Three sizes - instructions for larger sizes given in brackets. Where
one set of figures is given, this applies to all sizes.
Lace Pattern
1st row:
(p1, kb2) twice, p1, * k1, wf, k1, slip1,
k1, psso, p1, k2tog, k1, wrn, p1, wb, slip1, k1, psso, p1, k2tog, (wf,
k1) twice , k1, (k3, wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, (p1,
kb2) 5 times, p1; repeat from * to *, k1, (k3, wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times,
k1; repeat from * to *, (p1, kb2) twice, p1.
2nd row: (k1, pb2) twice, k1, * p5,
k1,p1,k1,p3,k1, p4 *, p20; repeat from * to *,(k1, pb2) 5 times, k1; repeat
from * to *, p20; repeat from * to *, (k1, pb2) twice, k1.
3rd row:
Rib 7 as before, k1, wf, k1, slip1, k1,
psso, p1, k2tog, k1, p1, wb, slip1, k2tog, psso, wf, k3, wf, k1 *, k1,
(wf, k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16 as before; repeat from * to *, k1, (wf, k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 7 as before.
4th row:: Rib 7, p7, k1, p2, k1, p4 *, p20; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, p20; repeat from * to *, rib 7.
5th row: Rib 7, * (k1, wf) twice,
slip1, k1, psso, p1, (k2tog) twice, wf, k5, wf, k1 *, k1, (k3, wf, k3tog,
wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, k1, (k3,
wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 7.
6th row: Rib 7, * p8, k1, p1, k1,
p5 *, p20; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, p20; repeat
from * to *, rib 7.
7th row: Rib 7, * k1, wf, k3, wf,
slip1, k2tog, psso, p1, won, k1, slip1, k1, psso, p1, k2tog, k1, wf, k1 *, k1, (wf. k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat
from * to *, k1, (wf, k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *,
rib 7.
8th row: Rib 7 *, p4, k1, p. 3, k1,
p7 *, p20; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, p20; repeat
from * to *, rib 7.
9th row: Rib 7, * k1, wf, k5, wf,
slip1, k1, psso, k1, slip1, k1, psso, p1, k2tog, k1, wf, k1 *, k1, (k3,
wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, k1, (k3, wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 7.
10th row: Rib 7, * p4, k1, p2, k1,
p8 *, p20; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, p20; repeat
from * to *, rib 7.
11th row: Rib 7, * k1, wf, k1, slip1,
k1, psso, p1, k2tog, k1, wrn, p1, wb, slip1, k1, psso, p1, k2tog, (wf,
k1) twice *, k1, (wf, k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *,
rib 16; repeat from to , k1, (wf, k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 7.
12th row: As 2nd row.
13th row: Rib 7, * k1, wf, k1, slip1,
k1, psso, p1, k2tog, k1, p1, wb, slip1, k2tog, psso, wf, k3, wf, k1 *,
k1, (k3, wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat
from * to *, k1, (k3, wf, k3tog. wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *,
rib 7.
14th row: As 4th row.
15th row: Rib 7, (k1, wf) twice, slip1,
k1, psso, p1, (k2tog) twice, wf, k5, wf, k1 *, k1. (wf, k3tog, wf, k3)
3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, k1, (wf,
k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 7.
16th row: As 6th row.
17th row: Rib 7, * k1, wf, k3, wf,
slip1, k2tog, psso, p1, won, k1, slip1 k1, psso, p1, k2tog, k1, wf, k1 *, k1, (k3, wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat
from * to *, k1, (k3, wf, k3tog, wf) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *,
rib 7.
18th row: As 8th row.
19th row: Rib 7, *k1, wf, k5, wf,
slip1, k1, psso, k1, slip1, k1, psso, p1, k2tog, k1, wf, k1*, k1, (wf,
k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 16; repeat from * to *, k1, (wf, k3tog, wf, k3) 3 times, k1; repeat from * to *, rib 7.
20th row: As 10th row.
These 20 rows form the pattern.
Front and Back in One
With No 14 (2mm) needles cast on 141 (145,
149) stitches using two needle method but
do not knit into the backs of the stitches.
Work l¼ inches k1/p1 rib, then change to stocking stitch and continue
straight until work measures 2½ inches from the start, ending with
a purl row.
Next row: Make hem by knitting 1 stitch
from needle, together with 1 loop from the cast-on edge all across.
Change to No 12 (2¾mm) needles.
Next row: p4 (6,
(k1, p2) twice, k1, p52, (k1, p2) 5 times, k1,
p52, (k1, p2) twice, k1, purl twice in next stitch,
p2 (4, 6).
[142 (146, 150)
With right side facing, change to lace pattern and keeping a panel of
stocking-stitch at each end work as follows:
1st row: k4 (6,
8),work as on 1st row of lace pattern, k4
(6, 8).
2nd row: p4 (6,
8), work as 2nd row of lace pattern, p4 (6,
3rd row: k4 (6,
8), work as 3rd row of lace pattern, k4 (6,
4th row: p4 (6,
8). work as 4th row of lace pattern, p4 [6]
Continue thus repeating the 20 rows of the lace pattern throughout and
shaping the sides by increasing 1 stitch at each end of next and every
following 10th (8th, 6th)
row, 6 (8, 10)
times in all, taking the increased stitches into the stocking stitch panels
as they are made.
[154 (162, 170)
Continue straight in pattern until 5 complete patterns and up to the
8th row of the 6th pattern has been done from the start.
Then continue in pattern casting on 17 stitches at the beginning
of the next 2 rows for the sleeves, thus finishing at the end of the 10th
pattern row. [188 (196, 204)
Here introduce a leaf pattern up each sleeve edge as follows:
Next row: k1; repeat from * to * as 11th row of lace pattern; p1, k9 (13,
17); then work in pattern to the last 27
(31, 35)
stitches, k9 (13, 17),
p1; repeat from * to * as 11th row of lace pattern, k1.
