would be a good idea to line it with something firm.

I'm sure you could also make a simple bag from two woven panels (three for a mail bag) - perhaps made using a fairly crude home-made loom. I am planning to experiment with this in the near future. Watch this space (!).

February 2015

Nice and Easy ... hat and scarf


This is the month for the Sailor's Society** "woolly hat week" (8th-14th February 2015). So I thought I would post this hat and scarf combination - easy to knit in 4 ply fingering weight knitting yarn - perhaps suitable for a sailor if you omit the pom-pom decoration!

You can find other patterns as well as where to send your hats on their website link above. Also see my previous POM from 2008 with other chunky hat patterns - including my all time favourite appropriately knitted in Fisherman's rib.

Here's what Hannah says: "Our international network of port chaplains and ship visitors give your amazing hats out to seafarers visiting port, while others are wrapped and included in the Christmas welfare parcels that are taken on board ship for the festive season. The need for more hats is ever-increasing! Drew, our Port Chaplain in Invergordon, has been known to give out 500 in a day on occasion!"


Panels of moss stitch and flag stitch are used for this cosy scarf and pull on hat. The scarf is fringed and the hat trimmed with a large pom-pom.


Cast on 72 sts
1st row (right side): * (k1, p1) 4 times, k1, p7; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (k1, p1) 4 times.
2nd row: * (p1, k1) 4 times, k6, p2; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (p1, k1) 4 times.
3rd row: * (k1, p1) 4 times, k3, p5; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (k1, p1) 4 times.
4th row: * (p1, k1) 4 times, k4, p4; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (p1, k1) 4 times.
5th row: * (k1, p1) 4 times, k5, p3; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (k1, p1) 4 times.
6th row: * (p1, k1) 4 times, k2, p6; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (p1, k1) 4 times.
7th row: * (k1, p1) 4 times, k7, p1; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (k1, p1) 4 times.
8th row: * (p1, k1) 4 times, p8; repeat from * to last 8 sts; (p1, k1) 4 times.

These 8 rows form the pattern.

Continue in pattern until scarf measures 167½ cm (66 inches) from beginning, (or however long you want the scarf to be) ending with an 8th pattern row.

Cast off.

To make up the Scarf

Do not press.
Cut yarn into 30½ cm (12 inch) lengths. Taking 3 strands together, knot fringe into every alternate stitch along cast on and cast off edges.


Cast on 144 stitches.

Work in pattern as given for scarf, but without the moss stitch border on both sides. So set out your rows as follows:

1st row (right side): * (k1, p1) 4 times, k1, p7; repeat from * end.
2nd row: * k6, p2; (p1, k1) 4 times; repeat from * to end.
3rd row: * (k1, p1) 4 times, k3, p5; repeat from * to end.
4th row: * k4, p4; (p1, k1) 4 times; repeat from * to end.
5th row: * (k1, p1) 4 times, k5, p3; repeat from * to end.
6th row: * k2, p6; (p1, k1) 4 times; repeat from * to end.
7th row: * (k1, p1) 4 times, k7, p1; repeat from * to end.
8th row: * p8; (p1, k1) 4 times; repeat from * to end.

Continue until work measures 25½ cm (10 inches) from beginning, ending with an 8th pattern row.

Shape crown

Next row: * Moss st 8, k1, p2, ybk, sl 1, yfwd, p2tog, psso, p2; repeat from * to end of row. [126 sts]

Next row: * k4, p2, moss st 8; repeat from * to end of row.

Next row: * Moss st 8, k2, sl 1, p2tog, psso, p1; repeat from * to end of row. [108 sts]

Next row: * k1, p3, moss st 8; repeat from * to end of row.

Next row: * Moss st 8, k1, sl 1, k2tog, psso; repeat from * to end of row. [90 sts]

Next row: Moss st to end of row.

Next row: * Moss st 7, sl 1, k2tog, psso; repeat from * to end of row. [72 sts]

Next row: Moss st to end of row.

Next row: * Moss st 5, sl 1, k2tog, psso; repeat from * to end of row. [54 sts]

Continue decreasing in this way on every alternate row until 18 sts remain. Break off yarn, thread through sts, draw up and fasten off.

To make up the Hat

Do not press.
Join back seam reversing 7½ cm (3 inches) at lower edge.
Press seam lightly under a damp cloth with a warm iron.
Turn back brim.

Trim with a large pom-pom.


7 x 50g balls 4 ply (fingering) yarn.

One pair 3¾ mm (UK 9) needles.
[Editor's note: If you can't find 3¾ mm needles then you can use 3½ mm .]


26sts x 36 rows to 4 ins over moss stitch on 3¾ mm needles.

Size matters

Scarf: 28 cm (11 inches) wide, by 167½ cm (66 inches) long, excluding fringe
Hat: to fit average adult head, width round crown 56 cm (22 inches).


k2tog: knit 2 sts together.

p2tog: purl 2 sts together.

ybk: put yarn to back of work.

yfwd: put yarn to front of work.

sl 1: slip 1 stitch

sl 1, k1, psso: slip 1, knit 1 / k2tog / p2tog, pass the slipped stitch over, (you decrease 1 stitch).

sl 1, k2tog (p2tog), psso: slip 1, k2tog, (p2tog), pass the slipped stitch over, (you decrease 2 sts).

moss stitch: knit alternate sts k1/p1 but place the knit stitch over a purl in the row below and the purl stitch over a knit stitch. (Also called "seed stitch").

A word on the wool.

The original yarn was standard 4 ply


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


** Please note that the Sailors Society does seem to be a religious organisation, which I mention not through any disapproval on my part, but in case you would care to look at their website and ensure its aims do not go against anything you believe in.

November 2014

Poncho Capes - striped or plain...


Ponchos are being cited as a trend at the moment - and also apparently: fringes. So here you have the perfect combination. From the 1970s (of course) this is a rather good plain shape and very simple to knit all in garter stitch - if you like that kind of thing, or yearn to recreate a piece of history.

"See how cool I am with my striped poncho in natural earth tones..."
"Look! What's that over there?"
"Whatever you say, I'm not looking - you are merely trying to compensate for your lack of cool stripeyness."


Instructions given for striped version with pattern rows as follows:

1st - 16th rows: knit in main shade.
17th - 20th rows: knit in contrast.

These 20 rows form the stripe pattern.

The plain version is worked in exactly the same way but using only one colour.

Back and Front (alike)

(Worked sideways, starting at left side for Back and right side for Front).

With No 8 (4mm) needles and main shade (MS), cast on 58 stitches and joining in contrast (C) as required, work in garter stitch (every row knit) and stripe pattern throughout, starting with 2nd pattern row, shaping as follows:

1st and following alternate rows (wrong side): Knit.
2nd row: Cast on 5 stitches; knit these 5 stitches, knit to end.
4th row: As second row.
6th row: As second row.
8th row: Cast on 4 stitches; knit these 4 stitches, knit to end.
10th row: As 8th row.
12th row: As 8th row.
14th row: Cast on 3 stitches; knit these 3 stitches, knit to end.
16th row: Cast on 2 stitches; knit these 2 stitches, knit to end.
17th row: Knit to last stitch, increase in last stitch.

Now increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next row, and at the same edge on every row until there are 106 stitches.

Work 1 row.

Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and every alternate row, until there are 112 stitches.

Work 3 rows.

Now increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and every 4th row, until there are 117 stitches, then at the beginning of every following 6th row until there are 123 stitches.

Work 80 rows, thus ending with wrong side facing for next row.

Shape neck by decreasing 1 stitch at the beginning of the next row and at the same edge on every row until 113 stitches remain.

Now decrease 1 stitch at the end of the next and every alternate row until 108 stitches remain.

Work 34 rows.

Increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next and every alternate row until there are 113 stitches.

Work 1 row.

Now increase 1 stitch at the beginning of the next row and at the same edge on every row until there are 123 stitches.

Work 80 rows.

Decrease 1 stitch at the end of the next and every 6th row until 116 stitches remain, then at the end of every following 4th row until 111 stitches remain.

Work 1 row.

Now decrease 1 stitch at the end of the next and every alternate row until 106 stitches remain.

Work 1 row.

Decrease 1 stitch at the end of the next row and at the same edge on every row until 90 stitches remain.

Work 1 row.

Cast off 2 stitches at the beginning of the next row, then 3 stitches at the beginning of the following alternate row.

Work 1 row.

Now cast off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next and following 2 alternate rows, then 5 stitches at the beginning of the following 3 alternate rows.

Cast off the remaining 58 stitches.

Borders and Making Up

Do not press.

Back Neck Border:
With right side facing, No 10 needles and contrast colour, knit up 45 stitches all round the neck.
Work 6 rows in garter stitch.
Cast off.

Front Neck Border:
Work as for Back Neck Border.

Using a flat seam, join shoulder seams leaving 3 inches open at each side of the neck.

Back shoulder opening borders:
With right side facing, No 3½mm hook and contrast colour, work 2 rows double crochet (American single crochet) along back shoulder openings.
Fasten off.

Front shoulder opening borders:
Work as for Back shoulder opening borders with the addition of 3 button loops evenly spaced on 2nd row.

To make a button loop: 3 chain, miss 2 dc, dc into next dc.

Neatly catch down the base of the borders, front over back.

Cut remaining yarn into 10 inch lengths and taking 4 strands together each time, knot all round outer edge, matching main shade to main shade and contrast to contrast, (as in the photo), to form a fringe.
Trim fringes.

Sew two sets of buttons in position as in photograph (1 button on back, the other to correspond on front).
[Editor's Note: I think the addition of the button to make a kind of sleeve is a good design feature - or would be if it were functional; however this version has a sleeve button that seems to be purely decorative, so I might choose to omit it altogether - thus saving on the investment in 4 extra buttons!]

Sew remaining 6 buttons on shoulders to correspond with button loops.

Press seams.


Pure wool striped version in superwash double knitting 15 x 50g balls in main shade; 4 in contrast;
Pure wool plain version in tweed double knitting: 19 x 50g balls.

A pair each of Nos
10 (3¼mm) and 8 (4mm) needles.
One 3½mm crochet hook.

10 buttons.


22 sts and 30 rows to 4 inches over stocking stitch using 4 mm needles.

Size matters

The pattern is written to fit bust: 32-38 inches; length from top of shoulders (excluding fringe) 25 inches.


inc: increase by working into front and back of stitch

dec: decrease by working 2 stitches together

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
dc: double crochet

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

March 2014

Poncho Cape Sweater


Maybe sad to say, I am very smitten with the idea of this "Poncho Sweater" from the seventies. Picturing on location with a bicycle clinches it. It's knitted in a chunky pure wool from the era of back to nature fibres (after the decade with all that courtelle crepe).


Instructions for large size given in brackets. Where one set of figures is given this applies to both sizes.


Commence at top.
With 6½mm needles cast on 167 (171) sts.
Work in pattern as follows:
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K3, purl to the last 3 sts, k3.
Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows twice more.

7th row: K8 (10), MB, * k9, MB, repeat from * to
the last 8(10) sts; knit to end.
8th row: As 2nd row.
9th - 12th rows: Repeat the 1st and 2nd rows twice.

These 12 rows form the pattern.

Work 12 more rows and then conunence side shaping.

1st row: K2tog tbl; knit to the last 2 sts; k2tog.
Continue to dec in this way at each of every 4th row until 151 (155) sts remain, and then every alternate row until 119 (123) sts remain.

Next row: K2tog tbl, k2, purl to the last 4 sts, k2, k2tog.
Next row: As 1st row.
Repeat the last 2 rows until 79 (83) sts remain, ending with a right side row.

Next row: P2 (4), P2tog, * p6, p2tog, repeat from * to the last 3 (5) sts, purl to end. [69 (73) sts].

Change to 5½mm needles.
1st row:. K2, * p1, k1, repeat from * to the last st, k1.
2nd row: * K1, p1, repeat from * to the last st, k1.
Repeat the last 2 rows for 11 cm (4¼ inches).
Cast off in rib.

Front - Left side

With 6½mm needles cast on 70 (72) sts.

1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K3, purl to end.
3rd row: Increase in first stitch, knit to end.
4th row: K3, purl to the last stitch, increase in last stitch.
Repeat the 3rd and 4th rows once more.
7th row: Increase in first stitch, k4, MB, * k9, MB, repeat from * to
the last 8(10) sts; knit to end.

Continue in pattern as set.
Increase 1st at the neck edge on the next 4 rows.
Work 13 rows without shaping.

Commence side shaping.
1st row: Knit to the last 2 sts; k2tog.
Continue to decrease in this way at the end of every 4th row, until 74 (76) sts remain.
Work 1 row. Break yarn and leave sts on spare needle.

Front - Right side

With 6½mm needles cast on 70 (72) sts.

1st row: Knit.
2nd row: Purl to the last 3 sts, k3.
3rd row: Knit to the last stitch, increase in the last stitch.
4th row: Increase in first stitch, purl to the last 3 sts, k3.
Repeat the 3rd and 4th rows once more.
7th row: K8 (10), MB, * k9, MB, repeat from * to
the last 5 sts; k4 increase in the last stitch.
Continue in pattern as set.
Increase 1st at the neck edge on the next 4 rows.
Work 13 rows without shaping.

Commence side shaping.
1st row: K2tog tbl; knit to end.
Continue to decrease in this way at the beginning of every 4th row, until 74 (76) sts remain.
Work 1 row.

