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Archive entry for September 2021

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September 2021

Casual Country Weekend


Simply styled early sixties casual sweaters with separate instructions for her and for him. They are knitted in "triple knitting" yarn - a short-lived experiment by the yarn companies to introduce what is now the American "worsted" weight standard to British knitters. However, we were too much in love with our double knitting yarn - I mean that was bulky enough surely?!
However, owing to globalisation, we have now fully embraced worsted weight yarns which means we can easily find a good selection of yarn colours and fibre mixes to use with this pattern. [Failing that we always have Aran yarns to fall back on...]

The man's and womans versions are very similar - and similar in chest sizes offered as well. The changes are mainly to the proportion. However, the man's version has a set-in sleeve, while the woman's is more of square almost drop-shoulder - you can see this in the photo. I prefer the set in sleeve and if you are a woman of size 36-40 then it would be quite feasible to knit the man's sweater, adjusting sleeve and overall length to suit.

Instructions for WOMAN's version.

Instructions are given for three sizes with larger sizes given in bold or colour between slashes. Where one set of figures is given this applies to all sizes.

Back and Front alike (knit 2)

With No 8 (4mm) needles, cast on 80/86/92 stitches and work 2 inches in k1/p1 rib. Increase 5/7/9 stitches evenly across on last row. [85/93/101 sts]

With right side facing change to No 4 (6mm) needles and work in pattern as follows:

1st row: * p1, Cross2K, k1, p1, k3; repeat from * to last 5 stitches; p1, Cross2K, k1, p1.
2nd row: * k1, Cross2P, p1, k1, p3; repeat from * to last 5 stitches; k1, Cross2P, p1, k1.

These two rows form the pattern. Continue straight in pattern until work measures 15 inches down centre, ending with row 2.

With right side facing shape armholes, by casting off 8 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows. [69/77/85 sts]

Continue straight in pattern until work measures 21/21/21½ inches, ending after a first row with wrong side facing.

Next row: purl, increasing 9 stitches evenly across the row by working twice into every 7th/8th/9th stitch. [78/86/94 sts]

Change to No 6 (5mm) needles and continue in k1/p1 rib until work measures 24/24/24½ inches.

With right side facing, shape shoulders, by casting off 11/12/13 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Work a further 6 rows in rib on the remaining 34/38/42 stitches, increasing 1 stitch at each end of every row.
Cast off loosely in rib.


With No 8 needles, cast on 40/40/44 stitches, and work 2 inches in k1/p1 rib. Increase 5/5/9 stitches evenly across on last row. [45/45/53 sts]

With right side facing, change to No 4 needles and work in pattern, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the 5th/5th/9th and every following 4th row until there are 83//83/89 stitches, taking the increased stitches into the pattern as they are made.
Work straight until sleeve measures 19 inches down centre.
Cast off loosely.

To Make Up

IMPORTANT: Press parts on wrong side using a dry cloth and cool iron.
Join shoulder and side seams. Join sleeve seams leaving 1½ inches open at the top: inset sleeves sewing 1½ inches of open sleeve seam along cast cast off stitches of armholes.

Join shaped ends of neck facing with flat seam, then turn under 6 rows of the rib to the wrong side at the back neck and catch down loosely; turn under rib in the same way across the front graduating the hem to a depth of 12 rows at the centre front.
Press seams as before.

Instructions for MAN's version.

Instructions are given for three sizes with larger sizes given in bold or colour between slashes. Where one set of figures is given this applies to all sizes.

Back and Front alike (knit 2)

With No 8 (4mm) needles, cast on 90/96/102 stitches and work 2½ inches in k1/p1 rib. Increase 3/5/7 stitches evenly across on last row. [93/101/109 sts]

With right side facing change to No 4 (6mm) needles and work in pattern as follows:

1st row: * p1, Cross2K, k1, p1, k3; repeat from * to last 5 stitches; p1, Cross2K, k1, p1.
2nd row: * k1, Cross2P, p1, k1, p3; repeat from * to last 5 stitches; k1, Cross2P, p1, k1.