Next row: k1; repeat from * to * as
12th row of lace pattern, p1, p9
(13, 17);
then work in pattern to the last 27 (31,
35) stitches, p9 (13,
17), p1; repeat from * to * as 12th row of
lace pattern, k1.
Continue in pattern thus until sleeve edge measures 5 inches from cast-on
Next row: Pattern 81 (85,
89), cast off 26, pattern to end.
Continue in pattern on last 81 (85,
89) stitches, decreasing 1 stitch at the
neck edge on the next and every alternate row until 73 (77,
stitches remain.
Work a few rows straight in pattern until sleeve edge measures 6½
With wrong side facing, shape shoulder as follows:
Next row: Pattern 33 (35,
37) stitches, cast off 13 (14,
14) stitches, pattern to end.
Next row: Pattern 27 (28,
30) stitches.
Next row: Cast off 13 (14,
15) stitches, pattern to end.
Next row: Pattern 14 (14,
Cast off. Break yarn.
Right Shoulder and Back Neck: with right side facing, rejoin wool
to remaining 33 (35, 37)
shoulder stitches, cast on 61 (63,
65) stitches for shoulder and back of neck.
Continue as follows on these 94 (98,
102) stitches for the back, keeping continuity
of the lace pattern in the sleeve (the back is in plain stocking-stitch...
[Editor's note: will be relieved to hear] ...).
Next row (right side facing): knit
to the last 18 stitches, p1, pattern 16, k1.
Next row: k1, pattern 16, p1, purl
to the last stitch, k1.
Continue thus until work measures 4 inches from cast-on stitches for
back of neck, (this forms the back opening), ending with right side facing.
Break yarn.
Left Shoulder and Back Neck: with wrong side facing, rejoin wool
to remaining
81 (85, 89)
stitches for left shoulder, pattern to end.
Work to correspond with right half ending at end of back opening with
a row on the right side.
Here join stitches for back together.
Cast on 1, work across 94 (98, 102)
stitches of right side of back.
[189 (197, 205)
Continue straight in stocking-stitch over all stitches with leaf pattern
at each end until sleeve edges on back measure same as front.
With right side facing, cast off 17 stitches at the beginning of the
next 2 rows, then work 54 (48, 50)
rows straight in stocking stitch over all stitches.
Now shape the sides by decreasing 1 stitch at each end of the next and
every following 10th (8th, 6th)
row, 6 (8, 10)
times in all.
Work 5 (5, 5)
rows straight, decreasing 1 stitch at each end of the last row. [141 (145,
149) sts].
With right side facing, change to No 14 needles and work a further 1¼
inches straight in stocking-stitch, then
work 1¼ inches straight in k1/p1 rib.
Cast off loosely in rib.
Collar and Sleeve Edging
Join shoulder seams.
Collar: With right side facing and No 14 needles, starting 3 stitches
away from centre stitch on front, pick up and knit 79 (79,
79) stitches round right half of neck to
within 3 stitches of the back opening.
1st row: k1, * kb2, p1; repeat from * to last 3 stitches; kb2, k1.
2nd row: k1, * pb2, k1; repeat from * to end.
3rd row: Increase in 1st stitch, * kb2, p1; repeat from * to last 3 stitches, kb1, increase in next stitch,
Keeping a knit stitch a each end of every row, continue in twisted rib,
increasing thus at each end of every alternate row until there are 93
(93, 93)
Rib 1 row. Break yarn.
Starting at back opening, with right side of collar facing, pick up and
knit 13 stitches along shaped edge, knit
across stitches on needle, then pick up and knit 13 stitches along other
side of collar. [119 (119, 119)
Work 3 rows stocking stitch over all stitches, starting with a purl row;
then work 3 rows k1/p1 rib.
Cast off in rib.
Work the other half of the collar to correspond.
Sleeves: with No 14 needles and right side facing, pick up and
knit 126 (126, 126)
stitches along the edge of the sleeve.
Work 3 rows in stocking stitch, starting with a purl row, then work 3
rows k1/p1 rib. Cast off in rib.
Making Up
Press work very lightly on wrong side under a damp cloth taking care
not to spoil the lace pattern.
Fold under the 3 rows of rib round the collar and sleeves to wrong
side and slip-hem.
Join side and underarm seams.
Fold under ribbing across lower edge of back and slip-hem in position,
leaving sides of hem open for elastic. Thread elastic through hem, join
ends neatly and sew up opening.
Sew zip in position down back opening.
Decorate front of jumper down centre of rib panel with pearl buttons
in groups of three as in photograph.
Press seams.
4 (5, 5)
oz 2ply
(in pale pink)
One pair each of No 12 (2¾mm) and No 14 (2 mm ) needles.
4 inch zip fastener.
15 pearl buttons.
Elastic for waist.
36 stitches x 44 rows to 4 inches on 2¾mm needles
Size matters
To fit chest:
33-34 (35-36, 37-38)
Length from top of shoulders 17 inches.
k/p: knit/purl
kb/pb: knit/purl into back of stitch
k2/3tog: knit 2/3 stitches together to decrease one/two stitches.
wb: yarn to back.
won: yarn over needle.
wrn: yarn round needle.
wf: yarn to front.
slip1: slip the next stitch.
psso: pass the slipped stitch over.
A Word on the Wool
The original yarn was a standard UK 2ply for which a baby 2ply or some
kind of lace weight yarn could be substituted (always checking the tension).
In transposing any pattern it is always a risk that errors will be introduced,
in spite of dedicated proof reading.
If you have any problems with this pattern, please
and I will try and assist.