Next row: Work to end of right side.
Cast on 9 sts for front opening.
Now work across stitches of left side. [157 (161) sts].

Complete exactly as for back.


With 5½ mm needles cast on 163 stitches.
Work 11 rows in garter-stitch (every row knit).

Next row: Cast off 28 stitches; knit to the last 28 stitches; cast off these stitches.
Break yarn.

Turn and rejoin yarn to remaining 107 stitches.
Change to 6½mm needles.
Work 5 rows in stocking stitch, starting with a purl row.

Next row: K8, MB, * k9, MB, repeat from * to the last 8 stitches; k8.
Continue in pattern as set. Work 22 more rows.

Next row: P38 stitches, cast off 31 stitches, purl to end.
Continue on the last set of stitches and work 10 rows.

Shape back.
Cast off 6 stitches at the beginning of the next row, and then the 4 following alternate rows.
Work 1 row.
Cast off the 8 remaining stitches.
Rejoin yam to remaining stitches.
Work 11 rows.
Shape back to match first side.

To Make Up

Press each piece lightly with a warm iron and a damp cloth.
Join top seams.
Join side edges of welt ribbing.
Join back seam on hood
Place this seam in the centre of the cast off stitches, and sew crown seam.
Sew hood to neck edge, and borders to front opening edges.
Join edges of borders together for 2 cm ( inch) from start of front opening.
Press all seams lightly.

Ties - make 2

Using 2 strands of yarn 66cm (26 inches) long, make a twisted cord and knot the end. Thread the folded end of he cord through the edge of the knitting at the neck, open up the cord, thread knotted end through cord and draw up.


24 (25) 50g Chunky yarn.

A pair each of Nos
5 (5½mm) and 3 (6½mm) needles.


15 sts and 20 rows to 4 inches over the pattern using 6½ mm needles.

Size matters

The pattern is given in two sizes to fit bust: 34-36 (36-38) inches; length from top of shoulders 26 inches.


MB: Make bobble as follows: (k1, p1, k1, p1, k1) into next stitch, turn; k5, turn; p5, turn; k2tog, k1, k2tog, turn; p3tog, completing bobble.

tog: together.

tbl: through back loops.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

July 2013

Cool summer lacy dress ...or...


This is a lovely - and typical - dress from the burgeoning decade of the 1970s. Crafts and bohemian dress was the thing that defined the start of the era, (while Punk defined the end of it). Back to nature - self sufficiency - flowing maxi dresses and floppy hats - Golden Hands and all that followed (... quite a lot of macramé if I remember rightly).
Elaine made this version and Kate models it layered as a tunic - but with the weather we are being promised for the next few days** as Wimbledon comes to its climax, it might be just as appropriate to wear as originally designed - Grecian goddess style...


Special pattern stitches as follows:
[Editor's note: You will probably find these stitches easier to execute if you try them as opposed to how they appear on paper.]

Bar-st front (worked on right side rows): yarn over, then starting with hook at front of work insert hook from right to left behind stem of next st and through to front again, yarn over and draw loop through up to same height as shells, then complete tr in usual way.
Bar-st back (worked on wrong side rows): yarn over, then with hook at back of work insert hook from right to left in front of stem of next st and through to back again, yo and draw ioop through up to same height as shells, then complete tr in usual way.
Long bar-st: work as bar-st front or back but starting with yarn over twice and working a double tr instead of a tr.
Bodice shell: work 2 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr into same chain or space.
Skirt shell (small): work 3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr into same chain or space.
Skirt shell (large): work 3 dtr, 1 ch, 3 dtr into same chain or space.

[Editor's note: Elaine made this dress more than once, and she made a small adjustment to the pattern which worked well. Instead of making the skirt back and front separately, she joined the bodice back and front together at the side seams, and then worked the skirt in the round. Just make the appropriate amount of chains (3 or 4) at the start of each round and join at the end with a slip stitch. It saves having to make a join all the way down the side of the skirt.]

Bodice Back

Using size 5 (5½mm) hook make 57(63:69) ch.

1st row (right side facing): Work a shell of [2 tr, 1 ch, 2 tr] into 6th ch from hook, * miss 2 ch, 2 ch, 1 tr into next ch, miss 2 ch, work 1 shell into next ch; repeat from * to last 3 ch, miss 2 ch, 1 tr into last ch. 9(10:11) shells.
2nd row: 3 ch, * 1 shell into space at centre of shell in row below, 1 bar-st back into tr; repeat from * to last shell, 1 shell into space, 1 tr into top ch at beginning of previous row.
3rd row: 3 ch, * 1 shell into space, 1 bar-st front into the bar-st back of row below; repeat from * to last shell, 1 shell into space, 1 tr into last tr.

Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 3½ ins.

Shape Armholes

1st row (right side facing): Sl st across to space of first shell, 3 ch, 1 bar-st into bar-st, * 1 shell, 1 bar-st; repeat from * to last shell, 1 tr into space of last shell, turn.
2nd row: Sl st into top of bar-st, 3 ch, *1 shell, 1 bar-st; repeat from * to end, replacing last bar-st with a tr into bar-st at beginning of previous row. 7(8:9) shells remain.

Continue in pattern until armholes measure 3½(:4) inches.

Shape Neck

1st row (right side facing): Work in pattern until 2 shells have been worked. 1 bar-st, 1 tr into space of next shell, turn.
2nd row: 1 ch. work 1 shell into space of shell, work in pattern to end.
3rd row: Work 3 ch, 1 shell, 1 bar-st, 1 tr into space of next shell. Turn.
4th row: 3 ch, 1 shell, 1 tr into 3rd ch at beginning of row below. 1 shell remains.

Repeat the last row until armhole measures 6½(:7) ins measured straight. Fasten off.

Leave 1(2:3) shells at centre unworked and rejoin yarn to centre of next shell.
1st row (right side facing): 3 ch, 1 bar-st into bar-st, work in pattern to end. 2 shells worked.
Complete to match first side reversing shapings.

Bodice Front

Work as given for Back to . Continue in pattern until armholes measure 2½(:3) inches, ending with a right side row.
Complete as given for Back from to end.

Skirt Back

With right side of back facing rejoin yarn to lower edge and work across starting ch as follows:-
3 ch, 1 shell into same ch as first shell of bodice, * 1 bar-st front, 1 shell into same ch as next shell in bodice; repeat from * 7(8:9) times more, 1 tr into last ch. 9(10:11) shells.
Next row: 3 ch, * 1 shell into space, 1 bar-st front; repeat from * to last shell, 1 shell into space, 1 tr into 3rd ch at beginning of previous row.
Continue in pattern until skirt measures 6 ins.
Next row: 3 ch, * work a shell of [3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr] into space, 1 ch, 1 bar-st, 1 ch; repeat from * to last shell, [3 tr, 1 ch, 3 tr] into space, 1 tr into 3rd ch at beginning of previous row.
Repeat the last row until skirt measures 12 ins.
Next row: 4 ch, * work a shell of [3 dtr, 2 ch, 3 dtr] into space, 1 ch, 1 long bar-st, 1 ch; repeat from * ending with 1 dtr into top ch at beginning of previous row.
Continue in pattern as on last row until skirt measures 181½ inches or required length, finishing with a wrong side row.
Next row: 4 ch, * work a shell of 9 dtr into space, 1 ch, 1 long bar-st, 1 ch; repeat from * replacing last long bar-st with 1 dtr into 4th ch at beginning of previous row.

Fasten off.

Skirt Front

Work as given for Skirt Back.

Finishing and Edging

Press pieces very gently with a damp cloth, (or just dampen and pin out to block).
Join side and shoulder seams.

With right side of work facing and using size 7 (4½mm) hook, work 120(136:152) dc evenly round neck edge, sl st to join.
Next round: 1 dc into first dc, * miss 3 dc, work a shell of 9 tr into next dc, miss 3 dc, 1 dc into next dc; repeat from * to last 7 dc, miss 3 dc, 1 shell into next dc, miss 3 dc, sl st into dc at beginning of round. Fasten off. 15(17:19) shells.
Using size 7 (4½mm) hook work 1 row of firm dc round each armhole.

Press seams and edgings.

Optional Belt:
Using size 5 (5½mm) hook and 3 strands of yarn make a chain 50 inches long for belt, fasten off. Thread through the holes formed along the starting ch of bodice.


14-17ozs. Winfield Trycel DK (see A Word on the Wool)

Crochet hook Nos
5 (5½mm) and 7 (4½mm).


One bar-st and one shell are 11 inches over pattern on size 5 hook.

Size matters

The pattern is given in 3 sizes to fit bust:
32 (34 : 37) inches;
length from top of shoulders, 25½ (25¾ : 26) inches.

Crochet abbreviations:

ch: chain
tr: treble crochet
dtr: double treble
dc: double crochet
sl st: slip stitch

Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

A word on the wool.

Potentially any double knitting quality can be used (knitting tension would be about 22sts x 30 rows to 4 inches or 10 cm).

The recommended quantity of 13-17 ozs (1oz = 28g) is for a synthetic/nylon type yarn and the yardage on these tends to be 30-50% longer than pure wools or cottons, so be prepared to use up to twice as much weight in yarn as stated.

This would be good made in cotton as a summer dress (can't imagine it in nylon... or rather I probably can - though here are some good synthetics these days). If choosing cotton, a blend or soft cotton would probably be better to give it more drape.

Elaine used a pure lambswool double knitting yarn from Kingcraig, who have an eBay store, and Kate wears this version as a tunic.

1970 and 2012

** These idyllic 70s scenes of a beautiful natural life in the country, were usually shot abroad to ensure success in good weather. However, in 1976 we had the hot summer to end all summers - even Parisians had abandoned fashion with everyone in my sister's words "looking as though they were pregnant" wearing cheesecloth tents attached over the shoulder with ribbon straps.

"The temperature reached 26.7°C (80°F) every day between 22 June and 16 July. For 15 consecutive days from 23 June to 7 July inclusive, temperatures reached 32.2°C (90°F) somewhere in England. Furthermore, five days saw temperatures exceed 35°C (95°F). On 28 June, temperatures reached 35.6°C (96.1°F) in Southampton, the highest June temperature recorded in the UK. The hottest day of all was 3 July, with temperatures reaching 35.9°C (96.6°F) in Cheltenham, one of the hottest July days on record in the UK." - Wikipedia

March 2012

Simply Seventies Zip Jackets


Another take on the zipped jacket from a later era. This design is easier than the Norwegian-style jacket in its construction, and uses a heavier (double knitting) weight yarn, which makes for a quicker knit. The patterning is simpler too - knitted straight, that is, without having to worry about incorporating increases and decreases into the design as you knit.


Instructions are given for seven sizes - larger sizes indicated in brackets.


Using No 9 (3¾mm) needles and main shade A, cast on 73 [79 : 85 : 89 : 95 : 99 : 105] sts and work 14[14 : 14 : 18 : 18 : 18 : 18] rows in k1, p1 rib.
Change to No 7 (4½mm) needles and work in stocking stitch (one row knit, one row purl) until work measures
11½ [13½ : 15½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½] ins, ending on right side. Break off main shade, (A), and join in first contrast, (B).

1st row: Using yarn B knit to end. Join in yarn C.
2nd row: * K1B, k1C, repeat from * to last st, k1B.
3rd row: K1B, * p1C, k1B repeat from * to last 2 sts, p1C, k1B.
Break off yarn C.
4th row: Using yarn B knit to end. Break off yarn B, join in A.
5th row: Using yarn A knit to end.
Work 2 rows in stocking stitch. Break off yarn A, join in B.

Proceed as follows:
Joining in and breaking off colours as required, work from 1st to the 13th row from Chart A, working size required as indicated.
The odd numbered rows are knit, the even numbered rows are purl.

Chart A (see end for slightly larger view)

Break off yarn C, join in A.

Next row: Using yarn A k1. purl to last st, k1.
Next row: S1, knit to end. Break off yarn A.

Proceed as follows:
repeat from ** to ** once.
Next row: Knit to end.

Cont in stocking stitch until work measures 16½ [18½ : 20½ : 23 : 23 : 23 : 23] ins, ending on a wrong side.

Shape Shoulders:
Cast off 8 [9 : 10 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13] sts at the beginning of the next 4 [4 : 4 : 2 : 2 : 4 : 4] rows.
Cast off 9 [10 : 11 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14] sts at the beginning of the next 2 [2 : 2 : 4 : 4 : 2 : 2] rows.
Castoff rem 23 [23 :23 : 25 : 25 : 25 : 25] sts.

Left Front:

Using No 9 (3¾mm) needles and main shade A, cast on 36 [40 : 42 : 44 : 48 : 50 : 52] sts.

1st row: S1, k1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, k2.
2nd row: S1, k1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end.

repeat 1st and 2nd rows 6 [6 : 6 : 8 : 8 : 8 : 8] times increasing once at the end of the last row for sizes 26, 30, 32, and 38ins only. 37 [40 : 43 : 45 : 48 : 50 : 53] sts.

Change to No 7 (4½mm) needles and and proceed as follows:-

1st row: S1, knit to end.
2nd row: S1, k1, purl to last st, k1.