These two rows form the pattern. Continue straight in pattern until work measures 16/16½/16½ inches down centre, ending with row 2.

With right side facing shape armholes, by casting off 4 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows; then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 69/77/85 stitches remain.

Continue straight in pattern until work measures 23 inches down centre, ending after a second row with right side facing.

Change to No 6 (5mm) needles.
Next row: * k 4/4/5, knit twice into the next stitch; repeat from * to last 4/12/7 stitches; k4/12/7. [82/90/98 sts]
Next row: * k1, p1; repeat from * to end.

Continue in k1/p1 rib until work measures 25½/26/26 inches down centre.

With right side facing, shape shoulders, by casting off 8/8/9 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows; then 7/8/9 stitches at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Work a further 6 rows in rib on the remaining 38/42/44 stitches, increasing 1 stitch at each end of every row.
Cast off loosely in rib.


With No 8 needles, cast on 46 stitches, and work 2½ inches in k1/p1 rib. Increase 7 stitches evenly across on last row. [53 sts]

With right side facing, change to No 4 needles and work in pattern, shaping sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of the 3rd and every following 8th//8th/6th row until there are 73/73/77 stitches, taking the increased stitches into the pattern as they are made.
Work straight until sleeve measures 18½/18½/19 inches down centre.

With right side facing, shape top, by casting of 3 stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end of the next and every alternate row until 45/45/51 stitches remain. Work 1 row back, so that the right side is facing again.
Now decrease 1 stitch at each end of every row until 17/17/19 stitches remain.

Cast off loosely.

To Make Up

IMPORTANT: Press parts on wrong side using a dry cloth and cool iron.

Join shoulder, side and sleeve sleeve seams; insert sleeves.

Join shaped ends of neck facing with flat seam, then turn under 6 rows of the rib to the wrong side at the back neck and slip stitch loosely in position; turn under the rib in the same way across the front graduating the hem to a depth of 12 rows at the centre front.
Press seams dry cloth and cool iron as before.

[Editor's note: I imagine the heavy emphasis on the ironing instructions are specific to the original yarn. In general, if using an iron, press only very gently with a cool iron using either a dry or damp cloth as appropriate to the yarn; use the instructions on the ball band if any are given.]


In Aran or worsted weight yarn.

Woman's version:
10/10/12 x 2oz balls in colour "Dawn Azure".

Man's version:
12/12/13 x 2oz balls in colour "Brown Heather".

A pair each of Nos 4 (6mm), 6 (5mm), and 8 (4mm) needles.


17 sts x 22 rows to 4 ins on No 4 (5mm) needles.

Size matters

Woman's version To fit chest: 34/36/38 inches.
Length from top of shoulders: 24/24/24½ inches.
Sleeve down centre: 19/19/19 inches

Man's version
To fit chest: 36/38/40 inches.
Length from top of shoulders: 25½/26/26 inches.
Sleeve seam: 18½/18½/19 inches


stocking stitch: one row knit, one row purl.

Cross2K: knit into the back of the 2nd stitch on the left hand (but do not slip off the needle), then knit into the front of the 1st stitch, and slip both stitches off the needle together.

Cross2P: purl into the front of the 2nd stitch on the left hand (but do not slip off the needle), then purl into the front of the 1st stitch, and slip both stitches off the needle together.

k2tog or p2tog: work 2 sts together to decrease.

A Word on the Wool

The original yarn was Patons Ariel designed for outer wear with a slightly rough texture. It was one of those "tripleknit" yarns which never really caught on in the UK. More or less Aran or American worsted weight. It came in 2oz (57g) balls at 89m/97yards, 80% wool, 20% man-made fibres.
Really do try a swatch for this one as Arans and worsteds cover a wide range of tensions on a variety of needles.


In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced, in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please and I will try and assist.

© Christina Coutts 2007

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