Keeping continuity of stocking stitch and garter stitch border throughout, continue until work measures 11½ [13½ : 15½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½] ins, (the same number of rows up to the same point on the Back must be worked at this point), ending on right side, increasing once at the begining of the last row for sizes 28, 34, and 36 ins only. 37 [41 : 43 : 45 : 49 : 51 : 53] sts.

Break off main shade yarn A, and join in first contrast B.
1st row: Using yarn B knit to end.
Join in yarn C.
2nd row: * K1B, k1C, repeat from * to last st, k1B.
3rd row: K1B, k1C, * p1B, p1C, repeat from * to last st, k1B.
Break off yarn C.
4th row: Using yarn B knit to end.
Break off yarn B, join in A.

5th row:
(sizes 26, 30, 32, 38 ins): Using yarn A knit to end.
(sizes 28, 34, 36 ins): Using yarn A knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.
37 [40 : 43 : 45 : 48 : 50 : 53] sts.

For all 7 sizes
6th row: S1, knit to end.
7th row: S1, k1, purl to last stitch, k1.
Break off yarn A, join in B, and continue as follows:

Keeping the two front edge sts in garter stitch, and joining in and breaking off colours as required, work 1st to 13th row from Chart B, working size required as indicated. The odd numbered rows are knit, the even numbered rows are purl.

Chart B

Break off yarn C, and join in A.

1st row: Using yarn A k2, purl to last stitch, k1.

2nd row:
(sizes 26, 30, 32, 38 ins): S1, knit to end.
(sizes 28, 34, 36 ins): lncrease once in first stitch, knit to end.
37 [41 : 43 : 45 : 49 : 51 : 53] sts.

For all 7 sizes: Break off yarn A.

Shape Neck
1st row: Using yarn B, cast off 6 sts, knit to end.
Join in yarn C.
2nd row: * K1B, k1C, repeat from *to last 3 sts, k1B, k2tog C.
3rd row: K2togB, * p1C, p1B, repeat from * to last 2sts, p1C, k1B.
Break off yarn C.
4th row: Using yarn B, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.
Break off yarn B, and join in A.

5th row:
(sizes 26, 30, 32, 38 ins): Using yarn A, k2tog, knit to end.
(sizes 28, 34, 36 ins): Using yarn A, k2tog, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.

For all 7 sizes
Work 2 [2 : 2 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 3] rows in stocking stitch decreasing once at the neck edge in every row. 25 [28 : 31 : 32 : 35 : 37 : 40] sts.
Continue in stocking stitch without shaping until work measures the same as for the Back, ending after a wrong side row.

Shape Shoulder:
1st row: Cast off 8 [9 : 10 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13] sts, knit to end.
2nd row: S1, purl to end.
3rd row: Cast off 8 [9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 12 : 13] sts, knit to end.
4th row: S1, purl to end.

Cast off remaining 9 [10 : 11 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14] sts.

Right Front:

Using No 9 (3¾mm) needles and main shade A, cast on 36 [40 : 42 : 44 : 48 : 50 : 52] sts.

1st row: S1, k2, * p1, k1, repeat from * to last st, k1.
2nd row: S1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to last st, k1.

repeat 1st and 2nd rows 6 [6 : 6 : 8 : 8 : 8 : 8] times increasing once at the beginning of the last row for sizes 26, 30, 32, and 38ins only. 37 [40 : 43 : 45 : 48 : 50 : 53] sts.

Change to No 7 (4½mm) needles and and proceed as follows:-

1st row: S1, knit to end.
2nd row: S1, k1, purl to last 2 sts, k2.

Keeping continuity of garter stitch border and stocking stitch throughout, continue until work measures 11½ [13½ : 15½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½] ins, (the same number of rows up to the same point on the Back must be worked at this point), ending on right side, increasing once at the end of the last row for sizes 28, 34, and 36 ins only. 37 [41 : 43 : 45 : 49 : 51 : 53] sts.

Break off main shade yarn A, and join in first contrast B.
1st row: Using yarn B knit to end.
Join in yarn C.
2nd row: * K1B, k1C, repeat from * to last st, k1B.
3rd row: K1B, * p1C, p1B, repeat from * to last 2 sts, k1C, k1B.
Break off yarn C.
4th row: Using yarn B knit to end.
Break off yarn B, join in A.

5th row:
(sizes 26, 30, 32, 38 ins): Using yarn A knit to end.
(sizes 28, 34, 36 ins): Using yarn A k2tog, knit to end.
37 [40 : 43 : 45 : 48 : 50 : 53] sts.

For all 7 sizes
6th row: S1, knit to end.
7th row: S1, purl to last 2 sts, k2.
Break off yarn A, join in B, and continue as follows:

Keeping the two front edge stitches in garter stitch, joining in and breaking off colours as required, work 1st to 13th rows from Chart C, working size required as indicated.
The odd numbered rows are knit, the even numbered rows are purl.

Chart C

Break off yarn C, and join in A.

Next row: Using yarn A k1, purl to last 2 sts, k2.

Shape Neck

Next row:
(sizes 26, 30, 32, 38 ins): Cast off 6 sts, knit to end.
(sizes 28, 34, 36 ins): Cast off 6 sts, knit to last 2 sts, increase once in next stitch, k1.

For all 7 sizes
Break off yarn A.

1st row: Using yarn B, knit to end.
Join in yarn C.
2nd row: K2togC, * k1B, k1C, repeat from *to last stitch, k1B.
3rd row: K1B, * p1C, p1B, repeat from * to last 3 sts, k1C, k2togB. Break off yarn C.
4th row: Using yarn B, k2tog, knit to end.
Break off yarn B, and join in A.

5th row:
(sizes 26, 30, 32, 38 ins): Using yarn A, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.
(sizes 28, 34, 36 ins): Using yarn A, k2tog, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog.

For all 7 sizes
Work 2 [2 : 2 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 3] rows in stocking stitch decreasing once at the neck edge in every row. 25 [28 : 31 : 32 : 35 : 37 : 40] sts.
Continue in stocking stitch without shaping until work measures the same as for the Back, ending after a right side row.

Shape Shoulder:
1st row: Cast off 8 [9 : 10 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13] sts purlwise; purl to the last stitch, k1.
2nd row: S1, knit to end.
3rd row: Cast off 8 [9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 12 : 13] sts purlwise; purl to the last stitch, k1.
4th row: S1, knit to end.

Cast off remaining 9 [10 : 11 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14] sts purlwise.

Sleeves (both alike):

Using No 9 (3¾mm) needles, and main shade A, cast on 41 [41 : 41 : 43 : 43 : 43 : 43] sts, and work 16 [16 : 16 : 20 : 20 : 20 : 20] rows in k1, p1 rib.
Change to No 7 (4½mm) needles and proceed in stocking stitch, increasing once at each end of the 3rd and every following 8th [10th : 8th : 6th : 6th : 6th : 6th] rows until there are 51 [51 : 53 : 63 : 63 : 53 : 53] stitches.
Then increase at each end of every following 6th [8th : 6th : 4th : 4th : 4th : 4th] row until there are 57 [57 : 63 : 73 : 73 : 79 : 79] stitches.
Continue without shaping until work measures 12½[14½ : 15½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½ : 17½] ins. ending after a wrong side row.

Shape Neck

Cast off 7 [7 : 8 : 9 : 9 : 10 : 10] sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows.
Cast off 8 [8 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 10 : 10] sts at the beginning of the next 2rows.
Cast off remaining 13 [13 : 13 : 19 : 19 : 19 : 19] sts.

The Collar:

Using No 7 (4½mm) needles and yam A cast on 26 [26 : 25 : 29 : 29 : 29 : 29] sts.

1st row: S1, k1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to the last stitch, k1
2nd row: S1, * p1, k1, repeat from * to end.
The 1st and’2nd rows form the rib pattern.
Keeping continuity of rib pattern throughout, cast on 8 [8 : 8 : 10 : 10 : 10 : 10] sts, at the beginning of the next 8 rows. 89 [89 : 89 : 109
109 : 109 : 109] sts.
Continue without shaping until side edges measure 4 [4 : 4 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 5] ins. ending on the wrong side.
Cast off in rib.

To Make Up

Omitting ribbing, press each piece lightly using a warm iron and damp cloth.

Sew up shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew up side seams leaving 6 [6 : 6½ : : 7½ : 8 : 8] ins free to form the armholes.
Sew in sleeves.
With right side of collar to wrong side of work, sew shaped edge of collar evenly all round neck edge.
Sew zip fastener in position.

Press seams.


7 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 x 25g balls in main shade (A) and 25g of each of 2 contrast colours (B and C), of double knitting.

Pair each No 9 (3¾mm) and No 7 (4½mm) needles.

Open-ended zip of the required length.


21sts to 4 ins on No 7 needles over stocking stitch.

Size matters

To fit chest: 26 / 28 / 30 / 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 (Actual Size: 28 / 30 / 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40)
Length: 16½ / 18½ / 20½ / 23 / 23/ 23 / 23 ins.
Sleeve seam: 12½ / 14½ / 15½ / 17½ / 17½ / 17½ / 17½ ins.


inc: increase by working into the front and back of the next stitch.
dec: decrease by knitting two stitches together.
s1: slip one stitch knitwise.


When using two or more colours, it is recommended that you strand the colours by carrying those not in use loosely across the back of the fabric.

A word on the wool.

Original yarn was a brushed (fluffy) double knitting yarn.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

Chart A (larger)

November 2011

Fashionable Fair-Isle


My title refers to the current season's fashion for nordic style sweaters - snowflake, as well as (astonishing to me) reindeer. This sweater's shape betrays its original design era, but that does make it simple to construct - and wear. Update to better reflect the current themes by choosing monochrome colour schemes, using black or greys with cream.
"Traditional motifs in cream make striking winter sweaters; simple easy styling, with straight necklines and drop shoulders, is easy to knit in thick soft yarn on big needles."


T-shaped chunky sweater with simple snowflake pattern worked from the charts.

Back and Front alike:

With No 6 (5mm) needles and main shade, cast on 47 / 51 / 55 / 59 / 63 / 65 / 71 / 73 / 77 sts and work in K1/P1 rib for 2½ / / 2½ / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3½ / / 3½ inches, ending with wrong side facing for next row.

Next row (wrong side): Rib 3 / 3 / 5 / 4 / 4 / 5 / 5 / 5 / 6; m1; * rib 8 / 9 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 11 / 12 / 9 / 13; m1; repeat from * to last 4 / 3 / 5 / 5 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 5 / 6 sts; rib to end. [53 / 57 / 61 / 65 / 69 / 71 / 77 / 81 / 83 sts].

Change to No 4 (6mm) needles and work in stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, until work measures 13½ / 14½ / 16 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 17½ / 18½ / 19½ inches, ending with a purl row.

1st to 3rd size: Join in contrast colour and work 2 rows.

All sizes:
Next row: Using main shade, knit.
Next row: Using main shade, purl 2 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 3 / 4 / 2 / 4 / 3, ml; * purl 7 / 7 / 8 / 8 / 9 / 7 / 8 / 8 / 7, ml; rep from * to last 2 / 4 / 3 / 5 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 5 / 3 sts, purl to end. [61 / 65 / 69 / 73 / 77 / 81 / 87 / 91 / 95 sts]

1st to 3rd size: Work rows 1 to 24 from chart A, repeating the 20 pattern sts 3 times across and working the first 0 / 2 / 4 sts and last 1 / 3 / 5 sts on knit rows and first 1 / 3 / 5 sts and last 0 / 2 / 4 sts on purl rows as indicated.

Chart A

4th to 9th size: Work rows 1 to 36 from chart B, repeating the 20 pattern sts 3 / 3 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 times across and working first 6 / 8 / 0 / 3 / 5 / 7 sts and last 7 / 9 / 1 / 4 / 6 / 8 sts on knit rows and first 7 / 9 / 1 / 4 / 6 / 8 sts and last 6 / 8 / 0 / 3 / 5 / 7 sts on purl rows as indicated.

Chart B

All sizes: Break main shade, and complete in contrast.

Next 2 rows: Knit.

Next row: K3 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 5 / 4 / 2 / 4, k2tog, * k2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2, k2tog; rep from * to last 4 / 2 / 4 / 2 / 0 / 6 / 5 / 3 / 6 sts, knit to end. [47 / 49 / 53 / 55 / 61 / 63 / 67 / 69 / 73 sts]

Next row: Knit

Cast off.


With No 6 (5mm) needles and main shade cast on 25 / 27 / 27 / 29 / 29 / 31 / 31 / 33 / 33 sts and work in rib as on body sections for 2½ / 2½ / 2½ / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3½ / 3½ / 3½ ins, ending with right side facing for next row.

Change to No 4 (6mm) needles and work in stocking stitch, starting with a knit row, shaping sides by inc 1 stitch at each end of 3rd / 3rd / next / 7th / next / 5th / 3rd / 9th / 5th and every following 4th / 5th / 5th / 5th / 5th / 5th / 4th / 4th / 4th row until there are 51 / 51 / 55 / 55 / 59 / 59 / 67 / 67 / 69 sts.

Work straight until sleeve seam measures 14 / 15½ / 17 / 18½ / 19 / 19 / 19½ / 20 / 20 ins, ending with a purl row.

Cast off.

To Make Up

Omitting garter stitch and ribbing, press parts lightly on wrong side with a damp cloth

When making up a chunky garment it may be easier to use an oddment of finer yarn in a toning shade for the sewing.
If you prefer to make up with the original yarn, use 30 inch lengths and a large needle, making sure yarn keeps its original twist by turning needle clockwise between fingers and thumb after every few stitches.

Join shoulder seams leaving 7 / / 8 / 9 / 9½ / / 10 / 10½ / 10½ ins open at centre for neck opening.
Join side seams leaving 7 / 7 / 7½ / / 8 / 8 / 9 / 9 / 9½ inches free for armholes.
Join sleeve seams; insert sleeves.
Press seams.


8 / 8 / 9 / 11 / 11 / 13 / 13 / 14 / 14 x 50g balls in main shade and 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 balls contrast colour.

Pair each No 6 (5mm) and No 4 (6mm) needles.


15sts x 20 rows to 4 ins in over stocking stitch.

Size matters

To fit chest: 26 / 28 / 30 / 32 / 34 / 36 / 38 / 40 / 42 inches; (66 / 71 / 76 / 81 / 86 / 91 / 97 / 102 / 107 cm).
Length from top of shoulders: 20½ / 21½ / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 26½ / 27½ / 28½ ins; (52 / 54 / 58 / 61 / 63 / 66 / 67 / 70 / 72 cm).
Sleeve seam, 14 / 15½ / 17 / 18½ / 19 / 19 / 19½ / 20 / 20 ins; (36 / 39 / 43 / 47 / 48 / 48 / 49 / 51 / 51 cm).


m1: make one st by picking up loop between sts and knit into back of it.

A word on the wool.

Original yarn was Patons Husky Chunky, which was a fairly dense tough yarn as the name implies.

A good substitute in texture and general ethos, might be Rowan's British sheep breeds chunky, which is specified as knitting to a tension of 13sts x 18 rows but on 7mm needles; it is available in a good range of monochrome colours which suit the fashion for the current take on fair-isle. Try a swatch with 6mm.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


September 2011

Catkin Hoodie

A pattern from the mid 1970s, knitted in a bouclé wool called Jaeger Catkin. As it was a speciality wool, I decided to splash out and buy the recommended stuff to get the right effect. Originally, I "improved" the pattern by making bell shaped sleeves, which, I seem to remember, were highly fashionable at the time. I wore it like this, day after day throughout my year in Southampton University in 1977. In the 1980s, I unravelled the sleeves and reknitted them straight.... I can only assume I wore it again at that time.
Although I can still just squeeze into this sweater, it is really too small for me now - which some may consider a Good Thing - but I still love it.


The sleeves and yoke of this tunic are knitted from cuff to cuff and the back and front (knitted in the usual vertical manner) are sewn onto it at the armhole.

Back and Front alike.

Work 2 pieces as follows:

Using No 8 (4mm) needles and main shade (M), cast on 65 [69 : 73 : 77] sts loosely and knit 7 rows in garter stitch (every row knit). Change to No 5 needles, and beginning with a knit row work 6 inches in stocking stitch, ending with a purl row.

Next row: K12 [13 : 13 : 14], k2tog tbl, knit to the last 14 [15 : 15 : 16]; k2tog; knit to end.
Work 17 rows in stocking stitch.
Rep the last 18 rows once more. 61 [65 : 69 : 73] sts.
Cont in stocking stitch without shaping until work measures 18½ inches, ending with a purl row.
Cast off.

Left Sleeve and Yoke

** Using No 8 needles and main shade (M), cast on 57 [61 : 61 : 65] sts loosely and knit 7 rows in garter stitch. Break off M. Change to No 5 needles, and join in contrast colour (C). Beginning with a knit row continue in stocking stitch, until sleeve measures 19 [19 : 19½ : 19½] inches from the beginning, ending with a purl row.

Place coloured marker at each end of last row.

Work a further 8 [8 : 10 : 10] rows in stocking stitch.

Shape shoulder:

Next row: K28 [30 : 30 : 32], pick up loop lying before next st and m1, k1, m1; k28 [30 : 30 : 32]

Work 9 [9 : 11 : 11] rows in stocking stitch.

Next row: K29 [31 : 31 : 33], pick up loop lying before next st and m1, k1, m1; k29 [31 : 31 : 33]. {61 [65 : 65 : 69] sts}

Work 13 [15 : 15 : 17] rows in stocking stitch, ending with a purl row.

Divide for neck:

Next row: K30 [32 : 32 : 34], and turn, leaving the remaining sts on a holder.

Complete this side first. Work a further 15 [16 : 16 : 17] rows. Cast off.

With right side of work facing, slip the first 10 sts on to a holder, and rejoin yarn to remaining 21 [23 : 23 : 25] sts. Work a further 12 [12 : 12 : 14] rows. Break off C.

Change to No 8 needles, join in M and knit 7 rows.
Cast off.

Right Sleeve and Yoke

Work as given for left sleeve and yoke from ** to **.

Divide for neck:

Next row: K21 [23 : 23 : 25], and turn, leaving the remaining sts on a holder.

Complete this side first. Work a further 11 [11 : 11 : 13] rows. Break off C.

Change to No 8 needles. Join in M and knit 7 rows.
Cast off.

With right side of work facing, slip the first 10 sts on to a holder, and work 16 [17 : 17 : 18] rows. Cast off.

To Make Up

Press the sleeve pieces very lightly under a damp cloth with a warm iron on wrong side, omitting the 9 st borders. Join centre back yoke seam.

Neck border:
Using No 8 needles and M, with right side of work facing, beginning at the right front border, knit up 9 [11 : 11 : 12] sts along right front, knit up one st from corner, (marking this stitch with coloured thread), knit across 10 sts from holder up right side, knit 18 [22 : 22 : 24] sts along back, knit across 10 sts from holder down left side, knit up one st from corner, (mark ing this stitch with coloured thread), then knit up 9 [11 : 11 : 12] sts along left front. {58 [66 : 66 : 70] sts}
Work 4 rows in garter stitch, decreasing one stitch at each side of the marked sts on next and foil alternate row. {50 [58 : 58 : 62] sts}.


Next row: K9 [12 : 12 : 12]; (m1, k2 [2 : 2 : 3]) 5 [8 : 8 : 3] times; (m1, k1 [1 : 1 : 2]) 12 [2 : 2 : 10] times; (m1, k2 [2 : 2 : 3]) 5 [8 : 8 : 3] times; m1; k9 [12 : 12 : 12]. {73 [77 : 77 : 79] sts}.

Change to No 5 needles.

1st row (right side): Knit to end.
2nd row: K4; purl to last 4 sts, k4.

Repeat the last 2 rows until hood measures 11½ ins from beginning, ending with a wrong side row.

Next row: K4, slip these 4 sts on to a holder, cast off next 20 [21 : 21 : 22] sts; k25 [27 : 27 : 27] sts, (including stitch on needle); k4 and slip these 4 sts on to a holder.
Break off yarn.

With wrong side of work facing, rejoin yarn to rem 25 [27 : 27 : 27] sts and beg with a purl row, cont in stocking stitch until side edge fits along cast off edge of hood to within 4 sts on holder. Cast off.

Sew cast off edges to side edge of centre piece.

Left border:
Using No 5 needles, and M, with wrong side of work facing, rejoin yarn to 4 sts on holder on left side of hood. Cont in g st until extra rows, when slightly stretched, fit across to centre of cast off sts at centre of hood.
Cast off.

Right border:
Work as given for left border.

Join borders and sew in position around hood.
Join side seams.
Join sleeve seams to markers.
Sew yoke edges to cast off edges of back and front.
Press seams.
Using M, make 2 twisted cords with a tassel at each end and sew in position to fasten at neck.

[Editor's note: I used a duffle toggle and loop to fasten neck rather than a cord.]


10 [11 : 11 : 12] x 50g balls Jaeger Catkin in main shade (M) and
8 [9 : 9 : 10] balls of contrast colour, (C)

[Editor's note: I have knitted the hood in the contrast yarn rather than as the instructions given here, where the hood is in the main shade. If you want to do this, it will alter the required amount of yarn.
Also, I used a duffle toggle and loop to fasten neck rather than a cord.]

A pair each of No 8 (4 mm) and No 5 (5½ mm) needles.


14 sts and 22 rows to 4 inches.

Size matters

To fit 32 [34 : 36 : 38] inch bust.
Length to shoulder: 27 [27½ : 27½ : 28] inches.
Sleeve seam: 19 [19 : 19½ : 19½] inches.

The figures in square brackets refer to the 34, 36 and 38 inch sizes respectively.


m1: increase by picking up the loop lying before next st and knitting into the back of it.
k2tog: (decrease) knit 2 sts together.
k2tog tbl: (decrease) knit 2 sts together through back loops - also known as "ssk" (slip, slip, knit).

A word on the wool.

Jaeger Catkin was a lovely quality soft bouclé wool. There are a number of good choices for a substitute chunky bouclé these days, including options from Rowan. However, you might have to go with a single colour - which might be more sophisticated - unless you are into dying your own matching colour combination.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

You can see similar patterns - some with front pockets - in the vintage patterns section:

Sweater with hood and stripes

Pattern ID: Hayfield 1271

Mother and daughter tunics

Pattern ID: Hayfield 1241

July 2011

Miss Muffet Pinny


All dressed up in a charming pinafore, suitable for a spring or summer celebration, perhaps, in a lighter cotton-blend 4ply. Alternatively, try an angora or mohair blend for a more wintry festive feel.
The pattern for the dress underneath is also given, although, today, we seem to be fully equipped with central heating everywhere, so this combination may prove to be too hot for most children.


The pinafore is worked in one piece up to the armhole shaping.

Panel Pattern over 5 stitches:

1st row: k2, yfwd, k2tog tbl, k1
2nd and every alternate row: purl
3rd row: k1, yfwd, s1k, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k1
5th row: as first row
7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, and 15th rows: knit
16th row:as second row
These 16 rows form panel pattern.

With No 12 (2¾mm) needles cast on cast on 223/239/255 sts. and work 5 rows garter-stitch, that is: every row knit.

Change to No 10 (3¼mm) needles and pattern as follows :

1st row (right side facing): knit.
2nd and every alternate row: purl.
3rd row: k7, * yfwd, k2tog tbl, k6; repeat from * to end.
5th row: k6, * yfwd, s1k, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k5; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
7th row: k7, * yfwd, k2tog tbl, k6; repeat from * to end.
9th row: knit.
11th row: k3, * yfwd, k2tog tbl, k6; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, yfwd, k2tog tbl, k2.
13th row: k2, * yfwd, s1k, k2tog , psso, yfwd, k5; repeat from * to last 5 stitches, yfwd, s1k, k2tog, psso, yfwd, k2.
15th row: k3, * yfwd, k2tog tbl, k6; repeat from * to last 4 stitches, yfwd, k2tog tbl, k2.
16th row: as second row

Shape skirt and place panel pattern as follows:

1st decrease row: k5/13/5, (panel pattern 5 as 1st row, k5, k2tog, k4) 13/13/15 times, panel pattern 5 as 1 st row, k5/13/5. [210/226/240 sts]

Keeping continuity of panel pattern, work 11/17/25 rows straight.

2nd decrease row: k5/13/5, (pattern 5, k4, k2tog, k4) 13/13/15 times, pattern 5, k5/13/5. [197/213/225 sts]

Work 15/17/29 rows straight.

3rd decrease row: k5/13/5, (pattern 5, k4, k2tog, k3) 13/13/15 times, pattern 5, k5/13/5 [184/200/210 sts]

Work 15/17/29 rows straight.

1st and 2nd sizes: Continue decreasing 13 sts thus on next and following 16th/18th row [158/174 sts].
3rd size: Continue decreasing 15sts thus on next row [195 sts].

All sizes:
Next row (wrong side facing): p18/14/6, p2tog, (p28/34/18, p2tog) 4/4/9 times, purl to end [153/169/185 sts].
Work a few rows straight in stocking-stitch until skirt measures 9½/11/12½ inches, ending with wrong side facing.

Divide for front and backs:
Next row: p21/23/25, turn and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle or stitch-holder.

Continue straight on these 21/23/25 stitches for right back until work measures 14½/16½/18½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 3sts at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.
Work 1 row straight.
Cast off remaining 15/17/19 sts.

With wrong side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches from holder; cast off 34/38/42, (for armhole), p43/47/51, turn and leave remaining stitches on a spare needle or stitch-holder.

Continue straight on these 43/47/51 stitches for front until work measures 12/13½/15½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Divide for neck:
Next row: k8/9/10, turn and leave remaining stitches on stitch-holder .
Continue straight until left front measures 14½/16½/18½ inches, ending with right side facing.
Shape shoulder by casting off 3sts at the beginning of the next and following alternate row.

Work 1 row straight.

Cast off remaining 2/3/4 sts.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remainiing stitches, cast off centre 27/29/31, then finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.

With wrong side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches on holder, cast off 34/38/42, (for armhole) purl to end.

Finish to correspond with right back, reversing shapings.

Shoulder Frills:

With No 12 needles, cast on 103/111/119 sts. and work 3 rows garter-stitch.
Change to No 10 needles and work rows 1-15 of pattern as for main part.
1st size: Next row: p5, p2tog, (p1, p2tog) 30 times, p6 [72sts].
2nd and 3rd sizes: Next row: p8/8, (p1, p2tog) 32/34 times, p7/9 [79/85 sts].
All sizes: Cast off.

To Make Up

Using a warm iron and a damp cloth. press parts lightly on wrong side.

Join shoulder seams.
Sew cast-off edge of shoulder frill along armhole edge, and sides of frill along cast-off edge at beginning of armhole shaping.

Make borders: With right side facing and 3mm hook, work 2 rows dc up left back, round neck and down right back. increasing and decreasing at corners as required.
Make 4 buttonloops on right back on 2nd row, first to come level with cast-off edge at armhole, 4th to come at neck edge, and remainder spaced evenly.
First mark position of buttons on left back with pins to ensure even spacing, then work loops to correspond.
To make a buttonloop: 2 ch, miss 1 dc.

Press seams. Sew on buttons.


Original materials called for: 3/3/4 50g balls 4 ply fingering.

A pair each Nos 10 and 12 (3¼mm and 2¾mm) needles.
A No 11 (3mm) crochet hook

4 small buttons.


28 sts and 36 rows to 4 inches over stocking-stitch on No 10 needles.

Size matters

Three sizes given for 22/24/26 inch chest; length from top of shoulders: 14½/16½/18½ inches.


tbl: through back of loops
yfwd: yarn forward
s1k: slip one stitch knitwise
psso: pass the slipped stitch over
m1: pick up loop lying before next stitch and knit into back of it

ch: chain
dc: double crochet
[Editor's note:Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet, and so on - see "Terminology" in the side bar.]

A word on the wool.

The original colour combination is white for the apron with "Damask Rose" for the dress.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

Eyelet pattern and sleeve frill detail:

MuffetPinnyDetail.jpg MuffetPinnyDetail2.jpg

... and the little dress


This is the plain and simple dress designed to go under Miss Muffet's pinafore.


This is an A-line dress, knitted completely plain, with a high round neck and long sleeves.


With No 12 needles, cast on 114/120/128 stitches and work 5 rows in garter-stitch, that is, every row knit

Change to No 10 needles and stocking-stitch, and, starting with a knit row, work 8 rows straight.

1st decrease row: k26/28/30, k2tog, k2tog tbl, k54/56/60, k2tog, k2tog tbl, k26/28/30. [110/116/124 sts]

Work 11/13/15 rows straight.

2nd decrease row: k25/27/29, k2tog, k2tog tbl, k52/54/58, k2tog, k2tog tbl, k25/27/29. [106/112/120 sts]

Work 11/13/15 rows straight.

3rd decrease row: k24/26/28, k2tog, k2tog tbl, k52/54/58, k2tog, k2tog tbl, k24/26/28. [102/108/116 sts]

Work 11/13/15 rows straight.

Continue decreasing 4 stitches thus on the next and every following 12th/14th/16th row until 82/88/96 sts; remain.
Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next row.

Work a few rows straight until back measures 12/13½/15 inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape armholes by casting off 4 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 62/68/72 stitches remain.
Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every alternate row until 56/60/64 stitches remain.

Work a few rows straight until back measures 14/16/17½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Divide for back opening:
Next row: k28/30/32, turn and leave remaining stitches on stitch-holder.

Continue straight on first set of stitches until back measures 16½/18½/20½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next and following 2 alternate rows, then 2/3/4 stitches at the beginning of the following alternate row.
Work 1 row straight.
Leaving remaining 14/15/16 stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.

With right side facing, rejoin yarn to remaining stitches and finish to correspond with the first side, reversing shapings.


Work as for back from ** to **.
Work straight until front measures 15/16½/18½ inches, ending with right side facing.

Divide for neck:
Next row: k20/21/22, turn and leave remaining stitches on a stitch-holder.
Continue on these stitches for first side, decreasing 1 stitch at the neck edge on every row until 14/15/16 stitches remain.
Work a few rows straight until front matches back at armhole edge, ending with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next and following 2 alternate rows.
Work 1 row straight. Cast off remaining 2/3/4 stitches.

With right side facing, leave centre 16/18/20 stitches on a stitch-holder, and rejoin yarn to remaining stitches and finish to correspond with first side, reversing shapings.


With No 12 needles, cast on 40/44/46 sts. and work 7 rows garter-stitch.
Change to No 10 needles.
Next row: k1/3/2, m1 , (k2, m1 ) 19/19/21 times, k1/3/2: [60/64/68 sts].
Continue straight in stocking-stitch until sleeve measures 9½/10½/12 inches, ending with right side facing,

Shape top by casting off 4 stitches. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 34 stitches remain.
Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 20 stitches remain.

Cast off.

To Make Up

Using a warm iron and a damp cloth. press parts lightly on wrong side.

Join shoulder seams.

Neckband: With right side facing and No 12 needles, start at top of left back and work as follows:-
Knit 14/15/16 from left back, pick up and k12/14/14 down left side of neck, k16/18/20 from centre front. pick up and k12/14/14 up right side, knit across 14/15/16 stitches from right back [68/76/80 sts].
Work 4 rows garter-stitch.
Cast off.

Left Back Border: With 3mm hook, work 2 rows dc along left back edge.
Right Back Border: Work as for left with the addition of 3 button loops, first to come ½ inch above start of opening, third to come at centre of neckband, and 2nd spaced evenly between.
Mark positions and work loops: 2 ch, miss 1 dc.
Sew on buttons.

Join side and sleeve seams; insert sleeves.
Run 1 row shirring elastic directly above garter-stitch cuff. Press seams.


Original materials called for: 4/4/5 50g balls 4 ply fingering.

A pair each Nos 10 and 12 (3¼mm and 2¾mm) needles.
A No 11 (3mm) crochet hook

3 small buttons.

Shirring elastic for cuffs.


28 sts and 36 rows to 4 inches over stocking-stitch on No 10 needles.

Size matters

Three sizes given for 22/24/26 inch chest; length from top of shoulders: 16½/18½/20½ inches; sleeve seam: 9½/10½/12 inches.


tbl: through back of loops
yfwd: yarn forward
s1k: slip one stitch knitwise
psso: pass the slipped stitch over
m1: pick up loop lying before next stitch and knit into back of it

ch: chain
dc: double crochet
[Editor's note:Remember these are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet, and so on - see "Terminology" in the side bar.]

A word on the wool.

The original colour combination is white for the apron with "Damask Rose" for the dress.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

June 2011

Cherry Ripe


A jolly tea cosy to get you in the mood for the real cherry season.
I used brown for the main colour (more practical potential tea-stain colour for my partially sighted Aunt), and I used green for the stems and also crocheted the leaves. I did find making the little crochet bobbles slightly tedious and fiddly but they look so wonderful when you step back and admire the finished cosy.


This cosy is made as 2 flat pieces which are then sewn together to make the hat-like shape. Although I prefer to avoid seaming wherever possible, this is perfect for a cosy as you can tailor the openings to fit your specific teapot. (I never realised this could be an issue until I made a cosy which did not fit my 1930s pot as the spout was set very high). The fancy rib fits snugly around most average pot sizes, making this an excellent design.

Main Cosy (make 2 pieces)

With No 8 needles and main colour M, cast on 47sts and work in pattern as follows:

1st row: k3, * p2, k2; repeat from * to end.
2nd row: k1, * p2, k2; repeat from * to last 2 stitches, p1, k1.

These 2 to rows form the pattern..
Continue in pattern until work measures 5ins ending with a 2nd row.

Shape top as follows:-
1st row: * k2tog, k1, p1; repeat from * to last 3 stitches, k2tog, k1. [35 sts].
2nd row: k1, * p1, k2; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.
3rd row: k2, * p1, k2; repeat from * to end.
4th row: as 2nd row
5th row: * k1, p2tog; repeat from * to last 2sts, k2. [24sts]
6th - 8th rows: * k1, p1; repeat from * to last 2sts, k2.
9th row: k1, * k2tog; repeat from * to last stitch, k1.[13sts]
10th row: k1, purl to the last stitch, k1.
11th row: (k2tog) 6 times, k1. [7sts]

Break yarn and leave is on a spare needle or stitch holder.

Work another piece from to

Break yarn, leaving an end. Thread end through stitches on needle and 7sts from other piece left on holder; draw up tightly and fasten securely.

Cherries (make 12 in all)

With No. 8 crochet hook and red yarn (R), make 4 chain and join in a ring with a slip stitch.

1st round: 8dc into ring.
2nd round: 2 dc into each dc of previous round. [16sts]
3rd and 4th rounds: 1dc into each dc of previous round.
5th round: dec1, 8 times [8sts]

Fasten off.
Make 7 more in red (R) and 4 more in wine (W).


With No. 8 crochet hook and brown yarn (B), make 24 chain.
Fasten off.
Make 5 more stems the same.

To Make Up

Join sides of cosy together leaving an opening at each side for handle and spout.
Using same coloured yarn as cherries make small balls (for stuffing) and place inside each cherry.
Sew end of one stem to top of small ball in one cherry and other end to top of small ball in another cherry.
Draw up top of cherries and fasten securely.
Cut 4 felt leaves as illustrated.
Arrange cherries and leaves round top of cosy as in photograph and sew firmly in position.


1 x 50g ball double knitting yarn each in main cream colour (M), red (R), and wine (W) plus an oddment of brown (B).

A pair of No 8 (4mm) needles, and a No 8 (4mm) crochet hook.

Green felt for the leaves, or green yarn to crochet leaves.


24sts x 34 rows to 4 ins over pattern.

Size matters

Width all round: 16ins, (41cm); height: 6ins (15cm).


dec 1: crochet decrease one:- (insert hook in next st and draw loop through) twice, yarn round hook and draw through 3 loops on hook.

dc: double crochet.
[Editor's note: Remember this is English double crochet where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.]

A word on the wool.

Any standard double knit is suitable, knitting to a tension 22sts x 30rows to 4 ins over stocking stitch.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

January 2011

Life of Ease


Well if you don't actually have the life of ease, this might help you attain it - firstly with the relaxation of knitting it, and then in the casual dress code it will encourage once completed.
This pattern is straight from the 1970s, but does seem to have that timeless quality* about it.
The Magpie Aran yarn is exactly the nutty brown tweed colour I always imagined for the cardigan, (yellow/cream Arans are not a good colour for me). However Magpie, though a very robust wool, soft it is not, and I think this design would be great in a lovely soft airy yarn; luckily there is plenty of choice these days in this kind of wool weight.

* I do admit that I hate that word "timeless"- it seems to be an unwritten rule that once said it will ensure the item to which it applies becomes dated and laughable even more quickly than other items of the same vintage. However, in this case I think it really does apply, and (if it's any comfort) I don't think it was high fashion even in the 1970s, which is probably why it took so long for me to be inspired to finally make it up.


Figures in brackets refer to larger sizes; where only one figure is given, this refers to all sizes.

The Back

With No 9 needles cast on 98 (104 : 110: 116 : 122) sts.
1st row: P2, (kb1, p2) to end.
2nd row: K2, (pbl, k2) to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more, then 1st row once, increasing 1st at both ends of last row on lst, 3rd and 5th sizes.

Increase row: K8 (10 : 14: 16: 20), kfb *p7, (k2, pfb) 6 times, k2, p7 *; (k1, p1, then k1, p1 in next st) 4 times, k2; repeat from * to *, kfb, knit to end. [118 (122 : 130 : 134: 142) sts]

Change to No 7 needles and pattern as follows:

1st row: (kb1, p1) 5 (6 : 8 : 9 : 11) times; * k7, (p2, k2) 6 times, p2. k7 *; p18; repeat from * to *, (p1, kb1) to end.
2nd row: k10 (12 : 16 : 18 : 22); * p7, (k2, p2) 6 times, k2, p7 *; k1, (work k1, p1, k1 into next st, p3tog) 4 times, k1; repeat from * to *; knit to end.
3rd row: (kb1, p1) 5 (6 : 8 : 9 : 11) times; * cp7, (p2, k2) 6 times, p2, cp7 *; p18; repeat from * to *; (pl, kb1) to end.
4th row: k10 (12 : 16 : 18 : 22); repeat from * to * as 2nd row; k1, (p3tog, then into next st work k1, p1, k1) 4 times, k1; repeat from * to * as 2nd row; knit end.
5th row: (kb1, p1) 5 (6 : 8 : 9 : 11) times; * k7, p2, (c6L, p2) 3 times, k7 *; p18; repeat from * to *; (p1, kb1) to end.
6th row: As 2nd row.
7th row: As 3rd row.
8th row: As 4th row
9th row: As 1st row
10th row: As 2nd row
11th row: (kb1, p1) 5 (6 : 8 : 9 : 11) times, * cp7, p2, k2, p2, (c6R, p2) twice, k2, p2, cp7 *; p18; repeat from * to *, (p1, kb1) to end.
12th row: As 4th row

These 12 rows form the pattern.

Continue in straight until work measures 20 ins, ending with right side facing for next row.

Shape Armhole:
Cast off 4 (5 : 6 : 6 : 7) sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows; then cast off 4 (5: 6: 7: 8) sts at the beginning of the following 2 rows. [100 (100 : 104 : 106 : 110) sts]

Continue straight until armhole measures 7½ (7½ : 8: 8: 9) ins, ending after a wrong-side row.

Shape Shoulder and Neck:
Cast off 8 (8 : 10 : 11: 13) sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows. Next row: Cast off 8, pattern until there are 25sts on the right-hand needle, cast off 18, pattern to end.

Continue on the last set of stitches.

Next row: Cast off 8, pattern to end.
Next row: Cast off 5, pattern to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows once more.
Cast off the remaining sts.

Join yarn to neck edge of remaining sts and work to match lst side, reversing shapings.

Pocket linings (make 2)

[Editor's note: You may note from the photograph that I omitted pockets on my cardigan - actually I think it looks best with pockets, and I plan to add them in later, but if you don't want them, simply leave out these sections.]

With No 9 needles cast on 38sts.

1st row: K2, (p2, k2) to end.
2nd row: P2, (k2, p2) to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows for 5 inches, ending after 1st row.

Next row: P3, increase in the next stitch, rib to the last 4 sts, increase in the next stitch, p3.

Leave the stitches on a spare needle or stitch holder.

The Right Front

With No 9 needles cast on 58 (61 : 64 : 67 : 70) sts.

1st row: K1, (kb1, p2) to end.
2nd row: (k2, pbl) to last st, k1.

Repeat the last 2 rows once more.

Next row (buttonhole): Rib3, cast off 3, rib to end.
Next row: Work in rib, casting on 3sts over those cast off.

Work 3 more rows in rib, increasing 1st at the end of the last row on the 1st, 3rd and 5th sizes. [59 (61 : 65 : 67 : 71) sts]

Increase row: K8 (10 : 14: 16: 20), kfb; repeat from * to * as increase row on back; (k1, p1, then k1, p1 in next st) twice, k2; turn, leaving the remaining 8 sts on a safety-pin to work the buttonhole band later.

Change to No 7 needles and continue to work on 60 (62 : 66 : 68 : 72) sts as follows:

1st row: P10; repeat from * to * as 1st row of back, then (p1, kb1) to end.
2nd row: K10 (12 : 16 : 18 : 22); repeat from * to * as 2nd row of back; k1 (work k1, p1, k1 into next st., p3tog) twice, k1.

Keeping bramble stitch and cable pattern correct, decrease 1 stitch at the end of the following 21st row, then the following 12th row.
Work 1 row.

Next row (place pocket): P10, slip the next 40 stitches on to a stitch holder or spare needle;
work across the pocket lining stitches thus: k7, rib 26, k7;
then pattern across the remaining stitches.

Continue in pattern, decreasing 1 stitch at side edge on the following 10th row. Then continue straight on the remaining 57 (59 : 63 : 65 : 69) stitches until work measures 13 inches.
Increase 1 stitch at the side edge on the next row and following 18th row.
Then continue straight until work matches back to armhole, ending at side edge.

Shape Armhole:
Cast off 4 (5 : 6 : 6 : 7) sts at the beginning of the next row, and then 4 (5 : 6 : 7 : 8) stitches on the following alternate row. Continue straight until armhole measures 5 (5 : 5½ : 5½ : 6) inches, ending at the front edge.

Shape Neck:
Cast off 9 sts at the beginning of the next row; 3 stitches on the following alternate row; and 2 stitches on the following 4 alternate rows.
Continue straight until armhole matches back to shoulder, ending at the armhole edge.

Shape Shoulder:
Cast off 8 (8 : 10 : 11: 13) stitches at the beginning of the next row, and 8 stitches on the following 2 alternate rows.
Work 1 row.
Cast off remaining 7 stitches.

The Left Front

With No 9 needles cast on 58 (61 : 64 : 67 : 70) stitches.
1st row: (P2, kb1) to last stitch, k1.
2nd row: K1, (pbl, k2) to end.

Repeat the last 2 rows 3 times more, then 1st row once, increasing 1st at the beginning of the last row on the lst, 3rd, and 5th sizes.

Increase row: Rib 8 stitches, and leave these 8 stitches on a safety-pin to work the left front band later.
Continue the row: k2; (p1, k1, then p1, k1 in next st) twice; repeat from * to * as increase row on back; kfb; knit to end.
[60 (62 : 66 : 68 : 72) stitches]

Change to No 7 needles and pattern thus:

1st row: (Kb1, p1) 5 (6 : 8 : 9 : 11) times; repeat from * to * as 1st row of back, then p10.
2nd row: K1, (work k1, p1, k1 into next st., p3tog) twice, k1; repeat from * to * as 2nd row of back; knit to end.

Continue in pattern as now set, and complete to match right front, reversing shapings and the position of the pocket.

The Sleeves

With No 9 needles cast on 44 (44 : 50 : 50 : 50) sts.
Work 9 rows in rib as for the back welt, omitting the increases on the last row.

Increase row: ** (k2, kfb) once (once : twice : twice : twice),
k2 **; repeat from * to * as for the increase row on the back; then repeat from ** to **. [52 (52 : 60 : 60 : 60) sts]

Change to No 7 needles and pattern as follows:

1st row: (Kb1, p1) 3 (3 : 5 : 5 : 5) times; repeat from * to * as for the 1st row of the back; (p1, kb1) to end.
2nd row: K6 (6 : 10 : 10) ; repeat from * to * as for the 2nd row of the back; knit to end.

Continue in pattern as now set, increasing 1 stitch at both ends of following 5th row and every following 5th (5th : 6th : 6th : 5th) row until you have 80 (80 : 86 : 86 : 92) stitches, working the increased stitches into the pattern as end panels.

Continue straight until work measures 17 (17 : 18 : 18 : 18) inches. For 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sizes, end with wrong side facing, and for 4th and 5th sizes end with right side facing to begin the next row.

Mark the ends of the last row (with a piece of coloured thread or a stitch marker).

Shape Top:
Cast off 3 (4: 4: 5: 6) stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows;
4 (4 : 5 : 4 : 4) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows;
and then 8 stitches at the beginning of the following 4 rows.
Cast off.

The Pocket Tops

With right side facing, slip the 40 stitches on the stitch holder for the left front pocket on to No 9 needles.

1st row: K1, (k2tog tbl, p2) twice; (kb1, p2) 8 times; k2tog tbl, p2, k2tog tbl, k1. [36 sts]

2nd row: K1, pb1, (k2, pb1) to last stitch, k1.
3rd row: K1 (kb1, p2) to last 2 stitches, kb1, k1.
Repeat last 2 rows once more.
Cast off in rib.

Repeat the process for the stitches on the stitch holder for the right front pocket.

The Front Bands

With wrong side facing, slip the 8 stitches of left front on the safety-pin back on to on to No 9 needles.

Work in rib as set, increasing 1 stitch at the end of the 1st row. [9 sts]. Continue in rib until band will fit front edge.

[Editor's note: I have found it difficult to judge the fit of front bands knitted in this way. My method now is that when I have knitted about the right length, I test the length against the main body by laying the work flat and totally relaxed with the front band laid in position up the front. When the front band is about ½ to 1 inch shorter than the main body it fits nicely into position very slightly stretched.]

Leave the stitches on a spare needle.
Mark the band with pins to indicate position of buttons; the first one should be 4 rows up from the beginning and then position 5 more evenly spaced between, allowing that top one will be in the neckband.

With wrong side facing, slip 8 stitches of right front on the safety-pin back on to on to No 9 needles.
Increase in 1st stitch, and rib to end. [9 sts]
Complete to match left front band, working buttonholes at pin positions thus:
1st row: Rib 3, cast off 3, rib to end.
2nd row: Rib 3, cast on 3, rib 3.

The Neck Band

Join shoulder seams.

With No 9 needles and right side facing, rib across the 9sts of the right band, pick up and knit 29 sts up right front neck, 37 sts round back neck, 29 sts down left front neck, and finally rib across 9sts of left front band.

Work 6 rows in rib matching in with the bands, making the last (top) buttonhole on the 4th and 5th rows.
Cast off in rib.

To Make Up

Join side seams.
Sew in sleeves, sewing the rows above the markers to the cast off groups at the armholes.
Join sleeve seams.
Sew down pocket linings, and sides of pocket tops.
Sew on front bands and buttons.


9 (10 : 10 : 11: 11)
100g skeins Rowan Magpie Aran.

A pair each of Nos
7 (4½mm) and 9 (3¾mm) needles, and
2 cable needles.

7 buttons.
(I used wonderful smooth shiny leather buttons that look like conkers).


20sts to 4 ins in double moss stitch.

Size matters

The pattern is given in 5 sizes to fit chest:
32 (34 : 36: 38: 40) ins; length: 27 (27 : 27½: 27½: 28½) ins;
and sleeve seam:
17 (17 : 18 : 18 : 18) ins.


Increase: increase by knitting into front and back of the next stitch.
k2tog: (decrease) knit 2 sts together.
p2tog: (decrease) purl 2 sts together.
kfb or pfb: knit or purl into front and back of stitch.
kb or pb: knit or purl into back of stitch.
tbl: through back loop
sl: slip

c6L: cross 6 left thus:
slip next 2sts on to cable needle, leave at front, slip next 2sts on to cable needle and leave at back, k2, then p2 from cable needle at back, k2 from cable needle at front.

c6R: cross 6 right thus: slip next 4sts on to cable needle, leave at back, k2, then pass 2 purl sts back on to left-hand needle, purl these 2sts, then k2 from cable needle.

cp7: claw pattern 7 thus: slip next 2sts on to cable needle, leave at back, k1, then k2 from cable needle, knit next st, slip next st on to cable needle, leave at front, k2, then knit st from cable needle.

A word on the wool.

The original cardigan was knitted in a vintage Bainin yarn.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


Afterthought Pockets

You can see two things from the photograph of my cardigan. One is - the sleeves look disproportionately short - what can I say? I have very short arms so knitted them shorter to fit me.

The second thing is that there are no visible pockets. The reason is that my yarn was restricted, so when I started the knitting, I always planned to add the pockets later if I had sufficient yarn left at the end.

It is very easy to add afterthought pockets, and sometimes - especially if making your own design - it allows you to judge their position a little better.

You decide where you want your pocket tops to begin, and mark the centre. Thread a lifeline (use a blunt needle and nylon or smooth mercerised cotton thread) through the stitches to either side of the marker as big as the pocket will be (in our case, 40 stitches).

[Editor's note: I know - this can be hard when you have a complicated cable pattern - all I can say is, try and choose one of the wrong side rows where you were not executing the cables - this is good advice from the point of view of the picking up of the stitches, as well as stylistically where you want the pocket to be positioned.]

On the row above the marker for the centre point (and above your lifeline) cut a stitch and unthread the sts to either side of the marker for 20 sts each side. You will have 2 loose ends that you darn in on the wrong side at the end.

Pick up the loose sts above the row you have undone - this will normally yield 41 or 39 sts. Transfer the sts to working needles and knit downwards to make the pocket lining which you then push to the inside and sew down.

Pick up the 40 live sts from your lifeline and knit up to make the pocket tops. (Pull out the lifeline).

If you are short of yarn, you can always make the pocket linings out of any other yarn you have as they do not show - though it's best to choose a toning colour, otherwise it looks very amateurish if the inside of your elegant grey cashmere cardigan is revealed to show red bri-nylon square patches.

August 2010

Autumn Afghan


I love the rich autumn colours in this simple 1970s throw. Don't spurn the simple crochet motif; while not technically challenging, they do make an ideal handbag project for your holiday or your commute to work. You may think it's a bit early to think about autumn but there are just under 200 motifs make up the full size blanket... so maybe in time for Autumn 2011!

Crochet abbreviations:

ss = slip stitch
ch = chain
dc =double crochet
tr = treble crochet
2 tr tog = two treble together - as follows:
Yarn round hook (yrh), insert hook in space and draw through a loop as you would for a normal treble - you have 3 loops on the hook;
yrh and draw through 2 loops continuing as for a normal treble - you have 2 loops on the hook.
Now it becomes a little different. You leave the 2 loops - do not finish the stitch but start a second treble: yrh, insert hook in next space and draw through a loop - you have 4 loops on the hook; yrh and draw through 2 loops - you have 3 loops on the hook; finish the stitch by yrh and draw through remaining 3 loops.
[Editor's note: This is a method of "decreasing" in crochet although that's not why we are doing it in this motif.]

Remember the above are English crochet instructions where dc is equivalent to US single crochet - see "Terminology" in the side bar.

Editor's note: While writing this I found a simply excellent free form crochet site from James Walters which reflects his own work alongside Sylvia Cosh and has - among other things - some great crochet information. As the author states - the information was originally intended as worksheets for their students - however I found they do offer useful guidance (available in both what I will call "English" as well as "US English"!)


Make 4 ch and join with a ss to make a ring.

1st round: 3ch; 11 tr into ring; ss to 3 ch.

2nd round: 3ch; 1 tr into same place as ss; * 2ch, 2tr into next tr, repeat from * to end, finishing with: 2ch, ss to 3rd of 3ch.

3rd round: 3ch; 2tr into first 2ch space; * 2ch, 1tr into same space, work 2 tr tog (see abbreviations) with first leg in the same space and second leg in the next space, 1tr into same space, repeat from * to end, finishing with: 2ch 1tr into same space, ss to 3rd of 3ch.
[Editor's note: I found this a bit confusing. see if this helps you: in one individual space, you start with the 2nd leg of a "2 tr tog" followed by 1 tr, 2ch, 1 tr, then the 1st leg of a "2 tr tog" - the 2nd leg moves you into the next space.]

4th round: * 1ch, 5tr in space, 1ch, 1dc into 2 tr tog, repeat from * to end, finishing with ss into ss of previous round.

Fasten off.

This completes your first motif.

Make 7 for the centre and then 48, 44, 44, and 46 in the other colours.

Here's a close-up picture of one of the motifs. Hopefully it will help you see how they should look.


Making up

Join 2 shells to each adjacent motif, using the following pattern as a guide to placement. It is a good idea to sew this together gradually as you go along - you can stop any time you feel it's big enough, leave the throw as a circular shape, or continue with the pattern to make a rectangle.

Sew in all ends.
Press lightly on the wrong side with a warm iron and a damp cloth.


4ply/Fingering yarn in 5 autumnal colours. You will need about 1 ball for the centre and about 8 balls for each of the other 4 colours.

One number 11 (3mm) crochet hook.


One motif measures about 4 inches in diameter.

Size matters

Approximately 52 by 60 inches.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.


October 2009

The Boyfriend Cardigan


No - really - the boyfriend....

I say this as, had you seen the modelled photo from the 1970s, it may have led you to wonder. The orginal cerise colour in combination with the lacy pattern seems to be a bit feminine - but - hey! - we were looking at the beginnings of the "New Man" in the 1970s, right? (but it looks just perfect on my "old" man).
Sad to say, I think I possess the actual original yarn in the suggested (pink) colour for this pattern, but I chose to style it in an elegant pearl grey, using a practical superwash wool blend.

Obviously it could be made to suit a man or a woman.


This is a raglan cardigan, designed for a man and given in 3 sizes. Main size is given for a 40 inch chest and other 2 sizes are given in brackets.


The twisted rib pattern is worked over 24 rows as follows:

1st Row: S1, k1, * p2, k2; repeat from * to end.
2nd Row: S1, p1, * k2, p2; repeat from * to last 4sts; k2, p1,k1.
3rd Row: as first row
4th Row: as second row
5th Row: as first row
6th Row: as second row
7th Row: S1, k1, * p2, k2tog, yrn; repeat from * to last 4sts; p2, k2.
8th Row: S1, p1, * k2, k1tbl, p1; repeat from * to last 4sts; k2, p1, k1.
9th Row: S1, k1, p1, * k2tog, yrn, p2; repeat from * to last 3sts; k2tog, yfwd, k1.
10th Row: S1, * k1tbl, p1, k2; repeat from * to last st; k1.
11th Row: S1, p1, * k2tog, yrn, p2; repeat from * to last 4sts; k2tog, yrn, p1, k1.
12th Row: S1, k1,* k1tbl, p1, k2; repeat from * to end.
13th Row: S1, p1, * k2, p2; repeat from * to last 4sts; k2, p1, k1.
14th Row: S1, k1,* p2, k2; repeat from * to end.
15th Row: as 13th row
16th Row: as 14th row
17th Row: as 13th row
18th Row: as 14th row
19th Row: S1, p1,* yon, s1, k1, psso, p2; repeat from * to last 4sts; yon, s1, k1, psso, p1, k1.
20th Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1tbl, k2; repeat from ,* to end.
21st Row: S1, p2, * yon, s1, k1, psso, p2; repeat from * to last 3sts; yon, s1, k1 , psso, k1.
22nd Row: S1, p1, * k1tbl, k2, p1; repeat from * to last 4sts; k1tbl, k3.
23rd Row: S1, p3, * yon, s1, k1, psso, p2; repeat from * to last 2sts; yon, s1, k1 , psso.
24th Row: S1, * k1tbl, k2, p1; repeat from * to last st; k1.


Using No 12 needles, cast on 153 {161 : 169} sts.

1st Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch; k1.
2nd Row: S1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.

Repeat the first and second rows 7 times more, then the first row once.

18th Row: S1, * inc once in the next stitch purlwise; (k1, p1) 3 times; k1 * ;
repeat from * to * 8 times;
inc once in the next stitch purlwise; (k1, p1) 1{3 : 5} times;
inc once in the next stitch knitwise; (p1, k1) 1{3 : 5} times;
repeat from * to * 8 times;
inc once in the next stitch purlwise; (k1, p1) 3 times;
inc once in the next stitch knitwise; p1, k1.
[174 {182 : 190} sts].

Change to No 10 needles.
Now work the 24 rows of the pattern three times, then the first 6 rows again.

Next Row: S1, * k2tog, k7 *; repeat from * to * 8 times; k2tog, k2{6 : 10}; k2tog; k2{6 : 10}; repeat from * to * 8 times; k2tog, k6, k2tog, k2. [153 {161 : 169} sts]

Next Row: S1, purl to the last st, k1.

Continue in st-st until work measures 17 {17 : 18} inches, ending with a purl row.

Shape Armholes:
Cast off 8 sts at beginning of the next 2 rows.

Work 94 {86 : 78} rows decreasing once at each end of the next and every alternate row. [ 43 {59 : 75} sts]
Then work a further 6 {14 : 22} rows decreasing once at each end of every row, until 31 sts remain (on all sizes).
Cast off.

Right Front.

Using No 12 needles cast on 83 {87 : 91} sts.

1st Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch; k1.
2nd Row: S1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.

Repeat the first and second rows 7 times more, then the first row once

18th Row: S1, * inc once in the next stitch purlwise; (k1, p1) 5 times, *;
inc once in the next stitch knitwise; (p1, k1) 5 times;
[inc once in the next stitch purlwise; (k1, p1) 5 {6 : 7} times, k1] twice;
repeat from * to * once;
inc once in the next stitch knitwise; (p1, k1) 4 times;
p1, inc once in the next stitch knitwise, p1, k1.

Slip the last 12 sts of the row on to a stitch holder or safety pin to continue the front border later. Turn and continue knitting the right front on 78 {82 : 86} sts.

Change to No 10 needles, and work the 24 rows of the pattern three times, then the first 6 rows again, as you did for the back.

Next Row: S1, (k2tog, k10) twice; k2tog, k11{13 : 15}; k2tog, k11{13 : 15}; k2tog, k10, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k2.
[71 {75 : 79} sts]

Next Row: S1, purl to the last st, k1.


Continue in stocking stitch until work measures the same as the Back
to the armholes, ending with a knit row, and wrong side facing.

Shape Armhole:
Cast off 8 sts purlwise; purl to last st, k1.

Work 82 {82 : 78} rows decreasing once at the front edge on the next and every following 10th row - and at same time decrease once at the armhole edge on the next and every alternate row.
[ 13 {17 : 24} sts]

For the largest 44 inch size, work 4 more rows, decreasing once at the front edge on the 3rd row and at the same time decrease once at the armhole edge on every row. [19 sts]

For the small (40 inch) and medium (42 inch) sizes, work 12 {4} rows decreasing once at the armhole edge only on the next and every alternate row. [7 {15}sts].

Then work a further 4 {12 : 16} rows decreasing once at the armhole edge only on every row. [ 3 {3 : 3} sts]

Next Row: S1, k2tog.
Next Row: K2tog, break off yarn, fasten off.

Left Front:

Using No 12 needles cast on 83 {87 : 91} sts.

1st Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch; k1.
2nd Row: S1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.
Repeat the first and second rows once, then the 1st row again.

6th Row (make buttonhole): S1, (p1, k1) twice, p1; cast off 2 sts; continue in rib as set to end of row.
7th Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last 6 sts; cast on 2 sts over the ones you cast off on the row before, (k1, p1) twice, k2.
8th Row: as second.

Repeat the first and second rows 4 times more.

17th Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last 12 sts. Slip the last 12 sts of the row on to a stitch holder or safety pin to continue the front border later. Turn and continue knitting the left front on 71 {75 : 79} sts.

18th Row: S1, * inc once in the next stitch purlwise; (k1, p1) 5 times, *;
inc once in the next stitch knitwise; (p1, k1) 5 times;
[inc once in the next stitch purlwise; (k1, p1) 5 {6 : 7} times, k1] twice;
repeat from * to * once;
inc once in the next stitch knitwise; (p1, k1) 4 times;
p1, inc once in the next stitch knitwise, p1, k1.

Change to No 10 needles, and work exactly as given for the Right Front until †† is reached.

Continue in stocking stitch until work measures the same as the Back
to the armholes, ending with a purl row, and right side facing.

Shape Armhole:
Cast off 8 sts knitwise; knit to end.

Complete as given for the right front, reversing all shapings.



Using No 12 needles cast on 63 {63 : 67} sts.

1st Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch; k1.
2nd Row: S1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.
Repeat the first and second rows 10 times.

Change to No 10 needles, and proceed in stocking stitch, increasing one stitch at each end of the 5th and every following 6th row until there are 109 {109 : 113} sts on the needle.

Continue without further shaping until the work measures 19 inches, ending with right side facing for the next row.

Shape Top:
Cast off 8 sts at beginning of the next 2 rows.

Work 44 {44 : 36} rows, decreasing 1 st at each end of the next and every folowing 4th row. [ 71 {71 : 79} sts]

Then work 56 {56 : 64} rows, decreasing 1 st at each end of the next and every alternate row. [ 15 {15 : 15} sts]

Cast off.

Making up:

Press pieces gently under a damp cloth according to the instructions on the yarn ball-band.
Sew up side and sleeve seams.
Placing seam to seam, sew decreased edges of the sleeve to the decreased edges of the body.

Right front border:

Place the 12 sts from the welt of the right front (kept on a safety pin) back on No 12 needles. With wrong side facing, rejoin the yarn and commence the rib as follows:

Next Row: Inc in the next stitch purlwise, k1; (p1, k1) 5 times.

Next Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch; k1.
Next Row: S1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.

Repeat the last two rows over the 13sts until border is of sufficient
length to go up front, across sleeve top and halfway across back of neck. Cast off in rib.

Left front border:

Place the 12 sts from the welt of the left front (kept on a safety pin) back on No 12 needles. With right side facing, rejoin the yarn and commence the rib as follows:
Next Row: Inc in the next stitch knitwise; (p1, k1) 5 times; k1.

Next Row: S1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to end.
Next Row: S1, k1, * p1, k1; repeat from * to last stitch; k1.

Repeat the last two rows over the 13sts placing buttonholes at desired intervals as follows:
[Editor's note: I placed the buttonholes with about 28 rows between the pairs of buttonhole rows. This was about 3 inches apart. The topmost of the 5 buttons was about 4inches below the first front decreasing.]

Next Row (wrong side of work): S1, (p1, k1) twice, p1; cast off 2 sts; (p1, k1) twice.
Next Row (right side of work): S1, k1, (p1, k1) twice; cast on 2 sts over the ones you cast off on the row before, (p1, k1) twice, k1.

Continue in rib until border is of sufficient length to go up front, across sleeve top and halfway across back of neck. Cast off in rib.


Sew ends of borders together. Sew borders to front edges. Sew on buttons to correspond with button holes.


4 ply: 9 : 10 : 11 50g balls [Editor's note: I used ony 7 balls of Luxe - see "Word on the Wool" below]

1 pair of No 10 (3¼mm) and 1 pair of No 12 (2¾mm) knitting needles.

5 buttons.


30 stitches to 4 inches over stocking stitch.

Size matters

To fit 40:42:44 inch chest; actual size 41:43:45 inches.
Sleeve seam length: 19 inches.


inc: increase in the next stitch by knitting (or purling) twice into it.

yrn/yon/yfwd: yarn round needle / yarn over needle / yarn forward. Makes an extra stitch which forms a small pattern hole when knitted on the next row.

k1tbl: knit through back loop of the stitch. This has the effect of twisting the yrn or yon stitch that you made, making it tighter.

s1: slip one stitch.

psso: pass the slipped stitch over. Effectively you are "knitting 2 together through back loops"
(s1, k1, psso is the same as ssk or "slip, slip, knit the 2 slipped sts together")

A Word
on the Wool.

I used a pale grey shade of Phildar Luxe, (85% acrilic, 15% wool) - very practical and soft, but now available in a lamentably small colour range. Luxe knits to a tension of 32 sts and 41 rows to 4 inches.
It is a fine synthetic at 217yards / 201metres per 50g ball, and I used only 7 balls.

I used plastic buttons (to go with the practical theme) from my collection.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

Here, George tries to emulate the original model's pose. Sadly, he is inhibited by the lack of a Hendrix hairstyle and droopy moustache.


February 2009

Valentine Heart Mittens


I was inspired to make these mitten patterns by brightly coloured offerings from 1975. By the time I had tried out a number of versions - and had many more examples of right-hand gloves than I want or need - my final designs differ substantially from the original. But they are cute aren't they?
They are a close fit on my hands, but though my hands are small, I tend to have short fingers only; the measurement around my hand is just over 7 inches.


Begin working the RIGHT GLOVE:

Using contrast colour, cast on 48 stitches; purl one row, and join into a round.

Change to main colour and knit one row.
Work in k2, p2 rib until work measures about 2 inches from start.

Thumb gusset

1st round: K24, p1, k2, p1, k20.
2nd round: as round 1.
3rd round: K24, p1, m1, (make a stitch by picking up the horizontal loop between lying before the next stitch and working into the back of it), k2, m1,p1, k20.
4th and 5th rounds: K24, p1, k4, p1, k20.
6th round: K1, m1, k23, p1, m1, k4, m1,p1, k19, m1, k1.
7th and 8th rounds: K25, p1, k6, p1, k21.
9th round: K25, p1, m1, k6, m1,p1, k21.
10th and 11th rounds: K24, p1, k8, p1, k21.
12th round: K25, p1, m1, k8, m1,p1, k21.
13th and 14th rounds: K25, p1, k10, p1, k21.
15th round: K1, m1, k24, p1, m1, k10, m1,p1, k20, m1, k1.
16th and 17th rounds: K26, p1, k12, p1, k22.
18th round: K26, p1, m1, k12, m1,p1, k22.
19th and 20th rounds: K26, p1, k14, p1, k22.
21st round: K26, p1, m1, k14, m1,p1, k22.
22nd and 23rd round: K26, p1, k16, p1, k22.
24th round: K1, m1, k25, p1, m1, k16, m1,p1, k21, m1, k1. .
25th and 26th rounds: K27, p1, k18, p1, k23. [70 sts]

Now set aside the thumb stitches and continue with the main glove as follows:
Next round: K28; slip the next 18 sts on to a safety pin; cast on 2 sts, k24 to complete the round. [54 sts]

Work 2 rounds straight.

Cut 6 lengths of contrast wool, about 28 inches in length, and 6 of main shade; do not use bobbins, just the lengths of wool.
Work the first row of the pattern from the chart, as follows, joining in the lengths of wool as required, repeating the 9 pattern sts 6 times:
[Editor's note: You are now going to split the knitting and work back and forth in knit and purl rows. This is in order to insert the hearts nicely using the intarsia method. I tried the Fair Isle technique but the red contrast colour showed through the white, and did not look attractive. This method does mean a little more sewing in of ends but I think the result is worth it.
You will join the round up as you reach the end of each row.]

Row 1: K4 from the ball of main shade, k1 using first strand of contrast yarn, k8 using first strand of main shade, k1 contrast using second strand of contrast, k8 using second strand of main shade, and so on the the last 4 sts; k3 in last strand of main shade, slip the last st. Still using the last working needle, pick up the st below the first st of the round and knit into it, then pass the slipped st over this st. Turn the work.

[Editor's note: Use the pop-up from the above picture for more detailed photos of this technique.]

Row 2: P3 in main shade, p3 in contrast, p6 in main shade, and so on; use the intarsia method and twist the two yarns together when you change colour. Continue in this way until you get to the last stitch in the row, and slip this stitch. Still using the first working needle, pick up the st below the last st of the round and purl into it, then pass the slipped st over this st. Turn the work.
Continue until all 6 pattern rows have been worked from the chart.

Now go back to working in the round, and continue in main shade only, using the main ball of wool.
Next round: K1, m1; knit to last 2 sts, m1, k1. Work 3 more rounds straight.

Divide for fingers

Next round (forefinger): Knit the first 20 sts of the round and place on a stitch holder; place the last 20sts of the round on a second stitch holder; Knit 16; cast on 2 sts. [18 sts]
Distribute these 18sts evenly across 3 needles, and join in a round.
Knit 5 rounds on these 18 sts.
Cast off purlwise.

Next round (middle finger): Slip the last 7sts on the first stitch holder (the ones nearest to the forefinger) onto a needle and knit them; pick up and knit 2 from the cast on sts at the base of the forefinger; slip the first 7sts on the second stitch holder (the ones nearest to the forefinger) onto a needle and knit them; cast on 2 sts. [18 sts].
Distribute these 18 sts evenly across 3 needles, and join in a round.
Knit 5 rounds on these 18 sts.
Cast off purlwise.

Next round (third finger): Work and complete as for middle finger.

Next round (little finger): Pick up 2 sts at the base third finger; slip the remaining 6 sts on the second stitch holder onto a needle and knit them; slip the remaining 6 sts on the first stitch holder onto a needle and knit them. [14sts]
Distribute the 14 sts evenly across 3 needles, and work 4 rounds.
Cast off purlwise.

Next round: Transfer the18 thumb sts from the safety pin back on the needles and knit them, then pick up 2 sts from the sts cast on to continue the main glove. Arrange these 20 sts on 3 needles joining in a round.
Knit 5 rounds on these 20 sts.
Cast off purlwise.

Work as for the right glove until you reach the working for the thumb gusset then work as follows:

1st round: K20, p1, k2, p1, k24.
2nd round: as round 1.
3rd round: K20, p1, m1, (make a stitch by picking up the horizontal loop between lying before the next stitch and working into the back of it), k2, m1,p1, k24.
4th and 5th rounds: K24, p1, k4, p1, k20.

Continue in this way as for right glove, but following the stitch layout as set until you reach row 25.

25th and 26th rounds: K23, p1, k18, p1, k27. [70 sts]

Now set aside the thumb stitches and continue with the main glove as follows:
Next round: K24; slip the next 18 sts on to a safety pin; cast on 2 sts, k28 to complete the round. [54 sts]

Once you have set the position of the thumb, you can work the rest of the left glove exactly as for the right glove.

Making up:
Sew in all ends.


Example shown is knitted in 1 x 50g ball 4 ply in main shade, and small amount of contast colour.

One set of 4 No. 12 (2½ mm) needles.


Approx. 32sts and 44 rows to 4 inches on No 12 needles.

Size matters

Width all round above thumb, 7 ins. To alter the size use larger or smaller needles as required.

A word on the wool

The wool I used was from my store room.
If I purchased the wool new, then I would probably try Rowan 4 ply soft.
You need so little of the contrast it hardly seems worth buying a whole ball.


Here is a nice little video clip about intarsia knitting. Don't be put off by her continental knitting method.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.



Text and Pictures taken from Ethknits "How to knit" page.

Hold the working yarn in your right hand and the yarn to be woven in your left.

Changing on a knit row: Knit with yarn A until you want to change. Pull yarn A over to the left and wrap yarn B across the back of A as you knit the next stitch.

Changing on a purl row: Purl with yarn A until you want to change. Pull yarn A over to left and wrap yarn B under A as you bring it across to purl the next stitch.

You can see from the purl row picture that the edge resembles a sideways knitted row as on each row you cross the yarns over. This way you should get no holes. Don't worry if you see holes where the yarn is loose in some places. When you finish your work you will have lots of ends to sew in and you can pull these tight and sew up any holes that still appear.

January 2009

Winter Waistcoat


Speedy, speedy knitting from the 1970s. Flattering sleeveless top, warm and simple to knit.


The pattern is worked back and forth on circular needles, in 5 stitch repeats over four basic rows:

1st Row: Wrong side facing, {p3, k2}.
2nd Row: {K1, yfwd, slip1, k1, psso, p2}
3rd Row: As first.
4th Row: {K2tog, yfwd, k1, p2}


Note: The back and fronts are knitted as one piece up to the armholes.

With smaller circular needles cast on {100/110}120 stitches and work 6 rows in garter stitch, noting that the first row is a wrong side row.

Next Row: (Wrong side facing, 1st pattern row), knit 4 and slip this 4 sts on to a safety pin or stitch holder. Change to larger circular needles and commence pattern thus: k2, *p3,k2; repeat from * to the last 4 sts. Turn, slipping the last 4 sts onto a safety pin, without knitting them. [{92/102}112 pattern sts]
[Editor's note: these 4 sts are to be knitted separately later on the smaller needles and then sewn on to form the front borders.]

Next Row: (2nd pattern row), p2, *k1, yfwd, slip1, k1, psso, p2; repeat from * to end.

Next Row: (3rd pattern row), as first pattern row.

Next Row: (4th pattern row), p2, *k2tog, yfwd, k1, p2; repeat from * to end.

Continue in pattern for 10 inches (or desired length), ending with a 4th row pattern, and wrong side facing to begin the next row.
[Editor's note: I wanted my top a little longer and knitted 12½ inches here, which was 11 four-row pattern repeats in my version.]
Change back to smaller circular needles and knit 1 row plain, (garter stitch).

†† Leave the main work on the circular needles to one side now, still with wrong side facing - the row you have just knitted is not completed until after you make the front borders.

Front Borders:

At this point you need to go back to the 4sts you left on safety pins on each side of the work, to make the front borders.

Using the pair of smaller needles, and working each set of 4sts separately, rejoin the wool and continue to knit the borders; it is important you join the wool and start knitting from the correct side of each border to continue in the right sequence for garter stitch.

This means that, provided you have followed the instructions exactly as above, for both borders, you need to join the wool at the edge which will later be sewn to the main body.
So for the right front start working on the 4sts from the wrong side, with the main body to your right, every row knitted - (the right front border is on the left when the wrong side of the work is facing you).
And for the left front start working on the 4sts from the right side, with the main body again to your right, every row knitted - (the left front border is on the left when the right side of the work is facing you).

Work each border in garter stitch until, when very slightly stretched, the border fits the length of the main body that you have just knitted, finishing the left border on a wrong side row, and the right border on a right side row. For both borders the yarn end will be at the edge next to the main body. Break the yarn.
The borders should be about half an inch* shorter than the main body so that they will fit when very slightly stretched.
*[Editor's note: half an inch is about 2 rows with this gauge of wool. The right border should be relatively slightly shorter than the left.]

Now return to your main work, on the circular needle. With wrong side facing, take up your last row of plain knitting (see the marker above ††) and complete the row by knitting the 4 sts of the right front border - make sure the border is not twisted. [{96/106}116sts].

Turn the work (right side facing) and knit across all {96/106}116 sts and then complete the row by knitting the 4 sts of the left front border - make sure the border is not twisted. [{100/110}120sts].

Now divide for front and back, with wrong side facing, knit the first {25/29}32 sts (includes your extra 4 sts at front border) and place these sts on a stitch holder, to make the left front, later.

Continuing without turning, cast on 3 sts using the working yarn, knit these 3 sts, knit {46/52}56 sts cast on 3 sts. Leave the remaining 32 sts on a stitch holder, to make the right front, later. [{52/58}62 sts].
Turn and commence working back.


With right side facing, work straight in garter stitch (every row plain) for 8 inches (or the required length for the arm hole), ending with right side facing.
[Editor's note: I worked approximately 42 rows].

Shape shoulders by casting off {3/3}3 sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows, {3/4}4 sts at the beginning of the following 2 rows, {4/4}5 sts at the beginning of the following 2 rows, and {4/5}5 sts at the beginning of the following 2 rows, and leave the remaining {18/20}22 sts on a stitch holder.

Left front:

With right side facing return to the left front, slipping the {25/29}32 sts you left on the stitch holder back on to a left hand working needle. Rejoin the wool at the armhole edge to start your next row.

[Editor's note: it is worth double checking here that:

  • you are working on the left front,
  • you have the right side facing,
  • you are ready to start knitting at the armhole edge, and,
  • if you start a knit row that this is in keeping with the garter stitch pattern.

If you have completed the steps as written, this should be how it works out.]

Cast on 3 extra sts with the working wool; knit across these 3 sts followed by the {25/29}32. [{28/32}35 sts]. Continue to work in garter stitch until 8 rows less than on back have been worked to the start of the shoulder shaping, ending at the armhole edge with right side facing to commence the next row.
[Editor's note: I worked approximately 34 rows].

To shape the neck, knit to the last {8/9}10 sts; turn and place these {8/9}10 sts on a safety pin or stitch holder. Decrease 1 st at neck edge on every row, until {17/19}20 sts remain.
Work a few rows straight until front matches back to shoulder shaping, ending at the armhole edge, with right side facing.

Shape shoulder by casting off {3/3}3 sts at the beginning of the next and following alternate row, {3/4}4 sts at the beginning of the following alternate row, {4/4}5 sts at the beginning of the following alternate row, then cast off the remaining {4/5}5 sts.

Right front:

With wrong side facing return to the right front, slipping the {25/29}32 sts you left on the stitch holder back on to a left hand working needle. Rejoin the wool at the armhole edge to start your next row.

[Editor's note: it is worth double checking here that:

  • you are working on the right front,
  • you have the wrong side facing,
  • you are ready to start knitting at the armhole edge, and,
  • if you start a knit row that this is in keeping with the garter stitch pattern.

If you have completed the steps as written, this should be how it works out.]

Cast on 3 extra sts with the working wool; knit across these 3 sts followed by the {25/29}32 sts, [{28/32}35 sts].

Commence working in garter stitch and make buttonholes on the following 6th and 28th (wrong side) rows as follows:

Buttonhole row 1: (wrong side), knit to the last 6 sts, cast off 2, knit to end.
Buttonhole row 2: (right side), k4, cast on 2 over the cast off sts from previous row, knit to end.

Continue to work in garter stitch until 8 rows less than on back have been worked to the armhole edge, ending at the armhole edge with wrong side facing to commence the next row.
[Editor's note: I worked approximately 34 rows].

Work to complete the right front exactly as the left from ** to **.

Neck Border:

With right side facing and smaller needles, starting at the top of the right front border, k{8/9}10 sts from stitch holder, pick up and k9 sts up right side of neck, k{18/20}22 sts from back neck, pick up and k9 sts down left side of neck, then k{8/9}10 sts from stitch holder. [{52/56}60 sts].
Work 4 rows plain in garter stitch; cast off (from wrong side).

To Make Up

Press very lightly on wrong side under a damp cloth. Join shoulder seams, using a flat seam, (or by grafting, working from the wrong side and making a purl ridge on the right side).
Sew front borders neatly in place using a flat seam, and sew in all ends.
Sew 2 buttons in place to match the position of the buttonholes.
